Thundercats (1985) Synopsis

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Transcript of Thundercats (1985) Synopsis

  • 8/13/2019 Thundercats (1985) Synopsis


    ThunderCats (1985) Episode Synopsis

    Season 1

    1. Exodus

    The Pilot Episode. The Thudercats, Jaga, Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, Lion-O, Snarf, and Wiley Kit and

    Wiley Kat, atch fro! a spaceship as their ho!e planet, Thundera, "los up. The set a course for adistant planet, "ut on the ay they are attac#ed "y the $utants fro! the planet Plun-darr. The

    da!aged ship is no una"le to !a#e it to that planet, so hile the other Thundercats sleep in Ti!e-Suspension capsules, Jaga pilots the ship !anually to Third Earth. Jaga !anages to get the! there,

    "ut he dies %ust "efore reaching the planet. Lion-O, the ne lord of the Thundercats, goes fro!"oyhood to !anhood during the trip.


    2. Unholy Alliance

    The !utants, ho folloed the Thundercats to Third Earth, !eet $u!!-'a, a "eing of i!!ense e(il.$u!!-'a sin#s the $utants) space ship, in fear they !ight use it to call the other !utants and then

    destroy his pyra!id ith it. The $utants, ho are no stranded, tea! up ith $u!!-'a to try andget the Eye of Thundera fro! the Thundercats. The $utants try first, "ut Lion-O holds the! off.

    Then $u!!-'a tries, "ut hile he is "attling Lion-O, he sees his reflection in Lion-O)s cla shield, and$u!!-'a is so horrified "y the reflection, he has to fly aay and thus is defeated.



    . !er"ils

    $u!!-'a tries to destroy the other Thundercats ith a roc# stor! hile Lion-O and Snarf are out

    searching the oods. *ut the Thundercats hide in the ne Thundertan# that Panthro has "uilt.$eanhile, Lion-O and Snarf get captured "y the 'o-*ear *er"ils, ho turn out to "e friendly. Lion-O

    helps defend the *er"il (illage fro! an attac# "y the Trologs, ho are trying to get the *er"ils) food.Then Lion-O defends the (illage again fro! $u!!-'a, ho had turned into a huge insect. The *er"ils,

    in return, decide to help the Thundercats "uild their ne Lair. +n this ep, Jaga also teaches Lion-O

    ho to call the Sord of O!ens to co!e to his hand hen needed.


    #. The Sla$es o% Castle &lun'arr

    Wiley Kit and Kat disco(er that the $utants ha(e ensla(ed a peaceful group of creatures called *rute

    $en to "uild the $utants) ne ho!e, Castle Plun-darr. They tell the other Thundercats at the ne

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    Cats Lair, and they go o(er to Castle Plun-darr in the Thundertan# to free the *rute $en. Slithe

    thros so!e arp gas at the *rute $en, hich causes the! to "eco!e angry and !enacing. *ut %ust asthey are a"out to get Lion-O, the arp gas ears off, and the *rute $en are free.



    5. &u'*a

    uring her !orning run, Cheetara is #idnapped "y the $utants and sent to $u!!-ra)s pyra!id.$u!!-'a then transfor!s hi!self into Pu!!-'a, the pu!a of Thundera. Cheetara aa#ens to find

    Pu!!-'a and thin#s he sa(ed her fro! the $utants. She in(ites the stranger "ac# to Cats Lair and heis gi(en a trial run to see if he can "e trusted. Later that night, Pu!!-'a sa"otages the Lairand the

    Thundertan#, and steals the Eye of Thundera. While !ost of the Thundercats are aay, Lion-O andSnarf disco(er hat Pu!!-'a has done and that he is an i!poster. Pu!!-'a tries to use the sord

    against Lion-O "ut the sord on)t or# for hi!. The $utants attac# "ut Lion-O and the othersdefeat the!. Then they face Pu!!-'a in the lair, "ut only to find out it as $u!!-'a all along.


    +. The Terror o% ,aerhand

    group of pirates called the *erser#ers, led "y a!!erhand, co!e ashore and try to capture aunicorn. Snarf sa(es the unicorn, "ut gets captured hi!self. Lion-O !eanhile sa(es another unicorn

    trapped "y a li(ing tree. The unicorn gi(es hi! a ring in return. Then a!!erhand shos up ithSnarf, and Lion-O fights hi!, "ut a!!erhand gets aay ith Snarf and a "a"y unicorn. Lion-O goes

    after the! and tries to si! out to the *erser#ers) pirate ship. e al!ost drons, "ut is sa(ed "y theunicorn)s ring. Lion-O calls on the other TCats, and Panthro and Cheetara sho up in the Thundertan#,

    hich "eco!es a Thundersu". They rescue Lion-O, Snarf, and the unicorn and sin# the pirate ship, and

    then return the unicorn to its !other.



    -. Trou"le ith Tie

    The Thundercats go in search of Thundrilliu!, the fuel that runs the Thundertan# and Cats Lair.

    While out searching near the forest, Tygra finds a "ig a!out of Thundrilliu! in a ca(e. The ca(ethough, speeds up ti!e, and hile Tygra is in it, he "egins to "eco!e (ery old. Luc#ily Cheetara sa(es

    hi! "y running into the ca(e, gra""ing hi!, and then running out of the ca(e ith her super speed.Since Tygra is still (ery old, the Thundercats as# Willa, a ne friend they had !ade earlier, hat to

    do. She tells the! to ta#e Tygra to the !ystical /ountain of 0outh, hich they do. +t !agicallyrestores his youth, %ust as he as a"out to die.


    8. The Toer o% Traps

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    Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat help a Wollo ho as "eing ro""ed. oe(er, the ro""ers get aay ith a

    gold "racelet, a edding present for the Wollo)s daughter. The #ittens go after the ro""ers and endup at the Toer of Traps hich "elongs to *aron Carnor, the leader of the ro""ers. Lion-O co!es

    hen the Sord tells hi! Kat has "een captured. Lion-O and Kit go through the toer facing !anyo"stacles, and finally co!e to the top and rescue Kat. Lion-O tries to confront the ro""er "aron, "ut

    instead fights a "unch of li(ing gargoyles the "aron had "rought to life, "ecause the "aron died a long

    ti!e ago. Lion-O calls the other TCats, and they defeat the gargoyles.



    9. The /arden o% eli0hts

    Tygra chases a huge or! don a hole "ecause the or! is causing s!all earth1ua#es on Third Earth.+n the hole he !eets Sil#y, hich is really $u!!-'a in disguise. Sil#y gi(es Tygra a fruit that puts hi!

    under a spell. The spell causes Tygra to steal the Sord of O!ens and gi(e it to $u!!-'a. Since$u!!-'a cannot use the sord, he traps Willa, a arrior !aiden, and tells her she can use it to

    "eco!e 1ueen of Third Earth. She goes along ith hi!, and she and $u!!-'a capture the other

    TCats. *ut %ust as $u!!-'a is a"out to #ill Lion-O, Willa thros Lion-O the Sord and he and theother TCats defeat $u!!-'a and the $utants.



