Unit 32 Graphic design for media products€¦  · Web viewBillboard posters are used to advertise...

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Transcript of Unit 32 Graphic design for media products€¦  · Web viewBillboard posters are used to advertise...

Unit 32 Graphic design for media products

L2 MediaTracey Turner11/01/16

Unit 32 Graphic design for media products


Graphic designers must design a range of different print products including magazines, packaging and posters for a variety of different products and services.

Django Unchained (Western)

This is a billboard poster for Django Unchained. This poster was released with the trailer for the film. The poster is very effective at showing the overall tone of the film as well as introducing the main characters. Billboard posters are used to advertise films to passing pedestrians and drivers. This allows for maximum viewing of the public.

This is a billboard poster for The Doors. The genre of music is psychedelic rock. The poster doesn’t really reflect psychedelic rock in my opinion, as it is a photo of the band members. But it does include the band logo.

Find a flyer for a local service and explain why you think they have used the colours, fonts, layout and images they have

The colours used in this flyer are a variety of greens. These have been used because the flyer is about gardening. The images that have been used are a variety of icons like a butterfly, because there are butterflies in the garden. A light bulb is used, this represents green energy. The logo features someone mowing a lawn. It’s called escape to mean giving the public escape from gardening by providing professional gardeners to do the job for them. The font has one letter written in black and the rest is written in green, this could symbolize the garden before and after it has been gardened. There is a lot of space around the top of the flyer. This is to allow the logo to be fully seen.

This is advertising Nike. The poster depicts a generic footballer surrounded by abstract colours. As they’ve used all the colours of the rainbow, this could indicate all the colours of the world’s countries. It has been manipulated from being a photograph, and has been made into a piece of art. It symbolizes that Nike is the one to achieve your dreams of becoming a professional sports person.

This poster is focused heavily on the car in the middle. It relies more on the text. The text congratulates the company, which the car belongs to, for winning the South African Car of the Year 2006 prize. This makes the car stand out from the rest, as it has been recognized internationally for being one of the best cars of the year. The advert looks very black and white, this could be because it’s in a newspaper/magazine.

Finally, can you find a graphic design item for the following:

To inform people

To educate people

To entertain people

To sell a product