Thundercats Exodus Treatment

 THUNDERCATS II E X O D U S FEATURE TREATMENT  Story by Seth Lockhart Evan Kilgore Michael Sean Conley Based on characters created by Ted Wolf October 4, 2006 CONTACT: Seth Lockhart Cinematic Instinct 818.445.8128

Transcript of Thundercats Exodus Treatment

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Story by

Seth Lockhart

Evan KilgoreMichael Sean Conley

Based on characters created by

Ted Wolf

October 4, 2006

CONTACT:Seth Lockhart

Cinematic Instinct


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LOGLINE : After the destruction of Thundera, Lion-O and the

Thundercats flee to Third Earth where they encounter Mumm-

Ra, The Everliving.

Following the conclusion of a Plundarrian Mutants assault

[in the FIRST MOVIE] - the Mutants are repelled from

Thundera, escaping with the coveted Thunderian Treasure

onboard their ship. The Thundercats are in hot pursuit,

tracking the Treasure as the mystically-linked Eye of

Thundera leads them toward it.

The Mutants land on their home planet and drag the heavy

treasure into their base of operations, Castle Plundarr.

Slithe orders Jackalman to stand guard for any signs of the

Thundercats. Tygra and Panthro land the ship a short

distance from the Castle, and they move out like a tactical

operation. Inside Castle Plundarr, while the Mutants

attempt to open the treasure, something in the shadows

watches them. Suddenly, the Thundercats spring into attack.

As the Mutants scramble to defend their spoils, they fail

to notice RATARO watching from a catwalk overhead.

Outside, a fierce battle ensues. The Mutants are strong,

but unprepared for the Thundercats’ unique abilities. Tygra

appears to vanish at will, while Cheetara deftly dodges

their blows, and Jaga uses the Sword of Omens to deflect

the volley of energy shots leveled at him. Through

teamwork, the Thundercats restrain Jackalman, but Monkian

leads them into a trap he sets with Vultureman and Slithe


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The Thundercats are parrying, skirting toward the treasure,

when the vicious mutant RATARO leaps from the shadows. The

Mutants are as surprised as the Thundercats – who is this?

As the Thundercats grab the Treasure and race for their

ship, Rataro orchestrates a cunning chase. With a flash,

the Sword of Omens temporarily blinds him. The Thundercats

and the Treasure escape.


Young voices - WILY KIT and her twin brother WILY KAT,

smirk as they look back at the trailing LION-O, who

maneuvers cautiously through a narrow tube on all fours.

They tell him to hurry up. “Maybe we should let him win

this time,” says Wily Kit. “How’s he going to learn if we

don’t push him?” Wily Kat asks.

A smug Lion-O darts past them while they’re not looking.

Suddenly, he’s racing for a glowing finish line. This is

an obstacle course – Thundercat training . And just asLion-O bests the twins and charges across the line, he

falls under the stern gaze of CHEETARA. Clearly, Lion-O’s

not supposed to be here. Wrapped up in observing Lion-O’s

scolding, the kittens don’t notice the Thundertank in the

background. PANTHRO grabs them just as they’re sneaking

away. “You two have some explaining to do.” He nudges them

towards Cheetara. She scolds the Twins for egging the young

Lord on but Lion-O proudly declares, “It’s not all their

fault. I am the Lord of the Thundercats.” That gets a

chuckle. “Not yet, you’re not,” Cheetara tells him. She

informs Lion-O that his father, KING CLAUDIUS wishes to see


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Later, as Claudius thanks SNARF for a hearty dinner inside

the Royal Palace of Cat’s Lair, he, Jaga, XENON, DANAE and

the other Thundercats discuss the planetary defense

systems, and other news. Xenon is going to represent

Claudius/Thundera at a meeting of the Planetary Alliance on

Bulkanar, addressing the recent capture of RED EYE by the

Bulkans. The Kittens look at each other. Red Eye was

captured, Jaga explains, after his gang, the LUNATAKS

abandoned him during an attempted raid on their planet.

MANDORA, daughter of ALTAIRE, leader of Intergalactic

Enforcement (from the FIRST MOVIE ) provided back up. Now,

Cheetara and Tygra are to assist in escorting Red Eye to


Xenon and Danae depart amid hugs from Lion-O, their

grandson. The Kittens beg to come along on the Red Eye

mission to Bulkanar while Snarf hustles them all to bed.

In his chamber, Lion-O absorbs a life-size history

lesson projected from the Book of Omens. A powerfulvoice details the way in which the First Lord of the

Thundercats was given the Sword of Omens to protect

his people, uphold the Code of Thundera, and guard the


Lion-O is dozing off when Claudius comes by. He heard about

Lion-O’s adventures on the training course; the others only

want the best for him – “If you are to lead, you must first

learn to follow.” Lion-O asks the King if he ever misses

Lion-O’s long-deceased mother, LIVIA. “I think of her

often.” Claudius replies. “What was she really like?” The

King smiles. “Like no other in the galaxy. Your mother

loved you.” Before departing, Claudius promises Lion-O a

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chance to practice with the mighty Sword of Omens the next

day. At the same time, Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat, in their

room, are in the midst of plotting to stow away on the

mission the next day when Cheetara warns them off. Her

sixth sense has busted them again.

Meanwhile, Tygra and Panthro nervously track a pack of

meteorites heading toward Thundera. Their planetary

defenses are stretched too thin to take out all of the

residual fragments if the larger chunks are blasted apart.

Uneasily, they agree to consult their allies.

In private, spurred by Lion-O’s curiosity, Claudius laments

to Jaga the grief he still feels for the deaths of Livia

and his Queen mother. Do the people truly respect him, a

blind king? Jaga reassures him, pointing out that Lion-O

is his greatest accomplishment and a symbol of hope for all

of Thundera.

On Plundarr, Slithe, Monkian and Jackalman set out for

Thundera as Rataro and Vultureman walk among dozens of

clones in a vegetative state - they resemble Slithe,

Jackalman and Monkian. “How much longer Vultureman, before

I can command this army?” Vultureman shows him the latest

reports; the clones’ brains are not yet developed. Rataro

urges forward motion; they’ll be safer and more subservient

with underdeveloped brains.

On Thundera, Cheetara wakes from her sleep. Scared.

Sweating. She wipes her brow. “Claudius.”

A beautiful day on Thundera. Xenon, Cheetara, and Tygra

depart for Bulkanar as the others head to the bustling

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downtown Thundera for a trade festival - their version of a

farmer’s market. Claudius and Lion-O are warmly received

amongst their people.