    1. andora3 the E$il Chaser

    Lion-O and Snarf are out e2ploring hen they co!e across an apparently a"andoned large space

    capsule, and hear (oices inside. When Lion-O opens the hatch, he un#noningly releases three of thegala2y)s orst cri!inals3 Plutar, *urn Out, and 4uic#Pic#. $andora, the interplanetary policeo!an,

    arri(es too late. She drafts Lion-O and Snarf to help her reco(er the cri!inals. LionO has to -

    "ecause 4uic#Pic# stole the Sord of O!ens 5and Snarf)s !oney purse67 Lion-O helps to defeat thePlutar and the !echani8ed ro"ot, *urn Out. nd hile LionO returns those cri!inals "ac# to the spaceprison cell, $andora goes out to find 4uic#Pic#, using a trac#er de(ice. She finds the ro"ot, and then

    she gets captured "y so!e $ud ogs. Lion-O and Snarf arri(e, and all of the! "eco!e the prisonersof the su"terranean creatures. *ut hen Lion-O gets his hands on the Sord, he su!!ons the other

    Thundercats, ho "last in ith the Thundertan#. The "right lights force the $ud ogs to flee, andpeace is restored to Third Earth.



    11. The /host 4arrior

    To locals accidently free the ghost of 9rune the estroyer, ho had ra(aged Third Earth centuries

    ago. e learns of the Thundercats) presence on Third Earth and drains the lair of its Thundrilliu! andattac#s the Thundercats, ho can)t fight "ac# too !uch since he)s a ghost. Than#s to Cheetara)ssi2th sense, the Thundercats learn of 9rune)s history, that he as once a Thundercat and close friend

    of Jaga, "ut greed and poer o(erca!e hi!. 9rune returns to the lair and Lion-O su!!ons Jaga tofight 9rune. Jaga and 9rune "attle it out, "ut 9rune)s "attle clu" is !ade fro! Thundrainiu!. Lion-O

    gi(es Jaga the Sord of O!ens and his strength to help hi! defeat 9rune.

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    12. The oo /ae

    $u!!-'a searches for a ay to destroy the Thundercats and the ncient Spirits of E(il tell hi! tofree Tashi. Tashi is a sorceress ho posseses a poer #non as the oo!-9a8e hich gi(es her thepoer to put !en in a transe. $u!!-'a ants to free Tashi so he can share this poer ith her. *ut

    he !ust collect the folloing ite!s3 Cheetah)s hair, a "er"il)s tear and a unicorn)s shoe. $u!!-'agets the $utants to retrie(e these ite!s. *ut Lion-O, Cheetara and Snarf follo the $utants to

    $u!!-'a and try to free 'o-*ear *elle 5Who as captured to get the tear6. *ut Tashi tells $u!!-'athat he !ust find a hero to ta#e her place. Then hen Lion-O and Snarf appear Tashi puts the! under

    the poer of the oo! 9a8e so they could ta#e her place. *ut Cheetara "eats the $utants and trys tofight $u!!-'a and Tashi and finds out she is i!!une to the oo! 9a8e. She frees Lion-O and he

    calls the other Thundercats and they defeat $u!!-'a and Tashi is "anished "ac# to her di!ension.



    1. 6ord o% the Snos

    fter a large stor! the Thundercats thundrilliu! supply is ea#ened. *ut they find out a"out a

    !eteor of pure thundrilliu! on the ice land of oo# $ountain. Lion-O and Snarf tra(el there to findthe !eteor. Jac#al!an finds out a"out this and tells Slythe and $on#ian. They su!!on the ne

    $utant :ulture!an to ta#e the! to oo# $ountain in his /lying $achine5E2cept Jac#al!an ho astoo scared to do it6. +n the !eanti!e Lion-O and Snarf find their ay to the Sno Castle, ho!e of the

    Sno!an of oo# $ountain. To get the !eteor Lion-O !ust fight the Sno!an and his pet Sno!eo.Lion-O ins only to send Sno!an in the "otto!less case!. Lion-O trys to sa(e Sno!an hile Snarf

    and Sno!eo are attac#ed "y the $utants. Lion-O and Sno!an appear to sa(e the! and so do the

    rest of the Thundercats. ;o Sno!an, thin#ing Lion-O has pro(ed hi!self, gi(es the Thundercatsthe !eteor.


    1#. The Spaceship !eneath the Sands

    The !utants trap Cheetara and Tygra "ut soon are defeated due to the fact that they are fighting

    the Thundercats ith practically no eapons. They go to $u!!-'a and "eg hi! to raise theirspaceship fro! the sand here $u!!-'a "uried it. The $utants get their technological eapons "ac#

    and attac# the the Thundercats. uring the "attle, Panthro and Liono get trapped underater henthe Thundertan# gets caught "eteen stones. While they try to free it, Slythe attac#s the! ith his

    ne ;ose i(er. $eanhile, the other TCats are fighting and e(entually defeat the other $utants.Liono and Panthro free the Tan# "y tying it to the "ac# of Slythe)s (ehicle. Slythe)s di(er "rea#s

    don and he escapes and the Thundercats are (ictorious.


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    15. The Tie Capsule

    Jaga tells a ho!esic# Lion-O of a ti!e capsule they "rought ith the! fro! Thundera, hichcontained the history of the planet...right up to its destruction. The Thundercats set out to find the

    capsule and encounter dangers along the ay. Lion-O and Snarf find the capsule in a ca(e guarded "y aca(e!an. Lion-O is challenged "y the ca(e!an to an ar! restling !atch, and Lion-O successfully ins.

    /or inning, Lion-O gets the ti!e capsule.


    1+. The 7ire"alls o% &lunarr

    The arrior !aidens are threatened "y a ne threat fro! the $utants. They ha(e "uilt a huge

    fire"all-launching !achine at Castle Plundarr using !ore parts fro! their spaceship. The Thundercatsof course go to stop the!. The $utants try and use the fire"alls against the TCats, "ut the TCats end

    up destroying the de(ice in the end.


    1-. All That /litters

    Tygra)s hip shatters the Sord of O!ens hen he and Lion-O are put under a spell "y $u!!-'a

    that causes the! to start fighting. Lion-O #nos that he !ust use the heat of a star to fi2 theSord, so he (entures into a (olcano here a star has recently fallen. The other TCats call on the

    Enfla!er, a "eing !ade of fire, to do it for Lion-O, "ut he turns on the TCats e(en after they helphi! out. e ta#es the Sord for hi!self, "ut e(entually Lion-O gets it "ac# and defeats hi!.


    18. Spittin0 a0e

    $u!!-'a su!!ons the riller to #idnap Panthro so that he can !a#e Panthro clones. The Panthroclone is then "rought ali(e "y the spirit of a!!erhand and sent to plunder and destroy Third Earth,

    so that the Thundercats are "la!ed. $u!!-'a then ta#es the real Panthro and disposes of hi! "ydropping hi! in a radiation pit. The Panthro clone attac#s and de!olishes the Wollo (illage. fter

    escaping the pit, the real Panthro shos up and fights the clone. Lion-O uses the Sord to destroy thefa#e Panthro. $u!!-'a tries to create another clone, "ut a!!erhand, as the Panthro clone,

    destroys the de(ice that as used to !a#e the clones.


