V 1, I UNDAY The PulpitThe Pulpitstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/1.2.pdf · 2013-06-20 ·...

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Transcript of V 1, I UNDAY The PulpitThe Pulpitstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/1.2.pdf · 2013-06-20 ·...

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 S U N DA Y , J A NUA RY 6 , 2 0 1 3

Member MemoirsMember MemoirsMember Memoirs

Mrs. Voyles (Mammaw)

Mrs. Rebekah Grubbs

Bro. Rick Voyles

Missionary UpdatesMissionary UpdatesMissionary Updates

Bro. Bill Howard

Bro. Bob Patenuade

Specials This EditionSpecials This EditionSpecials This Edition

Couples’ Retreat

Career Seminar

Thanksgiving Production

Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition

The PulpitThe Pulpit The Work of the Ministry of Pleasant View Baptist Church

“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” Ephesians 4:12

On December 6, 2012, our church celebrated its 25th Anniversary. Preacher Larry Raynes preached a revival Sunday-Wednesday; he, Mrs. Raynes, and other special guests joined us in a banquet that Thursday to honor our pastor and his family.

As the years have passed, it is amazing to consider how the power-ful and blessed hand of God has moved on and through the Pleasant View Baptist Church. Our church began to be formed when God directed our pastor to come to Breckinridge County, a place he had never heard of, to preach to a group of people he hardly knew. With hard

work and much prayer, the Preacher was led to our first building of worship- a leaky, old storefront building in Irvington. This store-front building, although broken down and weary, represented a place of hope and deliverance for Breckinridge County. Members were few, but the power and blessings of God were plenteous. Through the sacrificial giving of the few members, God blessed us by again leading our Pastor to a newer and better church building. Souls continued to be reached by the Gospel in Hardinsburg as well as around the world through the church’s support of missionaries and the formation of

new ministries. But, as the congrega-tion continued to grow, the Lord had one more place for us to go- McQuady. We found an old school-house and we, by the grace of God, were able to establish a new, beauti-ful church building.

It is truly amazing to consider where God has brought us from in 25 years! We now average well over 200 members on Sundays, support multiple missionaries worldwide, and labor in various local ministries. This newsletter not only commemorates the hard work of our Pastor and members, but it also gives praise to the God who made it all possible!

Celebrating 25 Years of the Goodness of God

Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 2

Rebekah Grubbs has been in the Pleasant View Baptist Church since she was nine years old. As a member of the church since she was nine and the secretary of the school since its existence, she has experienced both troubling and amusing moments that she has learned from. Working in the ministry has helped fill the void of not having children, and she is

made sacrifices to buy the building in Hardinsburg. Her sister Amanda had given her jug of money she had saved up and her mom had given her wedding rings one service to the Preacher; there were only three working men in the church and they were not going to have enough money to buy the building. But a few people did what they could and God blessed their sacrifice. As Mrs. Grubbs has become older, she has realized how much that she needs the church “so much the more as you see the day approaching.” She is thankful to God for providing a ministry that has satisfied and fulfilled her every desire.

more than once. I remember when I gave my heart to the Lord, I was so scared, because I did not want to do anything to lose that peace and contentment that I had.” She went down to a cedar grove below their farm, sat down on a moss covered stump, and began to talk to the Lord. “I did not know how to pray,” she stated, “but I just talked to the Lord like I was talking to Him face to face.” While Mammaw was talking to the Lord she just opened her heart and let Him know exactly how she felt. Mammaw said, “And He told me just like he was talking to me almost, ‘You are in my hands and you cannot lose what I have given you'.” Mammaw expressed that through the years that she has served the Lord, He has kept His promise and has always been there for her. She has never lost that feeling that she had.

Anna “Mammaw” Voyles is no stranger to us and has played an important role in the birth and growth of our church. As we all know, she is a very godly, elderly lady who serves the Lord with her whole heart. However, Mammaw Voyles did not always know what it truly meant to have the peace of God in her heart. Mammaw stated recently, “I was a Methodist

as a young girl, and as a child I had many questions. Children back then were not to ask questions- they were just to be quiet or figure it out on their own. As a young girl, I was under the impression that you could be saved

M e m b e r M e m o i r s

will to the Lord’s plan for his life. Bro. Rick said that “God would not leave me alone, even when I was alone and thought that I could get by with things.” After he was saved, his desires changed, and he realized after a few weeks that his Southern Baptist church was not were God wanted him. Therefore he joined the Pleasant View Baptist Church where he has remained a faithful member and usher.

