UNIMAID | Centre of Excellence 2019 VOL VII... · 2019. 12. 6. · fessor Saidu Baba, noted that...

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Transcript of UNIMAID | Centre of Excellence 2019 VOL VII... · 2019. 12. 6. · fessor Saidu Baba, noted that...

A M o n t h l y P u b l i c a t i o n f r o m t h e O f f i c e o f t h e V i c e - C h a n c e l l o r

© University of Maiduguri, Nigeria - www.unimaid.edu.ng

Vol. VII No. 10

October 2019



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The University of Maiduguri shall be an institution dedicated to scholarship and learning in the arts, sciences,

humanities and technology, and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass

through her portals. The University shall facilitate and advance scholarship and learning, especially in the

light of her location in the Sahelian environment in the North-Eastern Nigeria, and at the cross-roads of Afri-

ca and Middle-Eastern culture.


The University of Maiduguri apart from achieving competence in the basic arts and sciences, aims at excel-

lence in agriculture, pastoralism, engineering, human and veterinary medicine and information technology as

well as in arid zone, trans-Saharan and inter-African peace and strategic studies. The University also aims to

promote the development of private and public morality, discipline, accountability and probity, and also

international cooperation through participation, research and dissemination of information.

All letters should be addressed to: Published by: The Office of the Vice-Chancellor,

The Deputy Director, Information Unit, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

Senate Building, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. email: vc@unimaid.edu.ng email: unimaidbulletin@unimaid.edu.ng

Vol. VII No. 10

Peace is the virtue of civilization. Any institution that wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of mate-rial prosperity must ensure a peaceful atmosphere for the attainment of its goals. Peace must be created be-fore it is sustained. It is the product of faith, strength, enthusiasm, imagination, will, sympathy, impartiality and the triumph of principle.

If one has been of service, if one has glimpsed more into the nature and essence of ultimate good, if one in-spires to reach wider horizons of thought and accomplishment, if one is at peace with oneself, then it has been a successful day. These were the reasons behind the call of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba, for synergy amongst stakeholders in order to bring back the lost glory of Borno State.

A good leadership character doesn't walk away at the sight of injustice but faces it with a strong sense of egali-tarianism, prioritises equality amongst its people, tolerates no discrimination and moderates no compassion. It is with these thoughts in mind that the Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support Organisation collaborates with University of Maiduguri to complement in building a just and egalitarian society in the state.

You cannot enthusiastically support technological progress or industrial and economic growth without drastic changes in the educational system of a society and by creating synergy amongst the target communities. The Association of West African Universities (AWAU) received a boost on these developmental indicators when it held its 7th Conference and 9th Annual General Meeting at University of Abomey Calavi in the Republic of Be-nin.

These and many more packages await you.

Editorial Board

Professor M. I. Ahmed - Chairman

Professor M. L. Mele - Member

Dr. Mary Pindar Ndahi - Member

Musa Usman - Member

Mohammed T. Ahmed - Member


Mohammed T. Ahmed - Deputy Director, Information

Alh. Suleiman Garba - Chief Photographer

Ahmadu Abubakar - Photographer

Mohammed M. Lawan - Photographer

Bintu Mohammed (Mrs.) - Reporter

Rabi U. Yusuf (Mrs.) - Reporter

Abdulmumin Kolo Gulani - Reporter

Abubakar Mustapha - Reporter

Faculty/Directorate Representatives - Reporters

Kyari Ali - Circulation

Professor M. I. Ahmed - Design, Development & Integration


October, 2019


T he University of Maiduguri will collaborate

with relevant humanitarian organizations

to solve the protracted societal problems

bedevilling the immediate environment through syn-

ergy, research and collaborations.

This was made known by the Vice-Chancellor Uni-

versity of Maiduguri, Professor Aliyu Shugaba,

when he hosted the delegation from the Mental

Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), an um-

brella body with the International Organization for

Migration (IMO) at his office on 24th September


The Vice-Chancellor noted that the University, situ-

ated at the epicentre of insurgency in the North

East, has a moral responsibility to support and com-

plement the efforts of relevant humanitarian bodies

in order to reorient, educate and reform the imme-

diate environment by projecting the required

changes in building a just and egalitarian society.