    19. 6ion':;s Anoinent 7irst ay3 The Trial o% Stren0th

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    On Lion-O)s

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    space "i#e to Cat)s Lair so Lion-O could help out. Lion-O arri(es and hi! and 4uic# Pic# try to free

    $andora and stop Crac#er. They sa(e $andora only for Lion-O to "e captured. Crac#er tries to go toThird Earth and con1uer Cat)s Lair. *ut $andora and 4uic# Pic# follo Crac#er and sa(e Lion-O.

    $andora tells Cat)s Lair a"out Crac#er and they prepare for hi!. When Crac#er)s ship lands he iscaptured "y the Thundercats. They gi(e hi! to $andora and peace is restored.


    2#. The Crystal =ueen

    The Thundercats thin# Snarf is getting too old. *ut anyay, Lion-O and Panthro disco(er that 4ueenTatara is trying to steal the rrietta "ird, the creature that helps the "er"il crops gro. She

    !anages to get it and ta#es it to her castle. Lion-O and Panthro follo her ith Snarf hidding in theThunder-Tan#. Lion-O goes ahead and gets into Tatara)s tresure cha!"er. She is angered and free8es

    Lion-O. Snarf co!es to the rescue and uses the rrietta *ird)s songs to free Lion-O. Then he callsPanthro and they escape ith the "ird and gi(e it "ac# to the "er"ils.


    25. 6ion':;s Anoinent Second ay3 The Trial o% Speed

    On the oe

    n interplanetary hunter, Safari Joe and his ro"ot aid co!e to Third Earth in search of the !ostdangerous ga!e of all3 Thundercats. *y e2ploiting their ea#nesses, Safari Joe !anages to capture all

    of the! indi(idually. *ut Lion-O and Snarf, ith a arning fro! Jaga, !anage to defeat Safari Joe inthe end. uring the conflict, Safari Joe re(eals that he is really a coard at heart



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    2-. *eturn o% the riller

    $u!!-'a su!!ons the riller to drill a tunnel fro! cid La#e to Cat)s Lair so that it ould "edestroyed. The Thundercats find out a"out this and go to find the sponge fog hich is the only thing

    that can (apori8e the acid. On the ay to getting the fog in the thundertan#, they encounter !any

    dangers. They sur(i(e and !anage to "loc# the acid.



    28. Tura0ar the Tus

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    1. The Astral &rison

    Lion-O learns that Jaga is a prisoner in the stral orld. Only the ;ether Witch can transport Lion-O

    to the stral orld, "ut the Thundercats don)t #no that the ;ether Witch and $u!!-'a are thesa!e person. Lion-O is tric#ed and is trapped in the astral orld. Lion-O !anages to free Jaga and he

    and Jaga also rescue a sorcerer na!ed *rodo. To than# Lion-O, *rodo sends hi! "ac# to Third Earth.$eanhile, the $utants attac# Cats Lair ith a cannon that shoots Thundrainiu! shells. The

    Thundercats are losing until Lion-O returns and he and the other Thundercats destroy the cannon anddefeat the $utants.



    2. =ueen o% 8 6e0s

    $u!!-'a finds out that the Kingdo! of We"s has a ne 4ueen, Spidera. $u!!-'a thin#s he can lureLion-O in to Spidera. e transefor!s into a dia!ond fairy and casts a spell on Lion-O. Snarf follos

    the! and gets traped in the Kingdo! of We"s. Lion-O trys to sa(e hi! "ut ends up ha(ing to call theother Thundercats. E(entually they confront and "eat Spidera.



    . iension oo

    Wi8-'a, $u!-'a)s ene!y fro! long ago co!es "ac# e(ery A=== years through a portal that %usthappens to "e in Cheetara)s "edroo!. Wi8-'a ears on his head a !agical hel!et that lets hi! control

    !inds. When the ti!e arri(es and Wi8-'a co!es through the portal, $u!!-'a steals the hel!et.Cheetarah helps Wi8-'a get the hel!et "ac# and free the ThunderCats fro! its spell.



    #. 6ion':;s Anoinent Third ay3 The Trial o% Cunnin0

    Lion-O faces the Thunder#ittens on the Brd day. e !ust get through the $a8e of +nfinity here theKittens ha(e set traps for hi!. The $utants attac#, "ut Lion-O !anages to get aay fro! the! into

    the ca(erns. e faces !any tric#s "y Wiley Kit and Kat, "ut in the end the Kittens get caught in oneof their on traps and Lion-O rescues the! ith the help of so!e ca(e-delling creatures. They all

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    see the e2it of the ca(e, "ut this ti!e Lion-O plays the tric# and ties the #ittens) ropes to their

    an#les and a roc#. They all start sprinting toards the e2it, "ut the ropes hold the #ittens "ac#, andLion-O ins.



    5. The *oc< /iant

    $u!!-'a aa#ens the 'oc# 9iant, an ancient !onster !ade of stone hich loo#ed li#e a !ountain tothe TCats. When it a#es up, $u!!-'a sends it to destroy Cats Lair. The TCats try and defeat it

    using the Thundertan#, and e(entually ith the help of the Sord, the giant is "eaten.


    +. The Thundercutter

    $u!!-'a su!!ons achi!an, an ancient Sa!uri, to destroy Lion-O. e con(inces achi!an that Lion-

    O and the Thundercats are e(il. Lion-O and Willa !a#e a %ourney to the Warrior $aidens #ingdo! toinstall an early alar! syste! to arn the Warrior $aidens of any $utant attac#s. On the ay they

    encounter achi!an and hen he and Lion-O start to fight, their sords refuse to or#. They reali8ethat they !ust "e on the sa!e side for this to happen. 'eali8ing achi!an and Lion-O are no allies,

    the $utants attac# "ut Slithe is captured. $u!!-'a then hires a nin%a to fight achi!an and theThundercats and to rescue Slithe. The other $utants attac# the #ingdo!, and the Thundercats,

    achi!an, and the Warrior $aidens are a"le to defeat the $utants and the nin%a.


    -. echanical &la0ue

    Panthro in(ents re!ote control ca!eras hich the Thundercats ill use to !a#e a ti!e capsule.

    $u!!-'a finds out a"out this and recreates so!e of the Thundercats ro"ot ene!ies3 The Plun-arrian War"ot5'eturn to Thundera6, The Techno- Pede5Tur!agar the Tus#a6, The 9iant

    +nsect5'eturn of the riller6 and the riller. Each ro"ot attac#s a Thundercat, hile Lion-O isattac#ed "y the $utants. The Thundercats defeat the ro"ots and then help Lion-O "eat the $utants,all in front of the ca!eras.



    8. The eolisher

    The e!olisher, a andering fighter loo#ing for a challenge, co!es to Third Earth to fight $u!!-'a.

