The World's Largest Webinar Takeaways #WLW14 "The Secrets Behind Social Media Today"

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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My personal visual recap on the webinar using Piktochart. Includes 7 takeaways, tips, best practices and useful resources. 2014, 23 April, HOSTED BY: Dan Zarrella, Social Media Scientist at HubSpot (@danzarrella) SPEAKERS: Scott Engelman, Head of Online Marketing at LinkedIn (@scottjengelman), Jed Clevenger, Global Head of SMB Channel Marketing at Facebook (@jtcinsf), Russ Laraway, Senior SMB Director at Twitter (@russlaraway) 7 TAKEAWAYS 1. “Marketing without DATA is like driving with your eyes closed” @danzarrella Keep track and experiment! 2. DON’T POST SAME CONTENT across different social networks Disconnect auto-post and treat each platform individually 3. 80/20 Rule for CONTENT STRATEGY 80% focused on driving engagement (informative) and 20% on direct offers (commercial). 4. Work on your COPYWRITING SKILLS Be creative, humanize your brand and post relevant engaging content 5. Use IMAGES to duplicate ENGAGEMENT Eye catching, intriguing and related to your content 6. Invest wisely on ADVERTISING Custom your audience, use clear calls to action and refresh every 2-4 weeks 7. Add FOLLOW ME links to your site Target in a new window and also use Social Media to drive traffic to your site. TIPS Average online POSTING FREQUENCY - Twitter (5-8 a day), Facebook (2-3 a day), LinkedIn (3-4 a week) SOCIAL PROFILES MUST HAVES - Attractive and engaging images that relate to your product/service - URL - Descriptive bios with keywords - hashtags - accurate and complete key info (i.e. opening hours, ratings, address…) - continually post updates with relevant content for your audience BEST PRACTICES examples Twitter: @Bonobos a small biz Twitter profile that attracts followers @Buzzstream on how to increase awareness of their new guide and drive content downloads. + info: Facebook: SweetHaus, an attractive Small Business Facebook Page that has achieved over 3000 likes without any advertising Linkedin: Mutual Mobile is a good example of a Company Page *Check out the Best LinkedIn Company Pages of 2013 RESOURCES @TwitterSmallBiz: Tips, best practices and case studies to help your small biz succeed. Linkedin resource center for small businesses. Facebook tips to help you meet your business.

Transcript of The World's Largest Webinar Takeaways #WLW14 "The Secrets Behind Social Media Today"