Professor Shugaba therefore commended the ef-

forts of the humanitarian bodies for their support

especially during the critical moments of security

challenges bedevilling the North-East and assured

them of the University’s readiness to compliment

such elaborate effort whenever the need arises.

He urged them to translate the Memorandum of

Understanding signed between the University and

IMO into a workable document that will foster

harmony and partnership in various areas of inter-


Earlier, the Manager, Mental Health and Psycho-

Social Support (MHPSS) Ms. Olga Rebolledo, said

that the signed MOU between the University of

Maiduguri and IMO on improving the living condi-

tions and protection of conflict affected population

in North Eastern Nigerian is on course adding that

the Centre for Peace, Diplomatic and Develop-

ment Studies (CPDDS), as well as the Counselling

Unit, Department of Education, Faculty of Educa-

tion have shouldered the responsibility for the Uni-

versity of Maiduguri as a party to the MOU suc-


Ms. Rebolledo then stressed that the preparatory steps toward the next stage in achieving the set objectives have commenced in earnest and will soon culminate into the execution of a fresh MOU

with the University.


Vol. VII No. 10

(L-R): The Director Academic Planning, Professor Mi-chael P. Noku, University Librarian, Professor Emmanu-el Camble and Administrative Secretary (CPDDS), Mr. James Hamman

October, 2019

(R-L) The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba,

the acting Director (CPDDS), Dr. Sule Tagi, Ms Olga

Rebolledo and Adegbola Olorunfemi



Vol. VII No. 10

F aculties in the University have been en-

couraged to translate all their resource-

ful knowledge into an economic driven

venture in order to complement and accelerate

the growth and development of the nation.

This advice was given by the Vice-Chancellor Uni-

versity of Maiduguri, Professor Aliyu Shugaba,

while declaring open the Maiden Faculty of Envi-

ronmental Studies Seminar on Tuesday 24th Sep-

tember 2019.

Professor Shugaba noted that one of the cardinal

objectives of any institution of higher learning is

to foster academic excellence across various dis-

ciplines which, according to him, the University of

Maiduguri will have to lead by example and

therefore urged the various faculties and aca-

demic disciplines to collaborate with one another

in terms of research and innovations so as to im-

pact on societal advancement.

The Vice-Chancellor commended the Faculty of

Environmental Studies for organizing the maiden sem-

inar which he described as monumental as it will go

into the annals of the University of Maiduguri. He

expressed optimism that such an event has gone to

prove that the Faculty of Environmental Studies, be-

ing the youngest in the University, has hit the ground

running and assured them of the University manage-

ment’s support and cooperation.

Professor Shugaba stressed that as the world

marches on and the University of Maiduguri aspires

to break new grounds in different fields of

knowledge and human endeavor, adding that the

Faculty of Environmental Studies with its cream of ac-

ademics and their competitive areas of specialization

such as architecture, geomatics, industrial design, ur-

ban and regional planning and fine arts will show-

case their ongoing work. Their efforts, he observed,

will assist all those in the North-East sub-region and

Nigeria in general.

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba making

opening remarks on the visit of the Borno State Com-

missioner of Works

(Cont’d on Page 4)

October, 2019

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba making

opening remarks on the visit of the Borno State Com-

missioner of Works



Vol. VII No. 10

He then pledged to hold the new faculty with

special interest as it grows from strength to

strength as well as work towards positioning all

academic programmes within the best practices

that is obtainable in Nigeria or any other part

of the world.

Seven academic papers in the fields of Fine Arts,

Geomatics, Urban and Regional Planning and

Industrial Design were presented by Dr. S.S.

Garba (HOD Geomatics), Dr. Ifeanyi Asogwa

(Fine Arts), Dr. P.B. Joshua (HOD, Urban and Re-

gional Planning), Dr. Ashiedu Ogboh (HOD, In-

dustrial Design).

