The Titanic Virtual Reality ...file... · Capstone Writing Assignment As a capstone writing...

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The Titanic Virtual Reality Experience: A Descriptive Writing Project

1. Questar STEAM Summer Research Project

Corporate Sponsor: GLOBALFOUNDRIES

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NY Gov’t grants $1.5B


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Q4 2019-3

Video of Fab

GLOBALFOUNDRIES works with local schools at both high school and higher education levels to replicate the GF Innovation Lab which focuses on AI ML AR VR.

Q4 2019-3 4

Virtual Reality in the Schools

2. Questar STEAM Summer Research Project

Program Overview

Summer 2018▸ Toured the fab ▸ Introduced to the HR department.▸ Worked with the training staff.▸ Learned about chip manufacturing.▸ Worked with the ML AR VR AI lab.▸ Created a VR in high school course

Summer 2019▸ Worked with the ML AR VR AI

department.▸ Expanded the VR high school course.▸ Created a website for VR use in high

schools.▸ Worked with a VR in schools user

group.▸ Collaborated to create

interdisciplinary lessons.

3. Questar STEAM Summer Research Project

Curriculum Activity

The Titanic Virtual Reality Experience: A Descriptive Writing ProjectStudents will be exposed to the story of the sinking in various formats.⬡ Reading “End of a Splendid Journey”⬡ Interview Clip with Eva Hart⬡ Watching video clip from Titanic.⬡ Being immersed in the VR experience.


Four Stations1st Station Interview

Titanic Experience: Interview with Survivor Eva Hart

2nd Station Journal

Titanic Experience: Response to “End of a Splendid Journey”

An account written by Elizabeth Shutes, 1913

3rd Station Movie

Titanic Experience: Response to Sinking Excerpts 1997 James Cameron Film, Titanic


4th Station VR

Titanic Experience: Response to Titanic VR Virtual Reality Event


After each experience...

Students responded to the following prompt:

Based on your reading of this text, what observations can you make about the experience of the sinking? Describe it as best you can, using as much description and sensory language (hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling) as possible.

Please write at least 4-5 sentences.

English 9/10Special Education Class


“It felt like I was on the ship. It scared me, my heart is racing. I was reaching around trying to touch things like the boat and the girl on the ship The noises were loud. It felt so very real, like i was there. Anxiety took over my body, my hands were clammy, I was scared.”

“ I heard people crying, people screaming and yelling because they were confused as to why some people were restricted from going onto the lifeboats. People were realistic and it looked like I was actually on the lifeboat sitting on the bench and if I moved over to the left anymore then I would of fell into the sea.


“ The experience is different from watching it threw the glasses verses just on the screen from when others did it. It looks almost fake on the TV but when you have the glasses on you could tell it was fake but like it was so realistic to the point where you could touch the people next to you and the water and sounds looked and sounded like I was their on that ship on that day.”


The sinking was very intense, chaotic, and loud. The water entered the ship so quickly that people didn’t

have time to react. No one knew what would happen next, as the ship sank,

then continued to snap in half and sink even more. People were jumping off of the sides and sliding down the decks. Women and children watched the disaster unfold from the lifeboats. There was nothing anyone could do

to stop it. People felt helpless as they approached their inevitable fate.


Film VS Virtual Reality: 12th Grade

Sitting on the lifeboat, I could feel the confusion among the others. It was so

dark that all we could do was watch the ship sink. I could hear another woman

breathing heavily right in my ear, since it was so crowded. There was a baby and a small dog, who both whimpered in a

sense of panic. As the ship snapped and sank completely, I heard the screams of

those watching, and those who went down with the Titanic. After the ship was completely submerged, I listened as the lifeboat passengers realized the fate of

their loved ones on board.


Capstone Writing AssignmentAs a capstone writing assignment for the Titanic Experience, write a one page (typed double spaced, here) story of you surviving the Titanic disaster.

Make it first person point of view, make up your character and his or her life circumstances, and start the story wherever you see fit- but then bring that person through the sinking. What do they see, hear, smell, feel? What happens to them? Do they make it?

Reflections and Next Steps⬡ Adapt to a larger, older class.⬡ Refine timing of VR, rotations & shuffling of groups⬡ Evaluate the level of writing from the Capstone.



Thanks!Any questions?

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Extra resources


Download the app Within VRthen Iceland is Melting

Extra resources


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