Threepenny guide & directory for Stirling, Bridge of Allan, etc · 2019. 5. 6. ·...

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Transcript of Threepenny guide & directory for Stirling, Bridge of Allan, etc · 2019. 5. 6. ·...

  • Threepenny


    Dunblane, DouNE,

    Si niniansjcBannockbiirn




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    EIGHTEEN GUINEAS.This Wonderful Little Cottage Piano has a good touch, and stands

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    National Library of Scotland

  • insriDExi-

    Address, .


    - .



    Stirling Castle,

    Back Walk, .


    Cemetery, .




    Ladies' Eock,


    Drummond's Tract Depot,

    Post-Office, .


    Stirling General Directory,

    Street Directory,

    Academies and Schools,

    Places of Worship,

    Sacramental Fast-Days, .


    Stirling Young Men's Christain Association,

    Trades and Professions Directory,

    Stirling Town Council, &c.,

    Commissioners of Police,

    Sheriflf Court,

    Small Debt Court,

    Commissary Court,

    Justices of the Peace,

    Stirling Castle Officials,

    High School,

    School of Arts,

    Faculty of Writers,

    Parochial Board,

    Excise Office,

    Gas-Light Company,

  • ^:


    Athenseum Subscription Eeading-Eooru,

    Macfarlane Free Library,

    Newspapers, .


    Stirling Eailway Station,

    Stirling Fairs,

    Stirling Carriers,


    St. Ninians, .




    St. Ninians, Bannockburn, and Cambusbarron Directory,

    Places of Worship in St, Ninians Parish,

    Schools in Do.,

    Cambuskenneth Abbey, .


    Abbey Craig,


    Bridge of Allan,

    Bridge of Allan Directory,

    Keir House, .



    Sheriffmuir, .


    Kippenross, .


    Dunblane General Directory,



    Doune and Deanston Directory,

    Advertisements (begin at)


    A Directory for the town of Stirling has often been called for bystrangers and others, and is universally believed to be a desideratum

    which ought to be supplied. Other Scottish towns, possessing fewer

    natural attractions, and of immeasurably less historical note, as well as

    of less importance even in a commercial point of view, have for years

    been issuing their several Directories, which we believe have been found

    of much general utility forbusiness purposes, and are now reckoned among

    the indispensables of their respective localities. It has, therefore, as

    well as for other reasons which more immediately concern ourselves as

    a community, been matter of surprise to not a few that a flourishing

    market town such as ours, with its fourteen thousand inhabitants, the

    oldest, or at least one of the oldest of our royal burghs, and the centre,

    •we may say, of Scotland, and of one of Scotland's richest and most

    fertile agricultural districts, should, up to this time, be without such

    a great public convenience as a complete, accurate Directory.

    By such considerations we have been led to attempt the present

    publication, on which, we need hardly say, we have bestowed some

    considerable care and pains, and trust it will be found as full and

    accurate in its details as the nature of such a compilation will admit.

    It will, no doubt, be expected that in a Directory for Stirling some

    concise account should be given of the town, including the Castle, and

    other obiects of public interest connected with the place. And although

    this may not be very generally needed for the information of the

  • inhabitants, who may be supposed on the whole to be sufficiently

    conversant with all matters of local interest, past and present, yet it

    will not therefore be the less necessary for the sake of the many

    thousand visitors who, attracted by its beautifully picturesque situation,

    and the unrivalled grandeur of its surrounding scenery, flow into

    Stirling from day to day, many of them to take up their residence for

    a longer or shorter period amongst us, and naturally enough desire not

    only to know the names and j)rofessions of the more outstanding of our

    townsfolks and men of business, but also to form some little acquaint-

    ance with whatever is memorable or note-worthy in its history.

    Accordingly we have deemed it not out of place to give the following

    very brief and necessarily meagre notices of the town and Castle, as

    also of some of the more prominent places in the neighbourhood, which

    may not be unacceptable to strangers or other parties who may wish

    for such information as we have here endeavoured to supply.

  • STi RLI NGIs generally understood to have derived its name from two Celtic words—consi-derably changed, however, from their original form and sound—and signifying TheHill of Strife. With this appellation its early history well accords, inasmuch as theprecipitous and commanding eminence, on the eastern slope of which the town Ismainly built, together with the fields adjacent to it, have often, in days gone by, beenthe scene of fierce and desperate conflict, on the. issues of which not unfrequentlydepended the fate of fcicotland and of Scottish liberty. The town, which is a Eoyaland Parliamentary Burgh, is situated 35 miles north-west from Edinburgh, whichcity, by the way, it is said in some respects to resemble ; lies 28 miles north-east fromG-lasgow; and 33| miles south-west from Perth. It is the county town of the shireto which it gives its name; and besides being the seat of a Sheriff, (having beenerected into a separate Sheriffdom by James IV.,) it is visited once in six months bythe Circuit Court of Justiciary. It is also one of five boroughs, known as the " Stir-ing District of Boroughs," which unite in sending a representative to Parliament. Itwas the chosen seat of royalty during several successive reigns of the Stuarts, whenthe principal nobility of Scotland had also their residence there. But, after th©

    removal of the Court, it gradually fell into decay, and for many years was little heard|i'

    of save as a military station. Of late years, however, its trade has greatly revived,through means of the opening up of railway communication betwixt it and all partsof the country, and other favouring circumstances, so that the town and suburbshave, within the last ten years or less, been much extended and improved. Ther©are three weekly newspapers published in the town, as also two or three monthlyreligious periodicals. The population at last census (1861) was 14,012, and classifiedas follows, viz., 3250 families; 6814 males, 7198 females. The number of inhabitedthe houses at the same period was 1433; uninhabited, 30; building, 11. During thelast few years, a large number of new houses and villas have been added.

    STIELINa CASTLE.The most conspicuous, and at the same time most interesting, object connected with

    Stirling is its Castle. It stands on the western brow of the hill just referred to, at aheight of about 220 feet above the level of the surrounding plain, and commands, inall directions, a far-reaching extent of country, which, for varied beauty and grandeurof scenery, is rarely equalled, and scarce ever surpassed. It is, no doubt, to its Castlethat the town of Stirling has owed its origin ; but at what precise period the imposingand warlike structure was first erected, it is now, we should say, very difficult, if notimpossible, to decide. Certain it is that Stirling, under the somewhat uncouth namaof Stryveling^ occurs in authentic history so far back as the earlier part of the 12thcentury, when, as would appear, from the circumstance of Alexander I., whoconferred on the town its royal charter, having died there in 1124, it mustin all probability have been at least the occasional, if not the ordinary abode of


    royalty. In the latter half of the same century we find it reckoned as one of the four

    principal fortresses of the kingdom. Regarded as the Key to the Highlands, as from

    its position it really was, its occupancy became an object of eager desire, and of the

    last importance, to those who would effectually govern the country; and accoi'dingly

    many desperate struggles were made by the Scots and English, each in opposition tothe other, to gain and retain possession of it. To give an idea of its strength as a

    fortress in those times, it may be stated that in 1304, being at that period in thehands of the Scots, it was besieged by Edward I. of England, who, himself at their

    head, brought against it all the available forces at his command, and that for three

    months it successfully withstood his fiercest assaults, although its garrison consisted

    of but one hundred and forty men !It was the favourite residence of James I., and the birth-place of James II., where,

    in after years, the latter monarch foully murdered with his own hand the Earl ofDouglas, as referred to by Sir Walter Scott in the following couplet addressed to

    Stirling Castle :

    " Ye towers ! within whose circuit dread,A Douglas by his sovereign bled."

    Several succeeding monarchs of the house of Stuart were also much attached toStirling Castle, and took up their abode there in preference to any other in their

    dominions. James III. was particularly partial to it, and besides extensivelj' repair-

    ing it, improved and enlarged it by several important additions. It was the native

    place of the handsome and chivalrous King James V., who was also crowned there,and whence, now in the disguise of the " G-aberlunzie Man," and anon in that of the*' Guidman o' Ballangeich," he was wont to sally forth among his subjects, either forhis personal amusement, or for the purpose of thus becoming better acquainted with

    the habits and manners of the people. Here, too, among other courtly pastimes ofhis youthful Majest}^, as described by Sir David Lindsaj'-, the king's poetical page of


    *' Some gart him ravel at the rakket,Some harled him to the Hurley-liacket ;"

    •which latter amusement, according to Sir Walter Scott, "consisted in sliding, in

    some sort of chair, it may be supposed, from top to bottom of a smooth bank"—andwhich "smooth bank" is still pointed out, to the north-east of the Castle, under the

    popular name of " Hurly Hawkey." At an earlier period it was better known as the''Heading Hill," and is still most frequently termed the " Gowlan Hill," referring tothe beheading of certain noblemen there for tx'eason, in 1424, by order of James I.

    Hence the well-known lines of Sir Walter in the Lady of the Lake, one of the chief

    scenes of which magnificent poem is laid in Stirling :

    " And thou, oh sad and fatal mound,That oft hast heard the death-axe sound,As on the noblest of the landFell the stern headsman's bloody hand."*

    * The Lady of the Lake is Scaid to have been written not far from Stirling, viz., at Cambusmore House,

    near Doune, then the property of Major Buchanan, an intimate friend of the poet's. At the same

    house, Prince Charles Stuart passed a night on his way to the north, a short time before the battle of



    Mary of Guise, the widowed Queen of James V., resided in the Castle during herregency, and her daughter, the heautiful but unhappy Maiy Queen of Scots, wascrowned there when only an infant of a few months old. Also Queen Mary's son,

    James VI., though born in Edinburgh, was baptized and crowned in Stirling, and his

    coronation sermon preached in one of the town churches by the celebrated John

    Knox. Here he passed his infancy, as also his boyhood up to his thirteenth or

    fourteenth year, under the tutorship of the famous George Buchanan. And in tokenof his kindly remembrance of the scenes of his early youth, he revisited Stirling in

    the course of his tour through Scotland in 1617, after he had been absent about

    fourteen years in England.

    But Stirling and its vicinity owe their chief distinction in history to the fact that

    here Sir William Wallace gained his most signal victory over the English invaders

    of his country, who were defeated by him with great slaughter on 13th September, 1297;

    as also to the other still more illustrious fact that, within sight of the Castle batteries,

    and about two miles to the west of it, was fought the battle of Bannockburn, under

    King Eobert Bruce, on the 24th June, 1314. Both these victories are destined to

    live in history through all time, as victories achieved in behalf of civil liberty and

    national independence, and with the memory of which the town of Stii'ling will con-tinue to be associated to latest posterity.

    In terms of the Treaty of Union, the Castle of Stirling is one of four Scottish

    fortresses which must ever after be kept up at the public expense ; and, since the

    period of the Union to the present time, it has been used, we believe, exclusively, as

    barracks for the accommodation of soldiers.

    THE BACK WALK.No stranger who visits Stirling, and is a lover of the sublime and beautiful in

    nature, should omit making the circuit of the Bach Walk. It is allowed by all whohave seen it, particularly in a cloudless summer's day, to be one of the grandest and

    most interesting promenades connected with any town in the kingdom. To attempt

    a description of it, and especiallj' of the magnificent panorama of fertile plains and

    lofty mountains presented from the upper parts of the Walk, would be greatly more

    than our available space would admit. Nor indeed can any mere description, how-

    ever elaborate, convey an adequate idea of the scene which here opens on the view.

    It must be seen, in order to obtain a just impression of its grandeur and beauty,

    THE CEMETEHY.The Cemetery underlies the Castle, a little to the south-west of it, and may be

    approached from the top of the Castle Esplanade, by a flight of steps, as well as from

    the Back Walk, and by the more public entrance at the upper end of St. John Street.

    Its situation is one of the finest imaginable, and the ground has been laid out with

    great good taste and skill. It is adorned with statues of some of the better knownof the Scottish Keformers and Martyrs, besides other memorials of departed worth,

    all more or less contributing to the natural beauty and attractiveness of the place.

    In addition to these there is a marble fountain, of unique and chaste design, situated


    in that portion of the Cemetery, known as The Valley^ and not yet used as a place of

    sepulture. The fountain is understood to have heen erected hy the private munifi-

    cence of Mr Wm. Drummond of Eockdale Lodge, Stirling, and is but one of severalappropriate adornments of the place contributed bj'' that gentleman, and by which

    he has won in no small measure the esteem and gratitude of the community.

