Unit 4 tasks for unit 21

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Unit 4 tasks for unit 21

Unit 4: Media Audiences and Products

For this unit you must:GC1 – Know how a media industry identifies audiences for its productsGC2 – Understand how media products are constructed for specific audiencesGC3 – Understand how audiences can respond to media products

Unit 4 GC 1: Know how a Media Industry Identifies Audiences for its Products

Task 1Use the table to answer the two questions below

There are several ways we might classify audiences such as in gender, age, ethnicities, sexual orientations etc.

The Standard Occupations Classification is listed below

A - In media , why might we group or classify audiences in this manner?Because it is a good way of having a rough idea of what type of people watch what types of programme, you can also refer to them by their grade. If you are working in the business and are making a certain type of programme or magazine the you can specify the target audience in a grade. For example


people from grade d or e wouldn’t particularly be interested in a programme on Russian ballet whereas people from group a might.

B - How is audience research used in relation to new media products? (e.g. rating, BARB, focus groups, questionnaires)Because the producer of the product will gain a clear idea of what their audience wants, and will therefore be able to reach their needs. BARB and questionnaires are good and useful ways of attaining that information.

Task 2

A - Using the classifications table and the BARB website, what can you tell us about your chosen industry and your product from Unit 21? (who would like your target audience be?)The target audience of my unit 21 product. An online photography article, are mainly people from grade A & B. Because people from grades d and e wouldn’t really be interested in an online photography blog.


B – What constraints, codes of practice, and or regulations does your chosen industry/must your product follow?In unit 21 I made sure that my photos and work did not offend anybody or go against the codes of practice and regulations. I did not need to ask for anybody’s permission because the style of my photos did not need anybody to be in them.

Unit 4 GC 2: Understand how media products are constructed for specific audiences

Task 1

Create an avatar of an ‘average audience member’ that your Unit 21 product is aimed at. Consider age, gender, clothing style, musical tastes, etc.

Could also be female.


Task 2

Look at your final product and list the ways you have aimed your product at your target audience. Consider content, genre, language used, narrative, visual images, graphics, fonts, colours etc.

I have used a suitable and attractive font. I have used simple but powerful colours that go well with eachother. My graphics go well with the colours of my border and look attractive and

effectively lure in my target audience. The content is as expected and is educational, informational and interesting to

read. Which goes hand in hand with the genre of my final product which is to inform and aid keen photographers.

The language used is suitable for my target audience.

Unit 4 GC 3: Understand how audiences can respond to media products

Task 3Write a report presenting your results of your survey and focus group. Consider the following:

How have different ages, genders etc responded to your product? Were you surprised with the results? Do your results show that your product has reached your desired target
