TNA Workshop for IM Course Documentation

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An Inclusive Mobility Training Course Design is accepted as an Executive Education Course offering by the Ateneo School of Government Visit our website here: Like our Facebook page: Contact us at:

Transcript of TNA Workshop for IM Course Documentation



FEBRUARY 10, 2014

with generous support from



Ateneo School Of Government

Ateneo De Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City

February 10, 2014


Table of Contents

List of Acronyms .................................................................................................................... 4

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 5

Opening Program .................................................................................................................. 7

Welcome Address .................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Profiling of Participants ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

Presentation of the Rationale of the Training Needs Analysis ............................................... 11

Workshop 1: Determining the Goals of the Future Performance of the Organization ............ 14

Open Forum ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Workshop 2: Identification of Challenges that the LGU might face in the Future ................... 17

Open Forum ............................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Workshop 3: Determining Employee Performance in order to respond to the Challenges

and Attain Goals .................................................................................................................. 19

Open Forum ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19

Workshop 4: Identification of needed new skills, knowledge and attitude of the

Employees ........................................................................................................................... 22

Open Forum ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22

Synthesis and Moving Forward ............................................................................................ 23

Closing ................................................................................................................................ 26

List of Acronyms

AIP Annual Investment Plan

ASoG Ateneo School of Government

BRT Bus Rapid Transit

CCTV Closed-Circuit Television

CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan

E-vehicles Electric Vehicles

FTI Food Terminal Inc.

iBoP Asia Innovations at the Base of the Pyramid in Southeast Asia

IM Inclusive Mobility

LGU Local Government Unit

MMDA Metropolitan Manila Development Authority

MTMB Muntinlupa Traffic Management Bureau


TNA Training Needs Analysis

TWG Technical Working Group

UP-NCPAG University of the Philippines - National College of Public Administration and


UP-NCTS University of the Philippines-National Center for Transport Studies

Executive Summary

The Training Needs Analysis for Inclusive Mobility Course for Professionals Meeting held at the

School of Government, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights Quezon City last 10

February 2014, was attended by a total of 17 individuals coming from 8 different local

government units in Metro Manila. 29% of the participants were female while majority is

composed of male planners and other technical staff of the LGU. With support from the

Rockefeller Foundation, this event was organized by the Innovations at the Base of the Pyramid

in Southeast Asia (iBoP Asia) Program under the Inclusive Mobility Project of the Ateneo School

of Government (ASoG).

Dr. Segundo Romero, Project Director of Inclusive Mobility Project said in his welcome remarks

that the cooperation of the participants in helping the IM project team outline an IM course for

professionals delighted him. He emphasized that this meeting was intended to pick the brains of

the participants and specify the needed competencies at the LGU level to design a course that

would work according to the needs of those working on transport and mobility. The course is

also meant for LGUs to respond to the needs of their constituents. Dr. Romero contextualized

inclusive mobility with the idea of "letting the people help transform themselves" and not be too

dependent on infrastructure. He highlighted that the IM concept simply speaks of congruence of

people from all walks of life with all modes of transportation.

This TNA meeting aims to come up with a wish list of what the local government can study and

what competencies they would need to create a more sustainable urban transport. This meeting

can help come up with a course that will be responsive to the needs of the LGUs over the long

term. The project team thinks that this course is a good opportunity for the LGUs to increase

their capacity and competency especially in the area of inclusive mobility for transport. The

project team recognized that each city has different required expertise and hoped to widen the

competencies (in terms of knowledge, skills and orientation) of the participants at the end of

this meeting.

The training needs analysis meeting was divided into four stages managed through workshops.

The first workshop determined the goals of the future performance of the organization, the

second workshop identified the challenges that the LGUs might face in the future, the third

determined employee performance to respond to the challenges and attain goals and the fourth

and last workshop identified the needed new skills, knowledge and attitude of the employees.

Overall, the concept of inclusive mobility is something new to the participants. They were

familiar about the elements but they were unaccustomed to the whole IM concept. Dr. Danielle

Guillen gave the basic requirements of inclusive mobility and the notion of inclusivity within the

local government context. Contrary to what the participants think inclusive mobility does not

depend on the administration. Inclusivity is looking at the big picture, on the entirety of Metro

Manila's sustainable urban transport. She reiterated that the notion of inclusive mobility is not

to solve traffic rather increase mobility for all. The LGUs can be champions on IM and inspire

others to change their perspective on sustainable urban transport.

Some of the key points raised by the participants were as follows:

The problem mostly lies in program/ policy implementation hence, LGUs should be

consistent and political will is critical in achieving inclusive mobility.

