Tourism, Social Media and Church Tourism

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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A general introduction to social media in tourism including a series of quick win tips to get new tourism businesses on the ladder. Presentation delivered to the Churc Tourism Network in Wales in Cardiff St Hilary's College

Transcript of Tourism, Social Media and Church Tourism

Social media in tourism

A presentation


Andrew Lloyd Hughes


Hands up who ...

Knows what social media is?

Has a Facebook account?

Has a Twitter account?

Has a blog?

So what is social media?

So what is social media?

A category of websites

Based on user participation

Which people use to share.....

Opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives with each other

Some examples...

Why should we get involved?

There’s been a fundamental shift

Our customers are playing elsewhere

We need to play there too

We need to be where they want us to be

Why should we get involved?

85% consumers trust recos from other consumers

It’s BIG! ....and getting bigger!

Search engine benefits

Why should we get involved?

85% consumers trust recos from other consumers

It’s BIG! ....and getting bigger!

Search engine benefits

It will take 550 years to watch all the videos on YouTube

750m people viewed Wikipedia last year

77% of all active internet users read blogs

Twitter has generated over 6 trillion tweets to date

By the time I finish, over 1000 more hours of video added to You Tube

190 million people planned holidays on TripAdvisor this week!

Why should we get involved?

Why should we get involved...

“When I travelled to Hawaii recently, I researched the “Fairmont Orchid” hotel on flickr, YouTube and Tripadvisor…before ever going to the Fairmont corporate site. The authentic comments found on these social media sites are much more compelling to me than hotel website pictures and text.”

“I was just booking a business trip to Stockholm and made a hotel choice I never would have considered, all based on Flickr pics and Trip advisor comments.”

Chamonix 2009

Why should I get involved...

I think...

...can change how people see you

...meets the demands of the market

...can give you a greatly enhanced presence online free and effective!

“a traditional website is no longer enough”

Social media....

A traditional website is no longer enough

Some quick wins...

1. Show you’re connected!

2. Join Linked-In

3. Join or set up a group on Linked-In

4. Set up a Wordpress blog

....and research other blogs via Google

5. Upload some images to Flickr

6. Use flickr to find other images

7. Use someone’s images on Flickr

8. Learn how to search flickr effectively

9. Understand how to select images

10. Learn how to blog images on flickr

11. Learn how to tweet your flickr post

The results are plain to see....

12. Learn how to ‘favourite’ flickr images

13....and how to use them positively!

14. Show you’re connected by email

15. ‘Listen’ to twitter, then jump in.

16. Buy a Smart Phone

17. Learn how to use FourSquare

18. Add an incentive for FourSquare users

19. Learn how to use Facebook Places...


20. Facebook. Learn how to be broad

21. Understand and experiment with QR codes

....on site......

....or on leaflets.....

...or anywhere else too......

Some NOT so quick wins...

Some NOT so quick wins...

Some NOT so quick wins...

Some NOT so quick wins...

Some NOT so quick wins...


I don’t do phone numbers!

Find me via social media...

Linked-In is the best.

That’s it, the end.

Time for Discussion?