    The e!olisher defeats $u!!-'a. The e!olisher, still loo#ing for a good challenge, is enticed "y$u!!-'a to go fight Lion-O. +n the end, Lion-O defeats the e!olisher and send hi! ho!e.



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    9. 7eliner (&art 1)

    :ulture-!an su!!ons 'atar-O to ta#e hi! to the planet of the Snarfs to capture one of the! and useit as ranso! ith the Thundercats. Snarf 5Os"ert J6, thin#ing his entire race as iped out hen

    Thundera "le up finds out that they ha(e captured Snarfer, his little nephe. The Thundercats set

    out to find the !utants and sa(e Snarfer.



    #. The 4ol%rat

    $echanical 'odent Penetrates the Cats) Lair, releasing a gas that reduces the! to inches. Tygra!anages to create an antidote for the gas, %ust in ti!e to fight the !utants ho ere attac#ing.

    Snarf gets another dose of the antidote, and dou"les in si8e. e chases all the !utants out of the lair,"ut ends up hitting his head on a lot of doorays.



    #1. Excali"ur

    $u!!-'a learns of the legendary !agical sord #non as E2cali"ur, the !ost poerful sord ine2istence... e disguises hi!self as King rthur, and !anages to sindle the sord fro! the Lady of

    the La#e. Still dressed as a #night, he is gi(en passage into Cats Lair, here he plays on Lion-O)s senseof honor to tric# hi! into accepting a %ousting tourna!ent. The to ad(ersaries co!pete, and it soon

    turns into a sord fight. *oth see! e(enly !atched, "ut then the to sords the!sel(es fight eachother. E2cali"ur ins "y plunging itself through the Eye of Thundera7 ll of a sudden, the source of

    the Thundercats) poers is destroyed, and the Thundercats all fall don helpless 5e(en theirThundercats signals on their unifor!s and Cat)s Lair disappear6. *efore $u!!-'a can sa(or his

    (ictory, $erlin appears and turns E2cali"ur upon hi!7 e then heals the Eye of Thundera, and theThundercats are restored. LionO, no the (ictor, returns E2cali"ur to the Lady of the La#e.



    #2. 6ion':;s Anoinent 7ourth ay3 The Trial o% ind &oer

    Lion-O faces Tygra on the Dth day of the trials. The $utants get in the ay throughout the day, "ut

    the other TCats, and Sno!an and Sno!eo hold the! off for the !ost part. Tygra first uses his

    in(isi"ility to try and tric# Lion-O. Then, e learn that Tygra had the poer to control !inds and !a#ethings see! there that really aren)t. Tygra !a#es Lion-O thin# he is "ac# on Thundera atching the

    planet e2plode, "ecause that is the only thing Lion-O is afraid of. *ut Lion-O o(erco!es the i!age andrestles Tygra to the ground and thus ins the trial.



    #. Secret o% the ce ?in0

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    The +ce King is freed after an a(alanche. e in(ades the Sno Castle on oo# $ountain. Sno!an and

    Sno!eo try to stop hi! "ut the +ce King free8es Sno!an. Sno!eo goes to Cat)s Lair to arnLion-O. Lion-O co!es ith Sno!eo and is also fro8en "y the +ce King. The other Thundercats sho

    up and they all get fro8en e2cept Cheetara and Sno!eo. They put the Sord in Lion-O)s fro8enhand and it !elts the! all. *ut they all disco(er that the +ce King doesn)t !ean any har!. e %ust

    ants to get the %eeled egg hich is underground. They find the egg "ut it is gaurded "y a dragon.The Thundercats "eat the dragon and The +ce King gets the egg. e loo#s into the egg and sees apicture of his ife one last ti!e "efore he !elts.



    ##. Sord in a ,ole

    $u!!-'a hires the !ercinary Capt. Shiner to tric# the Thundercats ith a phony distress call fro!space. The Thundercats fall for it and Lion-O, Snarf, Panthro and Cheetara go to in(estagate. Lion-O

    and Snarf get into Shiner)s ship. They are captured "y Shiner and $u!!-'a ta#es the Sord Of

    O!ens and thros it in the "lac# hole. nd to !a#e sure Lion-O doen)t call to the sord he "loc#s theEye of Thundera. Panthro gets on to the ship and ta#es o(er. Lion-O, Snarf and Panthro fly the shipinto the "lac# hole to get the sord. They find out that the "lac# hole is run "y a li(ing co!puter They

    are captured until Jaga tells Lion-O that the sord ill co!e to hi! if he calls to it. Lion-O does soand they all escape on Shiner)s ship. *ut da!age is ta#en to the ship and they a"andon ship e2cept for

    Shiner. Then Cheetara sa(es Lion-O and the others in the /eliner. Lion-O thin#s Shiner had perished"ut he escaped on an s!aller ship.



    #5. 7eliner (&art 2)

    fter successfully sa(ing Snarfer, the Thundercats are faced ith the pro"le! of returning Snarferto his planet. Panthro cle(erly in(ents the /eliner, the first Thundercat air-ship. +n order for it to

    or# though, the !achine need a hyper-space !ega-condenser. Snarf re!inds hi! that there is one on'atar-O)s 'atstar. The Thundercats once again persue the !utants to the rec#age site of the

    'atstar to ?ta#e? their !ega-condenser


    #+. /ood and U0ly

    To alien ships land on Third Earth. One has an ugly alien in it, the other a #ind-loo#ing ro"ot. The

    ro"ot tric#s Lion-O in to thin#ing that the ugly alien is e(il, and since the alien is (ery ugly Lion-O"elie(es the ro"ot and he helps capture the ugly alien. When the sord refuses to o"ey Lion-O as he

    tries to capture the alien, Lion-O reali8es that the ugly alien is not e(il and that the ro"ot is, so hedestroys.



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    #-. i$ide and Con@uer

    The Thundercats are split up hen :ulture!an creates a (oice-i!itator that tric#s all the TCats intothin#ing another TCat is in trou"le "y using each of their (oices. Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat hear Tygra

    5"ut really :ulture!an6 in the :orte2, and hen they try and rescue hi!, they get trapped inside.

    Cheetara !eanhile gets stuc# in a "ig "eehi(e here her super speed is useless "ecause of all thestic#y honey. Tygra gets stuc# in a "ig hole, and Panthro gets captured. Lion-O rescues the! alle(entually, and then the (oice-i!itator is destroyed.



    #8. The icrits

    group of tiny creatures 5a"out in. tall6 called $icrits are tired of the Thundercats, !utants, andother giants crushing their s!all tons "y stepping on the!. While Lion-O is sleeping one day in a

    field, the $icrits tie hi! don ith Thundraniu! Cords. $eanhile, the !utants attac# Cats Lair.E(entually, Lion-O con(inces the $icrits he !eant no har!, and the !icrits let hi! go and he "eats the

    !utants. Panthro goes "ac# and puts up signs here(er !icrit (illages are.