    THE LADIES' HOCK.This picturesque little eminence may be regarded as a spur of the great basaltic

    rock on which the Castle is reared. It rises abruptly over The Valley^ to the west,

    and served as a kind of natural platform whence the ladies of court were wont, in

    the days of the Jameses, to witness and encourage the jousts and tournaments en-

    gaged in by the gallant knights in the valley below,—whence it is said to have de-rived its name. On turning from the Valley^ and looking to the south-west, we seeclose at hand the King's Park, a noble enclosure of about three miles in circumfer-

    ence, surrounded in great part by a graceful iron railing, the rest by a substantial

    stone wall, and is at all seasons open to the public.

    Immediately beneath, and close by the foot of the Castle rock, maj' be seen what

    is called the King's Garden, thought to be one of the most ancient in Scotland. The

    eye is attracted to it chiefly by a singularly shaped mound in the centre, called the

    King's Knot. It rises by several terraces, the outer ones square, the inner, near the

    top, octagonal. What the original object of the mound preciselj^ was appears uncer-tain ; but it is commonly believed to have been the scene of some courtly amusement,

    particularly in the early days of King James Y., known as the game of the Round

    Table, and supposed to have been founded on the history of King Arthur. The

    King's Knot is in all probability referred to by Sir David Lindsay in the following

    lines addressed to Stirling in his Complaynt of the Pajnngo:—" Adeu, fair Snawdown, with thy towris hie,Thy Chapel Royall, Park, and Tabill Round


    May, June, and July, would I dwell in thee.Were I aue man, to hear the birdis sound,Whilk doth against thy royall E-ocke redound."

    HOSPITALS.Of these there are the following :

    1. Spittal's Hospital, endowed by Robert Spitt;il, Tailor to King James TV., for

    the support of decayed members of the Seven Incorporated Trades of Stirling, viz.,

    Hammermen, IVeavers, Shoemakers, Tailors, Bakers, Skinners^ and Fleshers. The

    weeklj^ allowance is said to range from Is. to Is. 9d.

    2. Coavane's Hospital, endowed in 1635, by John Cowane, Merchant in Stirling,

    for maintaining a limited number of decayed members of the Guildry. AVeekly

    allowance said to be from 2s. to 6s.

    3. Allan's Hospital, founded in 1728, by John Allan, Writer in Stiiding, for

    maintaining and educating bo5's belonging to the Incorporated Trades of Stirling,

    above named.

    4. Cunnimghah's ^PiIohtification, as it is called, being a sum of money left byone Alexander Cunningham for a similar purj.0:e to that of Allan's Hospital.


    The Town Council have the exclusive management of each of the above funds,with the exception of Allan's Hospital, the direction of which is vested in the Town.

    Council, and second Minister of the town.

    DRUMMOND'S TKACT DEPOT.The founder of this well-known "Enterprise," as it has been called, is Mr Peter

    Drunimond, seedsman, of the firm of W. Drummond & Sons, Stirling and Dublin.It was begun in 1848, and had for its original object the suppression of Sabbath

    desecration in the town and neighbourhood, through means of the free distribution

    of tracts or leaflets prepared on the subject. By and by one and another of themore prevalent vices came to be assailed in the same manner, and in an incredibly

    short time tracts were issued by tens and hundreds of thousands, up even to millions,

    and scattered over the country, the expense being met for the most part by moneycontributions or "donations" given in by the benevolent of all quarters for the

    purpose. Then monthly broad-sheets of the same character as the tracts came to beadded, and likewise issued in tens or even hundreds of thousands, and despatched in

    huge bales far and wide, till, in less than ten years from the commencement of the

    "Enterprise," the names of "Stirling" and of "Peter Drummond," were, weventure to say, more extensively known all over the world than were those of anyother town and individual in all broad Scotland.

    This extraordinary and all but unexampled success soon led to a corresponding

    enlargement of the "Tract Depot" and its establishment, and ultimately to the

    erection, in King Street and Murray Place, of the most elaborately decorated and

    costly house of business ever seen in Stirling, whether in this or any former age.

    POST-OFEICE, MUERAY PLACE.M;-. W. C. Stevenson, Postmaster.

    The Letter-box closes for the respective Mails as follows :—For Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, &c., at 20 minutes past H a.m.For Edinburgh, Glasgow, England and Ireland, and South of Scotland, at

    20 minutes past 4 afternoon.

    For Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, England and Ireland, at 15 minutesbefore 8 evening.

    For Bridge of Allan, Dunblane, Crieff, Perth, and the North, at 20 minutes

    past 7 morning, and at 25 minutes past 9 evening.

    For Alloa, Kincardine, Dunfermline, &c., at 20 minutes past 7 morning, andat 15 minutes past 5 evening.

    Letters are delivered as follows :—From England, Ireland, Edinburgh, Glasgow, the North, and South, Alloa,

    Kincardine, Dunfermline, Dollar, &c., at 15 minutes before 7 morning.

    From England, Ireland, Edinburgh, Glasgow', Dunfermline, Dollar, &c., at9 morning.

    From Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, Crieff, Dunblane, Bridge of Allan, andthe North, at 6 evening.


    Atercromby Archd., fruiterer &c., 31 Portst, house Nelson place

    Adam EoLt., cork-cutter, Duml)arton ro.,house 14 Craigs

    Aitken John G-, ship-owner, Forth placeAlexander Eev. Geo., Manse, Glebe parkAlexander James, Park placeAlexander Thos., Governor of poor houseAlexander Mrs, matron, doAllesterW., small-ware dealer, CowanestAnderson Js., road-surveyor. Park terraceAnderson M, publican, 50 Baker stAnderson Eobt., joiner, Sauchie orchardAnderson Wm., residenter, 10 ParkterraceAnderson Mrs, 25 King stAngus James, dyer, 74 Port st, house 81


    Angus John, dyer, 74 Port st, house 73Cowane st

    Archibald David, baker, Broad stArchibald Mrs, 1 Viewfield placeArmstrong Andw., residenter, Wallace stArmstrong Wm., bookseller. Tract DepotArthur Geo., shopman, Viewfield stAsh Thos. F., station-master, Forth place

    Bain E. S., of Easter LivilandsBain Mrs, 25 Nelson placeBaird. Alex., umbrella-maker, 36 King st

    house Clarendon placeBaird James, do do doBaird Wm., do do doBaird John, small-ware dealer, 44 Cow-

    ane stBaker Leon., drawing-master. Park placeBald Eobert, house-painter. CraigsBaldie Miss, dressmaker, 34 King stBalfour Mrs, 12 Yictoria placeBalfour T. & A., joiners, 40 Spittal stBanks John, iBanks Edward, > smiths, King stBanks Wm., )Bald Mrs, provision merchant, Cowane stBarclay Wm., sculptor, Viewfield place,

    house Sauchie orchardBarnes J., hair-dresser, 27 King st

    Bauchop George, baker, 16 and 17 Port stBaxter David, merchant, 11 & 12 Baker stBaxter D., draper, 21 King st, house

    Wallace stBaxter Miss, Queen st, lodgingsBeath Andw., surgeon, Craigs houseBeath James, residenter, 6 Queen stBeatson Alex., publican, 61 Baker stBegbie John, brassfounder, 3 Spittal stBeith Eev- Alex., D.D., Clarendon placeBell Eev. T. B., Albert placeBell Mrs Dr, 2 Allan parkBell Mary, small-ware shop, 14 St Mary's

    vvyndBennie David, currier, 1 Upper bridge stBerry Captain, 19 Park terraceBett Peter, friiiterer & fishmon'r. Friars stBinnie Eev. Wm., A.M., Albert placeBinning Thos., saddler &c, 43 King st,

    house Clarendon placeBlack Misses, dressmakers &c, 2 BarntonplBlack Mrs, milliner, 20 Baker stBorthwick , 10 Wallace stBowie (W. & E.) iron and tea merchants,

    Thistle st, house Forth placeBoos Fred., teacher of languages (fcc,

    High schoolBowie Thomas, clerk. Broad stBridget G., smallware dealer, 22 Cowane stBrodie & Co, wine merchants, foot King

    st, house Park crescentBrodie Alex. D., Bank of ScotlandBrodie Mrs Colonel, 1 Victoria sqBrown James, innkeeper, 24 Port stBrown Jas., teacher and chaplain. Poor's

    houseBrown John, confectioner, 79 Baker stBrown William, founder, 100 Baker stBrown Mrs, 4 Cowane stBrown Miss, lodgings, 2 Port stBrown IMrs, vintner, 1 St Mary's wyndBruce David, residenter. Clarendon placeBruce John, collector's clerk, Inland

    Eevenne, Queen stBryce John, veterinary surgeon, &c., 45

    and 46 Port st


    Buchan Edward, residenter, 30 Queen stBuchan John, innkeeper, 4 St John stBuchan Henry, captain of burgh police,

    Castle wyndBuchanan Alex., weaver and bill-poster.

    Upper Bridge stBuchanan & M'Millan IMisses, milliners

    &c., 19 Port stBurden Wm., joiner, Irvine placeBurden Mrs, 5 Irvine placeBurns Mrs Capt., 8 Forth placeBurns Mrs, 66 Broad stBurt And., merchant, 24 Cowane stBurton Mrs & Misses, lady teachers,

    Allan park

    Cadell Mrs., Allan parkCairnie J., joiner, Burgh muirCameron Eev. And., 9 Victoria placeCameron Angus, Cowane stCameron Dugald, Cowane stCameron Jas., upholsterer, 116 Baker stCameron Miss, straw hat maker, 46 Spit-

    tal st

    Campbell Archibald, Royal Hotel keeper,Barnton place

    Campbell A., detective officer, St John stCampbell Don , residenter, 8 Victoria plaCampbell Duncan, Golden Lion Hotel

    keeper, King stCampbell Eobt., writer, Allan park, office

    38 Port stCampbell Miss, grocer, 37 Cowane stCarlaw George, 5 Orchard placeCarmichael John, brewer, BellfieldCarmichael M., farmer, Eaploch, StirlingCarmichael Peter, confectioner, &c., INIur-

    ray placeCarson Wm., painter and paper-hanger,

    28 Port stCassidj' A., provision mercht., 21 Broad stCassidy J., do. do. 44 Broad stCassidy Peter, broker, St John stCathcart Wm., writer, (of Hill & Cath-

    cart,) house 2 Irvine placeChalmers George, mason, 11 King stChalmers James, reed-maker, Friars' stChalmers James, tailor, 85 Baker stChalmers John, druggist, &c., King st,

    house Friars' stChalmers John, flesher, 84 St Mary's wyndChalmers Thomas, bellman, bill-poster,

    &c., St John stCherry Alexander, skinner, CraigsCherry Alexander, jun., skinner, CraigsChristie Alex., sasine clerk, 39 Queen st

    Christie George, brick and tile maker,Stirling shore

    Christie James, ironmonger, Victoria sqChristie John, ironmonger, Murray pi,

    house Clarendon placeChristie John, brick and tile maker. Bell-


    Christie, William, watchmaker, 18 Portst, house 39 Queen st

    Christie Miss, lodgings, Spittal st

    Chrystal Andrew, writer, 23 King st,house j\Ielville place

    Chrystal James, writer, 37 King st, house5 Viewfield place

    Chrystal John, hosier and tavern keeper,34 Port st

    Chrystal IMiss, 8 Allan parkChrystal Miss, Upper BellfieldClark John, St Ninians' well-green, Stir-


    Clarke AVilliam J., shopman (W. Drum-mond & Sons), Nelson place

    Clelland Mrs, 22 Allan parkCochrane Neil, merchant. Comely bank,.

