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To Kill a MockingbirdReading Guide: Part 2 (Chapters 12-31)

**WRITE: write in complete sentences; **THINK: jot down thoughts/ideas in phrases, bullet pts., etc.

Chapter 12THINK 1. Jem is now 12 years old. There is a widening gap of understanding between

Scout and Jem. Find two examples which illustrate the emotional distance between them.

WRITE 2. How do you explain Lula’s antagonism toward Jem and Scout?

WRITE 3. Scout finds the church service to be similar to her own except for a few differences. Explain what these are?

THINK 4. Why does Cal speak one way around the colored people and another way around white people? Is she being honest or hypocritical in what she does? Explain.

Name: _______________________________ Hour: ___________ DUE DATE: ____________________

Chapter 13:THINK 5. Scout and Aunt Alexandra communicate very poorly with each other. Is the

fault more with one than the other, or they equally at fault? Explain.

THINK 6. Discuss Cousin Joshua Finch as:a. Atticus describes him:

b. Aunt Alexandra describes him:

c. Explain the difference in their opinions:

WRITE 7. What sis Scout mean when she started, “I know what he was trying to do, but Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind of work.”

Chapter 14:WRITE 8. How does Aunt Alexandra feel about Calpurnia? Explain why this is “in

character” for Aunt Alexandra

WRITE 9. Why is Scout so happy about the brawl with Jem?

THINK 10. Explain how Jem “broke the remaining code of our childhood.”

WRITE 11. Dill tries to explain to Scout why he did not want to stay with his mother and step-father. State his reasons briefly in your own words.

Chapter 15 THINK 12. Atticus discusses the Klu Klux Klan and concludes by saying that the Klan

is gone. Is this statement correct? Explain.

THINK 13. Describe the events prior to the scene at the Maycomb jail that show the tension and unrest of the town. Be specific.

THINK 14. Discuss the irony of the following statement and the situation which it describes “…there followed what I later realized was a sickeningly comic aspect of an unfunny situation: the men talked in near-whispers.”

WRITE 15. Why does Jem openly defy Atticus and refuse to leave?

WRITE 16. What does Scout’s childish attempt at conversation accomplish? Explain?

THINK 17. Why was Atticus so affectionate toward Jem after Jem had disobeyed him?

Chapter 16: THINK 18. Atticus is in disagreement with Aunt Alexandra over many things. Discuss

at least two matters of disagreement and each one’s possessions or point of view.

THINK 19. Paraphrase how Atticus explains the mob’s actions to Scout.

WRITE 20. Why do you suppose a man like Mr. Underwood (who is a known hater of African Americans) was covering Atticus at the jail?

WRITE 21. Mr. Dolphus Raymond is evidently a complicated and interesting person. Describe his way of life and comment on its effect upon the town.

THINK 22. Judge Taylor’s appearance and his ability are two different things. Why do you think this difference exists? Does he appear as he does on purpose?

Chapter 17WRITE 23. Atticus spends a great deal of time discussing Mayella Ewell’s injuries.

What does he seem to want to reveal?

WRITE 24. The Ewell’s are “poor white trash.” Explain this term according to what you know about the way they live and the kind of people they have appeared to be up to this point.

Chapter 18THINK 25. Mayella Ewell is both disgusting and pathetic. Give examples of both

qualities by quoting statements she makes.

WRITE 26. What is so important about Tom Robinson’s physical appearance? What, according to the testimony, does this prove beyond a doubt.

Chapter 19WRITE 27. In contrast to the Ewells, what kind of person is Tom Robinson? Explain

with evidence.

THINK 28. Why does Atticus mention Tom’s previous record of conviction?

WRITE 29. According to Tom’s testimony, what actually happened on November 21? Be specific.

WRITE 30. What “mistake” did Tom make in saying that he felt “sorry” for Mayella?

THINK 31. Explain Scout’s statement that “she (Mayella) was even lonelier than Boo Radley.”