In city planning, planners look at roads mostly for the benefit of private vehicles but not

for pedestrians.

LGUs should start with awareness especially with the key employees that are

contributory to inclusive mobility by looking at the existing policies and finding out the


To meet the transportation challenges, there should be a holistic vision that requires a

paradigm shift by the leaders.

The inclusive mobility role should not be assigned to a particular division or department

only, rather everyone in the LGU should be involved.

The LGUs acknowledged that as of the moment, IM is not yet embedded in LGU policies,

plans and programs, however in the creation of the LGU's AIP, inclusive mobility should

already be integrated.

Some of the notable suggestions from the participants were:

Create a TWG on IM

Create a new line item or position that would focus mainly or specifically on IM

Organize a training workshop on IM for awareness purposes

Consider a more rounded policy management in terms of project management

Include sanctions to those who disobey policies

Modify city ordinances to promote accessibility

The main difference of the IM course with other institutions offering courses on sustainable

urban transport is that other organizations are more technical in their method while the IM

training course is in a sense political as it aims to change the distribution of values in the society

and affects the behavior in the institutional and customer level.

In moving forward, the participants deemed it necessary to include (but not limited to)

Sustainable Transport and Climate Change, Monitoring and Evaluation of Mobility

Management Activities, Transportation Policies and Planning Practices, Urban Growth and

Strategies for Sustainable Development and Theory and Practice of Transportation

Planning as five areas to learn in the IM course. The team will draft a course and curriculum

design to be presented on March 6, 2014 to the same group present in this meeting.

Opening Program

The program started with the singing of the Philippine National Anthem followed by an

invocation led by Mr. Lorenzo Cordova, Research Associate of the Inclusive Mobility Project.

This meeting aims to conduct training needs analysis for the course development workshop for

professionals. The proposition on this inclusive mobility course has been presented to NCP and

Metro Planado and this meeting serves as the next step toward developing the course.

Welcome Address Dr. Segundo Romero, Director, iBoP Asia Program, Ateneo School of Government

Dr. Romero observed that the meeting with

Metro Planado was composed mostly of female

attendees but in this TNA meeting, majority of

the participants were male. The cooperation of

the participants in helping the IM project team

outline an IM course for professionals

delighted the team. There are and have been

plenty of courses offered on urban planning

and environmental management but these

courses were not designed specifically for


One of the outputs of the IM project is to come up with an IM course intended for professionals

specifically those working in planning, transport, mobility and road safety and responsive to the

needs of the LGUs. In this meeting, the project team hoped to pick the brains of the participants

and specify the needed competencies. The course would be designed according to the needs of

those working on transport and mobility. The course is also intended for LGUs to respond to the

needs of their constituents.

Inclusive mobility seemed like a new concept to the participants so Dr. Romero asked them to

think of their cities in terms of formal and informal and those with capacity to buy vehicles and

those who have none. To understand the idea further, he provided an illustration. In Metro

Manila, those who have no capacity to buy a vehicle sometimes use bikes to go to work from far-

flung areas like San Mateo Rizal to Makati City, putting their lives at risk on roads daily. In other

countries, biking is a primary mode of transportation that even officials and most LGU

employees use biking and walking as means to go to work daily. A lot of countries now are using

non-motorized forms of transport with the idea of "letting the people help transform

themselves" and not be too dependent on infrastructure. With these examples, the IM concept

simply speaks of congruence of people from all walks of life with all modes of transportation.

This is what the IM training is about and what the project team would like to imbed or share

with the LGUs.

Metro Manila, like Jakarta, will be growing to be one of the biggest cities in the world. So the

planners in the government sectors within these cities should think of more imaginative and

innovative ways of meeting the needs of the people they serve.

Dr. Romero also shared that he came from a meeting with MMDA to find out that this year there

will be eighteen infrastructure projects (some will happen simultaneously) in line for Metro

Manila. He wondered how this would work physically and reiterated that as public servants in

(local) government, they have political capital and a big responsibility in their hands over the

long term to do their mandated work and even beyond. Sometimes it is not a matter of intention

but should be backed up with the right competency. Seeing the big picture would allow them to

work on a specific issue per location and create more impact.

This TNA meeting aims to come up with a wish list of what the local government can study and

what competencies they would need to create a more sustainable urban transport. This meeting

can help come up with a course that will be responsive to the needs of the LGUs over the long

term. The course might require getting resource persons and knowledge from abroad when

needed. The project team thinks that this course is a good opportunity for the LGUs to increase

their capacity and competency especially in the area of inclusive mobility for transport. For the

participants, the team sees the course to be applicable to their continuing professional

education entitlement or be credited in postgraduate studies, but definitely this course will add

on to their competencies.

