Unit8 Is there a post office near here? Period 4 (2a-3b) 西飞二中 李晨.

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Transcript of Unit8 Is there a post office near here? Period 4 (2a-3b) 西飞二中 李晨.

Unit8 Is there a post office near

here?Period 4 (2a-3b)

西飞二中 李晨

GOALS OF THIS PERIOD.learn more new vocabularies.Finish the reading tasks after scanning and

skimming .Put new useful expressions to use correctly.Writing practice with the help of the picture.Learn to use "There be..."sentence pattern

to describe the way.

Practice asking and answering the way.

Situation 1 Situation 2

Student A is at the gate of our school, she wants to go to the cinema.

Student B is at our school gate, she wants to go to the supermatket.

Excuse me. Is there a ________ near here?Yes, there is. Just _____________ and

___________, ______________ the ________ Road, then ________ and go along the _____ Road for about mintunes, it's on your ________.

Thanks.And is there a supermarket near here?

Yes._______ and __________Road until the first crossing, turn ______ and go ahead ,the supermarket is on your______.

Oral practiceCheck a place near your home. Tell

your partner where they are.

clothes store post office

bookstore school

supermarket bank


Scanning. Read the passages. Match each passage with a map.

Skimming. Read the passages again and answer questions as follows.


What does Anna like doing in the zoo?Does Anna think monkeys are like

people? Why?What does John like to do at the park?John thinks the best things do not need

money. Do you think so, too?How does Lisa get to the library from her


1. She likes watching the monkeys climbing around.

2.Yes. Because sometimes they look like her friends and her when they fight.

3.He likes to exercise at the park.5. Lisa walks to the library. She goes

down North Road and then turns left.The library is across from the park.


Work in pairs to read and learn the passages by yourselves .Discuss the difficult sentences and try to summarize the useful expressions.

Collect answers: There is .... + 介词短语。“某地有某物” watch sb. doing sth. " 观看某人做某事 "

look like " 看起来像 "

to get there " 为了到那儿 "

walk out ahd turn right on Bridge Road ." 走出去向右拐到桥街上” walk along... Road" 沿着 ...... 街走 "

across from " 在 ...... 对面 "

cross ...Street " 穿过 ...... 大街 "

a noisy neighborhood " 一个喧闹的街区 go down.....Street" 沿着 ...... 街走 "


Look at the map of Cindy's neighborhood and fill in the blanks.

Useful expressions:

between... and... 在 ...... 之间 ( 两者之间) go down/along ... Street 顺着 ...... 街走 next to 在 ...... 旁边

同义词辨析:sb.spend some time/money (in) doing


on sth.

sb. pay some money for sth. 为 ....... 付款

做某事花费某人多长时间 / 金钱

sb. buy sth. for me money 某人以多少钱买某物It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. 某人花费多少时间 / 金钱做某事

区分 cross, across, crossing

cross 动词,意为”穿过横过”

across 介词或副词,意为“穿过;横过”

crossing 名词,意为“十字路口”


We crossed from school to park.Lily walks across the road and goes

into a bookstore.You turn left at the first crossing.


A. It's next to the restaurant.B. How can I get there?C. Is there a restaurant near here?D. You are welcome.E. the restaurant is on your left, across from the pay phone.

A: Excuse me. I'm hurry.____1_____

B:Yes, there is.


B:Walk along New Street.Turn right at the first crossing and_____3______

A:Where is a hotel?


A: Thank you very much.

B: ____5________


What is your harvest?What should you do after this class?Do you have any questions?Are you satisfied with yourselves?



1.Read the passages aloud as fluently as you can.

2.Put what you have learned this period to use.

3.Draw a map of your neighbordbhood and write about it.