Dr. P.B. Joshua who is one of the resource per-

sons said, the aim of his paper is to enlighten the

general public on the basic concepts and the

theories underpinning urban and regional plan-

ning as a profession and a field of knowledge.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Dean, Faculty of

Environmental Studies, University of Maiduguri, Pro-

fessor Saidu Baba, noted that the Faculty is poised

to develop into a great centre of excellence which

according to him will be a mark of its high and

qualitative theoretical and practical output.

Professor Baba noted that the Faculty will first build

up a framework on which greater achievements can

be erected, adding that the organization of the

seminar and the subsequent academic journals that

will follow are part of the process of the frame-


He then expressed the Faculty’s appreciation for the

full cooperation and support given to them by the

University Management towards nurturing the Facul-

ty to full maturity.

The Chairman Faculty of Environmental Studies Sem-

inar Committee, Dr. Ashiedu Peter Ogboli, noted

that seminars are strong components of the academ-

ia, stressing that their work is basically to respond to

immediate human needs and the habitat itself in or-

der to make life more meaningful and fulfilling for


The highlights at the end of the event were the cut-

ting of cake to symbolise the declaration of the con-

ference open and the decoration of the Vice Chan-

cellor with a scarf muffler to commemorate the oc-


(Cont’d from Page 3)

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba in a group photograph with the participants at the conference and some principal officers of the University

October, 2019



Vol. VII No. 10

T he University of Maiduguri will part-

ner in promoting and fostering peace

in the north-eastern region of Nigeria,

bearing in mind the situation the University found

itself in the centre of insurgency that bedevilled

the region.

This was made known by the Vice-Chancellor,

University of Maiduguri, Professor Aliyu

Shugaba, while presenting a goodwill message

at a two-day event organized for the commemo-

ration of International Peace Day 2019 by a

non-governmental organization, North East Civil

Society Network supported by the British Council

held on 25th September 2019 at the El-Kanemi

Hall of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor pointed out that peace is

one of the fundamental cornerstones needed for

any meaningful development and therefore

called on the various stakeholders to unite in

achieving a common objective of bringing back

the lost glory of the State. According to Prof.

Shugaba, there is nothing like peace, stressing that

with peace, harmony, unity and understanding we

can achieve the best of what we deserve.

The Vice Chancellor noted that the people in the

north-east have undergone series of agonies and

challenges, adding that with patience and resili-

ence, better days are around the corner. He add-

ed that the doors of the University management is

open for consultation and collaboration in finding

lasting solutions to the predicament that is facing

the State. He then commended the organizers for

the elaborate effort they put in promoting peace

and harmony among the citizenry, stressing that

the University of Maiduguri has signed series of

Memorandum of Understanding with dozens of

both domestic and international humanitarian bod-

ies in order to harmonize and facilitate peace re-

lated mission in Borno State and the North-east

region at large.

Earlier on his welcome address, the convener and

Executive Chairman of Northeast Civil Society Fo-

rum, Ambassador Ahmed Shehu, noted that the

event was meant to commemorate the International

Peace Day declared by the United Nations on the

21st of September every year as part of their con-

tribution in searching for peace.

The event was organized in order to bring togeth-

er various critical stakeholders to discuss on issues

affecting youths and the society across Borno State

and the North East in general.

Cont’d on page 6

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba deliver-ing his addressing at the occassion

October, 2019


The convener then urged the participants to re-

main resilient in their quest to extend the frontiers

of peace and harmony among the affected com-

munities and commended the donor organizations

for their contributions in alleviating the suffering

of those affected by insurgency in the region.

In his closing remarks, the Borno State Governor

Professor Babagana Umara Zulum thanked the

organizers for finding it worthy to organize such

an event in the State and expressed the State

Government’s commitment to finding lasting solu-

tion to the problem of insurgency in the state.

The Governor, represented by his Deputy, Hon.

Umar Usman Kadafur, assured the gathering that

the government is fully in support and will cooper-

ate with civil societies in the state towards promot-

ing peaceful co-existence among its people.