Profiling of Participants

As part of getting to know everyone on the table, the participants were given metacards and

pens and were asked to provide the following information about them:

Name Position City/ Office/ Organization Traffic and transport related initiatives they are currently working on Expectation on the workshop

All in all there were seventeen participants coming from eight LGUs in Metro Manila,

representing the City Planning and Development office, Urban Development office, Engineering

Department and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management office and with the following gender


The table below summarizes the responses submitted and reported in plenary:






Nick Llorence R.


Project Development

Officer, City Planning

and Development Office

- Pasay City

Hiring more traffic aide/ enforcers for more strict implementation of laws

Sidewalk clearing Anti-scavenging

To learn and

understand the

current situation of

traffic and transport

systems and to

address and solve the


Achilles L.



Management Chief, City

Planning and

Development Office -

Pasay City

Approval of recent CLUP Promotion of non-

motorized transport

To design a course

that suit the needs of


especially those in the

LGU or the local level.

Gregorio S.

Raposon Jr.

Project Development

Officer, City Planning

and Development Office

- Mandaluyong City

Project estimator of the Mayor (vertical and horizontal)

Zoning division: create and maintain set back of the project

Roberto J. Javier Zoning Officer II, Traffic

and Parking

Management Office -

Mandaluyong City

Member of former TWG

for the uniform traffic

code of Metro Manila. No

Outlined the traffic code of Metro Manila as member of the TWG

Goal of the TWG: set up traffic department per city in Metro Manila

TWG Outcome: Single ticketing system

Male 71%

Female 29%

Gender Representation






longer meeting as a

group because of change

in administration

Mandaluyong City is the first to include tricycle and pedicab regulation office as a division of traffic and management

Engr. Calvin A.


Engineer, Planning

Office - Marikina City

Update CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

Bikelanes Education for pedestrians

Improve the


information about

transportation and

land use to enhance

LGU capacity

Jennifer Michelle

D.L. Macas

Planning Officer II,

Urban Development

Department - Makati


Expanding pedestrian and bikeway network in the city

Promotion of the use of non-motorized vehicles

Promotion/ explanding the use of e-vehicles/ hybrid buses (BRT)

Upgrading/ enhancing infrastructures (roads, signage, etc.)

Promotion of road safety measures

Organizers can draw

out all the great ideas

from the participants

and can maintain the

active participation

among us.

Roberto Horique Section Head,

Monitoring Division

Engineering Department

- Muntinlupa City

City oversees disaster. Removal of illegal signage along the road. Trimming down trees that obstruct roads.

Beautification of national road for safety in transportation/ vehicles and pedestrian users

Member of sidewalk clearing operation by MMDA

Coordination from Traffic Management Bureau (MTMB) officer to their needs in study on traffic

To be more successful

on the study of these


Dionisio M.


Monitoring Inspector,

Engineering Department

- Muntinlupa City

Studies transport and traffic along Alabang to reduce traffic congestion

To adopt additional

knowledge on the

topic of this training.

Jerry G. Arciaga Monitoring Inspector,

Engineering Office -

Muntinlupa City

City overseer on disaster Task force illegal sidewalk


Additional Knowledge

about mobility

Alphipany G. Operation & Warning Retrofitting of bridges Additional ideas on






Roque Technical Staff, Disaster

Risk Reduction and

Management Office -

Malabon City

Setting of No Parking zones Sidewalk clearing

operations for pedestrians Re-routing scheme (heavy

traffic flow) CCTV on major roads and


public safety and

traffic management

Tomas (Tomet)


Zoning Officer, Planning

Office (Zoning division) -

Malabon City

Clearing of sidewalks No parking zones Implementation of one-

way streets

To minimize if not

eliminate traffic

Gissel B. Blanco Zoning Officer II, City

Planning and

Development Office -

Taguig City

(locational clearance and development permit)

Updating CLUP Implementation of Zoning


Additional knowledge

and skills

Ronnie M.


Zoning Officer II, City

Planning and

Development Office -

Taguig City

Updating the CLUP FTI Ayala Plans for

transport modes



knowledge about the

training/ seminar

Tess Quinto Chief, Research and

Statistics Division of

CPDO - Parañaque City

Daniel Jay


Administrative Assistant

I, Research and Statistics

Division of CPDO -

Parañaque City

To learn new things

Presentation of the Rationale of the Training Needs Analysis Mr. Lorenzo Cordova, Research Associate, IM Project

Mr. Cordova shared his excitement because of the varied representation from planning to

implementation to research in this meeting. The project team recognized that each city has

different required expertise and hoped to widen the competencies (in terms of knowledge, skills

and orientation) of the participants at the end of this meeting.