As Panthro test-drives the Thundertank, Wily Kit onboard

and Wily Kat close behind on a hovering spaceboard, Slithe

secretly watches them while Monkian keeps tabs on Lion-O

and the King. Aboard a salvaged Thunderian ship, in orbit,

Jackalman laments that they have not yet located the

treasure within the Cats’ Lair. The only way they can hope

to get inside is by teleportation, and for that, they need

exact triangulation data. They are also skeptical of

Rataro’s clone army plans. “Rataro is no leader,” Slithe

sneers. “If he couldn’t defeat the Lunataks how will he

lead us to victory over the Thundercats?”

In the Sword Chamber, the Sword of Omens alerts Jaga to the

Mutant presence. He races to repel them. Getting wind of

the forthcoming attack, the Mutants scramble to escape.

Wily Kat decides to seize the moment, going after them onhis spaceboard, and a worried Panthro gives chase. The

Mutants beat a hasty retreat before any of them can be



The Thundercats gather at Cat’s Lair, perturbed by the

intrusion. The Mutants could have been spying on

anything. “How did they penetrate our defenses,

Panthro?” asks Jaga. Panthro goes over a holographic

map of the planet and its defense systems. He suspects

they might have been after Thundera’s energy reserves,

bypassing Thundera’s defenses by teleporting around

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their sensors. Panthro will work on retooling the

defense systems. Outside, Lion-O and the Kittens

listen in as the Thundercats agree to contact Xenon

and the other Allies and beef up their security.

Slithe and the other Mutants return to Plundarr, where

Slithe questions Rataro’s plans to take over Thundera.

Rataro introduces the clone army, semi-replicas of

Slithe, Monkian and Jackalman. Rataro informs them

that the clones will be under his command via a

cerebral device created by Vultureman. Slithe is angry

that Rataro used their DNA to create clones, and

secretly afraid that these partially controlled carbon

copies might be used to replace him. Rataro threatens

him into silence.

Jaga signals Xenon on Bulkanar to enquire about any

suspicious activity, but Xenon reports nothing out of

the ordinary. Tygra and Cheetara are in the midst of

helping Mandora escort Red Eye to Exile when Ratarounleashes the clones on Bulkanar from the RatStar. He

is careful to allow the transmission of a distress

call to Thundera by the innocent Bulkans before

redoubling his attacks. Clearly, he’s up to


Inside the Sword chamber on Thundera, the Eye of Thundera

signals danger. Claudius urges Jaga to take the Sword and

rush to their aid, but Jaga insists upon staying at

Claudius’ side. The others will rendezvous with Panthro in

the way to Bulkanar. Overhearing, the Kittens realize this

is their chance to prove themselves.

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Lion-O is hiding aboard the ship, waiting for them. They

try to convince him this trip is too dangerous for the

future Lord of the Thundercats, but Lion-O threatens to

expose them if they don’t let him tag along.

Claudius is searching for Lion-O when, suddenly,

Mutant clones appear on Thundera, outside the main

cities and launch a brutal attack. They withstand the

automated defenses set to stun. Claudius orders the

Thunderians underground, but Jaga confines him to his

quarters as he attempts to search for Lion-O. The King

cannot be put in jeopardy; Jaga and the Sword will

find his son.

On Panthro’s ship, Lion-O is having second thoughts,

but the Kittens promise to protect him. Anyway, it’s

too late; they are quickly approaching Bulkanar.

Mandora sends Tygra and Cheetara back to protect

Bulkanar; she and her team can handle Red Eye on their


The Sword of Omens shows Jaga that Lion-O and the

Kittens have stowed away. He hurries to warn Panthro.

Meanwhile, a restless Claudius is shocked when Slithe

appears in his chamber, demanding the throne and the

Treasure of Thundera. Vultureman short-circuits the

door, locking them in.

On Bulkanar, Cheetara’s sixth sense alerts her to

trouble on Thundera. Inside the King’s chamber,

Claudius desperately fights for his life. The Sword

leads Jaga to his aid, but by the time he cuts through

the door, Claudius is already gone. Jaga signals

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Cheetara and the others to return at once – a

transmission that a fearful Lion-O overhears.

As Jaga searches for the King, meteor showers slowly

begin to fall across the planet.

Outside the elevated cities, onboard the Mutants’

hovering ship, Slithe interrogates the King about the

Treasure. Claudius reveals nothing, thinking only of

Lion-O. The Sword of Omens shows Jaga the awful scene

as the mutants execute his beloved old friend. They

toss his body to the ground like waste, and depart,

dodging the thickening meteorites. Jaga cradles

Claudius’ slain body.

On Bulkanar, the Bulkans narrowly succeed in repelling

the Mutant threat. Rataro demands a report from

Thundera, and Slithe informs him that they had to

abandon the planet because of the unexpected meteor


The King’s death rocks Thundera to the core. A funeral

tribute for King Claudius comes to a somber

conclusion; dignitaries and friends of the royal

family assembled while others scramble to deal with

the meteorite situation. Inside the ancient sanctuary,

Lion-O pays his respects, with tears in his eyes. He

leans over the closed casket and kisses the bas-relief

image of his father, as Thunderian citizens silently

mourn outside. Trumpets sound and volleys of battle

cruisers fly overhead in tribute.

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Jaga stands nearby, with Snarf and the other

Thundercats. Their resonance with the Eye of Thundera

gives them the vision to witness Claudius’ spirit

rising from the casket, as Lion-O’s lips touch the

golden lid he’s bathed in the light of his father’s

spirit, so intense that all the other must turn away.

Lion-O drinks in his father’s spirit.

Afterward, a changed Lion-O morosely observes the

bustle of action as Thunderians and Thundercats return

to their posts to pour their energy into the impending

meteor crisis. They are universally reverent toward

Lion-O as they pass. Jaga sees the young lord alone

and comforts him, knowing he yearns to fight back like

a Thundercat.

They walk back towards the courtyard, where Jaga lets

Lion-O hold the sacred and powerful Sword of Omens.

He presses the Sword into Lion-O’s hands, and it

responds to his touch, expanding to its full size—- along sword. Lion-O is not yet strong enough to lift it

and Jaga chuckles as the blade retracts once more. He

orders Lion-O to parry. “Move like your father taught

you.” Lion-O executes impressive footwork, dazzling

thrusts, and two-handed strikes. He’s a natural. Jaga

tells him there is more to the Sword than combat. It

can be used to access the Book of Omens as well, but

Lion-O, enchanted by the power and feel of the blade,

barely listens.

Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat arrive on their space boards,

and ask Jaga if Lion-O can join them, but Jaga reminds

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them that as the successor to the throne, Lion-O now

has important work to attend to.

Later, in Cat’s Lair, Snarf catnaps nearby as Cheetara

and Pumyra make their rounds among the Thundercats for

check ups. Cheetara starts with Lion-O, bending over a

little too far, and giving Lion-O an unexpected

eyeful. She quickly corrects her position, and an

embarrassed Lion-O apologizes. Cheetara tells him that

boys his age can be inquisitive… He just smiles, and

she can’t help returning it.