Bro. Rick Voyles was raised in a Southern Baptist church that started out preaching the gospel. However, as the years progressed, church became a social event where the Lord no longer dealt with hearts. After Bro. Rick’s father passed away, our Preacher moved to Kentucky to start Pleasant View. Through his, Bro. Farmer’s, and several others’ witnessing, Bro. Rick’s heart began to be troubled about his lost condition. After his wife was saved, she continually told him about his need to be saved, knowing that God was dealing with his heart as well. About a year and a half later he asked Jesus into his heart. He was out in a field alone, driving a tractor when he finally submitted his

Page 3 Work of the Ministry

Bro. Rick Voyles

Mrs. Anna Voyles - “Mammaw”

extremely grateful that God allows her to help in the church. Mrs. Rebekah has witnessed loved ones leave the church and admits that without the Lord and the friends in this church, she would not have made it. Some uplifting times that she recalls in her memories of being here include singing and spending time with the school kids. She loves getting to know the seniors better, and hates watching them go. She says that although there has never been payment for the teachers, seeing the seniors become adults and learn from what they have taught them is payment enough. One cherished memory in particular that she recalls was when the small congregation

Rebekah Grubbs

Page 4 Volume 1, Issue 2

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is f a i t h f u l t h a t p r o m i s e d ; ) ” Hebrews 10:23

This past month, we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the establish-ment of our church. When I consider what an amazing and exciting mile-stone it is, the word “faithfulness” is all that comes to mind. There is a lot said about faithfulness in the Bible, each reference defining its meaning and displaying its message. (Matt. 25:23; Luke 16:10; Gal 3:9; Heb 3:2)

Now as I meditate on the meaning and importance of this word, I am further overwhelmed by the difficulty

and the element of impossibility this word brings. Faithfulness has a great enemy- our humanity! In this society, to live daily “always abounding in the work of the Lord” is something that is seemingly impossible! Still, the work of God cannot progress without the faithfulness of God’s people (Proverbs 12:1; 20:6).

So as we celebrate the 25 years of the existence of this local assembly, let us not overlook the faithfulness of a Man of God who was willing to leave his family and friends, to love people he did not know, to lead them as he followed Christ, to labor in the behalf of them and their children- all for the joy of seeing us walk in truth! And through everything that he and the church family have been through, he has remained faithful! (I Tim 1:12; I Co. 1:9; I Thess 5:24)

Let us also not forget those who sit

and have sat upon the pew, faithfully serving and sacrificing for the treasure we have in the house of God- people who are willing to pray, to sacrificially give, to work, to witness, to preach, to teach, to sing, and to worship! The church wouldn't be what it is today without these faithful saints of God holding the hands of God’s man, fighting the good fight, faithful to live for God! (II Tim. 2:2; I Peter 5:12)

Oh, and may we never neglect to see the faithfulness of our Saviour, who, when we have failed and have fallen because of our weak humanity, has always been faithful to forgive and to restore because of His divinity. (Heb 2:17; I Jn 1:9) Yes, there are those whom we would say have been faithful unto the Lord. But we all must realize that the reason we can celebrate 25 years is not because of our faithfulness to Him, but His faith-fulness to us! To God be the glory!

Bro. David Wells, under the direction of the Pastor, began leading the Youth Detention Ministry a few years ago. The ultimate goal was to reach the forgotten and needful juvenile delinquents of Ken-tucky with the Gospel by giving them hope and telling them about a Savior who cares for their souls. This ministry started with amazing response: many doors swung open, souls were saved, and the Gospel spread throughout the facilities in the state of Kentucky. However, as time progressed and a new administrator was elected, several open doors were closed, greatly limiting the ministry. Nevertheless, the guards, who were saved in the previ-ous meetings, were able to reach the delinquents from within the facilities where they were working.

Although the ministry remains somewhat restricted, the Gospel still reaches children every week. One of the most advantageous books given in the Youth Detention Center besides the Bible remains the Bible Promise Book. Still, it has been difficult for Bro. Wells to find the number of copies needed for the chil-dren. The goal set now for the Youth Detention Ministry is to continue to reach these delinquents with the story of Salvation, give them a Bible, and offer them a Bible Promise Book. Bro. Wells, his family, and many others have spent countless hours praying and working to make a difference in the lives of the chil-dren in Kentucky’s Youth Detention Cen-ters. Therefore, please remember this ministry in your prayers.