He introduced the IM project by showing a short video. Dr. Romero heads the IM project

together with Dr. Danielle Guillen under the iBoP Asia Program of the Ateneo School of

Government. The entire program focuses on social innovations and how these innovations work

for the poor and the vulnerable. Specifically, the IM project deals with the vulnerable sector in

the transport sector composed of 80% of the total population in Metro Manila. In 2011, the IM

project was funded by the Rockefeller foundation and since then has worked with LGUs,

academe and other transport stakeholders in Metro Manila.

The development of a course on IM for professionals is one of the project components. The

second component is related to the campaign of sustainable urban transport and utilizing the IM

framework where the project team is organizing and mobilizing a multi-stakeholder IM

Network. The first organizational meeting of the Network happened last February 4, 2014 with

only a few more steps needed until the Network is completely registered formally with the

Securities and Exchange Commission. The third component consists of designing a training

course for IM professionals and give capacity building for LGUs in the field of transport and

planning to address the challenges in sustainable urban transport and IM, which is what this

TNA meeting is about. The fourth and last project component is a research on transport

governance for possible indicators veering towards the right policies for the transport system

and how the national and local policies complement each other.

This training needs analysis meeting wishes to assess the particular competency and

development needs of the cities toward a more efficient transport system. TNA is a good

opportunity to customize the needs of the cities considering the possible dimensions on

engineering, technical, economic, social and the overall impact in the city.

The IM project team conducted few trainings on sustainable transport and climate change in

which many of the LGU offices from planning and transport offices participated. Mr. Cordova

showed another short video on the trainings that transpired. The video talked about sustainable

urban transport as being more than just infrastructure. Sustainable urban transport also

includes technology, social, economic and data that needs to be sewn together to be responsive

to the challenges of the LGUs. The project also conducted a Sustainable Urban Transport

technical tour funded by the Rockefeller foundation in Guangzhou China. Several LGU executives

and technical staff attended such as the Mayor of Muntinlupa, MMDA Chairman and Mayor of

Marikina, to name a few. All in all thirty-four participants were brought to Guangzhou to

examine its transportation system and how their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system integrates

with the walkable sidewalks, bikeways and open spaces (i.e. public parks).

Mr. Cordova discussed the framework of inclusive mobility as composed of the following ten


1. A transport system that works for the poor and the vulnerable. Statistics say that more

than 80% of the population of Metro Manila takes public transport but traffic is caused by 20%

using private vehicles. In this case, transport is seen also as a social right or social justice. A

planning related question on transport is whether to focus on the 80% of the population or the

20%? The challenge for transport planning is for it to work in both ways and not just favor a

particular sector.

2. A walkable, bikeable and accessible city. The truth is Metro Manila is not lagging behind

other cities in terms of having sustainable transport. There are some cities in developing

countries that go back to the basic ways of walking and biking just like what the city of Marikina

has done with their bikeways project. However, this type of program needs continuous


3. Moving people, not vehicles. If the framing of city planners is moving vehicles, it results to

traffic. The challenge related to inclusive mobility is how to move people, goods and services

and not vehicles.

4. Mobility with safety and civility. This principle is inclined toward the social side. Safety

tackles the issue on avoiding road accidents (i.e. bus accidents) that seem to be happening a lot

lately. Civility, on the other hand, is more on the moral side of the people.

5. Clean air, clean streets, clean vehicles and clean facilities. Sidewalk clearing is one

initiative that falls under this principle. Together with it is clean air by the use of e-vehicles.

Technology also has a big role in making this principle possible.

6. Planning and communicating better and travel less. This refers to careful planning of daily

routine to reduce travelling from one place to another and contribute to Metro Manila traffic.

7. Sharing information to increase connectivity and accessibility. LGUs should have readily

available data in order to come up with informed and sound decision-making. This deals with

the most efficient way of having up to date data easily provided to decision makers and


8. Making our neighborhood more accessible to the rest of the city. Transportation system is

like veins in our body that if one is clogged, the entire body will suffer. With this in mind, a

community stakeholder once said that opening exclusive subdivisions in Metro Manila would

help decongest traffic.

9. Changing mindsets and behaviors - authorities' as well as ours. Each one has a role but

there is a need to change one's perspective and civility.

10. Mobility of all, for all, by all. Everyone should get involved in making transportation work

for the poor and the vulnerable (i.e. pregnant, elderly and children).