    Upper Bridge stCochrane William, draper, 13 Upper

    Bridge stCondie Robert, joiner, 72 Cowane stConnal Mrs, 3 Irvine placeCook Joseph, stafi" sergeant, Stirlingshire

    militia. Nelson placeCowan Samuel, publisher, &c., Murray

    place, house York placeCowbrough J. & Co., grocers. Port stCowie Andrew, hostler, 8 Maxwell placeCowie Robt,, gardener, 11 Nelson placeCraig Mrs, 12 Park terraceCraig James, rag and china merchant, 9

    Spittal st

    Craig John, manufacturing chemist, 82St Mary's wynd

    Craigie John, house proprietor, 56 StMary's wynd

    Craigie John, plasterer, Dumbarton roadCraigie Robert, residenter, 15 Allan parkCraigie Mrs, lodgings, 15 Allan parkCramb Wm., spirit-dealer, 11 Cowane stCrawford Andrew, writer, Whinwell, 29

    Upper Bridge stCrawford Andrew, smith, Cowane stCrawford A., vegetable and fruit shop,

    55 Baker stCrawford Hugh, railway guard, 27 King stCrawford John F., bookseller, 39 King stCrawford Thomas, innkeeper, &c., Doune



    Crawford Wm,, grocer, 55 Lower Bridge stCrocket David, currier, Wallace stCrombie Laurence, residenter, 42 St

    Marj^'s wyndCrowe Alex., photographer, Murray placedimming Wright, boot maker, Victoria


    Calross Eev. James, A.M., Park placeCunningham George, cemetery keeper,

    Castle wyndCunningham & Morrison, writers, 17

    King stCarror Robert, bank agent, 73 King stCurror Miss, 1 Park terraceCarrie Robert, joiner, Port stCathbertson Rev. James, 36 Queen stCuthbertson Mrs, Park terrace

    Dalgetty J., boot & shoe maker, 3 Bank stDalgleish Peter, candle-maker. Baker st,

    house Pitt terraceDall Robert, residenter, Park crescentDail William C, railway clerk, 10 Lower

    Bridge stDavidson John, writer, 10 Port st, house

    Albert placeDavie Ceo., tailor and clothier, Spittal sqDavie James, founder. Orchard place,

    house Forth placeDavie James, clerk, St John stDavie Richard, sheriif's officer, &c., St

    John stDavie Miss, lodgings, 111 Baker stDawson John, innkeeper, 13 Baker stDawson John, do.. Bridge custom-houseDawson William, residenter, CastlehillDempster John A., tobacconist, 5 Port stDewar Peter, farmer, King's parkDewar Miss, 28 Queen stDick John, writer, 2 Port st, house Mel-

    ville terrace

    Dick Robert, saddler, Dumbarton roadDickson Wm., Coast-brigade, CastlehillDollin Wm., pawnbroker, 7 St Mary's

    wyndDon William, shopman, 40 Queen stDonaldson Mrs, lodgings, 44 Murray piDonaldson Mrs, lodgings, Nelson placeDougal William, joiner. King stDow Robert, spirit dealer, 7 CraigsDow William, grocer, 19 Broad stDow Miss, 12 Albert placeDowdy Wm., temperance hotel keepei",

    40 King stDowell Peter, prov. merchant, CastlehillDo well Wm., tailor, King st

    Downie Andrew, residenter. Park terraceDownie Ben., Wallace stDownie AVilliam, cooper, 66 Baker stDrummond Andrew, merchant. King st,

    house Clarendon placeDrummond Henrj^, seedsman, 48 King st,

    house Park placeDrummond Peter, seedsman, YiewforthDrummond James, merchant. King st,

    house Melville placeDrummond R., surgeon, 9 Upper Bridge stDrummond Robt., jeweller, Murray place,

    house Melville placeDrummond W., seedsman, Rockdale lodgeDrysdale Duncan S,, provision merchant,

    80 Baker stDrysdale Jas., auctioneer, 48 Baker stDrj'sdale Wm., auctioneer, 81 Baker stDrysdale William, residenter, 1 Melvile


    Dudgeon Mrs, provision store, 8 Barntonplace

    Duncan Alex., teacher, Spittal st schoolDuncan Archd, china mercht, 68 Port stDuncan George (of Duncan & Jamieson,

    printers) BurghmuirDuncan J. C, fancy warehouse, 22| Mur-

    ray placeDuncanson Wm , druggist, 16 Port stDunn Mrs, 3 Bow stDunn Miss, dressmaker, 42 Port stDuthie Mrs, 3 Melville placeDyer Mrs, baby linen shop, Spittal st

    Eadie Mrs, 1 Upper bridge stEasson Miss, 49 Port stEdmondstone Miss, Park crescentErskine Geo., smallware dealer, 41 St

    Mary's wyndErskine James, spirit dealer. Bow stEsdon Henry, cabinetmaker, Irvine placeEsdon John, do, RaplochEvans S., hatter & renovater, 30 Spittal stEwing James, flesher, 14 Port stFergus R., fruiterer, Barnton placeFergus J., spirit dealer. Broad stFerguson Alex., dyer and cleaner, CraigsFerguson Colin, shoemaker, &c.. Orchard


    Ferguson Daniel, bone- doctor, Barnton piFerguson Danl., spirit-dealer, Castle wyndFerguson Daniel, National BankFerguson Hugh, bootmaker, 51 Port stFerguson John, do, 41 Baker stFerguson Thomas, grocer, Baker stFerguson Peter, residenter, 14 Queen st


    Findlay David, M D., surgeon, Saucliieorchard

    Findlay James, druggist, 6 Port sfcFindlay Rev. William, Clarendon placeFinlayson Duncan, slater, Murraj^ placeFinlayson Jas., flasher, 38 and 39 Baker stFinlayson John, saddler, 47 Port st, house

    Burgh muirFinlayson Jno., residenter, 2 & 3 Spittal stFinlaj^son P., glazier, 23 King stFinlayson William, slater. Orchard placeFinla5'son Miss, milliner, 2 Spittal st

    Fisher Alexander, clerk, 25 King stFisher Daniel, cabinetmaker, 34 and 35

    Baker stFisher Peter, spirit-dealer, 41 and 76

    Baker stFleming James S., clerk, King stFleming James, auctioneer, 32 Baker stFleming Misses, milliners, 34 King stForbes James, dairyman, CastlehillForbes John, bookseller, 87 & 88 Baker stForbes Mrs Colonel. Snowdon house [stForrest A. & W., cabinetmakers, 64 BakerForrest Miss, Upper Bridge stForrest Wm. H., surgeon, The TerraceForrester Alex , fishmonger, Broad stForsyth James, clothier, 3 Upper bridge stForsyth John, grocer, 2 St John stForsyth John, general dealer, 3 Cowane stFotheringham Geo., spirit raercht, CraigsFotheringham Richard, clerk, Wallace stFraser A. & W., bootmakers, Murray piFraser Hugh, bottler, 69 Port stFraser Peter S., of N. B. Insurance Coy.,

    Melville placeFraser Daniel, railwaj^ clerk, BurghmuirFraser Misses, Park crescentFraser Captain T., Allan parkFraser Mrs, lady teacher, 11 Queen stFrater Robert, plumber, Murray place,

    house Friai's' stFrench Mrs, 32 Queen stFrew Rev. Robert, D.D., Melville placeFulton Mrs, berlin wool shop, 8 Port stGaffhey A., spirit dealer, 4 St Mary's wyGalashan David, upholsterer, 115 Baker stGalbraith J., china mercht., 22 Spittal stGalbraith Thos. L., town-clerk. Park terGalbraith Mrs, Park terraceGardner Henry, coal merchant, &c , Mur-

    ray place, house Dumbarton roadGardner James, cooper, 25 King st [stGardner Mrs, smallware dealer, 6 CowaneGaskin Mrs, P. of W. hotel, Broad stGentleman Eben., writer, Albert place

    Gentleman Eben., jun., collector of burghtaxes, Baker st

    Gibb ]Mrs Alexander, 14 Allan parkGibson C, M.D., surgeon, Clarendon placeGilchrist John, tailor and clothier, 104

    Baker stGilchrist J. & J., ropemakers, 19 Baker stGilchrist Mrs, 49 Port stGilchrist Mrs, 2 Dumbarton roadGilfillan Rev. James, 10 Irvine placeGilfillan John, carter. Union stGillespie l^Irs, Park placeGillespie James, builder, Cowane stGillespie William, bootmaker. Broad st

    ! Gillies Thomas, residenter, 37 King stGlass Miss, dressmaker, 17 Baker stGlendinning James, green-grocer, 50 St

    Mary's wyndGlover Wm., bootmaker, 117 Baker stGoodsir Misses, Park placeGordon Miss, teacher, infant school, Mur-

    ray placeGould John, mill-wright, 44 CraigsGourley William, spirit dealer, 57 Port stGow Jas., spirit dealer, 1 Lower Bridge stGowanlock Rev. John T., Melville placeGowans John, quarry-master, Park terGraham David, spirit dealer, 53 Port stGraham. Dr, 15 Nelson placeGraham Jas., music-seller, Murra}'' placeGraham John, teacher, Abercromby placeGraham John, carter, 120 Baker stGraham Thos., lathsplitter, 20 Shore roadGraham William, ironmonger and hank

    agent, 29 King stGraham INIiss, dairy keeper, Port stGraham Misses, 4 York placeGraham's Court, 4 Broad stGrant G., town drummer, Spittal stGrant Alex., watchmaker. Bow stGrant Andrew C, baker, 60 Baker stGrant James, smith. Orchard place, house

    19 Queen stGrant John, fruiterer, 44 Baker stGrant's Buildings, Murray placeGrant Mrs, railway hotel, 77 Port sfcGrant Mrs, 6 Wallace stGrassom Mrs, 3 York placeGray James, catechist. Broad stGray James, jun., seedsman, Irvine placeGrindley Charles, residenter, L. Bridge stGrieve Mrs, 9 Albert placeGrimraond Misses, lady teachers, Pitt


    Guild Mrs, 4 Sauchie orchardGuthrie James, joiner, 9 Upper Bridge st


    Haldane Robert, late druggist, 21 Baker stHalket John, church officer, North church,

    Murray placeHall George, corn merchant, Thistle stHall Eohert, engineer, 5 Cowane stHamilton Alex., tea merchant, 5 Spittal stHanratty John, broker, 29 StMary's wyndHardie James, teacher, Cowane st, house

    Queen's hotel, Murray placeHardie James, (of Hardie Brothers, plum-

    bers), 45 Port stHardie John, do. do. do.Hardie Robert do. do. do.Hardie Thos., cowfeeder, 44 St Mary's wyHare Stephen, barrack-sergeant, 18, St

    Mary's wyndHarold Captain, Upper bridge stHarley James, sheriff's officer, AYallace stHart Mrs, 14 Nelson placeHarvey John, residenter. Park terraceHarvey Robt., surgeon, 1 Albert placeHarvey Wm., watchmaker. King street,

    house 28 Upper bridge stHarvey IMisses, 4 Albert placeHay John, bootmaker, 49 Baker stHenderson Alex., wright, 12 St IMary's wyHenderson Arch, (of Henderson Brothers,

    drapers) IMaxwell placeHenderson Geo., hamcurer, 19 Broad stHenderson James, grocer, 7 St John stHenderson John, jr., grocer, 29 Baker stHenderson John, merchant, 7 St John stHenderson J., photograper, Barnton piHenderson J, & G., grocers, 87 St Mary's

    wyndHenderson John, clerk, 20 Nelson placeHenderson Rev. Robert, A.M., Allan parkHenderson Robert, outfitter, Murray piHenderson Thomas, joiner, Abbey roadHenderson Wm. C, residenter, 8 YiewfieldHenderson Mrs, o BurghmuirHendrie A., tinsmith, 72 Port stHendry Eben., Star hotel, 122 Baker stHepburn John, shopman. Miller & Son's,

    booksellers, 4 Baker stHepburn Miss, fishmonger. Port stHepting Lambert, watch and clock maker,

    Murray placeHerdman Mrs, nurse, 72 Cowane stHeron Adam, cabinetmaker, 13 Port stHewit Misses, booksellers, King stHill Alex., (of Hill & Cathcart, writers,)

    house SpringbankHill John, Do. do. do.Hill John, residenter, Allan parkHill Miss, 4 Yiewfield place

    Hodge John, spirit-dealer, CraigsHogg James, editor and publisher of

    Stirling Journal, Sauchie orchardHollis, Capt. James, paymaster Stirling-

    shire militia. Queen stHunter John, agent friendly society, 44^

    Broad stHunter John, publican, 52 Port stHunter Wm., residenter, 9 Yiewfield piHunter Mrs, 4 Queen stHutcheson Mrs, lodgings. 2 Barnton piHutton & Syme, writers, Murray place

