The universe

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The universe


Creation of the Universe

CosmologyStudy of the origin, structure and future of the universe.

It is thought that the universe is in constant expansion!

13.7 to 15 thousand million years ago…All the matter in the universe was compressed in a small point.

As it started rotating, it exploded and liberated all the energy in the Universe.

The galaxies were formed a thousand million years later.

This explosion of matter and energy is known as the…


There are different models about the form of the galaxies.

Forms of the Galaxies

3 types of them:

Spirals Form of disc, with highly densed stars grouped surrounding the central bulb.

EllipticalsAll of the stars were formed at once and have the shape of an ellipse.

IrregularsWithout definitie aspect and small sized.New stars keep forming, made of gas and dust.

The Milky Way is a regular spiral galaxy.

It formed 13 thousand million years ago.

Solar System

It was formed 4600 million years ago in a cloud of hellium and rocks.

It has 2 type of planets:Interiors

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The closest ones to the Sun, the first ones to be formed,

made of rock.

ExteriorsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The formed slowly and are made of gas.

Comets Asteroids Meteors

Rock and metalChunks of ice

Dust cloudsErrant objects made of:

CometsParts of ice and rockThey travel around the Sun

Meteor (shooting star)Stream of lightRock and dust burn in the high levels of the atmosphere

MeteoriteRock from space that falls into EarthPiece of asteroid

AsteroidSmaller pieces of rockBetween Mars and JupiterLimit between interior and exterior planets


One of the oldest sciencesFirst observations and descoveries made by:

Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese and Greek

The Greeks were the first ones to try to explain the planetary movement

The Earth was the center of the Universe

Ptolomy’s Solar SystemGeocentric system

Earth is the center of the UniverseThe planets that revolve around it


Copernicus’ heliocentric theoryThe Sun is the center of the Universe

It does not movePlanets revolve around it in circular orbitsStars located, immobile, in the outer sphere

The precedent model for scientists like:GalileoKepler Newton

Galileo Galilei’s MoonsBuilt a telescope with 32 lenses

Begininning of the Telescopic Astronomy

Demonstrated that the Sun revolved around its axis in 27 days

Observation of solar stains

Observed 4 bodies revolving around Jupiter

Galileo’s moons

Johann Kepler’s Laws

Based on:Copernicus’ theoryObservations made by his teacher, Tycho Brahe

Demonstrated elliptical planet orbits17 years of dedicationVast knowledge in mathematics

Stablished 3 laws in planetary motion

Kepler’s First Law

The paths of the planets are ellipses with the Sun at one focus.

Kepler’s Second LawAn imaginar line from the Sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals whether the planet is close to or far from the Sun.

The planets move faster near the Sun.

Kepler’s Third Law

The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are proportional to the cubes of the radius of their orbits.

Isaac Newton

Deduced that a planet is kept in orbit by the centripetal force by the force of attraction of the Sun.This phenomenom is Universal

Between 2 objects of any material

It gave origin to:

Law of Universal Gravitation

Law of Universal Gravitation

Any 2 bodies attract with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inverserly proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Implications on the Universal Law of Gravitation

Orbits depend on universal gravityPlanets and moons alike

Force of gravity on Earth’s surface retains everything

Atmosphere does not escape to infinityWater does not fall off the planetObjects thrown to the air return to the ground

The tides occurs when the Moon along with the Sun influence on water

Force of attraction to space bodies

Albert Einstein

General Theory of RelativityGravity is not a force, but an effect of space itself.It is an apparent force, and mass causes space to be curved, and other bodies are accelerated because they move in this curved space.A very large mass causes:

Distortion in spaceMakes the particles, even light, to follow curved trajectories


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