In forming the IM network, the stakeholders agreed on a vision. The various stakeholders' -

composed of academe, private, NGOs, CSOs, government - vision of sustainable urban transport

and inclusive mobility for Metro Manila is:

A safe, seamless, well-connected, accessible, and user-friendly Metro Manila

sustainable urban transport system that works for all Metro Manilans, especially the

poor, the vulnerable, the disadvantaged, and the marginalized.

The LGUs respond to the challenge of sustainable transport and IM in the following manner:

1. Design and construct "complete streets" that are walking and cycling-friendly. There should be hierarchy of transport modes.

2. Create dense and inter-connected street networks that enhance accessibility 3. Ensure efficient use of right of way through traffic management and organized and paid

parking. 4. Support high quality public transport that is reliable, comfortable and frequent. 5. Maintain a compact city footprint by facilitating public transport-oriented development.

If the framing is traffic, is it leaning towards public transport or leaning towards the use of vehicles?

6. Strengthen and improve intermediate public transport for last mile connectivity.

The IM course framework should work in multiple layers with transportation as one aspect. But

the framework also looks at the overall urban development and management and sustainable

development and management. There is also a need to look at the gaps in terms of vision, policy,

implementation and evaluation. It is possible that the city has a vision but there is not enough

policy. Perhaps there are policies but not enough implementation. It is also possible that the city

implements but has no proper monitoring and evaluation mechanism in place. The overarching

component is communication and performance management. For this TNA meeting, the project

team will look at the knowledge, skills and orientation of each LGU to identify the gaps.

The core competencies of IM professionals should include:

Policies and regulations Tools and techniques Planning design Operations Management Communication

This course is intended to build the capacity of local government executives and technical staff

in the area of mobility management and sustainable transport development towards more

livable cities.

The key features of the IM course include:

5-day training course classified into introductory, intermediate and advance Should have a designed mix of disciplines that it is not solely for technical purposes Credited courses

The development of the IM course starts in this TNA meeting today by identifying challenges.

The results would be presented on March 6, 2014. Everyone will agree on the course design

then the project will develop training materials which will be validated on its applicability and

helpfulness to LGUs.

The essence of the TNA is to look at the big picture by starting with future organizational goals

and challenges. Next is to assess the required employee performance to meet the goals and

challenges. Then move on to assess required employee skills, knowledge and orientation to

deliver the performance. And lastly, identify training needs to bridge the gap (new skills,

knowledge and orientation). These are the four stages of the workshop in this TNA meeting.

Every workshop session will run for fifteen minutes with additional ten minutes allotted for

open forum. Metacards were given to the participants to write their ideas on. Each metacard

should have keywords in big bold letters to be visible by everyone in the room.

Workshop 1: Determining the Goals of the Future Performance of the Organization

The first guide question was: What key words represent your LGU's vision of sustainable

transport and IM for your city? Enumerate as many key words but with only one idea per


The answers of the participants were grouped as follows:

Accessible, Walkable City, To open City Alternative Route Exit System or C.A.R.E.S. Green Mobility and Smart Mobility, Environment Friendly, User-friendly, Eco-friendly,

Clean, Green, Healthy, Low carbon dioxide emission

Safe, Safe and Healthy, Safe and Walkable streets Comfortable Inclusive, Balance between gender (added in plenary) Flood free Smooth flow of traffic, Flexible road Progressive city, Economical, Affordable, Profitable Sustainable, Modern Educate

The workshop result also showed that most cities see sustainable transport as a complete

package, from being environmentally sound to being citizen-friendly while some cities were

specific to their own advocacy. Answers classified per city came out as follows:

Las Piñas Accessible, Safe and Healthy, Progressive city

Pasay Accessible, Environment Friendly, Healthy, Affordable

Marikina Walkable City

Muntinlupa To open City Alternative Route Exit System or C.A.R.E.S.

Makati Green Mobility and Smart Mobility

Taguig User-friendly, Safe, Comfortable, Affordable

Parañaque Eco-friendly, Clean, Green, Low carbon dioxide emission, Economical, Profitable

Sustainable, Modern

Malabon Eco-friendly, Safe and Walkable streets, Smooth flow of traffic

Mandaluyong Safe, Flood free, Educate

Open Forum

Overall, the concept of inclusive mobility is something new to the participants. They were

familiar about the elements but they were unaccustomed to the whole IM concept.

In clarification to some of the responses, the participants expounded on some of the terms that

emerged such as Comfortable as pertaining to the contentment of the people in the city on their

entire well being. Progressive means rate of improvement while Modern refers to development.

Educate is related to civility.

