Unit 3 Exploration and Colonization. Let’s TRADE!! European countries were trading with places...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Unit 3 Exploration and Colonization. Let’s TRADE!! European countries were trading with places...

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  • Unit 3 Exploration and Colonization
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  • Lets TRADE!! European countries were trading with places like Africa and Asia. Africa had gold, ivory, salt, and slaves. Asia had silk and spices. Prices were being marked up by merchants along land routes. Europeans wanted to find a water route so they could trade directly.
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  • 1492 Columbus sailed The king and queen of Spain agreed to pay for Columbus trip. Columbus landed in the Bahamas. He called the natives Indians. Although his journey was not very productive, he boasted about the great riches to be had in this new land. More countries were drawn to the New World.
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  • Reasons for European Exploration G G G God Gold Glory
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  • Reasons for European Exploration Spain - Portugal - England - France Religion Fame National Pride Curiosity Wealth Faster/Cheaper trade routes to Asia
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  • Columbian Exchange OLD WORLD NEW WORLD Corn, potatoes, tobacco Horses, cattle, pigs DISEASES OOPS!
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  • Coming to America Many countries sought the New World and its riches. Different countries/groups came over for different reasons: French Trappers/Traders British Farmers Dutch Businesses Spanish Missions Africans - Slaves
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  • Protestant Reformation There was a religious movement in Europe in a effort to reform the Catholic Church King Henry VIII founded the Church of England Religious persecution soon followed Religion was forced on many citizens of various countries This brought many religious groups to the colonies Especially New England and Middle Colonies
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  • Why colonize? Religious Freedom** Political Freedom Economic Opportunity Social Mobility A better way of life
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  • Jamestown 1607 Jamestown was the first English Colony. Jamestown was first settled by Mostly men. There were many problems faced by the colonist. They were not prepared for the difficulties. Pocahontas married John Rolfe. This made peace between the colonists and the Native Americans. She greatly helped the colonists survive. John Rolfe had tobacco seeds, which flourished in the soil. This became a cash crop in Virginia.
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  • Plymouth 1620 The Pilgrims came over on a ship called The Mayflower. They came over for religious freedom. They signed a document called the Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact stressed the idea of self- government and majority rule. It was used as an example for Representative Government.
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  • Religious Groups Immigrated to flee religious persecution Separatists/Pilgrims Massachusetts Puritans Massachusetts Quakers Pennsylvania Catholics - Maryland
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  • Becoming British A series of wars in Europe made Britain the dominate force in America with the 13 colonies. Britain saw the colonies as a resource to benefit the mother country.
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  • 13 Colonies Geography was the primary cause for economic differences. This causes voting differences in the future.
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  • Colonies- New England long, cold winters, rocky soil (subsistence farming) Middle a little better on weather and soil (staple crops) Southern very fertile soil and a warm winter (plantations) The southern region ended up using slaves as their major labor for plantations.
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  • Triangular Trade