    Inglis Thomas, shopman, 31 Queen st

    Jack James, compositor, 48 CraigsJack James, spirit-dealer, Murray placeJack IMrs, 52 Broad stJack William, clerk. Upper bridge stJamieson James, joiner, Raploch, StirlingJamieson John, outfitter, 60 King stJamieson John, (of Duncan & Jamieson,

    printers, Port st,) BurghmuirJenkins William, merchant, 68 King stJohnston James, joiner, Sauchie orchardJohnston John, brassfounder, 46 St Mary's

    wyndJohnston John, wood-merchant, Thistle stJohnston Thomas, tailor, 51 Baker stJohnston W., M.D., surgeon, The TerraceJohnston W., spirit-dealer, 66 CraigsJohnston W. & A., diapers, 71 King stJohnstone William, manager Forthbank

    chemical works. Abbey road

    Kane James, china merchant, 66 Broad stKay John, smith, Raploch, StirlingKemp John, (of Kemp, INturray & Nichol-

    son,) Nelson placeKemp William, joiner, 69 Port stKenny Stephen, captain Stirlingshire

    militia, ]\Iar place

    Keir John, clerk. Gas worksKerr Alexander, smith. Friars' stKerr James, writer, Melville placeKerr John, fruiterer, 113 Baker stKerr John, sergeant, BurghmuirKerr Robert, flesher, 118 Baker stKerr Sam., gatekeeper, S.C. railwy, CraigsKidston John, residenter, 1 Irvine placeKidston John, cowfeeder, 66 St Mary's wyKidston Robt. A., residenter, 4 Yictoria piKidston William, maltster, 19 King stKing John, cabinetmaker, CastlehillKing John, bookbinder, Spittal stKing, Mrs, Clarendon place



    Morrison James M., bank agent, Spittal stMorrison John, joiner, Dumbarton road,

    house Nelson piMorrison William, joiner, Nelson placeMorrison Miss, 7 Wallace stMorton David (of Graham & Morton,

    ironmongers), 17 King stMonat Alex., merchant, Melville placeMouat George, do.. Clarendon placeMouat Geo., jun , woolspinner, SouthfieldMuir Andrew, coal merchant, Forth placeMuir George, residenter, Union stMuir Thos., coal merchant, Clarendon piMulroy Pat., spirit dealer, 25 Broad stMunnoch Alex., South lodgeMurdoch Alex., saddler, 12 King stMurdoch George, residenter, Park placeMurdoch George, baker, 24 Baker stMurdoch's Eefreshment Eooms, 101 and

    102 Baker stMurphie James, Canteen, Stirling CastleMurray John, clothier, 1 Broad stMurray John (of Kemp, Murray & Nichol-

    son), Nelson placeMurray Wm., spirit dealer, 26 Queen stMurrie John, bank agent, Murray place

    M'Allan John, 74 Port stM'Alley Wm., residenter, Allan parkM'Alister P., residenter, 23 Nelson placeM'Allister — , spirit dealer, 17 St Mary wyM'Alpine James, brick and tile maker,

    BurghmuirM'Alpine Mrs, provision store, CastlehillM'Aree David, mason, 19 Upper Bridge stM'Aree Mrs, lodging-keeper, 7 Maxwell


    M'Arthur Mrs, sm.-ware dealer, 43 CraigsM'Aulay John, photographer, King stM'Cannas Ed., lodgings, 32 St John stM'Cartney Jer., poulterer, 72 Baker stM'Cracken Jas , spirit -dealer, 58 King stMacculloch Gilbert, insurance agent, 42

    Port stM'Culloch Mrs innkeeper, St Mary's wyndM'Donald Alex., glazier, 23 King stM'Donald Henry S , watchm'er, 9 Port stM'Donald John, spirit dealer, 55 King stM'Donald John, spirit dealer, 18 Shore roM'Dougall Duncan, teacher, High school,

    house Albert placeM'Elfrish And., soap-maker. Abbey roadM'Elfrish Jas., soap-maker, 16 Queen stM'Ewen Daniel, grocer, Abercromby piM'Ewen D. & J., grocers, 20 Port stM'Ewen Daniel, ironmonger, 68 King st

    M'Ewen John (of D. & J. M'Ewen,grocers, 20 Port st), Melville place

    M'Ewen John, jun., do. do.M'Ewen Eobert, grocer, 22 Baker stM'Ewen Mrs, 10 ^'iewfield placeM'Farlane James, cai'ter, CraigsM'Farlane John, writer (of Chrystal and

    M'Farlane), Park oresM'Farlane Miss, staymaker, 86 Baker stM'Farlane Mrs, dressmaker, 37 Queen stM'Gibbon John, cowfeeder, CraigsM'Govern E., broker, 81 St Mary's wyndM'Gregor David, slater. Orchard placeM'Gregor Eobert, basketmaker, 54 Baker


    M'Intosh John, hostler, 52 King stM'Intosh John, packer, Tract Depot,

    house BurghmuirM'Intyre Alexander, governor of Stirling

    prison, 19 St John stIM'Intyre Peter, machine maker. King stM 'Isaac Mrs, baby linen and worsted shop,

    36 Port stM'Keith John, stair railer. King stM'Kenzie Colin, draper, 32 King stM'Kenzie James, do doM'Kenzie Eobert, ropespinner, 76 Port stM'Kenzie John, teacher, 17 Upper brig, stIM'Killop John, hawker, 56 Broad stM'Kinlay W., tailor & clothier, 18 King stM'Lachlan Andw., millinery, 8 Murray piM'Lachlan Danl., grocer, 54 Port stM'Lachlan John, boot and shoemaker, 4

    Upper bridge stM'Lachlan Matthew, spirit dealer., 35

    Murray placeIM'Lachlan Eev. Paul, 9 Irvine placeM'Lachlan Miss, dressma'r, 20 Murray piM'Lagan Miss, Eavenscroft, Clarendon piM'Laren Duncan, innkeeper, 71 Port stM'Laren P., innkeeper, 13 Murray placeM'Laren Mrs, 27 Queen stM'Lay John, publican, 92 Baker stM'Lean James, tailor and clothier, 18

    Baker stM'Leay M'Neil, landscape painter, 9

    Lower Bridge stM'Leod William, lieut.-col., Albert placeM'Lintock John C, Tract depotM'Luckie John, joiner, 77 CraigsM'Luckie John, gardener. Orchard placeM'Manamy P., pawnbroker, 27 St John stM'Mahon James, waste dealer, 33 St

    Mary's wyndM'Mahon Peter, broker, 23 St Mary's wyM'Micking Thomas, residenter. Park ter


    M'Nab Thomas, joiner, 8 Dumbarton roadM'Nab Mrs, smallware dealer, 11 Friars' stM'Nanghton Pat., joiner, 1 St John stM'Naughton Mrs, smallware dealer, 49

    CraigsM'Naughton Wm., baker, 4 Yiewfield stM'Neil Mrs, 5 Dumbarton roadM'Nicol Eobert, brewer, Broad stM'Nicol William, spirit dealer, CastlehillM'Nie Duncan, publican, 90 Baker stM'Nie Duncan, smith, Dumbarton roadM'Nie William, residenter, Pitt terraceM'Pherson Robert, bookseller, 43 Port stM'Quade James, pawnbroker, 34 Broad stM'Quoen Dun., grocer. Port st and Bow stM'Queen Mrs, provision dealer, Friars' stM'Eae Mrs, 13 Burghmuir

    Neilson Leslie, 19 Spittal stNeilson William, compositor, 51 CraigsNelson Mrs, 17 Nelson placeNicholson ]?eter (of Kemp, Murray &

    Nicholson), 6 Queen stNicol James, joiner, 37 Queen stNicol James, slatei-, 12 Shore roadNicol W. & Sons, joiners, 45 Port stNicol John, grain merchant, Nelson placeNicol Joseph, furnishing warehouse, 47

    Baker stNimmo Miss, 29 Queen stNisbet James, house painter, 78 Baker st

    Oatt Francis, builder, 38 Queen stOliver James, innkeeper, 10 King stOrmcnd Alexander, grocer, 6 Broad stOswald Andrew, slater, Spittal stOswald James, residenter, Nelson placeOwen George, machinist, 79 CraigsOwen George, jr., do. do.Owen Joseph, late hatter, Albert place

    Panton James, corndealer and maltster.Park lane

    Pate David, bootmaker, 30 Baker stPaterson James, builder, 78 CraigsPaterson Robert, tanner, Pitt terracePatterson Robert, agent, 24 Queen stPaton Alexander, quarrier, 65 CraigsPaton David H., rector, High school,

    house 25 Queen stPaton John, residenter, 14 CraigsPaton Mrs, poulterer, 63 Port stPaton William, accountant, 29 King stPeacock David, draper, 19 and 20 King

    st, house Albert placePeacock Thomas, do. do.

    Peddie George, tinsmith, 8 Baker stPeddie William, bookseller, 26 King stPeddie Wm., fort-major, Stirling castlePeter David, cabinetmaker, 77 and 79 St

    Mary's wyndPeter Robert, residenter. Park terracePeterkin Wm. A., o£Scer of Board of

    Supervision, Victoria place

    Piatt L. J., dentist, Murray placePollock James M., coal merchant and

    cowfeeder, 25 Cowane stPollock J. & J., provision merchants, 1

    Bank st, and Baker st

    Rankin William, residenter, York placeRattray Misses, 7 Queen stRecldie David, plumber, Albert placeReddie Thos. H., lead merchant, Port stReid Alex, G., draper, 62 and 63 Baker st,Reid Daniel, bakei-, 74 Port stReid James, wood merchant, Victoria piReid James, Dunmore post runner, 10

    Shore roadReid Nicol, tailor, RaplochReid Robert, Inland Revenue clerk, 10

    Forth placeReid Wm., law clerk, 6 Baker stReid Miss, milliner, 6 Port stReid Miss, furrier, 2 Port stRitchie Wm., grocer, 99 Baker stRitchie Lachlan, baker, St Mary's wyndRobb James, tinsmith, 28 Broad stRoberts R., flesher, 110 Baker stRobertson George, furniture dealer, St

    John stRobertson Mrs, flesher, 46 Baker stRobertson James, gas collector. Thistle stRobertson James, scavenger, 63 King stRobertson John, grocer, 44 Port st, house

    Park placeRobertson John, cowfeeder, Orchard placeRobertson John, hatter, King stRobertson M., spirit dealer, 54 and 55

    Cowane stRobertson Robt., coal agent, 120 Baker stRobertson Misses, BeechwoodRobertson Misses, 3 Dumbarton roadRobertson Miss, dressmaker, 3 Baker stRobertson Miss, milliner, 45 Baker stRobertson Mrs, 23 Queen stRonald Thomas, railway clerk, Irvine piRoss Rev. James, 9 Forth placeRoss Mrs, 25 Allan parkRoy John, fishmonger, 78 Port stRunciman John, M.D., R.N., Viewfield stRussel George, coal merchant, 37 Port st


    Russell Mrs, 6 Burghmuir

    Sampson Ben., engineer, Shore roadSawers James, residenter, Clarendon piSawers Roliert, residenter, BellfieldScoffield M., provision store, 31 Broad stScott Alex., confectioner, 68 Port st, house

    Clarendon placeScott James, smallware dealer, 50 Craigs

    Scott Mrs, 41 Queen stShand George, manufacturing chemist,

    Victoria place

    Sharp Miss, milliner, 106 Baker stSharry Dan., waste dealer, Mar placeShearer John, residenter, Melville place

    Shearer Robert S., bookseller, 24 King stShirra James, residenter, Albert place

    Simpson Wm., architect, Abercromby piSimpson Wm., sawyer, 5 Lower Bridge stSimpson INIrs, baby linen shop, 12 Friars'


    Sinclair James, lime burner. Shore

    Sinclair Jeremiah R., bootmaker, 16 Port

    st, house Sauchie oi-chard

    Sinclair Wm., carter, 3 Baker stSinclair AVm., provision merchant, 33

    Broad stSinclairWm ., newspaper reporter, Barnton


    SkirvingR., china merchant, 70 St Mary's

    wyndSmith Geo., gatekeepei, S. C. R., Shore ro

    Smith James, grocer, King st, house 19Queen st

    Smith Robert, spirit dealer, 50 Cowane stSmith Mrs, 9 Park terraceSmith Wm., master of works, 13 Nelson