On Plundarr, Rataro openly lashes out at Slithe and

the Mutants, criticizing them for their failure to get

the Treasure and raze the planet, as they had planned.

Slithe insolently brushes away Rataro’s jeers – he had

never been planning to lay waste to Thundera; he was

preparing to take it over for himself. When a livid

Rataro orders him executed for such insubordination,

Slithe and Vultureman, the clone technologist, turnthe clone army against him. Rataro is dethroned and

plunged into a desperate battle for survival while

Slithe assumes command of the clone army and regroups

to hit Thundera with devastating force.

Recovering from the death of their king, the Thunderians

deal with the impending meteorite crisis. A desperate

effort to blast apart several of the larger, plummeting

chunks results in hundreds of smaller projectiles that

smash into the Thunderian cities, penetrating several of

their massive environmental domes. Thundera’s allies are

still licking their wounds from the recent attacks on

Bulkanar. There’s not enough firepower to catch all of the

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falling meteorites, and the evolving crisis reaches a fever

pitch when several Thunderian reactors are struck.

Suddenly, the entire planet is thrown into jeopardy.

Panthro reports that it’s impossible to repair the reactors

with the meteors still falling fast and heavy. The power

centers are overheating. A meltdown is imminent. They

have to evacuate.

Panic and Chaos: Xenon organizes a mass exodus from the

planet. Inside the treasure chamber, Jaga retrieves the

Book of Omens. In order to ensure its security, Jaga seals

the Book with a series of latches that lock via

incantation. He pulls Lion-O over to share the secret

verse with him. Wide-eyed, the young Lord does his best to

absorb it while Snarf watches from a distance. Jaga places

the Book inside the Treasure chest, and enlists Panthro’s

aid in moving their treasure to the flagship.

Cheetara desperately tends to the wounded. Tygra helps – a

Samaritan effort she finds attractive. Jaga and Xenon

scramble for answers. If they retreat to one of their

allies’ planets, they will only bring pain and destruction

upon their friends. There is only one place they can go:

EARTH. Although it’s a long shot, they believe it’s their

best chance for survival.

The Thundercats put together a convoy of transport

ships to carry the refugees, with the Thundercat

flagship acting as the tugboat. Refugees are brought

up to the convoy with whatever they can carry. Jaga

moves to secure Lion-O, and the Treasure in a chamber

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on the ship. Tygra is uncomfortable with concentrating

all of their most important assets in one place, but

Jaga points out that they cannot take any chances by

separating them.

As destruction rages below, the Thundercats secure the

convoy of refugees behind their flagship via tractor

beams, and take off from the planet’s surface. Just as

they prepare to enter suspension capsules for the

journey, Slithe and the Mutants execute a surprise


Below, on the surface, hammered by meteorites, the

Thunderian reactors melt down. Massive explosions rip

Thundera to its core, literally tearing the planet

apart. The convoy is all that remains of the ancient

Thunderian race – and now, it’s under attack from the

Mutants. The Thunderian defense systems cannot hold

them off, and the Mutants breach the flagship. Slithe

and Jackalman follow their instincts to the chamberholding Lion-O and the treasure. Snarf stands between

the Mutants and the young Lord, but Jackalman knocks

him out of the way as they bear down on Lion-O. The

Eye of Thundera opens. Lion-O sees this and grabs the

Sword, but, fully extended, it is too heavy to lift.

The mutants mock him, and advance. The Eye of Thundera

gives Lion-O a burst of strength. He lifts the blade,

and it creates a protective barrier. The Mutants

retreat as Lion-O lunges forward.

Panthro and Tygra seal the hull. Jaga orders everyone

into the suspension capsules, including the refugees

in the remaining barge behind the flagship. Cheetara

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senses that Jaga will not make it with them. He

reminds the Thundercats that the Eye of Thundera will

be with them. He places the Sword of Omens and the

Claw Shield into Lion-O’s capsule. In their haste,

they don’t realize that Lion-O and Jaga’s capsules

have been damaged in the attack.

In a parting shot, the Mutants disable the flagship’s

tractor beam. Not realizing the convoy has been cut

away, the Thundercats pull away. The autopilot engages

the light engines, and the Thundercats streak away

into the void…

Desperate to catch them, the Mutants abandon the

Thunderian convoy and warp into pursuit of the

Thundercats, leaving the hibernating Thunderian

citizens adrift and alone.

While the other Thundercats slumber in their capsules,

Lion-O plunges into a fitful vision. His father

speaks to him, a comforting voice that nevertheless

warns him to be on his guard in the future. He tells

Lion-O of the creation of the Thundercats, generations

ago – the way in which Thunderian DNA was combined

with Big Cat samples from Third Earth to create

hybrids charged with protecting Thundera against their

enemy, Plundarr, who later turned out to be exiled

Thunderians. “Father, why did the ancients of Thundera

agree to such a risky experiment?” Lion-O asks.

Claudius replies that Plundarr has always been a

planet of murderous villains. He notes that the

Plundarrians were exiled by the Ancients for violating

the Code of Thundera: Justice, Truth, Honor, and

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Loyalty. These values define The Thundercats – Lion-O

must always uphold them.

“With a long and treacherous history of visiting planet

after planet, wiping out entire civilizations; slaughtering

the innocent without mercy, simply for sport. The ancient

citizens of Thundera refused to be wiped out by the

Plundarrian scourge. Our proud ancestors chose instead to

fight, no matter the cost.” 

Claudius explains how a new mythology began to grow around

the Thundercats. Tribes were formed based on the type of

ancient Earth cat DNA used: Lion, Panther, Leopard,

Cheetah, Jaguar, Wild Cat, Puma and Tiger. After the

initial success of the experiments, the new Thundercats

realized that although they were different from their

Thunderian brethren, they had the same desire to live in

peace and harmony with their fellow citizens. A king was

chosen from the Lion tribe, based on his birthmark, to rule

the planet of Thundera in peace and to protect theThunderians from Plundarr. They were widely respected by

the population of Thundera and never once betrayed the

honor bestowed upon them until the betrayal of Grune, the


From this, the voice of Claudius trails off as the

Thundercat flagship, severely damaged from the Mutant

attack, breaks up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere.

They are coming over mountains that were once called

the Andes, toward the northeast coast of what was once

known as South America. This is post-human Third 

Earth. The ancient landing site - where the

Thunderians experimented with animal DNA [from the

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FIRST MOVIE] – is their target destination, but as the

ship disintegrates, it spreads pieces of debris and

the Treasure itself across the Amazon jungle.

To the primitive, jungle-dwelling tribes of this

sparsely-populated Earth, the ship appears as a

spectacular shooting star. Another blast lights up the

sky as the Mutant ship hits a chunk of the flagship’s

debris, causing them to careen off course toward the


In the bowels of an enormous black pyramid, deep in

the Amazon jungle, a large cauldron shimmers and

bubbles, projecting images of the unfolding events in

the sky. Something EVIL watches. This is MUMM-RA.

