Understanding Yourself Unit 1, part 1

Post on 16-Dec-2014

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Life Skills Class

Transcript of Understanding Yourself Unit 1, part 1

Unit 1, Part 1: Understanding


©Jenison International AcademyMelissa Rodgers


• Take notes!• See link in the Unit Zero folder to see

how to take Cornell Notes.• WHY? This will help you study for the

unit exam and the final exam at the end of the semester.

• Also, in online learning you may need to read something several times to learn the materials

Developing Self Awareness

Personality is the sum total of all the special characteristics that make you an

unique individual. Your appearance, interests, values, and abilities are all part of your personality. Your personality is an expression of who you are and how you feel about yourself. Your personality is reflected in your behavior toward other

people. It will grow and change throughout your lifetime and will affect

all areas of your life.

Assessing parts of your personality

4 Areas of your Personality:

Physical - refers to your body, health, actions, and appearance.

How you can improve: good nutrition, exercise, good grooming, poise, self


Assessing parts of your personality

Mental - how you think, how you use your brain. Are you meeting your full potential?

How do you know?

How you can improve: reading, writing, tools your learn in


Assessing parts of your personality

Social - the way you act and feel around others

How you can improve: treat others with respect, do not gossip, be

optimistic towards others, overlook faults, good manners

Assessing parts of your personality

Emotional - how you deal with feelings and frustrations

Improvements: liking yourself most of the time, be realistic about your


Self Esteem and Self Concept

Self-esteem: is a feeling that you are important, that you are valued and respected, how you FEEL about yourself.

Self-concept / self image: is the mental image you have of yourself, how you SEE yourself.

Your own self concept is affected by many outside factors: family, friends, boss, school, neighborhood, religion, peers, media, etc.

Improving Your Self Concept

1. Recognize your strengths and

weaknesses accept them as a part of you.

Work on those weaknesses that have potential to change and improve.

Improving Your Self Concept

2. Emphasize your strengths concentrate on what you do well to build self-confidence. Build on

what you can do successfully. “Focus on your strengths!”

Improving Your Self Concept

3. Message to ourselves: restate

negative messages to make them positive.

Improving Your Self Concept

4. Seek positive people and ask for their help. Avoid negative people.

What shapes the development of your personality

Heredity- the characteristics we have that have been passed from one generation to the next. This includes our physical characteristics for example; hair and eye color, height, intelligence, and other abilities.

What shapes the development of your personality

Environment - the people and places that surround us as we grow. Our environment begins shaping us the day we are born. Our environment consists of family, friends, school, and community. Our attitudes, interests, values, and beliefs are all influenced by our environment.

What shapes the development of your personality

Response to environment - the choices you make based on what you gained from both heredity and your


Heredity + Environment + Response = Unique Individual