    Smith Mrs Thomas, 21 Nelson placeSmyth Mrs, 2 Barnton placeSomerville Miss, 21 Albert place

    Souter Robert, Inland Revenue officer,Wallace st

    Stalker Robert, residenter, L. Bridge st

    Steedman Rev. John, Abercromby placeSteel Adam, registrar. Broad stSteel John, plumber. Friars' st

    Steel Thomas, candlemaker, 4 Irvine pi

    Stein Misses, 2 Allan park

    Stevenson W.C., post master, Forth place

    Stevenson James, weaver, 14 L. Bridge st

    Stewart A., Sun Inn, King stStewart James, green grocer, 59 Broad stStewart John, residenter, Castlehill

    Stewart John, mason, Raploch

    Stewart John, bootmaker, 24 Spittal st

    Stoddart Miss, boot and shoe shop, 27Port st

    Struthers R., publican, 33 Baker stSwan Andw., working jeweller, 4 Port stSyme David D., writer, Murray place,

    house Albert placeSymon James, cabinetmaker. King st,

    house Murray place

    Tait John, glazier, 48 Port stTait L. S., outfitter and clothier, 16 Mur-

    ray placeTaylor James, manufacturer, BurghmuirTaylor Robert, do. do.Taylor AVilliam, do. do.Taylor Mrs, Cowane street tavernTelfer Misses, Allan parkThom Misses, 6 Viewfield placeThomson David, hairdresser, 85 Baker stThomson George, coachbuilder. Orchard piThomson John, cabinetmaker, 36 Spittal stThomson Wm., valuator, &c., 42 Port stThomson Wm., flesher, 22 Port stThomson Miss, baby linen shop, 12 Bow stThomson Miss, do., 4 King stThomson Mrs, 2 Viewfield placeTodd Captain, Park placeTrotter John, draper, 33 King stTrotter Wm., do. do.Turnbull David, ironmonger, 29 King stTurnbull John, leader of psalmody North

    Church, 2 Spittal stTurnbull Thos., builder, 1 Sauchie orchardTurnbull William, clothier, Craigs

    Valentine IMrs, grocer, Craigs

    Vance John, boot and shoemaker. King stVass David R., inspector of taxes, Murray


    Verri Aristides, professor of music, 22

    Queen streetVost Wm., surveyor of taxes, Park terrace

    Waddel Andrew, residenter, Melville piWalker Robert M., clerk, Wallace stWalker Thomas, druggist, 34 King stWalker Wm., horse-dealer, Murray placeWalker Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 2

    Barnton placeWallace Mrs, tobacconist, 4 Bow stWallace Peter, land surveyor, King stWalls James, spirit dealer, 15 Baker stWalls John, house painter, Murray placeWalls Robert, meal and grain dealer, 32

    Port stWands John, china merchant, 49 King st


    WardropeE.., confectioner, 1 1 StMary'swyWarner Luke, turner, CraigsWaterston Mrs, 2 Albert placeWatson John, collector Inland Eevenue,

    Victoria place

    Watt Archibald, baker, 37 Baker stWatt Mrs, Albert placeWatson Peter, manager, Gas worksWaughWm., veterinary surgeon, 7 Max-

    well place

    WebsterWm. E.,barrackmaster, Friars' stWeir Mrs J., 13 Upper bridge stWemyss Mrs, 9 Wallace stWhimster Robert, bookseller, Broad stWhite Adam, residenter, The TerraceWhite Alex., jr., grocer, 88 St Mary's wyWhite Andrew, tailor, 35 Cowane stWhite Mrs, vintner, 86 St Mary's wyndWhitehead Mrs, 4 Allan parkWhyte George, letter carrier, 46 Spittal stWhyte James, bookseller, 7 Baker stWillison Wm., engineer, 8 Maxwell piWilson Mrs, 13 Queen stWilson James, shoemaker, St John stWilson James, house painter, Murray piWilson John, gardener, CastlehillWilson Wm., accountant, Maxwell piWilson Wm., bootmaker, 10 Broad stWilson Eev. Wm., Melville placeWilson Mrs, 2 Maxwell place

    Wilson Mrs, 13 Queen stWilliams George, pawn oflSce, St John stWingate James T., writer, 7 Viewfield piWood Hugh, storekeeper, Stirling castleWood Mrs, Esplanade hotelWoodland Jas., Inland Revenue officer,

    9 Upper bridge stWright Miss, Albert placeWright Mrs, 7 Park terraceWright John, residenter, 1 3 Park terraceWright Wm., of Broom, The TerraceWylie Daniel, millwright and founder,

    Sauchie orchard

    Yellowlees David, tanner, 2 U. Bridge stYoung Andrew C, residenter, Victoria piYoung J. & D., confectioners, 97 and 98

    Baker stYoung James, do. do., and 2 Baker stYoung James R., clerk, 40 Queen stYoung James, adjutant Stirlingshire Vo-

    lunteers, Albert placeYoung J., writer, 4 Forth placeYoung & Saunders, grocers, 2 King stYoung Thomas, carver and gilder, 18

    King stYoung William, teacher, High schoolYoung William, machine maker, CraigfisYoung Mrs, spirit dealer, 9 Bow stYule Misses, 7 Wallace st



    ABERCROMBY PLACE.1 James Camptell2 Daniel M'Ewen, of D. & J. M'Ewen,

    grocers, Port st3 "William SimpsoB, architect

    4 Rev. John Steedman, Erskine

    5 John Graham, teacher, Allan's school

    6 James Mitchell, tailor and clothier,King st

    7 Mrs Johnstone8 Thomas Low, bootmaker, baker st

    ALBERT PLACE.1 Robert Harvey, surgeon

    2 Mrs Waterston3 Thomas Peacock, draper, King st4 Misses Harvey5 Mrs Watt6 Thos. H. Reddie, metal mercht., Port st

    7 Joseph Owen (late hatter, King st)8 James Shirra9 Mrs (irieve12 Mrs Dow13 Miss Milne14 David Reddie, plumber

    15 Captain Webster16 John Davidson, writer, Port st

    17 Ebenezer G-entleman, writer

    18 Daniel M'Ewen, iron mercht.. King st

    19 David D. Syme (of Hutton and Syme,writers)

    21 Miss Somerville22 Robert M'Nicol, brewer. Broad st

    23 James Young, adjutant, S.V.R.

    24 Duncan M'Dougall, teacher, Highschool

    25 Professor Binnie, Ref. Presb. minister

    26 Colonel Wm. M'Leod27 Misses Robertson

    28 R. S. Shearer, bookseller, King st

    ALLAN PARK.1 Misses Masson2 Misses Stein

    3 Francis Mackison, architect4 Mrs Whitehead5 John M. Cunningham, writer7 Robert Logan, architect8 Miss Chrystal9 Mrs Hay

    10 Patrick Gr. Morison, writer11 Wm. M'Alley (late manufacturer)12 Captain T. Eraser13 Mrs & Misses Burton, lady teachers14 Mrs Alexander Gibb15 Mrs Craigie, lodgings16 Rev. Rob. Henderson, Epis. minister17 Misses Telfer18 John Hill19 James Mathie, writer & bank agent20 Alexander Monteath, writer21 Robert Campbell, writer22 Mrs Clelland23-24 Sir James Alexander's25 Mrs Ross26 Mrs Cadell

    BAKER STREET.1 Henderson Brothers, drapers2 J. & D, Young, confectioners3 Miss Robertson, dressmaker4 David Miller & Son, stationers, &c.5 Peter Dalgleish, candlemaker6 W. Reid7 James Whyte, bookseller8 George Peddie, tinsmith Sc gasfitter9 William Meiklejohn, outfitter11-12 D. Baxter, outfitting warehouse13 John Dawson, innkeeper14 Loan Office, Mary Lochrane15 James Walls, innkeeper16 David Turnbull, ironmonger17 Ebenezer Gentleman, writer

    „ Eben. Gentleman, jr, public water office„ Miss Glass, dressmaker18 James M'Lean, tailor and clothier19 J. & J. Gilchrist, ropemakers20 Mrs Black, milliner21 Robert Haldane, late druggist


    BAKER ^TRTIET—Contmued.21 J. & J. Mathie, writers22 11. M'Ewen, grocer23-25 George Murdoch, baker28 J. & J. Pollock, provision merchants29 John Henderson, grocer30 David Pate, bootmaker31 Wm. Laing, fruiterer32 J. Fleming, auctioneer33 E. Struthers, publican34-35 Daniel Fisher, cabinetmaker36 Archibald Watt, baker38-39 James Finlayson, flesher40 Handyside's shoe shop41 John Ferguson, bootmaker42 John Stewart, do.44 John Grant, fruiterer45 Miss Robertson, milliner46 Mrs Robertson, flesher47 Joseph Nicol, furnishing warehouse48 James Drysdale, auctioneer49 John Hay, boot and shoe shop50 M. Anderson, publican51 T. Johnston, tailor54 R. M'Gregor, basketmaker55 A. Crawford, vegetable and fruit shop58 B. Fairlie's Refreshment Rooms60 Andrew 0. Grant,, baker61 Alexander Beatson, publican62-63 A. G. Reid, draper64 A. & W. Forrest, cabinetmakers66 "William Downie, cooper67 James Millar, baker68 Hugh Morris, grocer70 Walters & Son, basketmakers72 J. M'Cartney, poulterer74 William Speirs, chimne}'' sweeper75 James Leckie, publican76 Peter Fisher, do.78 J. Nisbet, house painter79 John Brown, confectioner80 Duncan S. Drj'sdale, provision mer.81 William Drysdale, auctioneer„ John Murray, clothier, Broad st82 David Thomson, hair dresser, &c.83 Stirling Co-operative Society's pro-

    vision store

    85 James Chalmers, tailor86 Miss M'Farlane, staymaker88 John Forbes, bookseller90 Duncan M'Nie, publican91 Thomas Davidson, jobbing smith92 John M'Lay, publican93 James Cowbrough & Co., grocers95 W. G. Leith, druggist96 John Mann, bootmaker

    97 J. & D. Young, confectioners99 AVilliam Ritchie, grocer100 William Brown, founder101-102 Murdoch's Refreshment Rooms104 J. Gilchrist, tailor and clothier105 William Gillespie, bootmaker106 J. Esdon, cabinetmaker„ Miss Sharp, milliner,, Crawford & Wingate, writers

    107-8 Thomas Ferguson, grocer109 Robert Lawson, draper110 Robert Roberts, flesher111 Mrs Lochhead, lodgings

    ,, Miss Davie, do.112 J. Greig, china merchant113 J. Kerr, fruiterer114 George Leslie, tobacconisG115 David Galashan, upholsterer116 William Lawrence, publican„ James Cameron, upholsterer117 W. Glover, boot and shoe warehouse118 Robert Kerr, flesher119 William Liddel, grocer120 John Robertson's cabinet warehouse121 Thomas Low, bootmaker122 Ebenezer Hendry, Star Hotel

    BANK STREET.1 J. & J. Pollock, spirit-dealers2 John Henderson3 J. Dalgetty, boot and shoe maker5, 6 Francis Lone, rag & china merchant7 John Gilchrist, clothier

    BARNTON PLACE.Royal Hotel, Archibald Campbell2 Miss Black, dressmaker„ Miss Walker, milliner & dressmaker„ R. Henderson, of R. Henderson & Ca.,, Wm. Sinclair, newspaper reporter &c.,, Mrs Hutcheson, lodgings6 Mrs Dudgeon, provision store

    10 W. Wilson, bootmaker11, 12 Daniel Ferguson, bone-doctor14 J. Henderson, photographer15 R. Fergus, fruiterer

    BOW STREET.1 A. Grant, watchmaker2 John Ferguson, bootmaker3 Mrs Dunn4 Mrs Wallace, tobacconist7 Mrs Alex. Leckie, remnants shop8 James Erskine, spirit merchant9 Mrs Young, do.