    #9. 6ion':;s Anoinent 7inal ay3 The Trial o% E$il

    On the Fth day Lion-O !ust face his greatest ene!y, $u!!-'a. $u!!-'a #nos this and tells the

    $utants to destroy hi!. They attac# Lion-O thin#ing they)(e destroyed hi!. *ut Lion-O lands in aunderground tunnel. e finds a path into $u!!-'a)s Pyra!id "ut he !ust face !any of $u!!-'a)s

    de!ons and !onsters to get to $u!!-'a. e "eats the! all and faces $u!!-'a. Lion-O defeats hi!"y destroying $u!!-'a)s cas#et. $u!!-'a is destroyed and Lion-O is anointed the true Lord of the

    Thundercats. *ut $u!!-'a is "rought "ac# to life "y the spirits.


    5. The Super &oer &otion

    :ulture $an de(elops a potion that 5o"(iously6 gi(es hi! super poers. e !anages to "eat all the

    Thundercats he encounters- Tygra, Panthro, and Snarf. While "attling Lion-O, $u!!-ra shos up andtries to ta#e the potion. +t ends up spilling, and soon :ulture $an loses his strength and the other

    Thundercats are freed.


    51. The E$il ,arp o% Charr'in

    ccidentally, the e2ploring Thunder#ittens co!e across a "uried !agical 9olden arp. The genie

    trapped inside it, Char-;in, is (ery poerful "ut ishes only to "e freed. ccordingly, it recogni8es

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    the WilyKat and Wily#it as his ne !asters, "ut $u!!-'a drops in and co(ertly tric#s the genie into

    accepting hi! as its ne !aster. Char-;in therefore "etrays his ?young !asters? and transports Lion-O and the Thunder#ittens into the center of Third Earth. The rest of the Thundercats, su!!oned "y

    the Cat)s Signal, co!e to aid the!, "ut are also captured "y Char-;in. E(en though the genie has noacco!plished his tas#, $u!!-'a of course refuses to free the genie. The genie and $u!!-'a fight,

    hile the Thundercats escape.


    52. Ti0ht S@ueee

    fter the $utants fail to a!"ush and defeat the Thundercats ith :ulture!an)s ne thundrainiu!

    cannon, :ulture!an, furious a"out the failed atte!pt and the loss of his eapon, acti(ates a self-destruct "uilt into each of his in(entions or repaired !achinery, and all the $utant technology

    disintegrates. To e(en the odds, Slithe as#s $u!!-'a to send an electrical energy creature todestroy all the e1uip!ent in Cats Lair, hich also seals up the door to the Sord Cha!"er, trapping

    the Sord of O!ens inside along ith all the Thundercats) eapons. The $utants attac#, and !anage

    to capture Cheetara and Panthro. Snarf !ust cli!" into the (entilation shafts to reach the SordCha!"er fro! ithin, "ut Jac#al!an follos hi! trying to capture hi!. Outside, Lion-O is attac#ed "y

    Slithe and $on#ian, and later $u!!-'a. fter Snarf successfully gets the Sord "ac# to Lion-O,Lion-O su!!ons Panthro and Cheetara 5freeing the!6 and they defeat $u!!-'a and the $utants.



    5. on

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    5#. :ut o% Si0ht

    Willa is captured "y the $utants, and Tygra and ;ayda, Willa)s sister, !ust go to Castle Plun-darr to

    sa(e her. Tygra uses the in(isi"ilty poer of his hip on "oth of the!, so they could snea# into thecastle and rescue Willa, "ut ha(ing < people at a ti!e ta#es too !uch poer fro! the hip, so they are

    stuc# "eing in(isi"le. Lion-o uses the Sord to !a#e the! (isi"le once again and Willa is rescued.


    55. >ac

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    59. The Trou"le ith Thunder

  • 8/13/2019 Thundercats (1985) Synopsis


    :ulture $an creates a de(ice that shifts !inds and "odies. e gi(es Panthro Snarf)s "ody, and gi(es

    Snarf Panthro)s *ody. e also shifts Lion-O and Wiley-Kat, and thus !a#es the sord of o!ensunusa"le. E(entually, :ulture $an shoots the sord, and it causes a reaction that restores all the

    Thundercats to their rightful "odies.



    +#. rea aster

    $u!!-ra transfor!s hi!self into the rea! $aster, and gains the poer to control the Thundercats)

    drea! sel(es. ll e2cept Lion-O. They all "eco!e sla(es to $u!!-ra the rea! $aster in their sleep,"ut hen they a#e up, they are %ust tired. oe(er, hen the Thundercats sleep again, $u!!-ra

    captures their drea! sel(es in little "ottles, and hen Lion-O tries to a#e the! up, he can)t. e goesand fights $u!!-ra, and frees the other Thundercats) drea! sel(es. They a#e up, co!e running, and

    help to defeat $u!!-ra again.



    +5. 7ond eories

    $u!!-'a creates li(ing portraits of Lion-O)s !ost for!idda"le ene!ies to Lion-O, ene!ies li#e Slithe

    ith arp gas, Spidera 1ueen of G legs, Safari Joe, and 'atar-O. e disguises hi!self as r. o!etoneto lure Lion-O into his trap. Lion-O first confronts Safari Joe and 'atar-O, then $u!!-'a ho uses

    arp gas on Lion-O. Snarf and the other Thundercats go to rescue Lion-O "ut "eco!e trapped in theportraits. Lion-O !ust "attle $u!!-'a ho)s disguised as a Lion-O clone and free the Thundercats

    fro! the portraits.



    Season 2

    ++. ThunderCats ,oB (&art 1)

    Lion-O a#es up fro! an aful night!are he has "een ha(ing a"out lea(ing Thundera. e re!e!"erslea(ing so!e of his fello Thunderians on Thundera "ecause the ship could not stay any longer. Jaga

    appears to hi! and e2plains that they did not perish, and that they are on third earth. n2ious to findthe!, Lion-O as#s Cheetara to use her psychic poers to find their location. $u!!-'a, o(erhearing

    this nes, sends the *erser#ers to capture the Thunderians, and "ring the! to hi!. Lion-O is al!ost"oiled ali(e "y the *erser#ers



    +-. ThunderCats ,oB (&art 2)

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    $u!!-ra has the Thunderians sent to /ire 'oc# !ountain 5otherise #non to the thundercats as

    thundrainiu!6 Thundraniu! !a#es the Thunderians, as ell as the Thundercats, ea#er than #ittens.Lion-O is rescued "y Panthro in the ne o(er-Cat, and !eanhile Snarf gets captured "y 'ataro in

    his spaceship, the 'at Star. When Lion-O tries to rescue Snarf, he falls off the 'at Star and ontosno-co(ered oo# $ountain. ere he !eets up ith the /ist Pounder, a ne !utant tan# dri(en "y



    +8. ThunderCats ,oB (&art )

    The Thunderians are deli(ered to /ire 'oc# $ountain and put in cells. $eanhile, Panthro ta#es on the

    /ist Pounder in the Thundertan#, "ut 'ataro interferes and "los the Thundertan# up. 5or so it see!s6Lion-O heads to $u!!-ra)s Pyra!id to try and learn hat happened to the Thunderians, "ut hile

    there, he ends up getting !u!!ified "y so!e ancient !u!!ies.



