
Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Us.1.Am.2.10

Bill of Rights

By: Mattie, Tatum, Katherine

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

-a state has a right to have a militia for the security of the state and the people -can’t infringe on peoples individual rights to bear arms

Controversy: should be allowed to bear arms only if you’re part of today's national guard, or militia

OR-the militias back then was made up of the people “the people” the

right to bear arms

-Any new powers made were automatically given to the people or the states to limit the power of the national government

-Wanted to have some type of participation in the national government still

-This amendment protects the powers of the states and secures the states role in the new government

Works Cited• Monk, Linda. “Amendment X.” Interactive Constitution. 2009. National Constitution Center.

11 January 2009.

• Savage, David G. “Supreme Court proclaims 2nd Amendment guarantees right to keep guns.”

Los Angeles Times. 2008. Los Angeles 12 January 2009. <>

•“Powers Reserved.” Texas Politics. 2006. University of Texas at Austin. 11 January 2009. < >

• Watson, Steve. “Second Amendment in Danger Under Anti-Gun Bush.” The Alex Jones Show. 2007. 11 January 2009.