    12 Mrs Thomson, baby linen


    BOW STREET -Continued.13 D. M'Qaeen, grocer14 Mrs Abercromby16 John Lennox, grocer17 Wright Gumming, bootmaker


    (1) J. Carmichael, brewer, U. Bellfield

    (2) Robert Sawers, Do.

    (3) Miss Chrystal, Do.

    (4) John Christie, brick and tile maker,Bellfield.

    (5) IMiss Lucas, Whinwell

    (6) Neil Cochrane, Comely Bank

    (7) Andrew Crawford, writer, AVhinwellCottage

    (8) Wm. Harvey, watchmaker. King st(„) Wm. Jack, clerk(9) Miss Forrest

    1 David Bennie, tanner2 Bailie David Yellowlees, tanner

    3 James Forsyth, tailor and clothier,Cowane st

    „ Wm. Bryce, jobbing wright4 John M'Lauchlan, boot and shoe-

    maker9 James Woodland, Inland Revenue


    „ James Guthrie, joiner, &c.

    „ Robert Drummond, surgeon11 Alex. Buchanan, bill-poster, &c.

    12 Wm. Young, teacher, High school13 Mrs J. Weir„ Wm. Cochrane, draper14 George Wilson, road contractor

    „ John M'Kenzie, teacher

    BRIDGE STREET (LOWER.)Wm. Crawford, grocer, &c.Mrs Wright, cottageAndrew Stewart, mill-wrightWm. Leslie, grocerMacneil M'Leay, landscape painter

    Wm. C. Dall, S.C.R. goods del. depart.Charles Grindley

    Jas. Gow, spirit-dealer ,

    BROAD STREET.1 John Murray,, draper3 Alex. Ormond, grocer4 Graham's Court, Sherifi" Clerk's Office

    „ A. Meffin, captain of county police

    W. Gillespie, shopman^ Messrs J. & J.PuUar, Port st

    4 AVilliam Glen, letter-carrier

    „ Mrs S. Mackay6 R. Di'ummond, druggist7 Robert Whimster, bookseller9 Thomas Ferguson, grocer

    14 William Murray, spirit-dealer15 Morgan & Co., drapers16 Miss Eraser, green-grocer18 D. & J. M'Ewen, grocers19 William Dow, grocer22-24 A. Cassidy, provision merchant25 Patrick Mulroy, publican27 David Archibald, baker28 James Robb, tinsmith30 John Fergus, spirit-dealer31 M. Scoffield, provision-merchant33 William Sinclair, provision-merchant34 James M'Quade, pawnbroker36 Alexander Forrester, fishmonger38-40 John Laing, spirit-dealer39-41-43 Robert M'Nicol, brewer44 J, Cassidy, provision -merchant

    47 Registrar's Office, Adam Steel„ Town Clerk's Office, T. L. Galbraith48 James Kane, china-merchant49 Court-house51 Weigh-house52 Mrs Jack54 Banks' Court,

    Fred. Boos, teacher of modern lan-guages

    James Gray, missionary55 Miss More, dairy-keeper56 John M'Killop, hawker58 A. Wallace59 James Stewart, green-grocer60 Duncan M 'Queen, grocer„ James Kane, china-merchant65 Mrs Gaskin, Prince of Wales' hotel66 Mrs Burns

    BURGH MUIR.1 James Gillespie, clerk2 Thomas Gourlay, residenter3 D. Eraser, railway clerk4 H. Gourlay, provision-store5 Mrs Henderson6 Mrs Russell7 Mrs Fulton8 John Finlayson, saddler, Port st9 Sergeant John Kerr.

    10 W. Fitzpatrick, inspector, S. & D. R.11 R. Hardie, plumber. Port st12 John Cairnie, joiner13 Mrs M'Rae14 William Taylor, manufacturer15 James Taylor, do


    Mrs M 'Alpine, provision storeWilliam M'Nicol, spirit-dealerPeter Dowell, provision-rQerchantWilliam Dawson, furniture dealerJames Forbes, cowfeederJohn Stewart, residenterWilliam Dickson, coast-brigade

    Esplanade,—George Shalon, musketry inspectorMrs Wood, Esplanade hotel

    CASTLE WYND.1 George Cunningham, cemetery keeper2 James Dick, burgh officerGeo. Hall, corn-merchant, Valley LodgeHenry Buchan, captain of policeDaniel Ferguson, spirit-dealerDaniel Sharry, waste-dealerMilitary Hospital— Dr Stewart, house


    CLARENDON PLACE.1 Misses Stewart, of Stewarthall2 James Sawers, residenter3 George Mouat, commission agent4 Misses Macgill5 Alexander Scott, confectioner. Port st6 Thomas Muir, coal merchant7 Alex. Baird, umbrella-maker. King st8 John Christie, ironmonger9 Miss M'Lagan, Ravenscroft

    10 Rev. Dr Beith, Free North church11 A. Drummond (of J. & A. Drummond,


    12 Rev. William Findlay, West church13 Charles Gibson, M.D.14 David Bruce, residenter15 Thomas Binning, saddler, &c.

    COWANE STREET.1 Mrs Taylor, Cowane st tavern2 E. Thomson, salesman, Brodie & Co.'s

    spirit vaults

    3 J. & J. Forsyth, grocers, tailors & cloth.4 Mrs Brown5 Robert Hall, engineer6 Mrs Gardner, smallware dealer9 John Grant, spirit dealer

    11 William Cramb, spirit dealer12 Mrs A. Samuel13 William AUester, smallware dealer22 J. Bridget, do.23|-24 Andrew Burt, grocer25 James M. Pollock, cowfeeder, »&:c

    32 David Pate, bootmaker35 Andrew White, tailor37 Miss Campbell, grocer40 Mrs Jack, smallware dealer44 John Baird, do.50 Robert Smith, spirit dealer53 William Dow, grocer54-55 M. Robertson, spirit dealer65 William Laing, tailor72 Mrs Herdman, nurse76 Mrs Bald, provision store

    CRAIGS.3-4 R. Bald, house painter5-& Geo. Fotheringham & Co., wine and

    spirit merchants11-12 Alexander White, builder13 Reformed Presbyterian Church14 John Paton„ Robert Adam, corkcutter,, A. Cherry, skinner25-28 P. & R. Paterson, tan-works37 Jas. M'Alpine, brick and tile maker43 Mrs M'Arthur, small ware dealer44 John Gould, mill-wright49 M'Naughton Mrs, small ware dealer58 A. Beath, surgeon,—Craigs House66 W. Johnston, spirit-dealer68 John Chrystal, hosier71 Robert Dow, spirit-dealer79-80 Geo. Owen, smith and machinist81 James M'Rae, upholsterer82 A. Merrilees, plumber

    ,, John Cairns, corn merchant

    DUMBARTON ROAD.1 R. Dick, saddler2 Mrs Gilchrist3 Misses Robertson, dressmakers4 Henry Gardner, coal agent5 Mrs M'Neil6 John Morrison & Son, joiners7 Miller & Laing, house-paintera8 Thos. M'Nab, joiner„ Robert Adam, corkcutter9 J. Craigie, plasterer

    10 Kemp Murray & Nicholson, joiners, &C11 D. M'Nie, smith12 Misses M'Ritchie, lady teachers13 Hill & Cathcart, writers„ Misses M'Gregor

    FORTH PLACE.1 Forth and Clyde Railway office2 Rev. A. Leitch, A.M., Free south eh.3 W. & R. Bowie, iron & tea merchants


    FORTH 'BJjK.GE—Cordmuecl4 John Young, writer5 Eben. Gentleman, jr, writer€ Andrew Mnir, coal merchant7 James Graham, music-seller8 Mrs Captain Burns9 Rev. James Ross, Independent minister

    10 Robert Reid, Inland Revenue clerk11 W. C. Stevenson, postmaster12 James Davie (of Orchard pi foundry)

    FRIARS' STREET.1 P. Bett, fruiterer

    2 J. M'Queen, refreshments5 Alex. Kerr, blacksmith

    „ James Chalmers, reed and comb manu.7-9 Wm. Maltman, cabinetmaker6-8 John Steel, plumber10 Mrs M'Laren, small ware dealer11 Mrs M'Nab, small ware dealer12 Mrs Simpson, baby-linen shop15 John Dobbie, bootmaker17 Mrs A. Robertson, flesher18 Alexander Crowe, photographer„ John Chalmers, chemist, &c20 S. Millar, grocer

    IRVINE PLACE.1 John Kidston2 Wm. Cathcart (of Hill & C, writers)3 Mrs Connal4 Thomas Steel, late candlemaker5 Mrs Burden7 James Panton's malt barns8 Mrs Burden's brewery9 Rev. Paul M'Lachlan, priest

    10 Rev Js. Gilfillan, ViewfieldU.P. churchJ,Henry Esdon

    „ Thomas Ronald, railway clerk12 Miss Irvine

    KING STREET.1 Misses Hewit, booksellers & stationers2 Young & Saunders, Grocers3 Mrs Kay„ John Thomson, upholsterer4 Miss Thomson, baby-linen-shop5 John Mackieson, hair-dresser6 James Millar, baker7 Thomas Walker, (late Kirkwood),


    8 Athenaeum, and Public Reading-room9 Clydesdale Bank

    10 Wallace Aru.s Inn; W. Oliver11 William Simpson, architect12 A. Murdoch, saddler

    13 Thomas Young, carver and gilder14 James Mitchell, tailor and clothier15 Sun Inn; A. Stewart16 Graham & Morton, ironmongers17 J. M'Kinlay, tailor and clothier„ INfiss Paul, dressmaker

    „ Mrs Piper, lodgings19 W. Kidston, maltster,, Mrs Sinclair, lodgings20 T. & D. Peacock, drapers21 Baxter & Co., drapers22 D. Turnbull, jeweller23 A. M'Donald, glazier

    ,, R. Finlayson, glazier

    „ W. Mackison, architect„ J. L. Fogo, architect24 R. S. Shearer, bookseller25 Mrs Anderson„ J. Gardner, cooper26 William Peddie, news-agent27, 28 J. Barnes, hair-dresser29 William Graham, of Royal bank„ William Paton, do30 Royal Bank31 Murray & M'Kenzie, drapers33 W. & J. Trotter, sewed muslin ware-

    house34 M'Aulay's photographic rooms

    ,, Miss Baldie, dressmaker

    ,, Misses Fleming, milliners

    „ John Vance, bootmaker35 Knox & Marshall, hatters36 A. Baird & Sons, umbrella-makers &c.37 City of Glasgow bank„ Alexander Middleton, grain merchant

    „ Peter Miller, ironmonger

    „ Robert Marshall, hatter

    „ Thomas Gillies, residenter38 Peter Miller, irongmonger39 J. F. Crawford, bookseller k stationer40 Journal Office

    ,, Dowdy's Temperance Hotel41 Robertson, late Owen, hatter42 John Roy, fishmonger43 Thomas Binning, saddler & coal agent44 Miss Robertson, dressmaker

    „ Duncan M'Nab, writer45 J. Vance, bootmaker46 Drummond's Tract Depot48 William Drummond & Sons, seedsmen49 John Wands, china merchant50 Campbell's coach office

    51 Golden Lion Hotel52 John M'Intosh, hostler53 J. & G. Henderson, grocers5b John M'Donald, spirit dealer


    KING STUE'ET—Contmtied.56 Union Bank57 John Mathie, writer58 Crown Inn, James M'CrackenJ,

    William Dougal, joiner„ Peter Wallace, land surveyor59 John Chalmers, chemist60 John Jamieson, outfitter61 A. Maloch, gunsmith62 W. Harvie, watchmaker63 James Symon, cabinetmaker64-65 Menzies & Melrose, drapers66 Banks Brothers, smiths67 James Smith, grocer68 Daniel M'Ewen, iron merchant„ James Strachan, tailor„ Volunteer Orderly Room69 Robert Liddel, grocer71 W. & A. Johnston, drapers72 R. Curror, bank agent73 Bank of Scotland

    MAR PLACE.Captain Kenny, Highland BorderersSergeant-Major Mason, do.

