Pages 1… Exploration and Colonization. Let’s TRADE!! European countries were trading with places...

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Transcript of Pages 1… Exploration and Colonization. Let’s TRADE!! European countries were trading with places...

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  • Pages 1 Exploration and Colonization
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  • Lets TRADE!! European countries were trading with places like Africa and Asia. Africa had gold, ivory, salt, and slaves. Asia had silk and spices. Prices were being marked up by merchants along land routes. Europeans wanted to find a water route so they could trade directly.
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  • 1492 Columbus sailed The king and queen of Spain agreed to pay for Columbus trip. Columbus landed in the Bahamas. He called the natives Indians. Although his journey was not very productive, he boasted about the great riches to be had in this new land. More countries were drawn to the New World.
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  • Reasons for European Exploration G G G God Gold Glory
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  • Reasons for European Exploration Spain - Portugal - England - France Religion Fame National Pride Curiosity Wealth Faster/Cheaper trade routes to Asia
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  • Columbian Exchange OLD WORLD NEW WORLD Corn, potatoes, tobacco Horses, cattle, pigs DISEASES OOPS!
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  • Search for the Northwest Passage Explorers were looking for a water route to the Pacific Ocean. This would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific. They never found a way. This route wasnt found until 1903!
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  • Coming to America Many countries sought the New World and its riches. Different countries/groups came over for different reasons: French Trappers/Traders British Farmers Dutch Businesses Spanish Missions Africans - Slaves
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  • Protestant Reformation There was a religious movement in Europe in a effort to reform the Catholic Church King Henry VIII founded the Church of England Religious persecution soon followed Religion was forced on many citizens of various countries This brought many religious groups to the colonies Especially New England and Middle Colonies
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  • Why colonize? Religious Freedom** Political Freedom Economic Opportunity Social Mobility A better way of life
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  • Jamestown 1607 Jamestown was the first English Colony. Jamestown was first settled by Mostly men. There were many problems faced by the colonist. They were not prepared for the difficulties. Pocahontas married John Rolfe. This made peace between the colonists and the Native Americans. She greatly helped the colonists survive. John Rolfe had tobacco seeds, which flourished in the soil. This became a cash crop in Virginia.
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  • Plymouth 1620 The Pilgrims came over on a ship called The Mayflower. They came over for religious freedom. They signed a document called the Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact stressed the idea of self-government and majority rule. It was used as an example for Representative Government.
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  • Religious Groups Immigrated to flee religious persecution Separatists/Pilgrims Massachusetts Puritans Massachusetts Quakers Pennsylvania Catholics - Maryland
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  • Ethnic Groups Dutch (New York) Economic reasons Swedes (Delaware) Economic reasons English Religious and political reasons
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  • Racial Groups Europeans Africans(enslaved)
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  • Becoming British A series of wars in Europe made Britain the dominate force in America with the 13 colonies. Britain saw the colonies as a resource to benefit the mother country.
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  • New England Colonies: Access to waterways High population density and large urban areas Shipbuilding and manufacturing region ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES: Cause- long winters, rocky soil, forests Effect Subsistence farming, shipbuilding, fishing
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  • New England Colonies Physical Characteristics Atlantic Ocean, subsistence farming, poor soil, cold climate, forest Human Characteristics Economic- raw materials, logging, fishing, shipbuilding Political town meetings, representative government Social small coastal towns (Boston, only large city) Religious - Puritans
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  • Middle Colonies Access to waterways High population density and large urban areas Agriculture and cattle producing ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES Cause shorter winters, fertile soil, good ports, natural resources Effect farming (staple crops), trade, large immigrant population
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  • Middle Colonies Physical Characteristics Rich soil, broad, deep rivers, more natural ports, river valleys, mild winters, raw materials, Atlantic Ocean Human Characteristics Economic large farms, logging, fishing, shipbuilding Political more tolerance Social small coastal towns (Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York were large cities) Religious Quakers, Catholics
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  • Southern Colonies Abundant amount of fertile soil Low population density, farms Cash-crop agricultural area (cotton, indigo, rice, tobacco) ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES Cause warm climate and good soil Effect plantation system and large slave system
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  • Southern Colonies Physical Characteristics Appalachian Mountains, navigable rivers, richer soil, warm climate, raw materials Human Characteristics Economic plantations Political more slaves, more class-based society Social small coastal towns (Savannah, Charleston were the large cities) Religious Church of England, Catholics(Maryland), more diverse
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  • 13 Colonies Geography was the primary cause for economic differences.
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  • Appalachian Mountains These mountains acted as a barrier for the colonies. Most colonists did not cross this region.
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  • Plantation System Large amount of land available in the Southern colonies Rich soil Almost year-round growing season Ideal for plantation crops (tobacco, rice, indigo, cotton) With enough labor they could be grown as cash crops
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  • Transatlantic Slave Trade Started in the British West Indes Provided a labor force for the sugar plantations The map shows major slave trading regions, 15 th -19 th centuries
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  • Spread of Slavery Demand for rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton Led to plantation owners needing more slaves The slave system increased Indentured Servants colonists who could not pay their way over to America, so they agreed to serve for four to seven years. After their time was served, they were free colonists. Slaves became more popular because they could not earn their freedom. The south was agrarian, and slaves kept the plantations profitable.
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  • Impact of Slavery South Economic factor Slaves viewed as property and labor supply Aided in the development of the plantation system and agrarian South
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  • Factors on Slaves and Free Blacks Slaves Political no political voice, no rights Economic labor of the plantation system, considered property, children considered property and sold with no regard to parents Social viewed as property, viewed outside the American identity Free Blacks Political no political voice, limited/restricted rights Economic low wage earners Social lowest social class, limited access to education, socially isolated
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  • Triangular Trade
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  • First Great Awakening A major religious revival Democratized the Protestant faith by proclaiming salvation for all. Stimulated growth in all denominations Assured the common man could have salvation as well as those predestined Churches welcomed minority groups, women, African Americans, and Native Americans Communication increased between the colonies It contributed to the revolutionary idea of independence from Britain years later.
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  • Where will settlements be? And what about the Natives? Physical geographic factors Proximity to Atlantic coastline determined where settlements/colonies were created Human geographic factors Removal of Native Americans, disease and conflict How do we solve this conflict with the Natives? Treaty system
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  • Contributions of Women Political Pocahontas helped John Smith and the European settlers in Virginia Social Anne Hutchinson led Bible studies against the orders of church leaders
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  • The Development of Religious Freedom 1620- Plymouth Colony Self-governing church with each congregation independent and electing its own pastor and officers 17 th Century Massachusetts Bay Churches also fairly democratic in that they elected ministers and other officers, but church closely tied with state government 1631 Roger Williams founded Rhode Island Separated church and state 1681-1776 Penns Frames of Government Guaranteed religious freedom to all settlers in Pennsylvania 1689 Toleration Acts Maryland founded as a haven for Catholics 1791 Bill of Rights added to the Constitution
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