Vol. VII No. 10

(Cont’d from page 5)

(R-L, Front row): Professor Aliyu Shugaba; Professor Umar K. Sandabe and the Borno State Deputy Governor, Hon. Umar Usman Kadafur

T he Vice-Chancellor University of Mai-

duguri, Professor Aliyu Shugaba, has

appreciated the efforts of the Federal

Government’s initiative of standardizing and im-

proving the National Identity Card as a milestone

achievement. He, made this known during a brief

ceremony and official presentation of the National

Identity Card to him and some management staff

by the Borno State Coordinator of National Identi-

ty Management Commission (NIMC) in his office

on Monday 9th September 2019.

(Cont’d on page 8)

October, 2019

The Borno State Coordinator, Mr. Zamani Yakshain (standing) making remarks on the purpose of his visit while Professor Aliyu Shugaba (far right) looks on



Vol. VII No. 10


M ember institutions of the Association of West Africa Universities (AWAU) ob-served that the role of universities as

catalysts for the attainment of regional industriali-zation and economic transformation in West Africa is indispensable. This was contained in a commu-nique delivered at the 7th Conference and 9th Annual General Meeting of the Association of West Africa Universities held at the Universite D’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin Republic, from 8th to 12th October, 2019. With a theme titled “The Role of West Africa Universities in Regional Indus-trialization and Economic Transformation”, the con-ference attracted participants from the West Afri-can sub-region including the Republic of Benin and Nigeria. The welcome address was delivered by the Rec-tor, Universite D’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin Re-public, Professor da Cruz Maxime while the Chair-man AWAU, Professor Abdulganiyu Ambali, gave the opening remarks after which the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee, Professor Saidou Aliou, also gave a brief on the 7th Conference. Goodwill messages were delivered at the opening ceremony by the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission, Nigeria; Secretary Gen-eral, Association of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities (AVCNU) and the Registrar/CEO, Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB), Ni-geria. The keynote addresses were delivered at the event by Dr. Albert Honlonkou - Universite

D’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin Republic and Dr. Bashir Kurfi, Zaria Business School, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Republic of Benin, Professor Yayi Ladekan Eleonore, was the special guest of honour who declared the conference and annual general meeting open. Papers presented by resource persons addressed issues of university-industry relationship; university research translation; curriculum innovation and ca-pacity development for industrial growth; effects of insecurity on industrialization; effects of language and immigration on industrial growth as well as gov-ernance and policy issues limiting/promoting Indus-trialization. A presentation by one of the sponsors, Royal Gold and Apple Direct Limited an agent to TALL Security Print Limited, was made on university-industry relationship with respect to e-Learning and document security. Ten universities made elaborate presentations at the conference on the impact they made on their various communities which include: Federal University of Technology, Minna Bayero University Kano University of Ilorin Modibo Adama University of Technology, Yola University of Maiduguri University of Port Harcourt Federal University Lokoja University of Abuja Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina Federal University Dutse Earlier in his opening remarks, the Chairman AWAU, Professor Abdulganiyu Ambali observed weak multi-disciplinary collaborations among researchers in the sub-region as well as weak synergy/linkages be-tween universities and industries. Language barrier and challenges of transportation across the Sub-region were identified as well as other impediments that are affecting integration, intra-African trade, intra-African research and industrialisation. Professor Ambali disclosed the poor quality of output (graduates and researches) as a result of inade-quate funding in the universities and lack of linkages between policymakers and universities and partici-pation from some countries of the West African Sub-region.

A cross-section of the Vice Chancellors in AWAU mem-ber institutions and representatives in a group photo-graph

October, 2019

(Cont’d on page 13)



Vol. VII No. 10

Professor Shugaba noted that the sophisticated

version of the card will no doubt serve as an

effective means of identifying Nigerians stress-

ing that the security features included in the

new version of the card will go a long way in

protecting any unwanted breach and infiltration

on holder’s privacy and commended the NIMC

for such an initiative.

The Vice-Chancellor then noted that the world is

now a global Village and the National Identity

Card will be a significant symbol of Nigerian

pride, urging every Nigerian to register and have

the NMIC Identity card.