Chapter 20THINK 32. How does Mr. Raymond defend his deliberate appearance of drunkenness?

THINK 33. Why does he tell Scout and Dill about his life?

WRITE 34. In five or six sentences, paraphrase Atticus’ summation (closing speech) to the jury.

Chapter 21THINK 35. How does Scout “know” the verdict before she hears it?

WRITE 36. Why do the Negroes stand when Atticus leaves the courtroom?

Chapter 22WRITE 37. How does Atticus feel when the verdict is announced?

THINK 38. After Jem expresses disillusionment over the trial and the verdict, Miss Maudie defends the town and its peple. Paraphrase what she says to Jem.

WRITE 39. What causes Miss Maudie to say that at least they have made a “baby step” in the right direction?

Chapter 23WRITE 40. How does Atticus react to Bob Ewell’s threat against him?

THINK 41. Explain Atticus’ statements about the following:a. “reasonable doubt”

b. “When it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins.”

c. “People have a way of carrying their resentments right into the jury box.”

d. “It’s all adding up, and one of these days we are going to pay the bill for it.”

WRITE 42. Briefly show the difference in attitude toward the Cunninghams as expressed by:a. Attiucs:

b. Aunt Alexandra:

THINK 43. Why can’t Jem accept Scout’s opinion that there is “just one kind of folk—folks.”?

Chapter 24WRITE 44. What unfortunate characteristics do the ladies of the missionary circle

display? Do you think this is typical of such groups?

WRITE 45. Discuss the irony of Mrs. Merriweather’s admiration for J. Grimes Everett and her attitude toward the trial.

THINK 46. Scout feels she prefers men to women. Why? Do you agree with her reasons?

WRITE 47. What does Miss Maudie mean by “We’re paying the highest tribute we can pay a man.”?

THINK 48. In this chapter Scout learns something about being a true lady. Explain.

Chapter 25WRITE 49. How does most of the town react to Tom’s death?

THINK 50. In what ways is Mr. Underwood’s editorial in the Maycomb Tribune similar to Atticus’ advice to Jem and Scout when they get their guns?

Chapter 26THINK 51. Scout is growing up. Explain her feelings now about:

a. Their former cruel games concerning Boo Radley:

b. Her remaining desire to see Boo in person:

c. Atticus’ apparent knowledge about their previous activities:

d. “Current Events”:

WRITE 52. What is the irony of Miss Gates’ lecture on democracy when compared to her comments on the trial?

THINK 53. When Scout tries to tell Jem about Miss Gates, why does he react so violently? Explain Atticus’ answer to her about this.

Chapter 27WRITE 54. What were the three threatening things that had happened in Maycomb by

the middle of October?




How did the methods of each thing or occurance tel you about the kind of man Bob Ewell is?

THINK 55. Why do Atticus and Aunt Alexandra not intend to go to the Halloween pageant?

Chapter 28WRITE 56. What does Cecil Jacobs do before the pageant which helps set up the

incidents, which occur after the pageant?

WRITE 57. What things do Jem and Scout think the noise might be?

WRITE 58. How many people are finally involved in the skirmish under the tree? Name them.

Chapter 29WRITE 59. Who saved Jem and Scout?

THINK 60. Atticus and Heck Tate disagree over the essential worth of Bob Ewell. Whom do you agree with and why?

WRITE 61. Breifly describe the meeting between Scout and Boo. How does this compare to how she imagined the meeting would be?

Chapter 30THINK 62. There seems to be an immediate understanding between Scout and Boo.

Why do you think this is so?

WRITE 63. Atticus and Heck Tate have a heated argument. Does either of them really believe what he is saying?

WRITE 64. How does Scout assure Atticus that Mr. Tate is right?

Chapter 31WRITE 65. When she takes Boo home, Scout understands many things as she sees the

street from this new point of view. Explain some of the things she “sees” now.

WRITE 66. Describe the feelings you experienced as you read the closing scene.