Unclassified // FOUO The Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces 1 Terrorist Attacks in Southern...

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Unclassified // FOUOThe Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces 1

Terrorist Attacks in Southern Israel


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Focal Points

• On 18 August 2011, a series of terrorist attacks was perpetrated against civilians and IDF soldiers in Israel's southern region. Eight people were killed in the day’s attacks and thirty-one were injured.

• The terrorists responsible for the attacks originated in the Gaza Strip and crossed into Israel via Egypt.

• IDF forces pursued and killed a number of the terrorists responsible for the attacks.

• In response to the attacks, the IAF initiated pinpoint strikes in the Gaza Strip targeting leaders of the “Popular Resistance Committees,” a terrorist organization closely related to Hamas. Four to six terrorists, including the head of the organization in the Gaza Strip, Kamal Nirab, were killed.

• The attacks demonstrate the constant danger posed to Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas’ de-facto authority over the Gaza Strip.

• The level of sophistication and coordination apparent in these attacks demonstrates extensive planning which could only have been achieved with local assistance.

• These attacks highlight the security challenges faced by both Israel and Egypt and emphasize the need for close cooperation as terrorists exploit the Sinai Peninsula to harm the interests of both countries.

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Focal Points

• External actors are exploiting the recent instability in Egypt to promote their radical agenda and use the Sinai Peninsula as a major smuggling route and as a means to launch terrorist attacks against Israel.

• Egypt was also a victim of these attacks and Israel expects Egypt to continue acting determinedly within its territory to prevent terrorist activity directed against Israel, in accordance with its recent declarations to uphold the Israel-Egypt peace treaty.

• The relationship between Israel and Egypt has been and remains a strategic, political and security imperative for both countries.

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The Attacks Near Eilat


A dozen terrorists wearing Egyptian Central Security Police (CSP) uniforms crossed into Israel through the Sinai Peninsula into Israeli territory, deploying at several locations.

• The terrorist squad opened fire at a second public bus (empty except for the driver) and one perpetrator detonated an explosive vest at the bus in a suicide attack, killing the bus driver.

• Explosive devices targeted one civilian vehicle and explosives/light arms fire targeted a second, killing four occupants in the first vehicle and killing one and wounding another in the second.

• In total, six Israeli civilians and two terrorists were killed during these attacks.

Light arms fire was directed at an IDF force en route to the site of the attack. One soldier was killed and four were injured.

1254 An Israel Police SWAT team exchanged fire with the terrorist squad. Five terrorists were killed.


Sniper fire from Egyptian territory targeted an Israeli Police SWAT team on a sweep along the Israel-Egypt border, killing one security officer. In response, SWAT and a combat helicopter that had been deployed in the area returned fire to the location from which the attack occurred.




One of the terrorists involved in the attacks near Eilat detonated an explosive vest in Egypt, injuring three Egyptian CSP personnel.

An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF combat helicopter. No damage was reported.

Israeli security forces responded to terrorist fire originating from Egyptian territory.

The terrorists opened fire at a public bus en route to the city of Eilat, injuring 14 people – 7 of whom were IDF soldiers.



As a result of the attacks 8 Israelis were killed and 31 injured; 3 Egyptian CPS personnel were killed a number were injured. At least 7 terrorists were killed.


Mortars were fired at a IDF forces performing routine repair work at the border fence.1340

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Picture From Suicide Attack on Bus

Below: Result of suicide attack on bus that killed the driver (but was empty)

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Left: The body of one of the terrorists killed at the location of the attack. The terrorist was wearing an Egyptian CPS uniform and was equipped with military equipment and an explosive vest intended to inflict maximum harm.

Right: The entire area surrounding the attack was booby-trapped with explosives.

Picture of Terrorist in Egyptian CPS Uniform; Booby Traps

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Pictures From Shooting/Explosives Attacks on Vehicles

Above: Civilian vehicle attacked by terrorist fire resulted in one person dead and one wounded.

Below: A shooting attack on a civilian vehicle killed all four passengers; silhouette of charred bus in background is result of suicide attack.

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Location of the Attacks

IDF Forces

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Map of Event

Light arms fire directed at SWAT team

Terrorist + Explosive Vest

Terrorist (suicide attack)

Terrorist + explosive vest + handcuffs

Anti-aircraft fire

Egyptian Camp

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Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip

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LAF Forces

IDF Forces

From the time of the initial attacks on 18/08, heavy rocket and mortar fire has been continuously launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Over 109 rockets, missiles and mortars have hit in the vicinities of Ashdod, Ashkelon, Be’er Sheva and near populated areas along the Gaza Strip. The projectiles have targeted civilian locations, such as schools and places of worship.

The Iron Dome defense system successfully neutralized at least 17 rockets after it was determined they would hit densely populated areas.

Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip 18/08 – 22/08 at 1130

18/08/2011 19/08/2011 20/08/2011 21/08/2011 22/08/2011








2 26 6


Failed Attempts Succesful Launches Intercepted Launches

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Killed Injured

1 Total Seriously Moderately Lightly Treated for Shock

26 5 4 7 10

Result of Rocket and Mortar Fire – 18/08-22/08 at 1130

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Israel’s Response in the Gaza Strip

At 18:20 on 18/08, a few hours following the terrorist attacks near Eilat, the IAF targeted a building housing senior Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) militants responsible for carrying out the attacks. The strike killed three PRC terrorists, including, Kamal Nirab, head of the military wing of the organization, the head of the organization in the Gaza Strip, Imad Hamed, and a PRC senior operative, Khaled Sha’at.

Israel holds the terrorist organization Hamas, the de-facto authority in the Gaza Strip, responsible for the escalated threat to the lives of Israeli citizens. In response to the barrage of rocket and mortar fire, the IAF has initiated a series of pinpoint attacks against PRC and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) targets as well as subsidiary Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. The targets include training facilities, weapon caches, smuggling tunnels, tunnels intended for terrorism and military outposts.

IAF Response – Pinpoint Strikes in the Gaza Strip: 18/08 – 22/08 at 07:30

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IAF Pinpoint Strikes

IAF Pinpoint Strikes

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Background Information

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Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip: Jan. 2010 - 15 Aug. 2011

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LAF Forces

IDF Forces

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Previous Attacks from the Sinai Peninsula

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LAF Forces

IDF Forces

• On 2 August 2010, six 122mm rockets were launched from the Sinai towards Israel. Two of the rockets landed in the Red Sea, one landed in the Israeli city of Eilat (pop. 46,000), one landed on the Israeli-Jordanian border, two landed in Aqaba, Jordan (pop. 95,000) and the final rocket landed in Ta'aba, near an MFO force. As a result of the attacks, four people were wounded and one was killed from a rocket that landed near the Intercontinental Hotel in Aqaba.

• On 22 April 2010, two 122mm Katyusha rockets were launched from the Sinai Peninsula. One rocket landed in Aqaba and one was later recovered by Israeli Navy divers off the coast of Eilat.

• in January 2007, Muhammed Saksak blew himself up in Eilat, killing three civilians in the suicide attack. The terrorist arrived at the site of the attack from Gaza via the Sinai peninsula, making use of the smuggling networks to reach Eilat. The Islamic Jihad and the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade later claimed responsibility for the attack.

• In December 2005, three Katyusha rockets were launched by al-Qaeda activists from Aqaba towards Eilat. The rockets, which apparently targeted a US Navy vessel near the Gulf of Aqaba, missed their target: two landed in Aqaba, killing a Jordanian soldier, and one landing near the Eilat airfield.

• Founded in September 2000, at the start of the violent Palestinian riots known as the “Second Intifada”• Categorically refuses any form of reconciliation with Israel• A proxy organization for Iran and Hizbullah• Supported directly by Hamas, including through the provision of weapons, military training and a

monthly stipend of monetary assistance• Hamas uses the PRC as an ostensibly independent organization as a means of attacking Israel while

maintaining an official stance of “restraint”. In addition to monthly funding, Hamas also provides the PRC with weapons and military training.

Popular Resistance Committees (PRC): A Profile

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The Israel-Egypt Border - Features

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LAF Forces

IDF Forces

At over 200 km long, the Israel-Egypt border is Israel’s second-longest border. Securing Israel’s territorial integrity in the southern arena has three main challenges: criminal activity, terrorist activity and border infiltrations. There is an explicit connection between criminal and terrorist activity in the Sinai Peninsula.

In January 2010, the Israeli government approved the construction of a new border fence along the international border line (IBL). Construction of the fence is coordinated with and receives prior approval from the Egyptian authorities.

Since the ouster of President Mubarak in February 2011, the Sinai Peninsula has grown increasingly chaotic. Weapon imports have risen dramatically, Egyptian government installations have been targeted in terrorist attacks and the Egyptian natural gas pipeline to Israel and Jordan has been sabotaged on multiple occasions.

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The Egypt-Israel Border – Security Threat

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LAF Forces

IDF Forces

Infiltrations follow “U”-shaped routes from Gaza through the Sinai Peninsula and into Israel. The entry-points into Israel are based mainly on accessibility, as the border’s rugged terrain is often difficult to cross.

The Small “U”: From Gaza into the

Nitzana area

The Medium“U”: From Gaza into the Faran area

The Large“U”: From Gaza into the Eilat area

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Fully Completed

Subterranean Foundation Completed



Field Preparations

The Egypt-Israel Border – Construction of Border Fence









The Border Fence

Construction in response to threat of infiltrations from Egypt.

Triple-layered fence, to be roughly 200 km in length

Observer points deployed along the border to deter and prevent infiltrations and provide early notification to troops

IDF patrols along the border for immediate response to infiltration attempts