The Thundercats crash land near the old launch site. A

frightened Occelot picks through the wreckage

uncovering Lion-O’s capsule and a glowing gem. It’s a

beautiful pendant centered around a radiant red jewel.

There’s a natural flaw in the jewel in the shape of

cat – the Thundercat symbol. The Ocelot carefully

picks the jewel up with its teeth, and explores the

rest of the crash site.

Watching in his cauldron, Mumm-Ra gasps in horror at

Lion-O. “Ancient spirits of Evil, why do you torment

me with this visitation?” The eyes of the Spirits –

towering statues on either side of Mumm-Ra’s

sarcophagus – glow.

The magnitude of the crash is more apparent in daylight as

dozens of Amazon WARRIOR MAIDENS, armed with bows and

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arrows and led by the beautiful QUEEN WILLA, approach the

crash site. Willa goes straight for the hibernation

capsules. She cautiously peers into each capsule; one is

empty filled only with a pile of dust. In the first

capsule, Lion-O stirs.

Willa and the maidens watch apprehensively as the capsules

begin opening. The Thundercats are surprised to see Lion-O

is fully grown; Cheetara in particular. Lion-O’s capsule

must have been damaged in the Mutant raid. Only Jaga is

missing – his damaged capsule failed to keep him alive for

the journey.

At TREE TOP VILLAGE, the maidens nurse the Thundercats back

to health. Willa has a strange attraction to Lion-O, now a

strapping young man. The Maidens hope these newly arrived

creatures from space can help them defeat Mumm-Ra’s evil,

which oppresses them and other inhabitants of Third Earth.

Whenever they try to clear the land, the jungle grows back

almost overnight, smothering their crops. Without

agriculture, they will never advance. Their children are

born by AUTOGENESIS - the process of procreating without

male intervention. Willa has the utmost respect for the

Thundercats; cats are the maidens’ animal spirits. Her

sister ATHENA, on the other hand, does not care for

outsiders, no matter where they’re from.

Before the Thundercats leave to recover their belongings,

Willa cautions them about many unexplored areas of Third

Earth. There are other dangers besides Mumm-Ra.

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Mumm-Ra broods over Lion-O – a disturbing likeness to the

ancient Egyptian lion-God MAAHES, who tormented him in the

afterlife. The eyes of the Ancient Spirits of Evil glow.

Miles away, the Mutants exit their ship and orient

themselves to the peculiar landscape. Most of the equipment

is damaged. Jackalman and Monkian pull their SKY CUTTERS

from the wreckage but Slithe’s NOSE DIVER, an amphibious

flying machine, does not work. He orders Jackalman to ride

with Monkian, and takes the other Cutter to search for the

Thundercats. Mumm-Ra has other plans. As the Mutants fly by

the DARK PYRAMID Mumm-Ra forces their machines down to the

ground. He welcomes the Mutants to his home and offers his

help to rid them of the Thundercats with his powers, backed


The Mutants quickly realize that he’s not to be trifled

with. Mumm-Ra offers to share half of Third Earth with the

Mutants, and without much of a choice, they go along with

his plan.

The Thundercats search the debris field for their

valuables. They presume that the Book of Omens and their

Treasure burnt up or was lost during their crash landing.

Suddenly, metal, mole-like construction droids burrow up

from the earth’s surface. The last battered remnants of old

Second Earth technology, the droids are programmed to

repair themselves and keep the planet Earth clean, but

Panthro finds their simplistic designs easy to manipulate;

they become automatic allies.

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Amidst the ship’s wreckage, Panthro finds the twisted

remains of the Thundertank. Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat also

recover their space boards - damaged. Among the debris

they find a few valuables and the ship’s video recorder.

Tygra gathers the other Thundercats to watch the last

minutes before the convoy disengaged from their flagship.

The Thundercats don’t know if their fellow Thunderians

survived or not. They assume the worse and set out to make

Third Earth their new home.

Over the next several weeks, the Thundercats use parts of

the ship’s wreckage in the construction of a new, makeshift

CAT’S LAIR. Cobbled together from bent shards of the

flagship’s hull, it is a far cry from the beautiful home

they had on Thundera, but with the droids’ help, it slowly

becomes a shelter, of sorts. Meanwhile, missing eight

years of his life, Lion-O must learn to grow up fast.

A few miles away, the Mutants have spent the time to use

their small legion of clones in establishing a base of

operations in a set of caves near their own crash site.

They explore the apocalyptic remnants of the planet in

their search for the Thundercats, plotting to waylay Lion-O

and get the Sword. Their first attempt, several days later,

fails miserably.

A restless Lion-O decides to visit Tree Top village to

thank Willa and the maidens for their kind treatment. Snarf

tags along. Cheetara objects to Lion-O going off by

himself; perhaps a little jealous.

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Lion-O and Snarf walk through the dark jungle as the sky

grows dimmer by the minute. Lion-O unsheathes the Sword of

Omens from the Claw Shield and cuts through the foliage.

They see the fire lights from the Tree Tops ahead. An arrow

slams down in front of Lion-O. Athena jumps down from a

nearby tree to confront him. The warrior maidens have no

need for outsiders; especially from any male-type species.

Willa comes out, coddling a baby. She invites Lion-O up to

the village, none of them aware of Monkian, who watches

from among the branches nearby.

Warrior maidens stand guard outside Willa’s bungalow. Willa

shows Lion-O around the village where dozens of artifacts

have been collected from previous Earth cycles – weathered

relics of familiar human culture now battered from years of

burial. Artifacts were traded for food or other necessities

during Second Earth, but now, they are valueless. Many

people disappeared, never to be seen again, when Mumm-Ra

was unearthed.

The Sword of Omens alerts Lion-O to danger. Not completely

sure of how to summon sight beyond sight, he looks into the

hilt and tells it to show him what is happening. It

glimmers for a second but doesn’t fully respond. Monkian

lets out a loud shriek to summon the other Mutants. Snarf

runs up the tree and tells Lion-O to call the other

Thundercats. Lion-O embarrassed that he cannot summon the

Sword tells them he will fight off the Mutants. Willa

orders the maidens to prepare for battle.

Slithe, in the Nose Diver, and Jackalman, on a Sky Cutter,

dive from the sky, firing a barrage of firepower that rips

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through the Tree houses. Slithe tells Monkian to get the

Sword from Lion-O, who sends Snarf to get the other

Thundercats. The maidens take the children down to the

ground and into the jungle for safety. Other maidens fire

flaming arrows at the Mutants as they whiz by. Lion-O tells

Snarf to go for the Thundercats while he helps the maidens

fight off the Mutants.