In his opening remarks, the Borno State Coordina-

tor of NIMC, Mr. Zamani Yaksha, noted that the

NMIC Identity Card has now been made mandato-

ry for everyone by the Federal Government, stress-

ing that every Nigerian citizen is expected to pos-

sess one.

The e-identification card, he said, has about 13

features, but presently only 5 among them are ac-

tive. These he said include using the card for finan-

cial transactions. He then commended the Univer-

sity management and called on those that are yet

to register to endeavour to do so.

(Cont’d from page 6)

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba and Borno State Coordinator of NIMC, Mr. Zamani Yakshain ( Front row, centre) in a group photograph with Principal offic-ers of the University

October, 2019

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Aliyu Shugaba display-

ing the NMIC e-Identity card issued by the Borno

State Coordinator, Mr. Zamani Yakshain



Vol. VII No. 10

T he University of Maiduguri Centre for

Distance Learning has increased the

number of its e-tutors from 56 to 188

for effective dissemination of knowledge and

other academic activities. This was made known

in a welcome address by the Director Centre for

Distance Learning of the University, Professor Ya-

qub Ahmed Geidam, during the 2018/2019 ori-

entation organized by the Centre to welcome its

newly admitted students held on 24th September


Professor Geidam noted that with this new de-

velopment, courses with more than 1000 students

will be handled by more than one e-tutor in a

semester, thereby making academic activities at

the Centre more effective.

He stressed that this has already started yielding

positive results as

there has been a tremendous improvement in the

online activities of both students and e-tutors by

way of forum discussions, chats, assignments and

quizzes among others.

He recalled that the Centre was established in

2006 with a mission to complement conventional

universities by providing accessible, affordable and

qualitative education through technology supported

devices, and therefore advised the students to learn

how to use these devices and frequently visit the

centre’s portal, e-library and other online platforms

for academic resources and other academic activi-


The Director also reminded the students that the

Centre has put in place a water-tight result scrutiniz-

ing processes in which the result of every graduat-

ing student must pass through before graduation.

The Centre, he further said, is in possession of bio-

metric identification equipment to ensure improved

security of identity cards so as to tackle the serious

challenges of impersonation during examinations.

Professor Geidam urged the new students to be law

abiding, hardworking and avoid examination mis-

conduct as well as obey the University dress code.

October, 2019

The Director Centre for Distance Learning, University of Maiduguri, Professor Yaqub Ahmed Geidam, deliv-ering his keynote address at the event

(Cont’d on page 10)



Vol. VII No. 10

He also used the occasion to commend the elder

statesman Alhaji (Dr.) Muhammadu Indimi for his

laudable project, the new ultra-modern Centre

for Distance Learning for the University of Mai-


Highlights of the occasion include paper presen-

tations by resource persons to prepare the newly

admitted students on the task ahead of them.

Dr. Jamil Muazu who was one of the resource

persons and a Deputy Director Computer and ICT

Centre, University of Maiduguri presented two

papers at the occasion.

In his presentation, Dr. Muazu spoke on the virtues

of information and communication technology and

the rudiments and rubrics of registration on the Cen-

tre for Distance Learning portal.

Dr. Muazu elucidated how distance learning stu-

dents can leverage on e-resources by improving on

their ICT skills and acquisition of hand held devices

and imbibing the requisite norms.

The event was culminated by questions from the

participants which were answered to clear the hazy

areas raised and position the newly admitted stu-

dents on a firm and contextual orientation.

(Cont’d from page 9)

October, 2019

Dr. Jamil Muazu, delivering his lecture on ICT and students’ registration procedures

A cross-section of the participants at the Centre for Dis-tance Learning orientation ceremony



