Twitter Tips, Tricks, and To-Dos

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Twitter Tips, Tricks, and To-Dos

Twitter Tips, Tricks, and To-Dos

What we’ll cover

● How/why brands use Twitter● Content tips and tricks● Some dos and don’ts● Brands that are killing it on Twitter

How Twitter is different

● It’s a microblogging site● Updates are in real-time and don’t last

○ 500 million tweets sent per day○ The “life” of a tweet is 24 minutes

So if basically nobody sees my tweets, why should I bother?

It’s a different network, different medium, and you reach a different audience.

Twitter is NOT just about driving traffic to your site.

How/why brands use Twitter● Content marketing ● To offer/announce deals

How/why brands use Twitter

● As a way to interact with customers

How/why brands use Twitter

● Entertainment/fun

How/why brands use Twitter

● Content curation○ news○ quotes○ images○ interesting reads

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Keep it short(ish)○ But not so short that it makes no sense

■ Don’t use text speak on behalf of your brand

○ New retweets mean you can use all 140 characters if you want

Twitter content tips & tricksOld RT: New RT:

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Use hashtags○ But don’t go hashtag crazy Search hashtags:


Rite Tag

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Let your voice/personality come through○ But don’t be careless about it!

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Be smart about what you tweet○ Make sure it’s on-brand / not offensive○ Don’t end up in a Buzzfeed article about #TwitterFails

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Get visual○ Attach photos and video○ Don’t link from FB or IG

TIP: Try TwitShot to automatically add a photo to any link you’re


TIP: Set up an IFTTT recipe to send IG and FB images to Twitter as

images instead of links.

FYI: Did you know you can upload more than one photo to a tweet?

Twitter content tips & tricks● Enable Twitter cards on your site

○ Include a summary/preview whenever someone tweets a link from your site

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Post a variety of content○ Remember, Twitter isn’t

just about driving traffic

○ Curate content created by others (OPC)

■ Use lists to follow people

■ Tag them in tweets

Twitter content tips & tricks

● Repeat good content○ Content that gets lots of shares/interaction

● Post often○ Less than half of Twitter users log in once a day

Remember that the “half-life” of a

tweet is only 24 minutes.

More Twitter DOs

● Use your analytics to learn more about your audience and what they like○ Where they live (so you know when to post)○ What their interests are○ What your top-performing tweets are

More Twitter DOs

● Interact with your followers AND people who aren’t following you○ Twitter is great for quick conversations/networking

● Get involved in relevant Twitter chats

Some Twitter no-nos● Begging people to RT

● Making your feed just a repository for stuff you post on other networks○ Give your followers some value / unique content

Some Twitter no-nos

● Auto Direct Messages (DMs)○ Thanking people for following / asking them to also

follow you on Facebook, Instagram, etc.

○ Often feels impersonal (yes, people know you’re using a service to do it automatically)

Effective? Annoying? What’s your take?

As of 2014, auto-DMs were the #1 reason given by Twitter users for unfollowing someone.

(Just sayin’)

Creating a Twitter Strategy

● Questions to ask:○ What will you use your account for? (News? Content

curation? Customer service?)

○ What sorts of things do you want to share? (Commentary on current events? Evergreen content? Deals/discounts?)

○ How often will you post?○ How will you use your account to engage your followers?

Let’s talk to Tom!

Let’s look at some examples of brands that are really killing it on Twitter!

The White House (@WhiteHouse)

Denny’s (@DennysDiner)

GE (@GeneralElectric)

Career Contessa (@CareerContessa)

Let’s discuss!

● How do YOU use Twitter?● Are you going to try anything new after this

webinar?● Do you follow any brands that you think are

killing it on Twitter?