    +9. ThunderCats ,oB (&art #)

    Lion-O escapes $u!!-'a)s pyra!id and heads for /ire 'oc# $ountain here the Thunderians are"eing held. Cheetara and Tygra sa(e Panthro, ho as pinned underneath the Thundertan# hen'ataro shot it. Snarf escapes fro! 'ataro and ends up in Tus#a country. *y the end, all the

    Thundercats are headed for the !ountain. Lion-O gets there first, only to "e confronted "y achi$an, ho thin#s Lion-O is e(il again. Lion-O slips and it loo#s li#e he)s a"out to fall into the

    Thundrainiu! pits, and that)s ho it ends.



    -. ThunderCats ,oB (&art 5)

    achi $an sa(es Lion-O. Lion-O, una"le to get past the thunrainiu! to sa(e the Thunderians, uses the

    poer of the star of thundera to cancel the effects of the thundrainiu!. $u!!-ra sends 9rune theestroyer to stop Jaga fro! getting the poer of the star for Lion-O, "ut 9rune fails. fter gi(ing

    the star)s poer to Lion-O, $u!!-'a !anages to steal it fro! hi!. $u!!-'a, trying to possess thestar)s poers, instead gets destroyed "y the star)s poer. Lion-O sa(es the thunderians, and anoints

    the! as Thundercats. *engali, the hite tiger, Pu!yra, the fe!ale pu!a, and Lyn2o the "lind lyn2.


    -1. u'*a 6i$es (&art 1)

    Thin#ing that $u!!-'a has perished, the Thundercats prepare for peace, "ut $u!!-'a has sur(i(ed.

    $a-$utt "rings the ea# $u!!-'a "ac# to his pyra!id and $u!!-'a changes $a-$utt into an i!ageof hi!self and tells hi! to order the $utants to free the Lunata#s, creatures fro! the !oons of Plun-

    arr, ho are i!prisoned in !olten la(a in ar#side. Snarf o(erhears this and arns the Thundercats.

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    The Thundercats !ust figure out ho to get into ar#side ithout ha(ing to cross the /ire 'oc# Pits,

    hich contains Thundrainiu!.


    -2. u'*a 6i$es (&art 2)

    The $utants free the Lunata#s and $u!!-'a 5$a-$utt in disguise6 tells the! that they !ust put

    aside their differences and help hi! destroy the Thundercats. The Lunata#s agree...for no. TheLunata#s and the $utants capture and force the *rute-!en, the Wollos, and the *ul#ans to help "uild

    S#y To!", the Lunata#s) fortress. fter arri(ing in ar#side "y going through the /orest of $ists,the Thundercats reali8e that the Lunata#s are poerful ene!ies after disco(ering S#y To!" is



    -. u'*a 6i$es (&art )

    +n order to defend Third Earth fro! S#y To!", the Thundercats and the *er"ils "uild the Toer of

    O!ens. *ut $u!!-'a finds out a"out this and sends the Lunata#s to destroy it. While the Lunata#sand !ost of the Thundercats "attle it out, Lyn2-O and Snarf use the toer)s signal "ea! to dri(e off

    S#y To!" and the Lunata#s.


    -#. u'*a 6i$es (&art #)

    Than#s to the ncient Spirits of E(il, $u!!-'a is finally restored to full poer. $eanhile, Snarfer,

    Snarf)s nephe, arri(es on Third Earth, "ut his ship goes off course and lands in ar#side. TheLunata#s also learn of this and they !anage to capture Snarfer. The Thundercats !ust go to ar#

    Side to rescue Snarfer.


    -5. u'*a 6i$es (&art 5)

    $u!!-'a lea(es the pyra!id to ta#e charge at S#y To!" and $a-$utt is left "ehind to guard the

    pyra!id. Cheetara and Lyn2-O %ourney to the pyra!id to find out if $u!!-'a +S still ali(e. *ut theyare attac#ed "y $a-$utt and the ncient Spirits of E(il statues. Lyn2-O !anages to dri(e the! off

    "y using a !agical talis!an he found earlier. $eanhile, Lion-O, Panthro, Tygra, and Pu!yra go toar#side to try to free the Lunata#s) sla(es, "ut they are captured "y the Lunata#s instead. Cheetara

    and Lyn2-O co!e to their aid and the Thundercats !ust face $u!!-'a. To the Thundercats)surprise, $u!!-'a no longer fears his on reflection. Lyn2-O then uses the talis!an to defeat

    $u!!-'a. The Lunata#s ant the talis!an for the!sel(es, so they 5e2cept Luna and !u#6 startfighting a!ongst the!sel(es, alloing the Thundercats to safely lea(e.

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    -+. Cat%i0ht

    $u!!-'a plays deception ith the Thundercats hen he 5disguised as Jaga6 tells Lion-O that theThundercats at the Toer of O!ens ill re"el and ta#e Third Earth for the!sel(es. Then he disguises

    hi!self as a Tus#a arrior and as#s the Thundercats at the toer for help. *en-9ali, Pu!yra, andSnarfer go to in(estigate hile Lyn2-O calls on the others to help, "ut Lion-O arns the others of

    their possi"le treachery, "ut Panthro, Cheetara, and Snarf go anyay "ut so!ehat cautious. Whenthey !eet, the Tus#a arrior ?accidently? causes the neer Thundercats to attac#. e then

    dissappears and the Thundercats start fighting each other. $eanhile the Lunata#s in(ade Cats Lairand the Toer of O!ens. Lion-O !ust call on the Thundercats hoping they)ll stop fighting each other

    to defeat the Lunata#s and $u!!-'a, hich they do.


    --. &sych :ut

    $u!!-'a tells luro that the Egora Talis!an ill gi(e hoe(er possesses it the poer of e2tre!e

    self-confidence. luro finds the talis!an and uses it, along ith his on poers of hypnotis!, to ?ta#eaay? the Thundercats) self-confidence, lea(ing the! hopeless and confused. Only Snarf re!ains and

    it is up to hi! to defeat luro and restore the Thundercats.


    -8. The as< o% /or0on

    $u!!-'a plans on using the legendary $as# of 9argon to free a sleeping child in the hills of Elfshi!a

    to use against the Thundercats. When Chilla and Tug $ug fail to get the !as# "ecause it turned the!to stone, $u!!-'a su!!ons it and decides he needs the Eye of Thundera so that the !as# can use

    sight "eyond sight to aa#en the giant child. Lyn2-O arns the Thundercats of the !as# and thesleeping child, "ut Lion-O, Panthro, and Willa still go to the pyra!id, "ut are turned to stone "y the

    !as#. $u!!-'a then uses the Eye of Thundera and the !as# to aa#en the giant. *ut Lyn2-O and*en-9ali in the Thunderstri#e defeat the giant and the !as# gets s!ashed apart restoring e(eryoneho had "een turned to stone, and the Eye of Thundera "urns the "oo# that contained the !as#)s

    terri"le secrets.

