To know him

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of To know him

To Know


Hebrews 11:6But without faith it is

impossible to please

Him, for he who comes

to God must believe that

He is, and that He is a

rewarder of those who

diligently seek Him.

Exodus 3:13,1413 Then Moses said to

God, “Indeed, when I

come to the children of

Israel and say to them,

‘The God of your fathers

has sent me to you,’ and

they say to me, ‘What is

His name?’ what shall I

say to them?”

Exodus 3:13,1414 And God said to

Moses, “I AM WHO I

AM.” And He said, “Thus

you shall say to the

children of Israel, ‘I AM

has sent me to you.’”

To Know Him

• He is revealed in


Romans 1:20,2120 For since the creation

of the world His invisible

attributes are clearly

seen, being understood

by the things that are

made, even His eternal

power and Godhead, so

that they are without


Romans 1:20,2121 because, although they

knew God, they did not

glorify Him as God, nor

were thankful, but

became futile in their

thoughts, and their foolish

hearts were darkened.

Psalm 8:3,43 When I consider Your

heavens, the work of

Your fingers, the moon

and the stars, which You

have ordained, 4 what is

man that You are mindful

of him, and the son of

man that You visit him?

To Know Him

• He is revealed in


• He is revealed in


Hebrews 1:1-31 God, who at various

times and in various

ways spoke in time past

to the fathers by the


Hebrews 1:1-32 has in these last days

spoken to us by His

Son, whom He has

appointed heir of all

things, through whom

also He made the


Hebrews 1:1-33 who being the

brightness of His glory

and the express image of

His person, and upholding

all things by the word of

His power, when He had

by Himself purged our sins,

sat down at the right hand

of the Majesty on high.

John 10:30

“I and My Father

are one.”

John 14:77 “If you had known Me,

you would have known

My Father also; and

from now on you know

Him and have seen


John 14:99 Jesus said to him,

“Have I been with you so

long, and yet you have

not known Me, Philip? He

who has seen Me has

seen the Father; so how

can you say, ‘Show us

the Father’?

To Know Him

• He is revealed in


• He is revealed in


• He is revealed in us!

Ephesians 5:1

Therefore be

imitators of God as

dear children.

1Peter 2:9But you are a chosen

generation, a royal

priesthood, a holy nation,

His own special people,

that you may proclaim the

praises of Him who called

you out of darkness into

His marvelous light;

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine

before men, that they

may see your good

works and glorify your

Father in heaven.

To Know Him

• He is revealed in


• He is revealed in


• He is revealed in us!

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