Unit 1: American Beginnings Chapter 1 Three Worlds Meet.

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Transcript of Unit 1: American Beginnings Chapter 1 Three Worlds Meet.

Unit 1: American Beginnings

Unit 1: American BeginningsChapter 1Three Worlds Meet

How did we get here?

Christopher Columbus

ColumbusHis discovery sparked the Age of Exploration and caused these three worlds to come together.Native AmericansMany cultures were destroyed by war, disease, and genocide.AfricansTheir lives were changed forever as they began hundreds of years of slavery.

Who got the better end of the deal?

ConquistadorsSpanish word for conqueror.Cortez defeated the Aztecs with superior weaponry, disease, and psychology.

Landing in North America

CavaliersEnglish nobility that received large land grants from the king

Settling VirginiaPoor immigrants trying to escape poverty.Worked on small farms or as artisans (barely skilled labor)Indentured servants looking working for payment for their trip to the new world.

Why did Europeans risk everything they had to come to the new world?

This engraving promised immigrants leisurely hunting and fishing and abundant food in Virginia.

Jamestown - 1607King James I of England commissioned the Virginia Company to explore the new land.

Jamestown - 1607Lead by John Smith, the Jamestown colony did not fair well at first.

Thus we lived for the space of five months in this miserable distressour men night and day groaning in every corner of the fort, most pitiful to hear. If there were any conscience in men, it would make their hearts to bleed to hear the pitiful murmurings and outcries of our sick men for relief, every night and day for the space of six weeks: some departing out of the World, many times three or four in a night; In the morning their bodies trailed out of their cabins like dogs, to be buriedA Jamestown Colonist quoted in A New WorldJamestown - 1607Settlers were not prepared for the conditions.John Rolfe- cross breed or Brazilian tobacco and native weeds.Help and hurt from the natives

Virginia House of Burgesses

House of Burgesses - 1619First elected assembly in the new world.Controlled finances, militia, ect.Eventually grew distrust between the colonies and the king.Still around today known as the General Assembly.

Bacons Rebellion - 1676Gov. Berkeley monopolized trade with the Native AmericansTensions between Native Americans and indentured servants hits boiling pointBerkeley refuses to retaliate against natives.

Bacons Rebellion - 1676Nathaniel Bacon leads 1,000 Virginians in rebellion to protest the poor treatment of indentured servants.Rebels attacked all Native AmericansBurned Jamestown and plundered city.Shows the strength of the indentured servantsLand owners begin searching for a group of workers that wouldnt rebel slaves.

Slavery and the AmericasKnown as the Middle PassageEventually slaves largely outnumbered white colonists.Anthony Johnson first slave holder in the new world.

The Other Southern ColoniesMarylandProprietary Colony set up to make $$Royal Charter from Lord BaltimoreDeclaration of Religious ToleranceWe will see this later

CarolinaNorth settled by indentured servantsSubsistence farmingSouthLarge harbors such as CharlestownGrew rice and indigo on larger plantations

Rise of the New England Colonies

Escaping for religious freedomPilgrimsPuritans

Pilgrims - SeparatistsWanted to completely leave the ChurchDid not like having to share the church with the damnedMayflower Compact Agreement on laws for the new pilgrim colonists

Plymouth ColonySettled by the Pilgrims escaping religious persecution.Formed a covenant community based on their religious beliefsLed by William Bradford

Mayflower Compact - 1620

Mayflower CompactSocial contract in which everyone agreed to work in order to surviveHow is the dif. from the southern colonies?

Puritans Mass. Bay ColonyWanted to purify the churchGrew impatient with the slow reformation back in EnglandLed by John WinthropCity Upon a Hill city will be a role model for the rest of civilization

Puritans Political CharacteristicsNo democracyOnly adult males owning land and going to church could vote. (40%)Church and state closeLaws criminalized drunkenness, swearing, theft and idlenessTaxes paid to the churchUsed town hall meetings as forms of government

Puritans Economic CharacteristicsColonies based on shipbuilding, fishing, lumbering, small-scaleLess needs for slaveryJust because there was less of a need doesnt mean they didnt exist.

Other New England ColoniesRhode (Rogue)Island (1636): Founded by Roger William- Banished from Mass. BayReligious ToleranceBecame a refuge for people

Rhode IslandAnne HutchinsonTaught that people should interpret the Bible banished from Mass. Bay in 1638Went to RI along with her family and followers

Other NE ColoniesNew Hampshire: Founded by John Wheelwright who criticized some Puritan teachingsConnecticut (1639); Founded by Thomas HookerFertile soil

Salem Witch TrialsFebruary 1692, started with a few Salem girls accusing a Native American of practicing witchcraftPeople started accusing each other and it led to hysteriaWomen who were said to be too independent were accused


Great AwakeningAttempt to revive the declining membership of religious faithOccurred first in Europe then spread to N.A.Led to rapid growth of evangelical religion like Methodists and Baptists


Middle ColoniesSettled mainly by English, Dutch and German-speaking immigrants seeking religious freedom and Economic opportunity

Economic CharacteristicsEconomies based on shipbuilding, small-scale farming, and tradingNYC, Philly port towns

GovernmentProprietary Colonies- free to govern w/o English monarchy- Proprietor- ownerRepresentative GovernmentsLeads to more profits

Mid Atlantic ColoniesNew Netherlands (1621): founded by the Dutch West India CompanyHad a thriving fur trade with NativesNew Amsterdam- capital

New Netherlands becomes New York1664, King Charles II granted his brother James, Duke of York permission to drive out the DutchJames became the new Proprietor (Owner) of the colony and renamed it New York

Mid Atlantic ColoniesNew Jersey: Duke of York gave a portion of his land to Lords Berkeley and CarteretGovt ran together with NY until 1738

Mid Atlantic ColoniesPennsylvania (1681): founded by William PennQuaker-believed that Gods inner light burned inside everyoneDressed plainly and opposed war (pacifists)holy experimentEvery adult male had 50 acres of land and the right to voteRepresentative AssemblyReligious tolerance- led to a diverse ethnic mix

Mid Atlantic ColoniesDelaware (1682): Penn purchased 3 counties south of Pennsylvania along the Atlantic CoastSORRY WE HAVE NO PICTURE FOR DELAWARE!