Sunday School Synopsis Bro. Keith Voyles

Youth Detention Ministry Bro. David Wells

Page 5 Work of the Ministry

currently setting an example of what Preacher would like to see in this genera-tion of young people. They each put much time and effort into their speeches. The program was extremely profitable to the young people. Many of them said they would like to attend another Career Seminar and that it defi-nitely gave them something to consider concerning their futures. We appreciate the men and women involved in the pro-gram and the time and prayer they dedi-cated to make the evening a success.

About a year ago, our Pastor wanted a

program organized to inform some of our young men of the opportunities available to them in job fields that would allow them to provide a good income for their families yet still be faithful to church. On November 2, this program finally took place as men and women in the church spoke to the 8th-12th grade young men about career fields and to the young ladies about time management in being a wife and a mother. Each speaker is a faithful, tithing member of the church and is

Career Seminar

Couples’ RetReat

couples were able to spend an uproarious evening at the Comedy Barn; and this past trip, they went to Dollywood. On the way home every year since the first Couples' Retreat, the couples stop at the Smokey Mountain Knife Works where across the street is an indoor Flea Market. Most of the women shop the flea market while the men go to the knife store. Our relaxing and pleasurable Couples' Retreat is the icing on the cake every other year for many of our couples, yet it would not be possible without the hard work of Misty Tucker. Through her many hours of prepara-tion, our couples are guaranteed to have a great time of leisure and fellowship.

In 2005, our church began our well-known Couple’s Retreat. After a trip to Gatlinburg with Kevin Tucker, Preacher approached Misty saying, “Hey we need to do a Couples’ Retreat. Why don’t you look into that?” So after hard work and diligent research, Misty was able to put together our first exciting Couples’ Retreat. This event allows the couples of the church to break away from the tedious cares of life and their kids to relax with each other and enjoy the company of other couples. They have partici-pated in multiple activities and have created even more hilarious and lasting memories along the way. One year, the

Radio Broadcasts

Page 6 Volume 1, Issue 2

at Thanksgiving time or when life is going well, but also in difficult times and throughout the entire year.

The Ladies College also desired to honor our Veterans that night since Veterans Day was just two days away. Our talented piano player, Bro. Joshua Calloway, arranged and played

a beautiful Armed Forces Melody. Veterans and their loved ones all over the building stood as their branch’s melody was being played.

The entire evening served as a reminder to be thankful for ALL things. God has been better to any of us than we deserve. He knows exactly what we need before we even ask.

Thanksgiving Production

The Speech Class of Pleasant

View Baptist College for Ladies organized a Thanksgiving Produc-tion, which took place on November 9. The students asked members of the church to participate in the pro-duction. Various songs and speeches were presented, each centering around thankfulness to God, not just

Almost since its inception, our church

has been able to broadcast singing and ser-mons from our sanctuary on various radio stations. One of the first stations we broad-casted on was WHIC, which was the radio station for Breckinridge County. We cur-

rently broadcast on four separate stations- KPGB out of Pryor, Montana; WBFI in McDaniels; WSOF in Madisonville; and WXBC in Hardins-burg.

The Lord has allowed us to use this method to fur-ther proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying world.

It has also been a source of encouragement to our elderly shut-in members and others not able to attend church regularly.

Several of our members heard of the church and attend today solely because of the radio broadcast. In fact, one of our first deacons, Bro. Randall Farmer Sr, began listening to our broadcasts before joining the church.

Not only does our Pastor labor to feed our souls on a weekly basis, but he also spends time preparing broadcasts for these various radio stations. Bro. Joshua Calloway aids him in combining messages and music to produce a streamlined profes-sional sounding production. Only eternity will reveal the true fruits of this vast ministry.

Page 7 Work of the Ministry

Since the late 1980’s,

Pleasant View has sup-ported Bro. Bob Patenaude and his family as they have served the Lord in China and the surrounding areas. This family unquestionably is an example of a faithful missionary family- still believing and living the same as they did 20+ years ago. God truly has blessed their sacrifice and labor of love throughout the years. During their first years in China, they held Bible studies and Bible Institute classes for the men that expressed a desire to preach and reach their own peo-ple. After being shut out of China the first time, the Patenaudes worked from the Philippines, establish-ing a base to work back into China. They started A People For His Name Bap-tist Church and the Bible Literalist Institute. This ministry is still standing strong. Each year, they have a summer campmeeting with over 400 attendees

from all over the Philip-pines.