Vol. VII No. 10

October, 2019



Vol. VII No. 10


October, 2019


Vol. VII No. 10


Following thorough deliberations by member institutions, resolutions and recommendations were drawn in which West African universities were encouraged to play active roles in the realisation of regional industrialisation and eco-nomic transformation. The need for increased collaboration among the regional bodies in the sub-region was brought to the limelight in order to improve internationalisation of universities. West African universities were challenged to seek other sources of funding through collabo-ration with industries and to encourage industri-al research as well as staff/students exchange to promote integration within the region. The teaching and learning of French and English languages within the sub-region should be in-vigorated in the educational system of member countries and they were urged to further en-courage the adoption of common currency for the sub-region, and to redesign their curricula to suit the interest of industries and focus on re-al issues of national and regional development. Academics in member countries were admon-ished to strive to patent and commercialise their research findings. AWAU was revitalised to co-ordinate a meeting of University policy-makers of the ECOWAS with a view to formulating programmes and creating awareness for re-gional co-operation. Members directed that West African universities should obtain employ-ers’ rating as feed-back mechanism and the incoming executive of AWAU were charged with the review of conference registration fees. The highlights at the end of the conference in-clude the expression of appreciation and grati-tude by Professor Abdullahi Yusufu Ribadu, Secretary-General AWAU, to the government and the people of the Republic of Benin, espe-cially the Minister of Higher Education and Sci-entific Research, Professor Yayi Ladekan Eleon-ore, Rector, management and staff of Univer-site D’Abomey Calavi, for hosting the event and the warm reception extended to the partici-pants. Special gratitude was also extended to the co-sponsors which include National Universi-ties Commission (NUC) Nigeria, Universite D’Abomey Calavi, University of Ibadan, Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB),

Nigeria, Royal Gold & Apple Direct Limited, Re-search Beeline and One Media Studio. “Special thanks to the LOC chaired by Prof. Tossou Rigobert and assisted by Prof. Saidou Aliou, and all the Vice-Chancellors that have accepted to make a short presentation about their universities who are physically present those that were being ably rep-resented at this conference”. in his vote of thanks, professor ribadu said “to our sponsors (Royal, Gold & Apple Direct Ltd, Research Beeline and One Me-dia Studios) and all the organizations that gave goodwill messages at this Conference (ambassadors from ECOWAS countries, National Universities Com-mission Abuja, Association of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities, etc.), we say a big thank you. Joint Admissions & Matriculation Board (JAMB) Ni-geria deserves special recognition not only for the goodwill message but also for bringing the largest number of delegates to this Conference and for or-ganizing a special flight from Nigeria. The Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, approved the release of a bus to convey some del-egates from Lagos to Cotonou and back”. As part of the 9th Annual general meeting, nomina-tion of candidates were made to replace the exist-ing executive officers of the association having ex-hausted their tenure of appointment. The AWAU general assembly unanimously endorsed the ap-pointment of the following members as the new ex-ecutives for a tenure of three years. Chairman: Professor Abdullahi Bala (Vice Chancel-lor, Federal University of Technology, Minna). Vice Chairman (Francophone): Professor Maxim Da Cruz (Rector, Universite D’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin Republic. Vice Chairman (Anglophone): Professor Faqir Mu-hammad Anjum (Vice Chancellor, University of Gambia, Gambia. Secretary General: Professor Mohammed Sanni Ab-dulkadir (Vice Chancellor, Kogi State University, Ayingba). Financial Secretary: Professor Angela Freeman Miri (Vice Chancellor, Federal University of Technology, Lokoja). The conference came to an end with a cocktail dinner and a group photograph to com-memorate the event.


October, 2019

(Cont’d from page 7)

The Objectives of NWRCBNet are to:-

1. Ensure appropriate and sustainable man-

power development for water resources de-

velopment and management throughout the


2. Strengthen institutions and human capacity

through partnerships for the successful imple-

mentation of Integrated Water Resources

Management in the region.

3. Enhance cooperation among Capacity Build-

ing Institutions (CBIs) in the region for Inte-

grated Water Resources Management


4. Facilitate applied research and demand driv

en training and education in IWRM amongst

CBIs and water agencies (WAs) in t h e



Vol. VII No. 10 NEWS



T he National Water Resources Capacity

Building Network for North East Nigeria

(NWRCBNet-NE) was established on

15th October 2011 after the signing of a memo-

randum of understanding (MOU) between the Na-

tional Water Resources Institute, Kaduna and the

University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri. This is pursu-

ant to the directive of the National Council on

Water Resources for the establishment of the Na-

tional Water Resources Capacity Building Network

(NWRCBNet) on 13th July, 2006. A regional coor-

dinating centre was thereafter established in the

University and charged with the responsibility of

coordinating capacity development in the water

sector through education, training, research and

information dissemination in six (6) states of North

East Nigeria. The states include Adamawa, Bauchi,

Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe states. The Cen-

tre is steered by a Professor of soil and water en-

gineering, John Ohu.