Snarf runs down the jungle path to get the other

Thundercats. As Monkian and Jackalman attack, Slithe’s

hovering Nose Diver stops Snarf in his tracks. Snarf dives

into the jungle, and Slithe pursues, while Monkian

threatens several Maiden hostages, demanding Lion-O give up

the Sword. Lion-O tells him that the Sword belongs to the

Thundercats and the Eye of Thundera has no master.

Suddenly Jaga’s spirit speaks to Lion-O. Lion-O raises the

Sword over his head and calls in the unintelligible

Thunderian tongue. His voice echoes through the jungle.

The Eye OPENS. The Sword extends. Lightning crackles in the

sky as the sword draws the Eye’s energy like an atom draws

electrons. Suddenly the symbolic Eye of Thundera burns

through the sky with a ROAR and sizzling energy. The earth

shakes from the roar. The Mutants are enthralled,

witnessing the awesome power of the Sword. They must

harness this power. Mumm-Ra watches from the Cauldron. The

eyes of the Ancient Spirits of Evil glow as the power of

the Eye of Thundera beckons the Thundercats.

The Thundercats hear and see the Eye of Thundera. Their

eye’s flash. They drop what they’re doing and race off to

help their Lord. The Mutants try to take a few maidens with

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them but Lion-O stops them. Cheetara jumps out of the

Thundertank and races ahead. She arrives to see a safe

Lion-O and Willa tending to him and Snarf. Willa cracks a

smile. Cheetara growls under her breath as the other

Thundercats arrive.

A few weeks later, at Cat’s Lair, Lion-O sleeps - tired

from all the excitement - while Cheetara has a premonition

that the Thunderian refugees are alive. She joins the

others in a late-night discussion. Tygra theorizes that it

shouldn’t be long before Lion-O is mentally 20-years old.

That’s good news to Panthro; they can use some more muscle

power around the lair. Panthro wonders what the Mutants are

planning next. Tygra recently installed a Detection

Perimeter for the Lair that can detect intruders up to

three miles away.

At Castle Plundarr, Slithe, Jackalman, and Monkian argue.

Jackalman’s upset that they’ve been unsuccessful--twice.

Each blames the other for the mishap. Jackalman suggests

they consult Mumm-Ra. Mumm-Ra appears inside their Castle

as an APPARITION, and bids them to the pyramid. They’ll

discuss matters there. Slithe doesn’t trust this, nor do

Jackalman or Monkian.

Wily Kit and Wily Kat explore some of the areas within the

Detection Perimeter. Kit notices HOOK MOUNTAIN looming in

the distance. Wily Kat spots what looks like a shiny object

at the top; could be a piece of their lost Treasure of

Thundera. He shows Wily Kit, and wants to check it out, but

she remembers what Lion-O told them— do not go beyond the

perimeter. Kat thinks Kit’s scared. He tells him that the

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others would be proud of them and maybe give them more

responsibilities as Thundercats. Wily Kit agrees to check

it out, as long as they do it quickly.

Mumm-Ra watches the Thunderkittens’ curiosity unfold in the

Cauldron. He incants evil magic that causes an AVALANCHE on

the mountain.

Back at Cat’s Lair, Lion-O’s winning a wrestling match

against Panthro. Panthro taps out. Lion-O and Panthro share

a laugh. Lion-O extends his hand to help Panthro up but

Cheetara challenges Lion-O. Tygra wants in too. The Lord of

the Thundercats doesn’t like those odds. Panthro waves with

a smile and leaves to work on the Thundertank.

The Mutants talk to Mumm-Ra about their next assault on the

Thundercats. Mumm-Ra refuses to let them attack again. They

draw their weapons on Mumm-Ra. He easily takes their

weapons away. Mumm-Ra tells them that the destruction of

the Thundercats has already begun.

On Hook Mountain, Wily Kit and Wily Kat don’t see the

Avalanche that rages toward them. Just when Wily Kit tells

her brother that they’ll be back at Cat’s Lair in no time,

Wily Kat’s pummeled by the avalanche. Wily Kit watches in

horror as Wily Kat screams down the mountain. She chases

after him as the snow barrels toward them.

The Sword of Omens signals trouble, revealing Wily Kit and

Wily Kat in trouble on Hook Mountain. Lion-O and the other

Thundercats head out in the Thundertank.

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A large FIGURE watches, sitting atop a SNOW LEOPARD at the

mountain’s summit. He nudges the leopard to go down the

mountain after the kittens. Wily Kit reaches her brother,

buried under the snow. The SNOW MAN and his leopard grab

Wily Kit before the snow overtakes her. Her brother is

buried alive in the thick snow. Wily Kit struggles to save

him, but the Snow Man holds her back as the avalanche stops

at the base of the mountain.

The Thundertank moves toward Hook Mountain. The Snow Man

and Wily Kit dig with the Snow Leopard. Lion-O, Cheetara,

Tygra and Panthro arrive, and Lion-O aims the Sword at the

snow. Another avalanche starts at the top; this time with

more strength. The others warn Lion-O. He calls on the Eye

of Thundera for help. The Eye blazes in the sky, beaming

down like a force field to block the second avalanche as

Panthro shoots flames from the tip of his nunchuckus to

free Wily Kat.

They fear that he is dead. Snow Man takes his coat off and

places it around the unconscious Wily Kat. Cheetara checks

his vitals, as his temperature returns to normal. Snow Man

tells them that the avalanche was not natural; there has

not been one in years. He also notes how he saw the

Thundercats fall out of the sky. They seem almost like

kindred spirits. Unfortunately Snow Man must stay on Hook

Mountain, his frozen home. Lion-O requests that if he comes

across any treasures on Hook Mountain that bears the symbol

of the Eye of Thundera to let them know. Snow Man reaches

into a pouch on his Snow Leopard’s saddle. He pulls out the

Book of Omens and hands it to Lion-O.

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The Cat’s Lair is nearly complete. Panthro puts finishing

touches on the Thundertank that will now enable it to

operate amphibiously. Tygra tweaks the weapons system and

the super Telescope through the Cat’s eyes, while Snarf

tends to the recovering Wily Kat.

Lion-O addresses the Thundercats like King Arthur at his

Round Table, getting the Sword to show the Key on the

bottom of the unexplored OCEANS OF THIRD EARTH. Tygra tells

Panthro that he placed an electronic impression of the Key

into the Thundertank’s tracking system. Lion-O reminds them

about the unforeseen dangers on the planet that Willa spoke

of-- Many new species, some dangerous, have emerged since

Earth evolved into its third cycle.

The Thundercats minus Lion-O, Snarf and the Kittens head to

the Oceans of Third Earth. The Mutants lie in wait for

them. Panthro tests the amphibious component for the first

time. He reassures the team as he throttles the Thundertank

off a small cliff into the Ocean’s depths.