    MAXWELL PLACE.1 Arch. Henderson (of Henderson Bro.)2 Mrs Wilson„ Jas. Menzies (of Menzies & Melrose)3 Peter Low, bootmaker4 William Mackison, clerk5 John A. Dempster, tobacconist6 A. Miller7 William Waugh, veterinary surgeon„ Mrs M'Aree, lodgings8 Andrew Cowie, hostler„ William Willison, railway engineer10 Miss Miller, dressmaker

    MELYILLE PLACE.1 William Drysdale2 Robert Drummond, jeweller, &c3 MrsDuthie4 Js. Drummond (of J. & A. Drummond,


    5 Miss Jardine6 John Dick, writer8 Mrs Anderson9 Miss Easom, establishment for young


    10 Andrew Waddel, writer11 Andrew Crystal, writer12 Rev. R. Frew, D.D., U.P., StNinians13 Miss Hamilton14 D. M'Ewen, grocer, Port st

    15 Rev. J. T. Gowanlock, U.P.16 John Shearer17 Mrs Macmillan18 Rev. Wm, Wilson, North church19 Peter S. Eraser20 James Kerr, writer

    MURRAY PLACE.1 Tract Depot (back entrance)2 4 6 Peter Carmichael's temperancehotel3 James Graham's music shop5 R. Drummond & Son, jewellers &c7 F. & W. Mackison, engineers & archts8 Andrew M'Lachlan, hosier, &c9 A. & W. Fraser & Son, bootmakers

    10 Post Ofl&ce, Mr Stevenson, post master10|^ L. Hepting, clockmaker11 W. Drummond& Sons' seed warehouse12 D. R. Vass, inspector of taxes' office

    ,, W. Vost, surveyor of taxes' office,, James Thomas Wingate, writer's do„ James Millar, tailor and clothier13 P. M'Laren, publican14 J. Christie, ironmonger15 James Wilson, house painter16 L. S. Tait, outfitter and clothier17 Samuel Young, boot and shoe shop19 Back entrance to Golden Lion hotel20 Misses M'Lachlan, dressmakers21 23 James Jack, spirit dealer22 Observer Office, Samuel Cowan22,| J. C. Duncan, fancy warehouse24 Burden, spirit-dealer25 Johnston & Anderson, joiners„ W. Waugh, veterinary forge26 H. Gardner, brush and basket ware-

    house27-29 Robert Frater, plumber28 James Grant, inspector of weights

    and measures

    Granfs Buildings,—1 R. Henderson & Co., outfitters2 John M'Aulay, photographer„ Mrs Hunter

    30 J. Halket, North church beadle31 J. Walls, house painter32 James Symon, cabinetmaker,, Miss Symon, milliner33 Alex. Crowe, photographer34 Hutton & Syme, writers35 Matt. M'Lauchlan, vintner36 Queen's Hotel, (James Hardie)

    38 Alex. G. Reid, draper, Baker st

    „ Miss Burgess39 John Hay, bootmaker


    MUERAY FLAC^—Contmuea.40 John Eoy, fishmonger, King st„ Miss Wingate42 W. Walker, horse-dealer„ Mrs Legat, lodgings43 Eagle Hotel, (John Eobertson)44 Mrs Donaldson, lodgings„ L. Piatt, surgeon-dentist46 John Murrie, bank agent, &c.„ National Bank of Scotland

    NELSON PLACE.1 John M'Intosh, Tract Depot2 Geo. Duncan (of Duncan & Jamieson,


    3 John Logan, wright4 Joseph Cook, stafi sergeant, &c.5 John Murray, ) of Kemp, Murray, &6 John Kemp, ) Nicholson8 James Oswald, residenter9 Archibald Abercromby, gardener10 William J. Clarke, seedsman11 Eobert Cowie, gardener12 John Nicol, grain merchant13 William Smith, master of works14 Mrs Hart15 Dr Graham16 John Morrison, joiner17 Mrs Neilson18 J. M'Kinlay, tailor & clothier, King st19 Mrs Donaldson, lodgings20 John Henderson, clerk21 Mrs Thomas Smith22 William Phillips, residenter23 P. Macallister, do.24 Fleming, draper25 Mrs Bain26 Maxwell, moulder

    OECHAED PLACE.1-2 Brodie & Co.'s wine and spirit vaults3 D. M'Gregor, slater„ Eobertson' s dairy5 George Carlaw6 Wm. Finlayson, slater7 Colin Ferguson, boot & shoemaker, &c.10 Stirling Observer printing office11 Davie, Brown & Young's foundry12 Jas. Grant's smithy13-15 Geo. Thomson's coach works

    PAEK PLACE.1 Henry Drummond, Glenelm2 Leonard Baker, drawing master, High


    3 J. C. Mann, artist4 Vv^illiam Eeid, merchant, Glasgow5 W. Baird (of Alex. Baird & Sons,

    umbrella-makers)6 Eev. J. Culross, A.M., Baptist minist.7 William Drummond, Eockdale lodge8 Mrs Gillespie9 George INIurdoch, Cliffside, residenter

    10 David Middleton, one of H. M.'s In-spectors of schools

    12 James Alexander13 Mrs John Downie14 Misses Goodsir15 Captain Todd16 John Eobertson, grocer, Port st

    PAEK TEEEACE.1 Miss Curror2 Duncan M'Nab, writer3 James Anderson, road surveyor6 Eobert Peter7 Mrs Wright8 John Gowans, quarry master9 Mrs Smith

    10 William Anderson11 Miss Edmonstone12 Mrs Craig13 John Wright14 Thomas M'Micking

    ("Park Crescent.J

    15 (1) W. Morison, manufacturer16 (2) Captain Dall17 (3) Misses Eraser18 (4) Mrs St Clair19 Captain Berry20 William Vost, surveyor of taxes21 Miss Tytler22 Mrs Cuthbertson23 John Macfarlane, writer24 Thomas L. Galbraith, town-clerk25 Andrew Downie26 John Harvey27 John Lockhart, factor, &c.28 George Thomson, coach builder

    THE TEEEACE.1 Wm. H, Forrest, M.D., surgeon2 Wm. Wright of Broom3 Wm. Johnston, M.D., surgeon4 Adam White5 David Miller, (of D. Miller & Son)., Charles J. Miller

    PITT TEEEACE.1 Peter Dalgleish, candlemaker


    PITT TERRACE— Continued.2 Robert Paterson, tanner3 Wm. M'Nie, brick & tile maker, Balfron4 "Wm. Liddel, grocer, Baker st5 Misses Grimmond, lady-teachers6 Miss Dawson

    PORT STREET.1 Alex. Miller, bookseller

    2 John Dick, writer„ Miss Reid, furrier

    ,, Miss Brown, lodgings„ Mrs Paul, do.3 D. Findlay, druggist, apothecary hall4 Andrew Swan, working jeweller, &c.5 John Dempster, tobacconist6 Misses Reid, milliners

    7 J. Cowbrough & Co., grocers8 Mrs Fulton, Berlin-wool shop9 H. S. M'Donald, watchmaker

    10 John Davidson, writer and col. of taxes„ Mrs Leask, lady-teacher11 Adam Herron, cabinetmaker12 Mrs Sutherland, sewed muslin shop13 Currie & Taylor, joiners, and burgh


    14 James Ewing, flesher15 Jeremiah R. Sinclair, bootmaker16 Misses Buchanan &M'Millan, milliners17 Geo. Bauchop, baker18 Wm. Christie, watchmaker19 Wm. Duncanson, chemist20 D. & J. M'Ewen, grocers21 Duncan M'Queen, grocer22 W. & J. Thomson, fleshers23 Miller and Laing, house-painters24 Jas. Brown, vintner25 Mrs Gillespie, boot and shoe shop26 Miss Graham, dairy-keeper27 Misses Stoddart, boot and shoe shop28, 29 Wm. Carson, house-painter39 Archd. Abercromby, gardener31 David Miller, tailor„ William Lindsay, coach- wright32 Robert AValls, Kerse mill store33 J. Millar, baker34 John Chrystal, Victoria tavern36 MrsM'Isaac,babylinen & worsted shop37 George Russel, public baths, &;c39 R, Campbell, writer & procurator fiscal40 J. Pullar & Son, dyers41 R. J. & J. Hardie, plumbers42 Wm. Thomson, valuator &;c„ Gilbert Macculloch, insurance agent

    „ John Miller, mercantile traveller„ Miss Dunn, dressmaker

    43 Robert M'Pherson, bookseller44 J. & W. Robertson, grocers45 W. Nicol & Sons, joiners„ Thomas Reddie, metal merchant46 J. Bryce, veterinary surgeon

    47 John Finlayson, harnessmaker48 John Tait, glazier and glass merchant49 Mrs Gilchrist,, Miss Easson50 Alexander L. Moodie, surgeon51 Hugh Ferguson, bootmaker52 John Hunter, publican53 J. Graham, custom-house keeper54 Daniel M'Lachlau, grocer55 John Miller, baker67 Wm. Gourley, Bush tavern58 Wm. Reid, M'Nellan's brewery59-60 D. & J. M'Ewen's stores61 Thomas Henderson, joiner &c62 Jer. Sinclair's workshop63 Mrs Paton, poulterer &c64 Duncan & Jamieson, printers„ Robert Miller, smith

    ,, Robert Arthur, turner65 Kinross's coach works66 Hepburn (late Drysdale), fishmonger67 Marshall Brothers, fleshers68 Archibald Duncan, china-merchant69 Mrs Stewart, lodgings,, Hugh Eraser, bottler, &c.70 Alexander Scott, confectioner71 Duncan M'Laren, innkeeper72 A. Hendrie, tinsmith73 Mrs Mitchell, baby linen shop74 John M'Allan75 Daniel Reid, baker76 R. M'Kenzie, ropemaker

    77 Mrs Grant, railway hotel

    QUEEN STREET.1-3 David Yellowlees, tanner4 Misses Hewit5 Miss Milligan6 Peter Nicholson (of Kemp, Murray

    & Nicholson, joiners)7 Misses Rattray8 Misses Marshall, dressmakers

    10 John Tait, glass merchant, Port st

    „ D. W. Logic, law clerk1


    Mrs Eraser, lady teacher12 Inland Revenue Oflace: J. Bruce, clerk13 Mrs Wilson14 Peter Ferguson„ Mrs Captain Wilson15 Captain Hollis16 James M'Elfrish, soap manufacturer


    QUEEN STREET— Continued.17 Wm. Melrose (of Menzies & Melrose,


    „ Andrew Swan, jeweller, 4 Port st19 James Smith, grocer, King st„ James Grant, smith, Orchard place20 W. Standing, inland revenue office21 Mrs Jamieson22 Aristides Yerri, music master23 Mrs Robertson24 Robert Paterson, chemical agent25 D. H. Paton, rector of High School26 William Murray, spirit dealer27 Miss Baxter, lodgings

    „ Mrs M'Laren28 Miss Dewar„ Miss Harvey29 Miss Nimmo„ Edward Robinson, railway clearing

    house department30 Edward Buchan„ T. Inglis, draper (W. & A. Johnston


    32 Mrs French33 David Mitchell, harnessmaker34r J. C. Duncan, furnishing warehouse,

    Murray place35 Methodist Chapel36 Methodist Minister's house37 Alexander Monro, law clerk

    ,, Mrs M'Farlane, dressmaker„ James Nicol, joiner38 J. Miller, railway locomotive depart.

    39 M. Lawson, accountant, Bank of Scot.40 James R. Young, clerk to Kemp,

    IMurray & Nicholson„ William Don, shopman (D. & J.

    M'Ewen's. Broad st),, Mrs Hunter41 Mrs Scott42 Robert Laing, maltster


    1 Thomas Turnbull, Dunmore quarry2 John Miller, horse-dealer4 Mrs Guild5 James Wilson, painter, j\Iurray place6 Jer. R. Sinclair, bootmaker. Port st

    7 James Hogg, editor, Stirling Journal8 Daniel Wylie9 Mrs Johnston„ Mrs M'Farlane„ Wm. Barclay, sculptor, Yiewfield pi10 James Johnston, joiner, ^turray place11 Robert Anderson, do. do.11 David Findlay, M.D., surgeon

    SHORE ROAD.James Millar, baker, (Seaforth)James Reid, provision shopJohn M 'Donald, spirit-dealerThomas Graham, lath-splitterWilliam Kinross, coach-builderWilliam Meiklejohn, merchantThomas F. Ash, railway station-masterBen. Sampson, surface-overseer, S. C. R.Rev. Andrew Milroy, (Edinburgh) Forth-

    side house.

