The Three Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Report of the ...

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University of Rhode Island University of Rhode Island

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The Three Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Report of the Curricular The Three Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Report of the Curricular

Affairs Committee Affairs Committee

University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate

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Adopted by the Faculty Senate

#95- 96--16

TO: President Robert L. Carothers

FROM: Chairperson of the Faculty Senate

1. The attached BILL, titled The Three Hundred and Thirty-Fourth

Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee

is forwarded for your consideration.

2. The original and two copies for your use are included.

3. This BILL was adopted by vote of the Faculty Senate on February 22, 1996.

4. After considering this bill, will you please indicate your approval or disapproval. Return the original or forward it to the Board of Governors, completing the appropriate endorsement below.

5. In accordance with Section 10, paragraph 4 of the Senate's By-Laws, this bill will become effective March 14, 1996 , three weeks after Senate approval, unless: (1) specific dates for implementation are written into the bill; (2) you return it disapproved; (3) you forward it to the Board of Governors for their approval; or (4) the University Faculty petitions for a referendum. If the bill is forwarded to the Board of Governors, it will n~ot. become ef. fective until approved by the Board. \ J I . '

February 23, 1996 ~-~--~· --~~-·--~7=-=---~~---------(date) James G. Kowalski

Chairperson of the Faculty Senate


TO: Chairperson of the Faculty Senate

FROM: President of the University


a. Approved

b. Approved subject to final approval by Board of Governors

c. Disapproved

J, ;)q_ C( (o (date)

Form revised 9/91




February 7, 1996

Faculty Senate Curricular Affairs Committee Three Hundred and Thirty- Fourth Report

At the January 29, 1996 meeting of the curricular Affairs Committee, the following matters were considered and are now presented to the Faculty Senate. This includes changes at the 400-level which are not for graduate credit and do not require action by the Graduate Council.

S E C T I 0 N I

Informational Matters

College of Engineering

*Department of Ocean Engineering



Title, description and prerequisite for OCE 471:

OCE 471 Underwater Acoustics (II, 3) Vibrations. The acoustic wave equation. Duct acoustics. Sound pressure levels and spectra. Underwater acoustics including transducers, arrays, surface and bottom scattering and ray propagation. (Lee. 3) Pre: MCE 372. Not for graduate credit. Stepanishen

Prerequisite for OCE 495 to "Pre: 395. 11

S E C T I 0 N I I

Curricular Matters Which Require Confirmation by the Faculty senate

A. College of Arts and Sciences

1 . Department of Communication Studies

ADD: COM 345 Gender and Communication (II, 3) Survey of theories and research on gender and communication. Examines interface of gender and human interaction in interpersonal, group (including family), educational, organizational, mass media, and social movement contexts. (Lee. 3) Ketrow, Staff

* No action by Graduate council. Not for graduate credit.

-37 -

C.A.C. #334 --96- 2-7


2. Department of English

ADD: ENG 302 Topics in Film Theory and Criticism (I or II, 3) Introduction to film theory and criticism. Emphasis on semiotics, auteur theory, psycho­analysis, genre studies, feminist theory, materialist critique or cultural studies, with focus on range of popular, experimental, and documentary film traditions. May be repeated for credit when taken with different emphasis. (Lee. 3) Walton or Leo

College of Engineering

1. All Departments


ADD: The following courses:



EGR 105 Foundations of Engineering I (I, 1) Introduction to Engineering. Problem Solving. (Lee. 1) Staff

EGR 106 Foundations of Engineering II (II, 2) Engineering Problem Solving. (Lee. 1, Lab. 2) Pre: MTH 141 or concurrent registration in MTH 141. staff

Department of Ocean Engineering

a. ADD: The following courses:


1) OCE 216 Introduction to Ocean Engineering Design (II, 1) Introduction to the design of systems in ocean engineering featuring team-based, hands-on projects. stress integrated approach include socioeconomic, environmental and operational aspects. (Lee . 1) staff

2) OCE 395 Ocean Systems Design Proposal (II, 1) Development of detailed proposal for students' individual ocean systems design project. (Independent Study) Pre: junior standing in Ocean Engineering. S/U only. Spaulding

CHANGE: Level, number and description for OCE 410:

OCE 310 (410) Basic Ocean Measurement (I, 3) Basic ocean measurement and instrumentation exercises using boats and laboratories. Includes cruise design, navigation and mapping systems, sonar systems, water quality sensors, wave spectra, computer data acquisition and signal processing. (Lee. 1, Lab. 2) Pre: ELE 220 or permission of instructor. Tyee

* No action by Graduate Council. Not for graduate credit.

-38 -

C.A . C. #334 - - 96-2- 7



Freshman 1st Semester CHM 101 Gen. Chern. CHM 102 Chern. Lab. MTH 141 Intro. Calc. PHY 203 Elem. Physics I PHY 273 El. Phys. Lab. I EGR 105 Fnds. Of Engr. I Gen . Ed. Electiv e

Sophomore 1st Semester OCE 215 O.E. Sem. MCE 263 Dynamics

Level, number, credits and description for OCE 411:

OCE 311 (411) Coastal Measurements and Applications (I, 4) Basic coastal measurement exercises from vessels, in situ and in the laboratory. Experiments in measuring currents, surface elevation, wave and wave forces, geotechnical properties and applications, and acoustic propagation. (Lee. 2, Lab. 4) Spaulding

curriculum for the B.S . degree in Ocean Engineering as follows:

Freshman 2nd Semester EGR 106 Funds. of Engr. MTH 142 Interm Calc . PHY 204 Elem. Phys.

II 3 1 4 3 1 1 3

PHY 274 El. Phys. Lab. II OCE 101 Intro. O.E. MCE 162 statics ECN 201 Econ. Prine.

2 4 3 1 1 3 3

16 17

MTH 243 Calc. & Anal. Geom. PHY 205 Elem. Phys . III Gen. Ed. Elective

1 3 3 3 6

Sophomore 2nd Semester OCE 216 Intro . O.E. Des. CVE 220 Mech. Mat'ls MTH 244 Diff. Equa. ELE 220 Passive/Active Cir. OCE 451 Oceanograpic Sci. Gen. Ed. Elective

1 3 3 3 3 3

Junior 1st Semester MCE 372 Eng. Anal. CHE 333 Engr. Matl's or CVE 381 Geot. Engr.

MCE 354 Fluid Mech. OCE 310 Basic Ocean Meas. Prof. Elective


3/4 3 3 3



Junior 2nd Semester OCE 395 Prj. Prp. for OCE 495 1 OCE 307 coast. Engr. Des. 3 OCE 311 Coast. Meas. & Anal . 4 OCE 471 ocean Acounstics 3 Gen. Ed.Elective 3


* No action by Graduate Council. Not for graduate credit .

- 39 -

C. A.C . #334--96 - 2-7

Se nior 1st semester OCE 416 O.E. Seminar 1 OCE 495 Oc. Sys. Des. Proj. 4 OCE 421 Mar. Struct. Des. 3 IME 411 Probab. for Engrs . or STA 409 Stat. Meth. in Res. 3

Gen. Ed. Elective 3 Prof. Elective 3

Senior 2nd Semester Free Elective Prof. Elective Gen. Ed. Elective

3 6 6

17 15

Total Credits 126/127

Notes : Professional Electives: At least four courses (12 credits) of approved engineering courses at the 300, 400 , or 500 level with minimum of two courses (6 credits) in ocean engineering. An approved off- campus experience can be substituted for OCE 495.
