Urea production prepared

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Urea production prepared Step Urea production

Transcript of Urea production prepared

Urea production Prepared byMiss Santhiya

Step Urea production

The synthesis of urea in the industry.



Preparation of NH2 ,CO2

The meaning of urea fertilizer.Urea is an organic compound that is derived from the

metabolism of protein. Animals and people come out with the urine.

Synthesis of Urea in the industry. 2NH3 + CO2 NH2- CO – ONH4 H = -67,000 BTU

NH2-C-ONH4 NH2-CO-NH2 + H2O H = +18,000 BTU

*** Important raw material gas NH3 and CO2

- Both reactions are reversible reactions

- The efficiency of the production process, it depends on the temperature, pressure and concentration of each substance.

- Using a temperature in the range 180-210° C pressure 140-250 atm.

Preparation of gas NH3 and CO2

Step 1

-N2 boiling point-195 °C-O2 boiling point-183 °CExtract sequence section.

Step 2 O2 N2


Discount Temperature, Add Pressure

Air Liquid air


Step 3 Split H2 Exit CO Remove COTo react with water vapour

FeO,Cr2 O3

CO(g) +H2 O (g) CO2(g)+ H2 (g)

step 1

All gas will be sent to tower with water sprayed down. CO2 will become

soluble H2CO3 acid

step 2

Remove acid H2CO3 Split CO2temperature increase

H2CO3(aq) CO2(g)+ H2O (l)Pressure reduction

H2 Not soluble to pass out through the upper portion of the tower is stored using the following.

Step 3N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3(g)

NH3 To complete the reaction CO2Become a urea fertilizer

CH3(g)+CO2(g) NH2CONH2(s)+H2O(l)

Urea fertilizer production

Lignite coal is used as a raw material instead of natural gas.Preparation CO2 and H2 By incineration, combined with O2 Will be aExclude unwanted gases etc H2S and NO moved CO Become a CO2 . By removing the gas mix to react with water vapor at high pressure and have an appropriate catalytic CO

Will be included with H2O a CO2 and H2O

After mixed gas CO2 and H2 Subsequent

processes. For the preparation of urea fertilizer will be the same as if you use natural gas as a raw material.





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The properties of urea fertilizer

Ice pellets are white. High nitrogen

fertilizer is ammonium is the

secondary N2


The easily soluble 100 degrees. Soluble sulphate ammonium

fertilizer 7 times

Moisture easily.

Is a compound

that is spotted


Suitable for interval plants

growingAs fertilizer

on leaves

Moisture easily.

Suitable for plants with low water conditions.

Question ???

1. Urea is an organic compound derived from the processes of living organisms.

A. Synthetic light processes.

B. The digestive process.

C. The process of Metabolism, protein Animals and people come out with the urine

D. Process Power range

2. An important raw material in the production process of urea fertilizer is ?

A. NH3 And CO2

B. CO2 And H2O

C. N And P

D. K And CO

3. Work to step it correctly NH3.

A. Release air pressure and increase temperature decrease and finally failed.

B. Bring liquid to air separation sequence section N2 , O2 .

C. Bring natural gas extraction NH4 And bring O2 Comes complete a reaction with NH4

D. Split H2 Exit CO2 Remove CO2 To react with water vapou

E. It has become a H2 and CO2 Remove N 2 + H2 becom NH3

Answers A ,B , C, D,E

4. The properties of urea fertilizer, what are the important

A. It is easy soluble white pellets and have N 2 high As fertilizer on leaves.

B. As black pellets Slowly soluble and have N 2 low.

C. Melt water quickly and Suitable for plant growth

D. When you use frequently will make plants grow faste