Monkian and Jackalman fly over the water in Sky Cutters.

Slithe, in the Nose Diver, tells the Mutants to destroy

them when they resurface. He dives into the water after the


A blip appears on the Thunder Tank’s screen. At first, they

think it’s the key but it’s Slithe in the Nose Diver--

right on their tail. Slithe fires - Panthro maneuvers

right, barely avoiding a direct hit. None of their weapons

are designed for underwater use. Panthro runs the Tank

directly at Slithe. The Thundercats brace themselves. The

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Nose Diver bounces off the top of the Tank and careens out

of control.

A second blip appears on the Tank’s monitor. The Key of

Thundera sticks out of the ocean floor. Panthro activates

the Tank’s retrieving arm to pick up the Key, and brings it

inside the Tank. Out of nowhere, a giant eel mutation wraps

itself around the Thundertank, and tries to crush them.

They hear the metal bending. Panthro flips open a lid that

houses a red button and pushes it. An electric charge

surrounds the Tank’s outer shell. The sea creature

disengages and swims off.

As the Mutants fly above water, the Thundertank creeps onto

dry land and sneaks away. They return to Cat’s Lair.

Panthro gives the Mutant report. Cheetara hands Lion-O the

Key of Thundera. Lion-O tries to figure out how to open the

lock on the Book of Omens. He remembers that Jaga once

taught him an incantation to release the latches, but it

seems like an eternity has gone by. Lion-O cannot recall

the verse.

After dinner, Lion-O addresses them. So far, they’ve

recovered the Book of Omens and the Key of Thundera. They

must find the Totem of Dera and the Thunder Scope.

Later that night, Lion-O is awakened by a voice outside his

window. Willa. Lion-O tells the concerned Snarf to get some

sleep. He’ll return soon. Willa wants to see him. Snarf

thinks Lion-O should tell the other Thundercats where he’s

going but Lion-O doesn’t want to wake the others.

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Lion-O and Willa walk alongside the legendary BOTTOMLESS

LAKE. The moonlight shimmers off its still waters. Lion-O

asks Willa why she wishes to speak to him in secret. Willa

gently touches Lion-O’s face and mentions his striking

similarities to Maahes, the ancient Egyptian Lion-god that

torments transgressors of Ma’at -- a system of balance,

ultimate truth, the Egyptians sense of natural order of the

world. He’s depicted carrying a large knife and is invoked

to protect the innocent and to punish transgressors of

Ma’at. This reminds Lion-O of the Code of Thundera:

Justice, Truth, Honor and Loyalty.

Willa says the Gods have answered her prayer to send an

angel to destroy the evil Mumm-Ra. She challenges Lion-O to

a foot race for fun, and zips ahead of him. He gives chase

but doesn’t see her. Up ahead, Willa waits for him, with an

alluring pose. He’s impressed. The Sword signals danger

again. Lion-O looks into the hilt but sees only a haze.

Willa asks about the Sword, and Lion-O tells her about the

Eye of Thundera-- source of the Thundercats’ power. He

wants to know more about Mumm-Ra, but Willa silences him

with a touch. Enchanted, Lion-O kisses her. Willa slaps

him. Lion-O apologizes. She laughs it off; that’s okay.

Not much further now. Willa grabs his hand and leads him

into some foliage to the other side where the dark pyramid

sits ominously in a desert oasis. Willa asks to hold the

Sword. Lion-O lets her hold it. She admires it and tells

Lion-O that Mumm-Ra should be killed while he sleeps in his


Lion-O is inflated by the lofty talk, but wants to call the

other Thundercats if they’re going to face Mumm-Ra. Willa

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tells him that they can do this alone with the Sword of

Omens. They must strike now. Willa runs to the base of the

Dark Pyramid and disappears into an opening. Lion-O chases

after her and dives in just before it closes. Darkness

surrounds him as he waits for his eyes to adjust. Willa

cries for help echoes. Lion-O follows her voice.

Back at the Cats’ Lair, Snarf calls out to Lion-O. He’s

worried. The other Thundercats awake and join in the

search. Snarf reluctantly tells them that he saw Lion-O

leave with Willa of the warrior maidens. Tygra and Panthro

tell Cheetara and Snarf to stay with the kittens. Panthro

thinks Cheetara may allow her emotions to get in the way.

Curtly brushing off the comment, she joins them in the


Lion-O walks down a long dark corridor in the Dark Pyramid.

The cries for help stop. Lion-O enters the main chamber and

sees the large mystic bubbling cauldron, the looming

statues of the Ancient Spirits of Evil, and the

Sarcophagus. Curious, Lion-O steps forward to the cauldron

for a closer look. The bubbling stops. He calls out for

Willa. No answer. The Sarcophagus slowly opens. Inside,

leans the Sword of Omens. Lion-O looks around, calls out

for Willa again. He peers up at the statues. He steps up to

the Sarcophagus and reaches down for the Sword. Suddenly

something sweeps behind Lion-O. He spins around. Nothing

there. Lion-O feels a presence behind him and spins around

again to face Mumm-Ra-- still half morphed into Willa.

Lion-O looks horrified as Mumm-Ra snatches the Sword and

pushes Lion-O into the Sarcophagus.

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Panthro, Tygra and Cheetara head for Tree Top Village. Back

in the Cats’ Lair, Snarf and the kittens can’t sleep.

Suddenly, Mutants emerge from the shadows, after disabling

the detection system.

Snarf spots them and slips into the kitchen. Jackalman,

searching the empty halls, notices another scent in the

air. Snarf grabs a cooking utensil, swallows hard, and

heads down the hall. Kit hears footsteps. She wakes Kat

just as Slithe pushes the open door panel. The kittens

attack Slithe and Jackalman. Slithe uses his powerful tail

to knock them off balance, while Jackalman shoots a net

over them. Monkian corners Snarf, who wraps his tail around

Monkian’s neck. Hearing his strangled cries, Slithe and

Jackalman gas Snarf.

Lion-O is trapped in Mumm-Ra’s Sarcophagus. Inside the

darkness, demons scratch Lion-O’s body, forcing their way

inside him. He cries out and writhes in pain. There’s

nothing he can do now; the Sarcophagus is pumping trapped,

evil souls into him.

Lion-O emerges. Changed. Not in a good way. Mumm-Ra

commands the demonized Lion-O to destroy the Thundercats.

Tygra, Panthro and Cheetara enter the Tree Top Village.

Willa welcomes them but denies seeing Lion-O last night.

After aggressive questioning, Cheetara tells Panthro and

Tygra that Willa’s telling the truth. There’s been no sign

of the Eye of Thundera to summon them for help either.

Willa wants to help find Lion-O.

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A venomous Lion-O heads to Cat’s Lair. The Mutants gloat;

the Thundercats will die at the hands of their own Lord,

under Mumm-Ra’s evil control.

