Tips From Your Budget Planner : Is Your Man Ready For Marriage?

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tips From Your Budget Planner : Is Your Man Ready For Marriage?

Tips From Your Budget Planner :

Is Your Man Ready For Marriage?

This is one question that’s often asked by a lot of women. After a considerably long relationship, we

start wondering when our guy will pop the big question. While it’s very exciting to think about the

new life ahead and the thought that we could be spending the rest of our life with the one man

whom we truly love, it is also helpful to remember that for most men, marriage is not an easy task.

Since they’re seen as the “providers” in society, they feel the need to save as much as they can

and be financially ready and healthy before they take the plunge. Many would even seek advice

from their financial planner when it comes to budget advising. Budget planners give sound

financial advice and they will help you prepare your finances for building a future family.

But how exactly do you know that your man is ready for the big plunge? Marriage experts

spill the beans. Below are four hints that yes, he could be popping the question anytime


The single scene is no longer appealing. He may have been a party animal during

his teens but as he gets older, he starts to feel out of place when he hangs out in bars.

Then he’d start giving up the night scene to have quality time and watch movies with

you even if it’s a Saturday night. He could be ready to marry you once he starts

getting interested in becoming a home buddy.

Financial independence. As mentioned, men are more financially conscious than

women. They have to be financially ready to build a family. Most men do not want to

tie the knot until they have a stable job and income to rely on. After all, how will they

support his wife and his kids? How will he buy a home for his family? No man will get

married if he’s still having a difficult time paying for his bills.

He badly wants to be a dad. If he starts giving hints that you could make beautiful

kids, then he just might be ready to pop the question too. While it’s true that most men only

get into the serious commitment phase as they enter the age between 28 and 33, there are

also some who want to have kids while they’re young so they can enjoy bonding. Marriage

experts say that a man’s desire to become a dad can change (and expedite) his plans to get


He’s done with the boyfriend stage. He’s no longer just acting as boyfriend. You feel that

he’s starting to act like a husband. He no longer just calls you at night. Instead, he calls you

whenever he feels like it. He starts telling you about the details of his day and wants to know

what’s happening with yours as well.

So is your man ready to settle down? Help him ensure

that your future family will enjoy healthy finances. Ask

your free and helpful budget planner today for tips. Your

financial expert will be more than willing to help you

ensure that your savings is ready to build a family.