To promote effective partnership for education,

training, research and information dissemination on

water resources development and management

with a view of engendering integrated water re-

sources management (IWRM) and ecosystem sus-

tainability in the Northeast states of Nigeria.

October, 2019





(Cont’d on page 15)

Professor John Ohu

Director NWRCBNet-NE

fields relevant to water resources development

and management. Membership shall be on an

equal and individual basis and it shall be free of


Members should commit themselves to the objec-

tives of the Network and be willing to participate

in the activities of the Network through joint re-

search, education, training, and sharing of exper-

tise, information, materials and facilities with other


The water sector is a multidisciplinary sector which

cuts across Engineering, Hydrogeology, Chemistry,

Economics, Geography, Law, Finance, Administra-

tion, Management, Soil Science, Meteorology, Irri-

gation, Hydrology, Microbiology, Sociology etc.

Prospective members should avail themselves the

use of the electronic group enlisting set up for the

network on the internet : ht tp ://

groups.yahoo.com/group/NWRCBNet-NE or send

an email to NWRCBNet-NE@yahoogroups.com

indicating interest to join the network.

The regional centre runs a number of programmes

aimed at developing capacity for integrated wa-

ter resources management in the region. They in-

clude specialized workshops, short-term courses

and long-term courses. The workshops are basi-

cally demand-driven to tackle identified problems

in the water sector.


Vol. VII No. 10 NEWS



The activities of the Network shall be to plan, de-

velop, conduct and manage specific trainings and

applied research activities in the North East geo-

political zone of Nigeria as follows:

i. Carry out periodical SWOT analysis and

institutional assessment for capacity devel-

opment of each water agencies and de-

partments in the sector

ii. Develop effective manning-ratio to carry

out core functions of the agencies and de-


iii. Carry out training needs assessment exer-

cises to determine immediate , short and

long term training required in the water


iv. Ensure Bi-annual meetings of all the part-

ners coordinated by NWRI. NWRI will re-

port activities to the National Technical

Committee annually

v. Carry out participatory development of

planned works and implementation

vi. Carry out joint research and project pro-

posals to solve identified problems in the

water sector

NWRCBNet-NE, is a Network with its membership

drawn from capacity building institutions domiciled

in Northeast Nigeria and engaged directly in edu-

cation and/or training and/or research in various

October, 2019




(Cont’d from page 14)

(Cont’d on page 16)


The long-term courses are more specialized pro-

fessional training for high level manpower in the

water sector. They include: Postgraduate Diploma

(12 months) and Masters degree (18 months) in

the following areas of specialization:

1. Integrated Water Resources Management


2. Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion

3. Water Quality Management

4. Irrigation and Drainage Technology

5. Dams and Reservoir Management

6. Hydrogeology and Drilling Technology

7. River and Watershed Sedimentation and Hy-



Vol. VII No. 10 NEWS

The short-term courses are 3-days modular train-

ing organized for targeted groups in the water

sector, these kind of courses include:

1. Climate Change and IWRM

2. Surface water Development and IWRM

3. Groundwater Development and IWRM

4. Gender Mainstreaming and IWRM

5. Community Participation and IWRM

6. Integrated River Basin Management

7. Rural Water Sanitation and IWRM

8. Environmental Health for Sustainable Liveli-


9. Water Governance, Administration and Fi-


October, 2019






Assessment for

Capacity Dev.



Training Impacts


Training Needs


Core Services of NWRCBNet-NE

Inhabitants of the North-east region leveraging on a

shallow public borehole drilled for the community

(Cont’d from page 15)



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