Topic: The Area around the school. Game about Shops Tópico: El área cercana al colegio. Juego de...

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Topic: The Area around the school. Game about Shops Tópico: El área cercana al colegio. Juego de...

Topic: The Area around the school. Game about ShopsTópico: El área cercana al colegio. Juego de las tiendas

French English Spanish•What’s the shop called?•Who works there ?•What can you buy there ?•How often do you go there?

•¿Cómo se llama esta tienda?•¿Quién trabaja allí?•¿ Qué puedes comprar en ella?•¿Cuántas veces vas?

Une maison de la presse Un marchand de journaux

Newsagents News agent Quiosco QuiosqueroQuiosquera

Une épicerie Un épicier une épicière

Grocery Grocer Ultramarinos TenderoTendera

Une pharmacie Un pharmacienUne pharmacienne

Chemist Chemist Farmacia FarmacéuticoFarmacéutico

Une poste Un postierUne postière

Post Office Postman Correos Cartero

Un restaurant Un restaurateurUne restauratrice

Restaurant Waiter Restaurante CamareroCamarera

Un salon de coiffure Un coiffeurUne coiffeuse

Hairdresser Hairdresser Peluqueria PeluqueroPeluquera


What’s the shop called? This shop is called newsagent.Who works there ? News agent works there.What can you buy there ? I can buy newspapers and magazines.How often do you go there? I go there every day to buy a newspaper and sometimes to buy a magazine.


What’s the shop called? This shop is called grocery.Who works there ? Grocer works there.What can you buy there ? I can buy food there.How often do you go there? I go there every day.

What’s the shop called? This shop is called chemist.Who works there ? Chemist works there.What can you buy there ? I can buy medicines, toothpaste and creams there.How often do you go there? I go there sometimes, when I’m ill or I need it.

What’s the shop called? This shop is called post office.Who works there ? Postman works there.What can you buy there ? I can buy stamps, envelops and send mailsHow often do you go there? I sometimes go there, but not usually.

What’s the shop called? This shop is called restaurant.Who works there ? The cook and the waiter work there .What can you buy there ? I can goint there to have something to drink and eat.How often do you go there? I go there ...

What’s the shop called? This shop is called hairdresser.Who works there ? Hairdresser works there.What can you buy there ? I can goint there to have your hair done.How often do you go there? I go there ...

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