Tips for first time parents

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Tips for first time parents

Tips for first time parents

Diaper Buys

Attention first time parents

• Congratulations your new baby is here and you are a first time parent

• It is both an exciting and stressful time but there is help

• Here are a few tips to help

Some helpful advice

• It is always easier to take advice from parents who have already been through this process before

• Believe it or not you will learn very quickly

• Making a to do list of things you can do while your child grows will help you to remember the advice you are given

Saving money

• Saving money here and there will be a help while your child grows

• As a parent you want to see your child in brand new clothes and shiny toys but that isn’t always possible

• Using hand-me downs from a family member can help save extra money

Protect against germs

• Everyone in your family will want to hold your new baby but make sure they wash their hands first

• Your baby doesn’t have a strong immune system yet and any germs can be more powerful

• Have hand soap ready for family and friends that want to hold your new baby

Finding a doctor

• Finding your pediatrician ahead of time will be a huge weight off of your shoulders

• Make sure you feel comfortable with him/her because they will be your baby’s doctor

• Consider recommendations from friends and family on pediatricians they used

Take advice

• Talk to other mothers who have been through it all before

• You can learn from experiences they had and that will prepare you

• Make sure you talk with your partner as well to make sure you both are on the same page

Have a help group

• Make sure you talk to family, friends, and neighbors about potentially helping watch your baby if you need some help

• Even if it means having someone watch your baby while you take a few hours to get work done around the house it helps

• Take a nap because you will lose sleep during the night

Plan work leave

• Plan ahead of time for your maternity or paternity leave

• Have a plan for what each parent can expect to do for when the baby is born

• Knowing each others roles will help take stress away from you

You can do it

• Just stay calm it will be stressful but you and your partner can do it

• For more information on baby diapers and tips for raising your new baby check out our website