Understanding "the Cloud"

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Understanding "the Cloud"

What is cloud computing?

Understanding “The Cloud”

Introduction:Although this advertisement is humorous, it is also keen observation about the general public’s understanding of cloud computing and cloud storage, or lack thereof.


What is Cloud Computing?• Colloquially referred to as “the cloud”• A general term referring to the storage and access of

applications and data over the Internet instead of through a traditional computer hard drive

• The name was inspired by the cloud-like bubbles drawn in the flowcharts that were used when creating diagrams of server-farm infrastructure

Benefits of Cloud Computing1. Self-Service Provisioning:

• Self-service provisioning allows end users to:o Set up permissions and launch

applications in an online environment without the need for a service provider

o Quickly reduce or remove permissions just as easily as they added them

Benefits of Cloud Computing1. Metered Services:

• Payment model: pay-as-you-go. • End users only pay for the resources they use, such as

storage or bandwidth• Cost competitive vs. traditional monthly fees of software

products or the high upfront investment of hardware• Employed for public and hybrid cloud computing services

Benefits of Cloud Computing3. Elasticity and Adaptability:

• End users can increase or decrease resource usage elastically in order to meet demand.

• Additional resources, like bandwidth, are automatically allocated based on the level of demand

• Users never pay for more resources than they need

Benefits of Cloud Computing4. Application Programming Interfaces:

• Also known as: APIs• Gives administrators the ability to customize their cloud

experience through integration with other applications and other workloads

• Seamlessly move from locally-based applications to those that are cloud-based

Categories of Cloud Computing1. SAAS: Software as a Service:

• Delivers software applications over the Internet

• Accessible from any location using a mobile device or computer with Internet access

• All data is backed up online• Companies can sign up and purchase the

software online, and begin using it immediately

• Examples: Microsoft 365 and Google apps

Categories of Cloud Computing

2. PAAS: Platform as a Service:

• Providers host development tools on the cloud

• Access tools over the internet using application programming interfaces (“APIs”) or web portals

• Improves time to market by allowing web apps to be developed and deployed quickly

• Examples: Windows Axure, Google App

Engine, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

Categories of Cloud Computing3. IAAS: Infrastructure as a Service:

• Providers supply a virtual server and storage, as well as APIs

• Main use is the development and deployment of PaaS, SaaS, and web applications

• Flexibility and virtual nature allows businesses to get up and running more quickly, while also cutting costs

• Examples: Rackspace, Amazon EC2, and Google Compute Engine

Cloud Computing Channels

1. Publicly: • Delivered by a third-party provider;

however, it can also be internally managed

• Users only pay for the resources that they use

• Freedom to access these resources when and where you need them is a big draw for companies considering public cloud computing

Cloud Computing Channels2. Privately: • Delivered to internal users and is housed

on servers at a company’s data center• Often chosen by companies concerned

about the management, control, and security of sensitive information

• Advanced security is designed uniquely for a single company, giving administrators greater flexibility with, and control over, governance than if they had employed a public service provider

Cloud Computing Channels

3. Hybrid: • Combines the online capability of a

public cloud with the on-premise security of a private cloud

• Runs classified applications or critical workloads on the private cloud while maintaining the ability to access resources like SaaS and IaaS on the public cloud

• Facilitates the portability of apps, services, and data for distribution to effectively deliver value faster

Conclusion:The cloud is not some mysterious technological force seeking to destroy all traditional computing technology; rather, it is a useful tool for businesses that require a flexible and adaptable computing model.

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