The Mutants blast the Thundercats’ equipment and defense

systems, leaving Snarf and the Kittens in a net suspended

from a nearby tree. They pull out just as the demonized

Lion-O arrives. Snarf knows that Lion-O is not himself by

the malevolent way he watches the kittens. Snarf screams

for help. Kit and Kat do the same. As the Thundertank roars

back toward the Cats’ lair, Willa hears cries in the

distance. They change directions.

Lion-O climbs the tree toward the Kit, Kat and Snarf. His

claws are razor sharp. His incisors drip with saliva when

he opens his mouth. Kit tries to reason with Lion-O. The

Thundertank pulls up, the Thundercats jump out with weapons

drawn. Lion-O jumps at the kittens. Panthro tackles him in

the air, but Lion-O throws him against the Thundertank. The

others each take shots at him, too, but it is only when

Willa hits Lion-O with two tranquilizer arrows that he

relents and retreats into the jungle.

Willa informs them that evil spirits in Lion-O's body will

grow stronger, and eventually take over his body if they

don’t expel them. No medicine can cure him. She and the

other Maidens will capture him. The Thundercats now realize

the seriousness of Mumm-Ra’s evil.

Lion-O banishes himself into a mountainous cave, head

swimming with evil thoughts. Willa uses the guiding eyes of

the Ocelot, her spirit animal, to track Lion-O -- bow and

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arrow drawn. Lion-O attacks the Ocelot. Willa tries to fire

off an arrow but Lion-O crushes the weapon. She pleads with

him. The demons inside Lion-O speak in her native tongue,

telling her that Lion-O is dead; he’s no longer with them.

He grabs her by the throat and holds her in the air. The

Thundercats pounce on him, and together, manage to subdue

him. Over the next week or two, they take turns watching

Lion-O. He cannot return to Cat’s Lair.

At the Mutants’ lair, Jackalman tries to make contact with

Plundarr. With reinforcements they can all rule Third Earth

without Mumm-Ra. Alas, the transmissions are all garbled.

Gloom fills the air at the Cat’s Lair. If they cannot

defeat Lion-O, they may have to sacrifice him. Perhaps

answers can be found in the Book of Omens, if only they can

find a way to get it open. In desperation, Snarf thinks

back to the day that Jaga gave Lion-O the incantation in

the treasure chamber on Thundera before they departed. He

reads the inscriptions on the latches of the Book, suddenly

remembering the words from all those years ago. Pop. The

clasp unlocks. The symbol of the Eye glows on the cover,

the reaches of deep space appearing where pages should be.

While Snarf hurries off to tell the others, the Kittens –

who have been watching this whole time - stealthily

approach the Book. They are enchanted by its appearance.

Kit remembers that the Guardian of the Eye requires the Key

of Thundera and it’s locked away in the other chamber. They

hear Snarf calling them. With no time to think, Kat and Kit

stick their hands inside the open pages of time and space.

The Book teleports them to a long corridor that seems to

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lead nowhere. They walk and walk until they reach a dead

end. Suddenly, a set of stairs appear in front of them that

lead to the throne of the Eye of Thundera. The kittens stop

at the base of the stairs. A commanding voice speaks to

them telepathically. Where’s the Key of Thundera?

In the Dark Pyramid, Mumm-Ra realizes that he cannot wield

the Sword of Omens; it burns his hand and flies away,

before illuminating a path, as it searches for an exit.

Mumm-Ra laughs. He tells the Sword there’s no way out of

the Pyramid. The Sword of Omens flies through a series of

mazes, setting off traps, before a wall slams down and

encloses the Sword inside. Mumm-Ra transforms into his

mightier form to pay the Mutants a visit.

Willa and Cheetara keep vigil over Lion-O, who rests.

Cheetara tells Willa why she loves Lion-O. She knows that

Willa loves him too. Lion-O awakes and rattles his

bindings, breaking one vine. Willa draws her bow and arrow

on Lion-O. Cheetara springs into attack mode. The demons

inside Lion-O chuckle. Other warrior maidens appear with

their bows drawn and wait for the word to strike.

In the Book of Omens, Wily Kat tells the Guardian that

Lion-O is in trouble. The Guardian tells them they must

have the Key of Thundera to unlock the secrets to the Book

of Omens, and just then, Snarf arrives with it. The

Guardian shows them a picture of the Totem of Dera, a

healing amulet, in the Eye of Thundera. Wily Kit asks where

this treasure can be found. An image of Willa appears. A

radiant jewel with the Eye of Thundera deep inside, hangs

around her neck.

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The Mutants prepare to leave Castle Plundarr, in spite of

Mumm-Ra’s warnings that the Thundercats are attempting to

save Lion-O.

The Thundertank races for the Cave in the forest. Panthro

is in the midst of telling Cheetara they’ve found Lion-O’s

cure when Slithe, Jackalman, and Monkian descend upon them

on Sky Cutters. Panthro evades them with the help of the

other Thundercats, dealing a few shots of his own along the

way. Tygra rises from the Tank’s weapons platform, behind

an energy gun turret. He blasts the Mutants, who scatter

and regroup for another assault. Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat

jump out of the Tank and onto their restored space boards

to join the fight.

Lion-O breaks free, sending Cheetara, Willa, and the

Maidens scattering for weapons. Features distorted, Lion-O

is now almost unrecognizable. No sign of the Thundercats.

Lion-O seems fully-possessed, and the Maidens are no match

for him. Willa and Cheetara, tearful, know what they have

to do.

Before the Maidens can unload a volley of arrows at Lion-O,

Mumm-Ra appears and redirects the arrows back at them.

Cheetara tries to attack Mumm-Ra, but Lion-O knocks her

back several yards.

The Thundertank pulls up outside the cave as Willa tries to

string another arrow. Mumm-Ra melts her weapon. He melds

through the cave’s wall to face the Thundercats. Their

weapons are useless against him. Making himself invisible,

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Tygra dives into the cave as dislodged stones crash down

behind him. Kat uses Lion-O’s Claw Shield to fire a

grappling hook into Mumm-Ra’s chest. Mumm-Ra is about to

dislodge it when he glimpses his reflection in its shiny

surface. The sight makes him screech and recoil in horror,

and the Thundercats. Mumm-Ra retreats into the sky,

morphing into his decrepit form.

Tygra reappears between Willa and Lion-O, snatching Willa’s

shirt open to reveal the Totem of Dera around her neck.

Wide-eyed and frightened, she apologizes for taking it; she

had no idea it was so important. When Tygra tries to send

a telepathic message to Lion-O, the demons shock his mind.

He drops the Totem of Dera and draws back in pain. Cheetara

subdues Lion-O in his distraction, working with Willa to

exorcise the demons from his body with the Amulet.

Lion-O opens his eyes. He remembers nothing, but he is

shocked when he learns Mumm-Ra has the Sword of Omens.

