Theme. The theme is the story’s message or moral. A story’s theme is not usually stated. The...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Theme. The theme is the story’s message or moral. A story’s theme is not usually stated. The...


The theme is the story’s message or moral.A story’s theme is not usually stated.The reader may determine the theme of the story

by looking at the characters’ qualities and motives and the way they respond to plot conflicts.

Readers should look for the message the author wants to give them.

Tip: To find the theme, think about the “moral” of the story. What is the “lesson” that the main character learns or the reader learns from the


Character’s Qualities


Character’s ActionsCharacter’s Motives

Let’s see how Alex’s qualities, motives, and actions contribute to the theme of the story.

Alex looked at the new kid, Tony. He had been in the class for a week, but he still had no friends. Alex had been a new student last year, but he had made friends right away. He wasn’t afraid to walk up to someone he didn’t know and just start talking. He decided to do that now and sat next to Tony at the lunch table. During lunch, the boys discovered that they both enjoyed building model airplanes. They made a plan to build a new one together.

Alex looked at the new kid, Tony. He had been in the class for a week, but he still had no friends. Alex had been a new student last year, but he had made friends right away. He wasn’t afraid to walk up to someone he didn’t know and just start talking. He decided to do that now and sat next to Tony at the lunch table. During lunch, the boys discovered that they both enjoyed building model airplanes. They made a plan to build a new one together.

Character’s Qualities


Character’s ActionsCharacter’s Motives

Alex is outgoing and makes friends easily.

Alex feels bad that Tony doesn’t have any friends.

Alex sits next to Tony and talks to him.

Someone has to take the first step to make a new friend.

Universal Themes in Literature

• Many stories that you read will have common themes.

• These themes are universal and are relevant to all people and cultures, such as love, friendship, family, society, and nature.

• Universal themes are the topics of the message that the author is trying to convey.

Turn and Talk

• Which are these universal themes were represented in The Watsons go to Birmingham?

• Make sure to discuss specific examples.