The most common answer from the participants was healthy and clean followed by

progressiveness; accessibility came out third and safety as the fourth.

Jennifer (from Makati) clarified her answer on Smart Mobility as pointing to all concerns and

aspects coming from all sectors. She perceived transport is for everyone to have access

regardless of one's economic stature.

Robert (from Mandaluyong) said that the problem is mostly on program/policy

implementation. As an example he mentioned a case during elections when the poor do things

for a living that could obstruct traffic and is highly tolerated during that period. The LGUs

should be consistent with implementation hence, political will is critical in inclusive mobility.

Workshop 2: Identification of Challenges that the LGU might face in the Future

The question for the second stage of the TNA was: What are the key challenges that our LGUs

face in the area of inclusive mobility?

The participants were asked to identify the challenges in terms of:

VISION GAPS (eg. no vision; vision not responsive to the needs of constituents; vision unrealistic, vision uninformed by local and foreign exemplars)

POLICY GAPS (eg. lack of adequate enactments and mandates) IMPLEMENTATION GAPS (eg. lack of operationalization, projectization, and actual

performance) EVALUATION GAPS (eg. lack of measurement of actual achievements)

The answers gathered from the participants were as follows:

VISION GAPS Not on strategic point of view of leader results to non inclusion in the

Vision (Parañaque)

Lack of framework (Parañaque)

Vision is tantamount to politics

Lack of awareness

POLICY GAPS Lack of political will (Las Piñas)

No existing policy on IM (Parañaque)


Lack of information (Muntinlupa)

IMPLEMENTATION GAPS Information dissemination (Taguig)

Financial Constraint

Poor Implementation of Policy (Malabon)

Dialogue with stakeholders (Makati)

Not applicable/ suitable

EVALUATION GAPS List of indicators/ standards (Makati)



Open Forum

Dr. Guillen gave an IM viewpoint upon noticing

that the participants found the concept a bit

complex to connect with transportation

challenges. She mentioned that inclusive

mobility uses a top to bottom and bottoms up

approach where they work simultaneously on

getting executives (local chief executives) and

top officials as well as the various stakeholders

such as the communities, NGOs, CSOs, private,

government, poor and vulnerable sector to

understand and fully grasp the entire inclusive

mobility idea. Inclusive mobility requires looking at the entire picture and not just focusing on

individual advocacies. The notion of inclusivity in the local government context shows that each

city in Metro Manila is doing something toward having sustainable urban transport which Metro

Manila as an entity need to undergo. The event where everyone gets to share their own

experience (especially those who were successful) is a useful tool for replication to other cities

or in scaling up.

She also reiterated that in this training needs analysis meeting, the IM project team wanted to

find out what else is missing in the realm of local government when it comes to inclusive

mobility. Contrary to what the participants think, inclusive mobility does not depend on the

administration. Inclusivity is looking at the big picture, on the entirety of Metro Manila's

sustainable urban transport. They push for their desire to connect all that is happening on

transport and mobility and highlight the key challenges that each LGU face with regard to

promoting and fulfilling a true inclusive mobility. Some cities might highlight pedestrianization

but ultimately, the IM course should respond to the needs of each city.

Tess (from Parañaque) gave her observation that in city planning, the planners look at roads

mostly for the benefit of private vehicles but not for pedestrians. The city plans evidently do not

reflect inclusiveness as pedestrian lanes are used for other purposes so people are forced to

walk along the road.

Workshop 3: Determining Employee Performance in order to respond to the Challenges and Attain Goals

The guide questions for the third stage of the TNA were: How should the employees in your

city government start performing differently to help you meet the challenges and take us to

the goal of inclusive mobility? What kinds of skills are needed? Can we start with policy

research? How do we make employees more oriented to inclusive mobility?

The response of the participants were categorized in terms of knowledge, skills and orientation:

KNOWLEDGE Project programming and approval

Leveraging LGPMS

National policy/ mandated at the national level


Awareness in project development cycle

ORIENTATION Creation of Technical Working Group (TWG)

Inclusion in plans (e.g vendors)

Challenge in current plantilla position of LGUs


Open Forum

Aniel (from Parañaque) mentioned two things: 1) For the LGUs to start with awareness

especially with the key employees that are contributory to inclusive mobility. Look at the

existing policies in the cities and find out the gaps to see the things that need to be implemented

by the policy makers. It is best to start with the foundation, the subset of government employees

who are aware of their responsibility in bringing inclusive mobility to the city. 2) Get into a

more holistic approach but using a strategic point of view. To meet the challenges, there should

be a holistic vision that requires a paradigm shift by the leaders. The thinking should not be

about eliminating people in the streets instead creating harmony with the transport sector. The

policies should aim for a win-win solution.