During their last term back in China, the Patenaudes established Shanghai Bible Literalist Baptist Church and a Shanghai branch of the Bible Literalist Institute. This work is also still standing strong and growing. Bro. Bob had his Chinese Visa revoked but still teaches Pastoral classes via Skype twice a week. Mrs. June conducts a ladies les-son by Skype once a week.

The Patenaudes are cur-rently seeking the Lord’s direction for their next step in the ministry. Bro. Bob is attempting to get his Chi-nese Visa reinstated. They have a burden to go back into China and continue growing the ministry there. If they are unable to reen-ter China at this time, they are praying about going to

Cambodia. Bro. Bob re-cently visited Cambodia and witnessed the spiritual need of the Chinese popu-lation there. Please pray for this family that the Lord

will continue to guide and direct them as He has faithfully done over the past 20+ years.

Due to the devaluation of the US Dollar, the Patenaude’s sup-

port has decreased by approximately 30% over the past few years, leaving them in need of additional support. Please pray that the Lord will provide the funds required to con-tinue the preaching of the Gospel to the Chinese population of the Far East. Prayerfully consider taking this family on for monthly support. Your money will not be squandered but instead will be used for the work of the Lord.


2 … Ashville Quiz

9 … Spring Festival

14- 15 … State Competition

25-29 … Jubilee


5 … New Years Classic Bible Quiz


15-16 … Colorado Quiz

Bro. Bob Patenaude Missionary to China and the Philippines

Approaching Activities

Bro. Bill Howard has

been a faithful, church supported missionary to

Arizona for many years. Although his work is small, it con-tinues to overflow with God’s blessings and support. Through the door to door evangelism outreach, the majority of his faithful attendees are involved in spreading the gos-pel—passing out Bibles and John and Romans books to those who are new converts or who cannot afford a Bible of their own. Bro. Howard is not alone in his ministry- each member of his family greatly assists. Whether it be cleaning the

church and its yard, playing an instrument, or teaching a Sunday school class, each of the Howards work together with God to make their small ministry the success that it is today. Our church has faithfully partnered with the Howards for many years—giving

Page 8 Work of the Ministry

will pass away. "Thank God."

Revelation 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

"But until then, my heart will go on singing. Until then, with joy I'll carry on" Until the Future things become the Former things, we must pray and keep our relationship right with God. In doing so, we will build Confidence that God is in total Control, that He is Conforming us into the image of Christ, that He can Comfort us when we face trouble that overwhelms our souls, and that He has Conquered the enemy that is against us.

We may not know what tomorrow Holds, but if we will pray, we can Han-dle tomorrow through and by the grace of God.

Church body. Incidents took place in our lives that we never dreamed would ever happen; yet, they did. We felt hopeless within ourselves as we considered the magnitude of the problems. When we did not know what to do or what to say, we PRAYED. That was the very thing we needed to do for each other and with each other. The action of prayer on our part speaks volumes. When we pray, Faith in God is demonstrated, Fellowship with God is acknowl-edged, and the Father's hand is put into action. We know that everything of a negative nature that happens in our lives is a direct result of sin. Eve-rything around us and about us is cursed since the fall of man. It's a problem that man created but only God can fix. Even though these nega-tive things may, in our mind, be what the future holds, in God's mind, they are the "former things" that one day

As we approach the experiences of a New Year, I would like to con-sider the theme that we have been

dealing with since the beginning of this school year- "PRAYER." Even though the Bible is the complete reve-lation of God to man, there are events we face that we don't understand nor sometimes accept. Jesus was clear when addressing His disciples about the future- "Knoweth no man" is a phrase often used by the Lord in explaining what the future holds. There are some things we just can't know.

The year 2012 was a year of Blessing, Burden, Brokenness, and Bewilder-ment for the Pleasant View Baptist

Proclamation from the Pastor

encouragement and financial support that has been deeply appreciated. A few years ago, for example, our church purchased 25 new song books which were greatly needed in their ministry. Bro. Howard stated, “We count it an honor to be a small extension of PVBC McQuady, KY. We love you all and appreciate you.”

The Howards ask only for prayer for an upcoming meet-ing with Bro. Raynes, for their lost attendees to be saved, and for God to continue to have His hand of blessings upon their ministry. They are currently saving money to construct another church building in the future as the Lord directs. Yes, the Howard’s ministry is small, but the power and blessings of God has changed the lives of their community one soul at a time.

B r o . B i l l H o w a r d

Missionary to Arizona