TOKİ MEHMET AKİF ERSOY SECONDARY SCHOOL … · Web viewatch the questions and answers. (Soru ve...

Post on 02-May-2018

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Transcript of TOKİ MEHMET AKİF ERSOY SECONDARY SCHOOL … · Web viewatch the questions and answers. (Soru ve...


Name Surname : Class/Number:

A) Match the correct word with the correct pictures.(Eşleştirin) (15x2=30 points)

___________ _____________ ______________ _____________ ___________

___________ _____________ ______________ _____________ ___________

___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ _____________ B) Match the questions and answers.(Soru ve cevapları eşleştirin)(6x3=18pts)

1- How was your last holiday? a- It was warm and sunny.

2- Where were you? b- I was with my friends.

3- Who was with you? c- Last summer.

4- How was the weather? d- I learned swimming and diving.

5- What did you do? e- I was in Antalya.

6- When did you go there? f- It was great.

C) Write suitable jobs (Boşluklara uygun mesleği yazınız) (10x2=20pts)

1- __________ can cut and dye hair. 6- ____________ can draw building plans.

2- __________ can mend cars. 7 ____________ can teach you new things

3- __________ can cut and sew fabric. 8- ____________ can write prescriptions.

4- __________ can use a spaceship 9- ____________ can write letters, answers phones

5- __________ can fly the plane. 10- ____________ can look after ill people.

Nurse, Architect, Pilot, Hairdresser, Mechanic, Teacher, Tailor, Astronaut, Doctor, Secretary,

scared tent farm sunbathing rollercoaster

carousel cook artist pick berries climb mountains

diving gardener sightseeing snowy dentist







E) Match the dates.(4 tane doğru tarihi okunuşlarıyla eşleştirin) (4x2=8p)

a) nineteen ninety five _________ c) eighteen seventy six ______b) two thousand and three ________ d) nineteen eighty six ______

F) Find the answers (Cevapları bulun) (6x2=12pt)

1) Özellikleri verilen mesleği işaretleyiniz.

She writes accounting programmes She meets customers She listens their needs and take notes

a) tailor b) barber c) nurse d) computer programmer

2) My children played in the garden _________ .a) everyday b) now c) today d) yesterday

3) Bob: - - - - ? Ann: Yes, please. I’m very hungry.

a) Let's go to the cinemab) Do you like lemonadec) How about restingd) Would you like a sandwich

4) George broke his leg two weeks _________ .a) ago b) last c) yesterday d) today

5) He has got a calculator. He is good at numbers, figures and maths. What is his job?

a) pencil b) mechanic c) actor d) accountant

6) What time does Ali start work in the morning?

a) I like pizza b) I have breakfast c) He starts at five d) Yes, I do


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