Jennifer (from Makati) said that the IM role should not be assigned to a particular division or

department only, rather everyone in the LGU should be involved. All departments should have

an appreciation of inclusive mobility and all stakeholders should be involved to generate better


Leonida (from Las Piñas) suggested creating a technical working group on inclusive mobility.

Tess (from Parañaque) said that the presentation of Executive Legislative Agenda and the

Annual Investment Plan of LGUs could be a venue for awareness by political or legislative

leaders including department heads, council and barangay captains. It is pivotal to create

awareness and advocacy first especially at the top level.

In terms of scoring system for career, there is no point or bearing to go an extra mile for IM. What

can LGU employees do?

Achiles (from Pasay) recognized that it would be difficult to include the practice of IM in the

present duties and responsibilities of LGU employees. He proposed creating a new line item or

position to focus mainly or specifically on inclusive mobility. Some people will have to be

directly involved but people in planning must have the strength to incorporate IM in the plans.

There is a knowledge component, orientation and skills/ competency required in making this


Leonida (from Las Piñas) acknowledged that as of the moment, IM is not yet embedded in LGU

policies, plans and programs, however she appreciated that fact that in the creation of an LGU's

AIP, inclusive mobility should be integrated. She proposed to organize a training workshop for

awareness purposes. It is best to start with knowledge and orientation on the IM concept then

followed by specific LGU assignments. Mainstreaming IM in LGU undertakings and business

operations is key before application. It would also help to have a specific mandate coming from

the national government because laws might already be in place in relation to inclusive mobility

but they are not explicitly identified as IM.

Roberto (from Mandaluyong) commented that there are different groups who offer courses on

sustainable urban transport already. What is IM's assurance that this training course on IM for

professionals will not be a duplication of the said courses?

Ms. Danielle responded by saying that this is exactly the purpose of the having a TNA meeting

today. The TNA meeting would aid in identifying the value added by the IM training course to

professionals. For one, UP-NCTS who offers a course on sustainable transport is more

engineering-oriented. They are more technical in looking at things. The project team wanted to

look at the perspective of various sectors and offers another perspective. UP-NCPAG is more

inclined to governance and politics as compared to the combination of everything, emphasizing

inclusiveness, which is what the IM training course intends to bring. Mobility for all is still non-

existent in cities and the IM project team would like to fill in the missing piece(s).

Dr. Guillen assured everyone in the table that everything gathered from the workshop and all

outputs are brought up to the respective LGU leaders, hence the use of the bottom up and top to

bottom approach. The IM project team most certainly does not want to emulate or rehash the

training done by other institutions. The team is definitely also not competing with other

institutions giving almost similar course on transport, rather, the team wants to highlight what

the LGUs are doing on sustainable transport that are related to IM. The intention of the

development of a training course is not adversarial. The main difference with others who are

more technical in conducting transport related training is that the IM course would enlighten

decision makers how to make informed decisions that revolves around inclusive mobility. IM is

advocating and would focus more on changes for the people who are most affected and not the

"how-to". Some do not address this issue and there is not much on inclusiveness. Other

institutions are more technical in their method while the IM training course is in a sense

political as it aims to change the distribution of values in the society and affects the behavior in

the institutional and customer level.

Dr. Guillen was also a bit surprised that IM is not yet embedded in the LGU level. She reiterated

that the notion of inclusive mobility is not to solve traffic rather increase mobility for all. The

LGUs can be champions on IM and inspire others to change their perspective on sustainable

urban transport.

Workshop 4: Identification of needed new skills, knowledge and attitude of the Employees

The guide question for this stage was: In order for employees to respond accordingly to the

challenges, what kind of new competencies do they need to have?

The responses of the participants are summarized in the table below and classified into new

knowledge, new skills and new orientation they need.

NEW KNOWLEDGE Benchmark models (local and international)

Social media techniques for social audit

Setting up computer systems

NEW SKILLS Project Management

Dealing with media and politicians

Crafting and support for ordinance addressing social issues



Inter-department cooperation and management

Open Forum

Daniel (from Parañaque) proposed that in terms of project management, the team should

consider a more rounded policy management.

Roberto (from Mandaluyong) recommended including sanctions to those who disobey policies

(eg. structures built on sidewalks and illegal parking that obstructs traffic and mobility) Dr.

Romero said that social media could be used to get reports on these violations in a process

called Social Audit and Monitoring. But Roberto Javier raised a concern regarding violations

committed by politicians, he was curious about who gives sanctions to these officials.