Meanwhile, at the Plundarrian settlement, Vultureman

signals from Plundarr, demanding the Mutants’ coordinates.

Red Eye, the Lunatak, has escaped. Queen Luna and the other

Lunataks have freed him from Exile. They need to

consolidate their resources and prepare for the worst. The

Mutants are skeptical, fearing Vultureman might have been

compromised, but the promise of more weapons is too good to

resist; they could even supercede Mumm-Ra’s power.

Lion-O recovers and prepares to strike back at Mumm-Ra.

Willa visits the Cats’ Lair with her sister, and again

makes a formal apology for taking the Totem, telling Lion-O

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that he shouldn’t face Mumm-Ra alone. She understands his

desire to help rid Third Earth of this enemy and prove

himself as Lord of the Thundercats, but she fears for his

safety. They share a romantic moment. Cheetara calls a

meeting and reveals she has had another, stronger

premonition – she believes the Thunderian refugees are

still alive, and possibly in need of assistance. Perhaps

they should redirect their energy toward building a ship

that can return them to their galaxy. Tygra and Panthro

agree to attempt to design and build a new ship with what

resources they can salvage from their tattered flagship and

the ruins of old Earth. Nevertheless, Lion-O is determined:

Mumm-Ra must be vanquished. As he continues to make ready

for an assault, Vultureman arrives at the Mutant camp on

Third Earth.

Lion-O departs to confront Mumm-Ra in the Thundertank with

Panthro, Tygra, and Cheetara. Crossing the desert, Lion-O

watches the approaching Dark Pyramid with trepidation. It

is eerily quiet. He is the first out of the Tank and he

doesn’t notice something approaching fast beneath the sand.

The ground seems to open up beneath him, and as Lion-O and

the others are preparing to fight, they see the identity of

their would-be attacker: Snarf, riding in one of the relic

robot droids. Although Lion-O is upset Snarf didn’t stay

behind, he forgets his misgivings when Snarf reveals the

droid has informed him of a way to burrow into the Pyramid

from below.

They dig beneath the sand, where they uncover a door – some

kind of burial chamber. Hieroglyphs cover the door: They

are a warning. The chamber contains the remains of Wosret,

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an ancient Pharaoh’s evil priest, who was banished from

Egypt and sent to South America in the belief that his soul

could not find its way back to Osiris in the afterlife.

Allegedly, Maahes, a lion-like god was to keep him

imprisoned. Mumm-Ra hates the Thundercats because he

believes that Lion-O is the reincarnation of Maahes.

The construction droid digs underneath the first chamber,

and Lion-O and Snarf head further inside while the other

Thundercats remain on the lookout for any approaching


In the larger, central chamber, the Cauldron bubbles. An

ORB rises out of the murky liquid, moving toward Lion-O and

Snarf. The two of them reach the floor of a second burial

chamber. The Orb dissolves through a wall and floats behind

them, morphing into an axe. Lion-O pushes Snarf to the

ground and raises his Claw Shield to deflect the axe’s

powerful blow. The Orb morphs into a spear. Snarf tells

Lion-O to call the Sword, and when he does, it levitates

and extends two feet before melting through the three foot

thick walls that encase it and RACING to Lion-O.

Lion-O and Snarf flee the orb, into a second burial chamber

piled high with the dead bodies of those slain at Mumm-Ra’s

hands. The bodies come alive around them, cornering Lion-O

and Snarf. Lion-O picks Snarf up, looking for a way out. He

attempts to battle them off with brute strength and the

Claw Shield but the bodies are relentless. The demons tell

Lion-O that it’s no use -- Give up now.

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Above the second burial chamber, the Sword of Omens slices

through the heavy walls, and intercepts the orb in mid air.

As they duel, the Eye opens. The Sword of Omens cleaves the

orb in two before bursting through the chamber door and

levitating between Lion-O, Snarf, and the living corpses.

It forms a blue force field around them. Lion-O grabs the

Sword’s handle. The Eye repels the demons and the bodies

disperse into a heap of dust. The Sword leads Lion-O to the


Lion-O and Snarf reach the chamber. No sign of Mumm-Ra. The

cauldron bubbles. Lion-O sees the Sarcophagus and moves

toward it, but stone pillars rise from the ground to block

him. He shoots a grappling hook from the Claw Shield into

the top of the pillar, grabs Snarf and climbs over the top

before the pillars rises to crush them. He drops down on

the other side, closer to the Sarcophagus. Lion-O calls for

Mumm-Ra to show himself. The Sword signals danger. He turns

to see the large, imposing, transformed Mumm-Ra the Ever-

Living towering over him.

Lion-O raises his Sword to strike, but Mumm-Ra pushes him

to the ground. They lunge into an intense battle. Snarf

tells Lion-O to call on the Thundercats. Lion-O refuses;

this is his fight. Mumm-Ra morphs into Jaga, and overpowers

a surprised Lion-O.

Desperate, Lion-O calls for the Thundercats. The Eye of

Thundera blinds Mumm-Ra as it flashes into the sky.

Outside, Panthro, Tygra, and Cheetara race to Lion-O’s

defense. The kittens, at the Cats’ Lair, climb aboard

their space boards and follow suit. Willa and the Warrior

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Maidens head toward the Eye. Perched atop Hook Mountain,

the Snow Leopard perks up. It races to get the attention of

its master. Mounting the Leopard, he and his pet bound down

the hill to help their new comrades just as Vultureman and

the Mutants – having seen the Thundercat call as well -

ride in to strike them while they are distracted.

A raging battle outside the Dark Pyramid ensues, while

within, Lion-O and Mumm-Ra forge a bitter duel of their

own. Mumm-Ra is smug; apparently, calling his friends

cannot help him here. So much for his coveted Code of

Thundera; there is less loyalty here than among the

Mutants. The mention of the Code sparks an inner energy

and calm within Lion-O. Recalling his training and the

words of his father and Jaga, Lion-O wears Mumm-Ra down.

At last, Mumm-Ra returns to his normal form and retreats to

his Sarcophagus. Lion-O tries to pry it open, but it is

sealed shut. He binds the Sarcophagus with grappling hooks

from the Claw Shield. Outside, the massive alliance of

Willa’s Maidens, the Snow Man, and the other Thundercats

sends the Mutants into a hasty retreat – for now.

Lion-O picks up the Sarcophagus with brute strength and

carries it outside the pyramid, where the assembled others

lead a procession to the Bottomless Lake. There, Lion-O

drops the Sarcophagus into the dark water, and it falls to

a deep, murky grave. Unseen, a strong current moves the

Sarcophagus toward a faintly-lit underground river. The

supernatural powers of the Ancient Spirits of Evil guide

the Sarcophagus to the Dark Pyramid, where it emerges from

the cauldron…