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    -9. The ad !u""ler

    The Lunata#s disco(er an un!ined Thundrilliu! !ine on oo# $t, so Luna, !a#, and Chilla go to the!ine. Sno!an tries to stop the!, "ut the three Lunata#s enter the !ine anyay and encounter the$ad *u""ler ho encases the! in his "u""les hich cause the! to fight each other. Panthro,

    Cheetara, and Tygra arri(e on oo# $t. to stop the Lunata#s fro! !ining the Thundrilliu!, "ut theytoo are trapped in the $ad *u""ler)s "u""les and they turn e(il and fight each other. Since a snarf is

    the only "eing that is ?i!!une? to e(il, Lion-O su!!ons Snarf and Snarfer to sa(e the!.


    8. To0ether 4e Stand

    $u!!-'a su!!ons the *erser#ers and coats their ar!or ith Thundrainiu! and sends the! to attac#

    the Thundercats at the Toer of O!ens. 'eali8ing that their ar!or is coated ith Thundrainiu!, theThundercats at the toer need help and Lion-O and Tygra rescue the!. They create a indstor! to

    ru" off the Thundrainiu! and the *erser#ers retreat. $eanhile the Lunata#s in(ade Cats) Lair andthe Thundercats !ust rush "ac# to sa(e the Thunder#ittens and Snarf ho are "eing held as the

    Lunata#s) sla(es.


    81. *a$a0e sland

    $u!!-'a uses the *eacon of 'a(age +sland to !a#e the Thundercats his sla(es. When the "eaconputs Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara, and Pu!yra under its poer, they are easily captured "y the $utants,

    and Snarf !ust get the others at the toer for help, "ut *en-9ali soon falls under the "eacon)s poerand it)s up to Lyn2-O, Snarf and Snarfer, to sa(e the ?ensla(ed? Thundercats.



    82. Tie Sitch

    While "urying one of the ti!e capsules that transported the Thundercats to Third Earth, it s!ashesapart and Lion-O gets caught in its gases, !a#ing hi! younger and younger "y the !inute. The other

    Thundercats !ust find a ay to re(erse the process and reali8e the Ca(e of Ti!e is the only ay, "utthey !ust get Lion-O there "efore he ?(anishes? fro! e2istence. Things get orse hen the young

    Lion-O and Snarf are captured "y the Lunata#s.

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    8. The Sound Stones

    :ulture!an de(elops a sonic gun to destroy the Thundercats. Since the other $utants refuse to help,:ulture!an decides to go on his on until the Lunata#s ?#idnap? hi! and force hi! to help the!.:ulture!an uses a legendary sound stone to poer the de(ice and he and the Lunata#s use it against

    the Thundercats at the Toer of O!ens. The Thundercats "arely escape and are sa(ed "y Lion-O, "utthey lose the toer to the Lunata#s. The Thundercats !ust design a sound eapon of their on ith a

    sound stone to counter :ulture!an)s eapon and reta#e the Toer of O!ens.


    8#. ay o% the Eclipse

    Third Earth is e2periencing a total lunar eclipse and $u!!-'a uses this eclipse to cast a spell that ill

    cause Cats Lair and e(erything in it to !alfunction. The Thundercats first notice this hen thingsstart falling apart and fail. Lion-O and Panthro !ust fight the $utants hile ha(ing pro"le!s running

    the Thundertan#. They still !anage to defeat the $utants, "ut crash the Thundertan#. Lion-Oreali8es that this !ust "e $u!!-'a)s e(il or# and goes to the pyra!id to stop $u!!-'a. $eanhile

    Cats Lair is getting orse as Cheetara and Tygra rush to fi2 things in the lair "ut are attac#ed "y theLunata#s. They defeat the Lunata#s te!porarily, "ut the Lunata#s return to finish off the Lair. +n

    order to "rea# the spell, Lion-O !ust use the Sord to "loc# out the sun.


    85. Sidesipe

    Snarfer is !a#ing a trip "ac# to Third Earth "ringing food for the Thundercats, "ut he gets

    sidesiped "y Chilla. $andora, e(il chaser sees this and pulls Chilla o(er. Chilla, hoe(er, ices $andoraand !a#es a run for it. $andora insists on the Thundercats) help to capture Chilla. *ut hen she and

    Lyn2-O go to ar#side to capture Chilla, they fall into one of the Lunata#s) traps. +t see!s that theLunata#s anted the *raille "oard so that the Thundercats could not get to the!. *ut hen the "oarddissappears, they try to get the infor!ation fro! Lyn2-O as to here it ent, "ut $andora escapes

    and frees Lyn2-O. She is tric#ed hoe(er and she and Lyn2-O are shot up into space in a pod. Lion-O"rings the! don "y using the Sord, and they return to ar#side and $andora succeeds in capturing



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    8+. u'*ana s !elt

    fter o(erhearing Snarf telling the Thunder#ittens and Pu!yra a story a"out $u!!-'ana)s !agic

    "elt and 4ueen Luna 5Luna)s grand!other6, Luna and !u# %ourney to the hite pyra!id and ta#e$u!!-'ana)s "elt, destroying her pyra!id in the process. Pu!yra tries to stop her "ut she gets

    sealed up in the pyra!id. !u# "eco!es %ealous hen Luna no longer needs hi! and during his ?little

    te!per?, he accidently frees Pu!yra. Then Luna forces Slithe and $on#ian to help her a!"ush Lion-Oand Panthro. uring the "attle ith ?Princess? Luna, Lion-O uses the sord to restore $u!!-'ana andshe reta#es the "elt and defeats Luna. !u# later arri(es and destroys the "elt.



    8-. ,achians ,onor

    atchi!an rescues an old o!an not #noing it)s Luna. She ?in(ites? hi! to her ?ca(e? and there sheand Chilla and luro attac# hi! and ta#e his sord, the Thundercutter. The Thunder#ittens find

    atchi!an and rescue hi!. The Lunata#s plan to use the Thundercutter ith their ne sa!urai ro"ot,uto!aton, to fight Lion-O and the Sord of O!ens. The Thundercutter can)t tell ho)s good and

    ho)s e(il in the fight "ut hen atchi!an touches the sord, the Thundercutter destroys the ro"ot.


    88. *unaays

    *ored and feeling that they are no longer needed, the Thunder#ittens run aay fro! ho!e, "ut soon

    run into pro"le!s hen they "eco!e ill fro! "erries they had pic#ed. creature #non as Cudi sa(estheir li(es. When the other Thundercats find the!, the Thunder#ittens in(ite Cudi to Cats Lair. *ut

    $u!!-'a has "een o"ser(ing the situation and disguises hi!self as Cudi to gain entrance to the Lair.$any disasters occur and the "la!e is put on the false Cudi, ho traps the Thundercats in the council

    cha!"er. The Thundercats reali8e it)s $u!!-'a and they !anage to escape and defeat hi!.


