Top 10 Strategies For Success Report

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Top 10 Strategies For Success Report

Top 10 Strategies for Success Strategies to help you achieve your goals

Combine these strategies with our Signature System,

Goals for Greatness and you will not only achieve each

and every goal, but you’ll do it effortlessly.

Debra Larson

Wealth & Marketing Coach

Signature Success Solutions, LLC

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

Copyright Signature Success Solutions, LLC

United States of America

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

About Debra

Debra Larson, Wealth and Marketing Coach, founder and creator of Signature Success

Solutions, IAHR – International Association of Homepreneur Resources, Empowerment 4u!, and

author of Simply Wealthy.

After 20 years in marketing and business development, with the mindset that working harder, longer

hours would not only set the foundation for her and her husband’s future, but would earn more

money so they could live the lifestyle they so desired.

While she thought they were living a very successful lifestyle, the American dream, to only find out

that money and all material items could be taken away in one big swoop, however the true essence

of their beings could not.

Hello! I’m Debra. At the beginning of the recession, not unlike many Americans, we thought we had

lost everything, only to find out, we still had so much to be grateful for and to offer.

A much humbler, gentler me set out on quest to help other entrepreneurs change the standard

business model. It was important for me to share that you can work less, make more, give more and

live a fulfilled life while being truly authentic within everything you do and be more successful than

ever before.

My specialty courses and coaching are designed to help you find your own value, create multiple

streams of income and to cash in on your own uniqueness, while enjoying a very fulfilled and

balanced life.

Congratulations for being here now and taking stock in your own personal development which in

turn will help your business grow immensely.

Enjoy True Wealth & Abundance from Within,


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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

Top 10 Strategies for Success

Use these simple steps to move you smartly

forward towards meeting and achieving each and

every goal you set out for yourself.

1. Start Small

Quite possibly the biggest mistake people make is

concentrating on the Top, BIG goal at hand. Many times

what happens is that they try to accomplish this big goal

without the proper plan. They end up pushing themselves

in the wrong direction and quitting before they’ve even


Think about this for a moment:

An aircraft burns a lot of fuel when taking off since it takes

quite a lot of energy to get a 400 ton plane moving. But

once it is up in the thin air and cruising at 500MPH, it is

burning less fuel per-person than an economy car (and

going a lot faster).

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

Okay, so what this means is to get a jet in the air, it burns

most of its fuel just on taking off, and there is a lot more

preparation just getting ready TO take off.

So, when you are setting your goals, here at Signature

Success Solutions, we not only give you a Signature

System to meet and achieve each and every one of your

goals, we help you get in the right “mindset” to choose the

correct goals in each and every area of your life, while

setting up achievable action steps that are easy to use.

Preparation has as much to do with goal achievement as

the steps you will take to achieve those goals.

2. Get It On Paper

Whether setting your first goals, tracking daily progress, or

sharing your deepest thoughts with a journal, writing

things down crystallizes your ideas, exposes underlying

fears, and paints an accurate picture of real life.

Signature Success Shortcut:

With our Goals for Greatness Signature System, we give

you a professional workbook along with a step by step

audio that will help you keep all of this information in one

area, all while showing you easy steps to put in place that

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

3. Focus On Everyday Habits

The building blocks of a successful business and balanced

lifestyle are forged in the smallest of actions you take

every day and every week. Making the right choices and

taking the right action steps that are only focused on the

goal at hand. Setting goals for each area of life; business,

personal, financial and spiritual can be achieved so you

feel balanced and fulfilled, while consistently growing.

Constantly setting, scheduling and achieving your goals

are pertinent to your success. We will show you how to do

this even during the hectic times of your life. If you haven’t

been successful at goal setting in the past, no worries, we’ll

show you a way that won’t make you ever feel

overwhelmed as well as taking the anxiety out of goal


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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

Soon following your action steps will become as natural as

brushing your teeth or locking the front door. Build one

good habit, one action at a time.

4. Always See Your Goal

Goals need attention.

They need to be seen and thought of often if you ever

hope for them to come true. How many times have you set

a bunch of goals in January, only to have March come

around and you’ve forgotten about every single one of

them? I have done this myself!

So have a system that reminds you of the goals at hand.

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

Signature Success Solutions, not only has a SIMPLE system,

it’s effective. Weekly you are achieving mini goals and re-

evaluating what worked, what didn’t. It becomes part of

your weekly schedule, easy – simple!

5. Be Consistent

Now imagine the plane taking off we talked about

earlier. In the beginning, a lot of energy is spent to simply

get moving down the runway. But as speed and

momentum take over, the plane is pulled forward and up

into the sky, faster and further by the second. Consistent

action, no matter how small, has more power than you

ever imagined.

We’ll not only show you HOW to be consistent. But, help

you decide the RIGHT action steps to take. Before you

know it, you’ll be on your own flight soaring to success!

