Unit testing a Soa Composite

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Presentation about the importance of testing and two solutions to test a SOA Composite.

Transcript of Unit testing a Soa Composite

Importance of testing and tool usage and responsability

Robert van Mölken, 19-03-2013

Unit testing a SOA Suite Composite



What you will come to know

• Why testing an important facet is of product development

• Options for testing your code

• Which opties are commonly used for testing SOA applications

– SOA Suite Test Suite Framework• Unit testing / simulation of a SOA composite and components

– SoapUI (optional combined with DBUnit / Groovy)• Unit testing with use of datasources and XPath matching

• How do these solution stack up to each other

• Conclusion about what we know now


" A good unit test will not only flush out problems before you get close to production, but it will help regression test your

system as well.”


Why testing an important facet is

Too many (IT) projects fail

Two reasons are budget and quality control

More expensive to fix defects in later phases

Ideal defect removal by phase


5 reasons why Unit Testing is Important and fun

2. Use as a template for future process and/or code changes

3. Leads to a Better design

4. Know how the code works and reacts on different scenario’s

1. Execute code right away and enjoy result


5 reasons why Unit Testing is Important and fun

5. Confidence in Your code and “Refactor without Fear”


Options for testing your code


Java backend



Unit testing with SOA Suite testsuites framework

Responsability of SOA Suite within test cycle


Creating a Test Suite

Right-click on testsuites folder in SOA project to create a new suite


Creating a Composite Test

Right-click on tests folder in SOA project to create a new test


Emulating a Service Call

Service operations can be emulated, via manual value or imported file


Emulating a Service Response

Service response can be emulated, if not service is really called


Asserting Input / Output

Request and response messaged can be asserted on expected data


Component testing (PS5+)

Since PS5 it is possible to assert data of BPEL component activities


Component data assertion

Asserting is possible on almost every activity. Based on primitives, xml similar, etc. It is also possible to assert the execution count.


Reporting (enterprise manager)

Tests can be run via the enterprise manager. Which reports the results.

Demo time: SOA Suite test framework


(Unit) testing with SoapUI

Responsability of SoapUI within test cycle


Setup tests within SoapUI (1/4)

SoapUi project based on a service WSDL Add multiple service bindings to project


Setup tests within SoapUI (2/4)

Execute single operations without assertions Create testsuite(s) as a empty template or based on a service binding


Setup tests within SoapUI (3/4)

Generating a testsuite is easy by using a wizard with a few options


Setup tests within SoapUI (4/4)

After generating you will have a testsuite with testcase(s) and teststep(s)


SoapUi Teststeps

• Test step based on a SOAP service request

• Test step based on a Groovy script

• Test step for defining testcase properties

• Test step for transfering property values

• Test step for defining a conditionele goto

• Test step for defining a delay (in miliseconds)

• Test step for defining a call to another testcase (and other testsuite)


• Test step based on a REST request

• Test step based on a HTTP request (GET, POST, PUT…)

• Test step based on a MOCK service response

• Test step based on a JDBC query to database

• Test step based on a AMF (action message, AS3) request

• Test step to create a manual action of human interaction

SoapUi Teststeps


SoapUi Pro Teststeps

• Test step to setup a datasource which retrieves a dataset which can be used in other test steps

• Test step for defining a datasource loop

• Test step for exporting property values for reporting

• Test step for dynamically defining properties (current data/time)

• Test step to assert/validate property values, request or response messages.


Datasource step when using SoapUI Free

Commandline with Apache Ant it’s possible to start SoapUI

Within SoapUi you can define properties which can be overwritten by Ant

A property can be a reference to a file which can be read by groovy

Alternatively is the use of a DBUnit step in the Ant script to insert datasets

Demo Time: SoapUi Hands-on


How do they stack up to each other

Aspect SOA Suite SoapUI (DBUnit)

Setup Environment + +-

Setup Testcases + +

Easy to adjust / clone - ++

Real unit testing ++ +-

Integration testing - ++

Continuous integration + ++

Reporting ++ +

Assertion of data -- ++


Unit testing is important, cuts time & costs and gives a developer confidence!