Twitter training 2015

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Twitter training 2015

Source: Social Media Update 2014, January 9, 2015

Twitter… A “key social networking platform”

23% of adult internet users/19% of entire adult population  Some 23% of online adults currently use Twitter, a statistically significant increase compared with the 18% who did so in August 2013. Twitter is particularly popular among those under 50 and the college-educated. Compared with late 2013, the service has seen significant increases among a number of demographic groups: men, whites, those ages 65 and older, those who live in households with an annual household income of $50,000 or more, college graduates, and urbanites.

Available @

“The most popular tweet in the history of Twitter.”

“Celebrities on Twitter: ���30 Famous First Tweets”

— Mashable

Twitter… FAIL!

“The communications director for the Internet giant that owns popular websites like,, and Vimeo has been fired over ‘hateful statements’ in a tweet that came from her account.

The controversy erupted while Sacco was reportedly mid-flight with no Internet access.

A trending hashtag #HasJustineLandedYet and parody account @LOLJustineSacco quickly appeared on Twitter. A fake Facebook account under her name was also created, where a post links to, which brings up a donation page for Aid for Africa.”

Source: ABC News “Woman Fired After Tweet on AIDS in Africa Sparks Internet Outrage”


Twitter… Recruiting, Course Promotion @ WIU

Twitter… #WIU and #W1U

The Anatomy of a Tweet

The Anatomy of a Tweet

Twitter… #hashtags

Twitter… Trends

Twitter… via a mobile phone

Twitter… Monitoring with Tweetdeck