Engr. Calvin (from Marikina) said that with reference to their city, city ordinances in relation to

IM are present but implementation is key. From an IM point of view, there is a need to modify

ordinances to promote accessibility. (i.e. assign or set a specific place for informal settlers to

hold their wake to avoid obstructing traffic in using roads to hold funerals)

Synthesis and Moving Forward

The project team's initial idea for the basic IM training course was to hold it in five days

consisting of three days worth of inputs and two days working on a project in the municipality

that is IM oriented. The IM project could either be a new project or a continuing project.

The project team posed various (existing) courses from academic institutions on the wall and

the participants were given five sticker dots each to choose the top five topics that they feel

were most relevant to the IM course.

There were 28 possible key areas that could be studied or be included in the IM course. The

project team deemed it best to limit and prioritize which among the list of options are

applicable for the respective cities. The participants should consider the topics that will have

huge contribution to enhance the knowledge, skills and orientation towards promoting a

sustainable transport and IM.

Jennifer (from Marikina) expressed her hopes of translating the figures as result of this exercise

into outcome-based.

Dr. Romero affirmed that the perceived outcome from this exercise is for the LGUs to promote

IM in their respective cities. The input is for trainees from the LGUs to come up with a design

and implementation of IM projects. This may require a level of acceptance by the respective

Mayors that the IM training course would not only be a series of lectures but also be their

advocacy. The project team offered to talk to the LGUs' respective Human Resource department

and Mayors since the Mayor's pronouncement is needed before the training starts. Technically,

the IM training course should start with the Mayors. It is possible that not all LGUs could

participate in the IM course. The project team sees that only the cities whose local chief

executives are sold to the idea would begin with the training.

Below were the 28 topics posted on the wall with the corresponding voting tally in parenthesis.

1. Transitional to Low Carbon Transport (0) 2. Climate Finance for Low Carbon Transport (0) 3. Sustainable Mobility Events (0) 4. Housing and Mobility (0) 5. Survey Methods in Transportation (0) 6. Transportation Modeling (0) 7. Active Travel Audits (0) 8. Transport Technologies (1) 9. Transportation Economics (1) 10. Safety and Social Issues (1) 11. Tourism and Mobility (1) 12. Mobility Management and Travel Awareness (2) 13. Project Management (2) 14. Stakeholder Analysis and Involvement (2) 15. Special Problems in Transportation Planning (2) 16. City/ Municipal Mobility Management (2) 17. Public Transport Services (2) 18. Sustainable Mobility Campaigns (2) 19. Transport and Health (3) 20. Transportation Planning Analysis and Techniques (3)

21. Transportation Plan and Project Evaluation (3) 22. Public Transportation and Operations Planning (4) 23. Children and Mobility (5) 24. Theory and Practice of Transportation Planning (6) 25. Urban Growth and Strategies for Sustainable Development (8) 26. Transportation Policies and Planning Practices (10) 27. Monitoring and Evaluation of Mobility Management Activities (11) 28. Sustainable Transport and Climate Change (11)

Out of the twenty-eight choices, seven got zero scores. The top five key areas chosen by the

participants were:

1. Sustainable Transport and Climate Change (11) 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of Mobility Management Activities (11) 3. Transportation Policies and Planning Practices (10) 4. Urban Growth and Strategies for Sustainable Development (8) 5. Theory and Practice of Transportation Planning (6)

The top subjects were all leaning to the operational and social side of transportation while the

scientific and technical subjects were regarded much less applicable to the IM course. The

project team guaranteed that even those without scores would be considered in course

development but the top 5 would be their key priority. They recognized that each subject is

important and interrelated.

In the future, the project team plans to make the IM course more fitted to all LGUs and they also

intend to develop courses that are LGU specific.

After this TNA meeting, the team will draft a course and curriculum design, which will be

presented on March 6 to the same group present in this meeting. The same group of attendees

hoped to validate the course design on the said date.

The IM project team would serve as intermediary. There will be instances when people on the

ground would serve as resource persons and LGU representatives are the experts but there will

also be instances when the course would need expertise from abroad. It was acknowledged that

there are many international models on IM that may be successful but may not be applicable to

the LGU setting here in Metro Manila.

The project team sees this course development working by building the capacity of LGUs that

within itself they harness a pool of experts. This is why they encourage the participation and

cooperation of the junior and senior level to attend for continuity and capability building.


In behalf of ASoG and the IM project team, Mr. Cordova thanked everyone for giving their time

and hoped that the same group of participants would be able to join them again on March 6 for

the validation of the proposed training design.