Trangie Central School Newsletter 25th June 2020 Term 2 Week 9 · 2020-06-25 · 3.30pm TCS library...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Trangie Central School Newsletter 25th June 2020 Term 2 Week 9 · 2020-06-25 · 3.30pm TCS library...

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Address: Derribong Street (PO Box 6) Trangie 2823

Phone: 6888 7578

Fax: 6888 7602


Website: Principal: Anne Holden

Deputy Principal: Gary Hansen (Relieving)

Head Teachers: Belinda Haigh (Relieving) Jessica Skinner Kate Wilson

Assistant Principals: Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh

School Admin Manager: Jaye Milgate

Parents & Citizens Association

President: Holly Anderson

Vice President: Emily Seccombe

Secretary: Samantha Dumbrell

Treasurer: Jaye Milgate

Trangie Central School Newsletter

25th June 2020 Term 2 - Week 9

What’s On

P & C Meeting

Tuesday 11th August 2020

3.30pm TCS library

Everyone Welcome!

Wk 9 26/6 Yrs K-12 NAIDOC Week Activity Day @ TCS - See above

Wk 10 30/6 & 2/7 Yrs 7-12 Rugby League LIFT Program @ TCS 3.15pm-4.15pm

1/7 Yr 10 Subject Selection Preparation 10.00am-11.00am

2/7 Yrs K-6 Jump Rope for Heart @ TCS 2.00pm-3.00pm

3/7 Yrs K-12 Term Two RAMS Reward Day @ TCS 2.00pm-3.00pm

3/7 Students last day for Term 2!

Wk 1 21/7 Students return for Term 3!

Tomorrow, students in Years K-12 are celebrating NAIDOC Week.

Students can wear red, black, and yellow (Aboriginal) OR blue and green (Torres Strait Islander) flag colours for the day.

A sausage sizzle will be provided for all students.

NAIDOC looks a little different this year with COVID and unfortunately we won’t be able to invite the community. However, our TCS students and staff are excited to

participate in many cultural activities to celebrate the theme for this year;

Always Was, Always Will Be.

Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

To stay up to date and follow our day of celebration, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Teach your children well

From the principal Hi everyone – Trangie Central School – High Expectations, aspiring always to Excellence.

What a Term This is the last newsletter for Term 2 and I can honestly say that it has not been the easiest term in my career, or anyone else’s for that matter. We struggled through years of drought and as it rained, we felt such tremendous relief that we might be seeing our way towards a better future. Then, COVID descended on us and we entered the most challenging times with many people anxious for their safety and children and teachers having to completely change how they learned and taught. In only a few short weeks we have been turned upside down and it has been incredibly stressful for everyone. And just when we thought that things were difficult, we lost Seth, and we found out what sadness really felt like.

As I watch the news and see what is happening around the world, though, I am constantly reminded of how very glad I am to be living in Trangie. I feel fortunate indeed to be a part of this great little community.

ENROL NOW for Kindergarten 2021 Early Birds 2020 is going strong and the youngest members of our school are learning so many skills. We have seen over the many years of our outstanding Early Birds program that the students have an unbeatable preparation for Kindergarten. Students are so confident with their environment that the students have no fear of ‘Big School’ and start school as if they have always been here. They learn from the very first day with no ‘settling in’ troubles or tears.

When I watch our Early Birds playing in the playground, being cared for by our beautiful, kind primary students, they look happy and confident. They are learning about playing with others, sharing, and cooperating and having a great time while they do it.

Kindergarten 2021 will be a straight Kindy class and an opportunity not to be missed. Our staff are extensively trained in ‘Big Ideas in Number’, L3 and Phonics and are experts at teaching Early Stage 1 students.

If you would like to see our lovely school in action, just call and I will be proud as always to show you around.

Sad News It was with great sadness that we heard this week of the passing of Bevan Tatnell. I know that Bevan had worked at Nyngan High School and Narromine High School as well as TCS before I came to Trangie but my knowledge of Bevan was as a keen teacher of our adult Photography class. Bevan was also an enthusiastic member of Mr Holden’s ‘Grumpy Old Men’ club.

Bevan was a lovely man and I know that many people in our community, including myself, have very fond memories of him.

Thumbs up to the Trangie Community for their generosity in support of Seth Holmes’ family. Our community’s capacity for kindness and empathy knows no bounds and this was demonstrated by the financial support and catering for the wake, to make the Holmes’ family’s burden of burying their beautiful

boy just a little easier. Finally …….. My door is and always has been open – whether you are happy, sad or mad. I need to know if we are not doing something right but I also need to know that you trust our motives and our intentions. I do teach, so if you need to talk to me for any reason, just call the office and arrange a time that I am not on class or in a meeting. Also, don’t forget our suggestion box at each side of the school.

Everything we do, every single day is for YOUR children. If we can do it better, tell us. Facebook is definitely for cowards – so please tell us to our face!

