Thinking of Building a Targeted Email List for Online Business?

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Thinking of Building a Targeted Email List for Online Business?

Without a doubt, the one that pointed successful marketers in the right direction was their

passion about what they are marketing and how they are marketing. If you are hunting down

an online business, or brick- and- mortar business, or any kind of business, you require a way

to keep in touch with your prospects and customers. In marketing era, email is not only alive

and palmy, but essential to the success of online business.

Here’s the deal:

Since every single person in the world has an email address, building a cost effective and

target oriented email list is thought provoking for B2B marketers. A targeted email list

permits you to constantly nurture prospects by providing them with information and offers in

order to eventually turn them into a revenue producing conversion. Moreover, building a

targeted mailing list pretty much from scratch is a challenging task. Dive into this article, to

learn the techniques for building the targeted email list effectively.

1. Send a welcome Email Offering a Free Gift:

Everyone loves to get something for nothing. Design a splendid offer in order to grab the

attention of customers and if they like it, they will subscribe to the business email list

naturally. The freebie may include a white paper or e- book or any other useful stuff like a

booklet. Promote an online contest giveaway to build the email list.

2. Use an Auto responder System:

In this mature marketing system, to build a long-term relationship with the customers on the

list we need an autoresponder system. The key fact about auto responders are to engage the

customers with your online business and encourage them to opt-in, your mailing list by

sharing valuable and informative content.

3. Create an attractive Squeeze page:

A Squeeze page is a web page that contains information that would raise interest in the

marketer’s targeted audience. As its title suggests, the main purpose of a squeeze page is to

cajole or otherwise ‘squeeze’ a visitor into providing their most coveted pieces of personal

data: email. A squeeze page should be user friendly and possess good interface so that

targeted audience can give their details in the embedded opt-in form.

4. Drive Targeted traffic to Squeeze page:

In order to drive the targeted traffic to the squeeze page, we can implement two best effective

methodologies. The first and foremost method is using a PPC network like Google Adwords.

It is a bit costly expensive method. The second method is page rank forum marketing, here

we post a niche thread and fill profile in the page and the URL as signature at the bottom. It is

a very good way to get traffic to the page and build the email list.