6. Never Stop Learning

A Successful Business and Balanced Lifestyle is a process. If

you are truly being authentic within your business and true

to yourself in your life, this will become way more of a

journey than a destination.

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

You can always learn more about business success,

balance in all areas, and how to blur the lines between

work and life while getting the support you desire with our

complimentary trial offer at our exclusive association IAHR

– International Association of Homepreneur Resources.

Learn through professionals how to achieve more, be

more effective and take less time doing it, so you can get

back to living.

The most important part is to set yourself up so you can

be just a little bit better tomorrow. One of the most

powerful ways to do this is to surround your self with

others that have a similar mindset and success goals. It is a

well known fact that if you write your goals and have a

support system in place, the success rate of meeting those

goals goes up 75% - that is BIG percentage.

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

7. Come Out of Seclusion

Has anyone ever achieved anything of real value all

alone? Not too many that I know of. Most receive some

form of help from other people. Support, information, a

sense of shared experience, encouragement, advice, and a

well-timed pep talk are all invaluable as you set off on

your adventure.

Whether you are part of our Empowerment 4u! Coaching

and Strategy sessions or you attend our tele-seminars they

will help you stay connected.

Signature Success Shortcut:

Our Empowerment 4u! Mastermind Groups and 1on1 Coaching

Sessions will not only give you the support you are looking for, but it

will gently challenge you to be better in all areas of your life. With

this kind of support it will help keep you accountable and move you

forward quickly towards success within your business. By joining one

of our coaching groups, you will find this is the absolute quickest

way towards achieving success.

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

8. Allow For Setbacks

Accept the fact right now that you will make mistakes, and

perhaps even take a wrong turn every once in awhile. And,

that it can be a positive thing. We are usually harder on

ourselves than we are on anyone else we know. Be your

own #1 fan, so be supportive but not negative or critical.

Within all of our Empowerment 4u! Coaching Groups, the

negativity is left at the door. This doesn’t mean we don’t

come across challenging times; it’s just that we handle

Signature Success Tip: I highly recommend you

become part of our International Association of

Homepreneur Resources Community. IAHR membership

allows you to connect with other like-minded

homepreneurs, small business owners and solo-

entrepreneurs who not only seek resources, but the

support and inspiration all in one place so that you can

create an abundant, authentic business. Get our

complimentary trial membership today!

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Top 10 Strategies for Success

them a bit differently here while looking at other avenues

and options we can take to get around that brick wall,

mountain or bump in the road.

When you stumble, we recognize it, embrace it and come

up with a solution to move you forward.

When you WIN, we celebrate and enjoy them, the small

wins and the big. Then we figure out what you did, and do

more of it, so you are constantly moving towards your own

abundance and authentic success

9. Trust Your Plan

You’ll have up weeks and down weeks, and frustrating

weeks that make no sense at all.

The tools and strategies you are learning and the ones we

provide in our Goals for Greatness Signature System, will

help you build a plan that makes a successful business and

a balanced, fulfilled lifestyle almost inevitable.

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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

By tracking on a weekly basis what worked and what

didn’t, you are always able to course correct while staying

true to the action steps and goals at hand, and it only

takes a FEW minutes each week – easy and simple.

If you consistently make the right choices and build

successful habits, true wealth and abundance is literally

just a matter of time.

10. Have Fun!!!

Who says making 6 and multiple 6 figures has to be a

chore? Having a successful business and balanced,

fulfilled life IS within reach, and you don’t have to wait to

have it.

Who says goals are a burden to be endured or suffered


Probably a very unhappy person, who didn’t have a

Signature System and support that they needed, that’s


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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

This is an exciting adventure of self-discovery and building

a meaningful life while enjoying true wealth, and authentic

success within your business.

Enjoy the journey! Start living your life NOW! And, create

fulfillment and abundance in everything you do!


Enjoy True Wealth & Abundance,


Debra Larson

P.S. We want to hear from you! Sign up for your

COMPLIMENTARY trial membership at IAHR: International

Association of Homepreneur Resources today and tell us

what goals you are setting and achieving. We will give you

the support to meet them!!! You may connect to the

membership at – click on the IAHR


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Empowerment 4U!

Top 10 Strategies for Success

P.P.S. If you haven’t purchased your Goals for Greatness

Workbook, Audio and Home Study Course yet, do so now.

If you type in the promo code: Success, you will receive an

additional 25% off. I want to see you be successful too!

Don’t delay I’m not sure how long we’ll keep this

promotion going. Don’t rob yourself of the success you


Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty

While the authors have used their best efforts in preparing this

report, they make no representation or warranties with respect to

the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically

disclaim any implied warranties. The advice and strategies

contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should

consult with a professional where appropriate. The authors shall

not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages,

including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or

other damages.