    Francis Rennie, Shore inn

    SPITTAL STREET.1 Andw. Livingston, Corn Exchange inn2-4 Robert Masson, bookbinder2 John Finlayson„ Miss Finlayson, milliner

    ,, John Turnbull, painter3 John Begbie, brassfounder5 Alexander Hamilton, tea merchant„ Miss Jarvie, dressmaker6 David Liddel, currier„ Mrs Liddel, straw hat maker7 John King, bookseller and bookbinder8 Andrew Oswald, slater8, 9 James Craig, china merchant

    10 Allan house and school„ John Mackieson, hair-dresser &c.,, Misses Miller, dressmakers12 Ragged School13 Commercial bank, J. Morrison, agent1 9 Leslie Neilson, (foreman Observer office)21 George Grant, town-drummer22, 23 John Galbraith, rag merchant25 Mrs Dyer, baby linen shop30 S. Evans, hatter and renovator40 T. & A. Balfour, joiners43 Spittal street school, Alex. Duncan,

    teacher46 George Whyte, letter-carrier,, Miss Cameron, straw-hat maker

    ST NINIANS ROAD—YiLLAs ox1 Yiewforth, (east side) PeterDrummond2 South Lodge, (west side) A. Munnoch3 Spring Bank, (east side) Alex. Hill4 Yiewfield, ( )> ) ^Irs Murray5 Randolphfield, (west side) Mrs Smith6 Annfield House, (east side)7 West Livilands, ( „ ) J. Morrison8 „ ( „ ) W. Mitchell9 CliffiDrd Park, (west side)

    Misses AYright10 Beechwood, ( )> )

    Misses Robertson


    Villas—Continued.11 Williamsfield, (west side)

    P. H. Laird, Esq.12 Easter Livilands, (east side)

    E. S. Bain, Esq.

    ST. JOHN STEEET.2 John Forsj'th, grocer4 John Buchan, provision dealer and

    publican6 George Williams, pawnhroker7 George Robertson, furniture-dealer

    11 Mrs Gentleman13 Richard Davie, Sherifi's officer &c14 Mrs Johnstone, dressmaker16 Erskine U.P. church17 Prison, Alex. M'Intyre, governor

    A. Campbell, detective officer27 P. M'Manamy, pawnbroker30 Peter Cassidy, broker32 Ed. Macannas, lodgings33 James Page, boot and shoemaker„ Thomas Gibson, green grocer34 J. Paton, ham-curer

    ST. MARY'S WYND.1 Mrs Brown, vintner4 A. Gaffiaey, do.7 Wm. Dollin, pawnbroker9 Mrs Jaffrey, small-ware dealer

    10 Alex. Henderson, joiner11 Robert Wardrope, confectioner14 Mary Bell, small-ware dealer15 Mrs Dryden, do17 M'Allister, spirit-dealer

    19 George Henderson, ham-curer23 Peter M'Mahon, broker25 Dougal, grocer26 Mrs Train, grocer30 John Hanratty, broker32 S. M'Mahon, grocer35 Mrs Dreghorn, provision store41 J. C. Erskine, toy shop, &c.42 Lawrence Crombie43 Lachlan Ritchie, baker44 Thomas Hardie, cowfeeder47 Robert Walker, boot and shoe maker50 James Glendinning, green-grocer52, 53 Mrs Burden, ale stores56 John Craigie66 John Kidston, grocer69 Mrs Miller, vintner70 R. Skirving, china-merchant72 Thomas Ferguson, grocer73 Margaret Ross, furnishing shop74 Mrs Nimmo

    75 English Episcopal School, Mrs Ran-kin, teacher

    76 Mrs M'Culloch, inn-keeper77 David Peter, cabinet-maker81 E. M'Govern, broker82 John Craig, manufacturing chemist83 Michael Barclay, broker84 John Chalmers, flesher86 Mrs White, vintner87 J. & G. Henderson, grocers89 Andrew Mollin, provisions91 Mrs Do.yle, broker94 Robert Lochran, broker96-97 David Young, baker99 George Livingston, publican101 M. Morren, green-grocer102 Odd fellows' hall

    THISTLE STREET.1-4 Union Hall1 J. Robertson, gas -collector2 W. & R. Bowie, iron and tea merchants3 George Hall, corn-merchantEntrance to Goods Station, S. C. R.5, 6 Gas Company's offices

    Gas- Works,—Peter Watson, managerJohn Keir, clerkJames Robertson, collectorAlexander Bean, mechanic

    Burgh-Mill,—John Johnston, wood-merchantPeter Johnston, do.

    UNION" STREET.Robert Marshall, smithPeter C. Mackie, teacher, Spittal squareRobert M'Walter, scripture-reader, CastleJohn Gilfillan, carterAlexander Wylie, mercantile traveller

    Poor's House and Lunatic Asylum,—Thomas Alexander, governorMrs Alexander, matronJames Brown, teacher and chaplainWilliam Dingwall, keeper of Lunatic


    VICTORIA PLACE.1 James Reid, wood merchant2 Andrew C. Young3 Wright Cumming, bootmaker, Bow st4 Robert A. Kidston5 Mrs General Hunter


    VICTOEIA TIjAC^— Continued.6 Wm. A. Peterkin, officer^ Board of


    7 George Shand, manufacturing chemist8 Donald Campbell9 Alexander Mackie, grain merchant

    10 John Watson, col'r of inland revenue11 Eev. Andrew Cameron, editor of The

    Family Treasury^ &c12 Mrs Balfour

    VICTOEIA SQUAEE.1 Mrs Colonel Brodie2 J. Eobertsen, cabinetmaker, Baker st3 James Christie, ironmonger

    VIEWFIELD PLACE.1 Mrs Archibald2 Mrs Thomson4 Miss Hill5 James Chrystal, writer6 Misses Thorn7 James T. Wingate, writer8 W. C. Henderson9 William Hunter, yarn merchant

    10 MrsM'Ewen

    VIEWFIELD STEEET.1 Alexander Miller, wright„ George Arthur, shopman2 James Mitchell, coach wright„ Sam. Sampson, overseer of surface-

    men, S.C.E.3 John Lickrish, boot and shoe maker

    3 James Chrystal, vanman4 AV. M'Naughton, journeyman baker •6 Back entrance to coach works7 John Eunciman, M.D., E.N. (View-

    field House)

    WA:LLACE STEEET.1 David Crocket, currier„ John Henderson, photographer, Barn-

    ton place

    „ Benjamin Downie„ James Harley, Sheriff officer2 Mrs Dewar3 David Baxter, draper. King st6 Eobert M. Walker,Town Clerk's office,

    Broad st,, Mrs Mitchell, baby linen shop, Port st„ Eichard Fotheringham, book-keeper,

    (W. Drummond & Sons),, Mrs Grant7 Miss Kidston

    „ Misses Yule„ Andw. Armstrong, late tailor& clothier,, Miss Morrison8 Eobert Souter, supervisor of excise9 Mrs Wemyss

    10 Borthwick„ J. Anderson, fishmonger, Edinburgh„ J. E. Manners, editor, Stirling Observer

    YOEK PLACE.1 Wm. Eankin2 S. Cowan, proprietor of iiS^eV^m^ Observer3 Mrs Grassom4 Misses Graham



    Classics, David H. Paton, rector. English .


    . Wm. Young.Mathematics, Duncan M'Dougall. Languages, Fred. Boos.Gymnastics, D. Anderson. Music, . . . Do.

    Allan Park (boarding), . . . . . . Mrs and Misses Burton.Episcopal (St. Mary's Wynd), . . . . Mrs Eankine.Infants' School (Murray Place, . . . . Miss Gordon.Melville Place (young ladies estabt.), Miss Easom.Pitt Terrace (ladies' day & boarding school). Misses Grimmond.Port Street (young ladies), .


    . . Mrs Leask.Queen Street (young ladies), .


    . . Mrs EraserEoMAN Catholic (Irvine Place), . . . . Eosanna Malony.Spittal Street (Allan's School), . . John Graham, master.Spittal Square (Trades Hall), . . . . Peter C. Mackie.Spittal Street .


    . . . . . . Alexander Duncan.Wolf Craig (boarding), . . ' . . . . Misses M'Eitchie.



    Free Churches,

    1st, East Church, Mar Place,Estabished Churches, { 2d, West do,, Mar Place,

    3d, North do., Murray PL,( North, Murray Place,\ South, Spittal Square,

    (Erskine Church, St John St.,Do., Do.

    Viewfield Place,

    Episcopal Church (Barnton Place), .


    Eeformed Presbyterian Church (Craigs),

    Baptist Chapel (Murray Place),

    Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (Queen Street),

    Independent Chapel (Murray Place),

    Roman Catholic Chapel (Irvine Place),

    Rev. Geo. Alexander.Wm. Findlay.Wm. Wilson.Alex. Beith, D.D.Alex. Leitch, A.M.

    ( John Steedman.( John T. Gowanlock.James Gilfillan.

    R. Henderson, A.M.Wm. Binnie, A.M.James Culross, A.M.

    J. Cuthbertson.

    James Ross.

    Paul M'Lauchlan, priest.

    SACRAMENTAL FAST DAYS.Thursday before third Sunday of June, and first Sunday of December.


    The object of the Association is the spiritual, mental, and social improvement ofyoung men. Its management is entrusted to an Honorary Fresident (at present theProvost of the Burgh), a Fresident, Treasurer, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and aBoard of five Directors. The members hold a devotional meeting in the HighSchool every Sabbath morning ; also, a week-day meeting, in the same place, everyalternate Thursday evening, at which an essay is read by one of their number inrotation, and general business transacted.

    There is a Library, consisting of upwards of 700 volumes, to which the membershave free access.

    On the recommendation of one or more of the members, any young man may beadmitted into the Association,'from the age of 16 and upwards.


    AECHITECTS.Fogo J. L., 23 King streetLogan Eotert, Allan parkMackison F. & W., (and civil engineerg,)

    Murray placeSimpson AVm., 11 King st

    AUCTIONEERS.Drysdale Jas., 48 Baker stDrysdale Wm., 81 Baker stFleming Jas., 32 Baker stWallace Peter, Nelson place

    BAKERS.Archibald David, 27 Broad stBauchop George, 16 Port stGrant Andrew, 60 Baker stMillar James, 37 King stMiller John, 56 Port stMurdoch George, 24 Baker stEeid Daniel, 74 Port stRitchie Lauchlan, 43 St Mary's vryndWatt Archibald, 37 Baker st

    BANK AGENTS.Curror Roht., B, of Scotland, 73 King sbMonteath Jas., Clydesdale Bank, 9 King stMorrison Jas., Comml. Bank, Spittal stMurrie John, National Bank, Murray piGraham Wm., Royal Bank, King stMathie Jas. & John, Union Bank, King stChrystal & M'Farlane, City of Glasgow

    Bank, King st

    BOOKBINDERS.Forbes John, 87 Baker stKing John, Spittal stMasson RolDert, Spittal stMiller D. & Son, Baker stM'Pherson R., Port st

    BOOKSELLERS.Crawford John F., 39 King stDrummond Peter, Tract DepotForbes John, 87 Baker stHewit Misses, King st

    Miller Alex,, 1 Port stMiller David & Son, 4 Baker stPeddie Wm., King stShearer Roht. S., 24 King stWhimster R,, Broad stWhyte James, 7 Baker st

    BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS.Camming Wright, Bow stDalgetty J., 3 Bank stDobbie John, Friars' stFerguson John, 41 Baker stFerguson Colin, Orchard placeFerguson Hugh, 51 Port stEraser Alex. & Son, Murray placeGardner John, Bridge stGillespie Wm., 105 Baker stGlover W., 119 Baker stHandyside G., 40 Baker stHay John, 49 Baker stLickrish John, Viewfield stLow Thomas, Baker stM'Lachlan John, 4 Upper Bridge stMann John, 96 Baker stPage James, 33 St John stPeat David, Cowane stSinclair Jer: R., 15 Port stStewart John, 42 Baker stVance John, King stWalker William, St Mary's wyndWilson William, 12 Broad stWilson James, 36 St John stYoung Samuel, 17 Murray place

    BREWERS.Burden Mrs Ann,