
Bill of Rights By: Mattie, Tatum, Katherine



Transcript of Us.1.Am.2.10

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Bill of Rights

By: Mattie, Tatum, Katherine

Page 2: Us.1.Am.2.10

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

-a state has a right to have a militia for the security of the state and the people -can’t infringe on peoples individual rights to bear arms

Controversy: should be allowed to bear arms only if you’re part of today's national guard, or militia

OR-the militias back then was made up of the people “the people” the

right to bear arms

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-Any new powers made were automatically given to the people or the states to limit the power of the national government

-Wanted to have some type of participation in the national government still

-This amendment protects the powers of the states and secures the states role in the new government

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Works Cited• Monk, Linda. “Amendment X.” Interactive Constitution. 2009. National Constitution Center.

11 January 2009.

• Savage, David G. “Supreme Court proclaims 2nd Amendment guarantees right to keep guns.”

Los Angeles Times. 2008. Los Angeles 12 January 2009. <>

•“Powers Reserved.” Texas Politics. 2006. University of Texas at Austin. 11 January 2009. < >

• Watson, Steve. “Second Amendment in Danger Under Anti-Gun Bush.” The Alex Jones Show. 2007. 11 January 2009.