Also, give your child the most valuable gift in the world – a good education – so send them EVERY day. We have a great school and it is such good value for very little money.

Walanginya Yawarra-ndhu (Be good, be careful) Anne Holden Staff Smile of the Week (Week 8)

Goes to Cheryl for filling in with Breakfast Club.

Teach your children well

SECONDARY Deputy Principal

Gary Hansen (Relieving)

Head Teachers Belinda Haigh (Relieving)

Jessica Skinner Kate Wilson

Head Teacher’s Report

RAMS Rewards

With a little over a week to go, we are looking forward to our RAMS Rewards day next Friday 3rd July. Year Advisers have been getting ideas from their Year groups for how to end the term on a fun and positive note, and it should be a great afternoon.

Students who have been on a red monitoring card this term will be assisting Mr Hansen in this time, rather than attending the Rewards activities.

Thank you!

As this is the last newsletter for Term 3, and my last Head Teacher’s report for now, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our secondary staff – teachers, SLSOs, admin staff, cleaners and the executive team – for their outstanding response to the demands placed on us by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have had to respond quickly and thoughtfully as the situation has rapidly changed, and we have done so, keeping our students safe and learning from wherever they may be.

We couldn’t have done this without the support of families and communities either; a big pat on the back to you all, as well! Kate Wilson Head Teacher

Teach your children well

Assistant Principals

Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh PRIMARY

Assistant Principal’s Report

Competitions Our school students enter a few competitions as they arise. This year a lot of our regular academic events such as the CWA Public Speaking, The Da Vinci challenge and the Premier’s Spelling Bee have been cancelled due to Covid 19. This is unfortunate, particularly for our kids who excel in the academic arena.

Some competitions, particularly for writing, are still being offered. We will list them in the newsletter as they arise for families who are interested. Some may also be taken up in class by the classroom teacher.

Last week several of our students won awards and gift vouchers from the Trangie Pharmacy for their entries in the Easter Colouring in competition. Well done to Piper, Amelia and Jack.

YOUNG ARCHIE COMPETITION Bathurst Regional Art Gallery Budding artists between the ages of 3 and 18 are invited to submit a portrait for the Young Archie competition, as part of our family focused activities for the 2020 Archibald Prize regional tour.

The portrait should be of a person who is special to you — someone who is known to you and plays a significant role in your life.

Competition opens: Friday 19 June Entries must be received by: Monday 3 August, 5pm

Teach your children well

Assistant Principals

Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh PRIMARY

Quality Learning Congratulations to the following students who have been working hard in class and taking pride in the quality of their work.

Reminders …..

Arriving and Departing from School Families, please be aware that Primary children must be dropped off and collected from the Derribong street entrance (where the school crossing is).

ONLY bus children are to leave through the bus gate. This is a safety rule and we appreciate your support with this matter.

Please remember that our school has a terrific library, full of books waiting to be borrowed. Trangie also has a well stocked town library available to our community. This makes it easy to ensure that your child is reading each night. If they have a home reader from school, they should read that first before their own reading for leisure.


Jacky Murtagh Assistant Principal

Virtual Opportunity Class Parents of academically excelling children in Year 4 (2020) are invited to submit an application for Aurora’s Virtual opportunity class. The class is focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) and involves the students working online for part of their school day in Years 5 and 6 on an accelerated program.

Applicants from rural NSW sit a test in September 2020, with the top students around the state selected for the two year program. Last year, Kestrel was involved in the pilot program and our school encourages families to participate in the application process.

Applications close Friday 26th June.

Teach your children well

Assistant Principals

Jo-Anne Ellis Jacky Murtagh PRIMARY

This term has certainly been different, from our teaching, learning, transition to school, and class structure to new habits that we complete daily.

It was a welcome change to able to start our Interest Groups this term. Students are embracing this term’s activities. I’m not sure if it’s because they are amazing activities this term or if students are thrilled to get back into enjoying their learning via their ‘interests’.

Some of the Year 7 LOTE class preparing themselves for Miss Rowley to record them. Just one way to revise numbers in the Wiradjuri Language. Check them out on Trangie Central School Face book Page.

This is how Alirah paints part of her book that Kindergarten have created when she comes to Miss Rowley. She has wings on, a hat to suit, a princess dress and jewellery. What could I say but just to snap that moment. Cheryl Rowley LST/LOTE Teacher

Right: One caterpillar on its way! Below: Priceless smiles.

Below: Cloud always having fun. Look at that smile!

Below: Lachlan enjoying creating his caterpillar.

Teach your children well

Parent info

ICAS will return to Trangie Central School this year. We encourage you to consider entering your child in ICAS. This fantastic assessment program allows students to

challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts.

You can now pay for ICAS online! To confirm your child’s participation, visit and enter our

unique school code SGZ559 to make a direct payment to UNSW Global.

Online payment now closes on 26/07/2020.

Teach your children well


Teach your children well

Teach your children well