    89. ,air o% the o0

    With only Lion-O and Snarf guarding the Lair, $u!!-'a decides this is a perfect opportunity to

    in(ade the Lair, so $a-$utt captures Snarf and $u!!-'a sitches Snarf and $a-$utt. $a-$utt5ho no loo#s li#e Snarf6 goes to Cats Lair and gi(es Lion-O so!e poisoned candy fruit. Lion-O

    "eco!es ill and reali8es that this Snarf is really $a-$utt and $u!!-'a arri(es and defeats Lion-O.Snarfer)s "ad drea! of Snarf "eco!ing a dog causes hi!, *en-9ali, and Pu!yra to go to Cats Lair, "ut

    $u!!-'a lays a trap for the!. e sends $a-$utt to get Snarfer and Lion-O "eco!es "etter againand distracts $u!!-'a. When Lion-O su!!ons the other Thundercats, Snarf 5ho loo#s li#e $a-$utt

    no6, using $u!!-'a)s chant that changes $u!!-'a into the e(erli(ing, "eco!es... Snarf-'a thee(erli(ing and he rescues *en-9ali, Pu!yra and they in turn rescue Snarfer fro! $a-$utt. Then

    Snarf-'a challenges $u!!-'a and defeats hi!. fter the "attle is o(er, Lion-O uses the sord torestore Snarf to his original state.

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    9. Dultureans *e$en0e

    :ulture!an creates a eapon that shoots pure Thundrainiu! in hopes of destroying the Thundercats.

    is first (icti!s are the Thunder#ittens ho fall into a deep ca(ern and "eco!e in%ured. Lion-O andSnarf search for the !issing #ittens. $eanhile :ulture!an !ust get !ore Thundrainiu! fro! Chillain ar#side and is also ordered "y Slithe to fi2 the $utants) !achines. The Thunder#ittens are sa(ed

    "y a Wollo and they disco(er that the Wollo (illage has "een ?iced? and they are captured and used as"ait to lure Lion-O. When Lion-O and Snarf arri(e, they are shot don "y :ulture!an)s eapon and

    Lion-O "eco!es ea# and su!!ons the Thundercats. Just as :ulture!an is a"out to finish off Lion-O,*en-9ali arri(es, rec#s :ulture!an)s eapon and dri(es the $utants and Chilla aay. Lion-O then

    uses the sord to restore the Wollo (illage.



    91. ThunderCu"s (&art 1)

    $u!!-'a learns a"out the Treasure of Thundera and the Sord of Plundarr 5Jaga had "eaten 'atilla,ho oned the Sord, and then "uried the sord deep underground6, and he and $a-$utt ?tra(el "ac#

    in ti!e and space? to e2plore the de"ris of Thundera and loo# for the sord, hich causes the planetto refor!. The Thundercats find out a"out this and !ust !a#e the %ourney to ;e Thundera to stop

    $u!!-'a. Lyn2-O and the Thunder#ittens are left at the toer hile the other Thundercats at theLair are preparing the /eliner for the trip to ;e Thundera. :ulture!an notices that the toer is only

    guarded "y B Thundercats and goes to S#y To!" and tells Luna. Luna then sends 'ed Eye and Tug $ugto attac# the Toer, and they capture Lyn2-O and the Thunder#ittens.



    92. ThunderCu"s (&art 2)

    Lion-O and the other Thundercats arri(e and sa(e Lyn2-o and the Thunder#ittens fro! 'ed Eye andTug $ug. The Thundercats learn !ore a"out ;e Thundera, especially the dangerous places affected

    "y the !oons of Plundarr here the Lunata#s co!e fro!. The Thundercats !ust de(elop speciale1uip!ent and clothing to counter those dangers. lso, they learn that all the snarfs ha(e "een turned

    into sla(es and Snarf and Snarfer ant to rescue the! no !atter hat the cost. :ulture!an learns ofthe Thundercats plan, so he a"andons the other $utants and ta#es the 'at-Star. *ut Slithe has snuc#

    a"oard. 'ight after the /eliner ta#es off, the 'at-star a!"ushes the! and it see!s all o(er for theThundercats a"oard the /eliner. Lion-O uses the sord to free e(eryone and along ith *en-9ali and

    Wily#it on the o(erCat, go after the 'atstar and it crashes on oo# $t. The Thundercats lea(eThird Earth)s at!osphere and Lyn2-O tells hi! that $u!!-'a has already located the Sord of


  • 8/13/2019 Thundercats (1985) Synopsis




    9. ThunderCu"s (&art )

    $u!!-'a retrie(es the Sord of Plundarr and the Thundercats arri(e on ;e Thundera. While theThundercats ant to get the Sord and treasure, Snarf and Snarfer ant to free their fello snarfs.

    While the Thundercats sleep, Snarf and Snarfer snea# aay, "ut are disco(ered and captured "y$u!!-'a. e disguises hi!self as Snarfer and he leads the Thundercats to here the treasure is

    located, "ut it can only "e freed "y the Sord of O!ens. Once the treasure is freed, $u!!-'are(eals hi!self and defeats the Thundercats ith the Sord of Plundarr. ;o $u!!-'a possesses

    the Sord of Plundarr and the Treasure of Thundera.


    9#. ThunderCu"s (&art #)

    $u!!-'a tries to get aay "ut the Sord of O!ens "rea#s open the cas#et dropping the treasure allo(er the planet, and Snarf, Snarfer, and one other snarf escape. $u!!-'a gi(es a false *oo# of

    O!ens to $a-$utt, Slithe and :ulture!an, ho ha(e arri(ed on ;e Thundera in the 'at-star, forsafe #eeping so that he can decipher the real *oo# of O!ens. The Thundercats go after the! through

    the Ca(erns of Cold. They head toard the Canyons of 0outh, "ut due to the effects of the canyon,Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, Snarf, and Snarfer are changed into Thundercu"s. Lion-O !ust use thesord to gi(e the Thundercu"s Thundercat understanding. $eanhile on Third Earth, Jac#al!an,

    $on#ian, and the Lunata#s attac# Cats Lair and capture *en-9ali and Wily#it. Lion-O learns that theThundercats "ac# on Third Earth are "eing held prisoner in S#y To!", so he decides to send the

    Thundercu"s to Third Earth to rescue the! hile he tries to get the *oo# of O!ens fro! $u!!-'a.Snarf decides to stay ith Lion-O and the other Thundercu"s prepare the /eliner to lea(e ;e

    Thundera "ut $u!!-'a arri(es and attac#s the Thundercu"s.


    95. ThunderCu"s (&art 5)

    Lion-O frees the Thundercu"s fro! $u!!-'a)s spell and the Thundercu"s safely lea(e ;eThundera. Lion-O and Snarf !ust confront $u!!-'a and get the *oo# of O!ens. fter they defeat

    $u!!-'a, they as# $u-$utt 5using a !agical flute6 to use $u!!-'a)s ?de(ice? to get the! "ac# toThird Earth. $eanhile the Lunata#s capture so!e *er"ils and the Thundercu"s return to Third

    Earth and they and the Thunder#ittens !ust go to S#y To!" to free the other Thundercats and the*er"ils. fter e(eryone is freed