The Tarvok Patriarchacy - Chapter 3

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Tarvok Patriarchacy - Chapter 3

The Tarvok Patriarchacy: Chapter 3

Welcome back, guys! Last time around, Jason and Christy birthed three children by the names of Bev(erly), Jon, and Deanna.

We start out with this lovely shot of Bev and a burnt muffin.

So far in my playing, none of the Tarvok children have made an un-burnt muffin.


…and again.

Jon’s clothes are cute :3

Poor Christy. She’s having a tough time right now.



Yeah Christy. Just ignore your kid and make the bed, why don’t you?

“I’m home from work! Will anyone greet me?”

How about no, Jason.


“I’ve been going to school for a day and all I have is a C! Whatever will I do?”

“I only have a C, as well! This is terrible!”

“I believe this is what is called ‘father-daughter bonding time’. You shall learn to walk, no?”

I don’t think she actually did. IIRC, she didn’t learn any of her toddler skills.

Meanwhile, Christy works on her Body skill on Jason’s career award. Pouty Sims…

Dinner time!

Christy, why do you insist on eating out of your hand when there is a perfectly good plate on the table in front of you?

Jason, too!

Nifty new crib for Deanna!


I extracted her to BodyShop, and she’s pretty much the female version of Jon in the face.

Christy’s face just adds to the hilariousness of this picture.


Hello, my name is Car.

I am continually used for Sims’ pleasure. I am the only Fun object in the house.

And what happens to me?

I get left in the middle of the street.

Thanks, Tarvoks.

Christy got sent to buy some clothes. I blame Lilith Pleasant Dreamer here for Christy’s new Fear of Have a Baby.

Jon got new clothes – these are my favorite Maxis-made kids’ clothes – and some glasses. Cute!

Bev also got some new clothes. She seemed like the hoodie type.

Deanna also got some clothes, although you can’t see ‘em very well.

(my toddlers are in their PJs most of the time anyways)


Well, it looks like Deanna did learn one skill, at least.


She’s decent-looking. What everyday clothes did she grow up in?


Very nice outfit for a girl with 4 playful points.

Baby bump!

I downloaded the “wear everything while pregnant” hack, so no more Maxis-made maternity wear!

Fast-forward past the second baby bump. (I never got a picture of it)

Like I said before, Christy has crap pregnancies. I feel sorry for putting her through it, but it has to be done : P


“La la la, Mom’s having a baby, I’m getting ready to eat my burnt muffin…”


I told you guys I wouldn’t use up all the normal names in the first generation, and I told myself I wouldn’t use up all the TNG names in the first generation. So this is Sybok Tarvok, with red hair and his mama’s eyes.

Oh yeah, the girls got a room all to themselves!

I ran out of money, and all Jon got was his bed against the back wall of the house.

Deanna got some new clothes, too.


Kisses :3

More purple!




OMG Jon is so needy he drives me crazyyyy

At first I couldn’t figure out what Christy was scolding him about. But then I looked over in the corner…

Maybe that’s what.

silly Jason


Serious mama.

Sybok is a 7-5-6-4-9 Cancer.

Frammit he’s identical to Jon in personality AND looks.

Looks like it’s someone else’s birthday, too!

“Vroom vroom. I ride the motorcycle.”

Whatever you say, Bev.

She’s alright.

The hair really helps with her looks. Trust me. She rolled Fortune, and I believe her LTW is to reach the top of the Business career. I set her turn-ons as black hair and fitness and her turn-off as vampirism.

Commander Beverly Cheryl Crusher, MD, (née Howard) was the chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D and its successor, the USS Enterprise-E, both under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. She briefly left her post as CMO of the Enterprise-D to become head of Starfleet Medical, only to return shortly after.

(thank you Memory Alpha)

Poor Jon didn’t get a cake. Sorry, kid.


“Hey, I have hands!”

His clothes aren’t too bad. At least they kinda match. He rolled Family, and I believe his LTW is to reach his Golden Anniversary. I set his turn-ons as blond hair and black hair and his turn-off as hats.

Jean-Luc Picard was a celebrated Starfleet officer, archaeologist and diplomat who served during the latter half of the 24th century. The highlights of his career were centered around assignments as commanding officer of the Federation starships: USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise-D, and the USS Enterprise-E. In these roles, Picard not only witnessed the major turning points of recent galactic history, but played a key role in them also, from making First Contact as captain of the Federation's flagship with no fewer than 27 alien species, including the Ferengi and the Borg, as well as becoming the chief contact point with the Q Continuum, to serving as Arbiter of Succession- where he presided over the investiture of Chancellor Gowron, and exposing the Romulan Star Empire as backers of his chief rivals, later aiding an underground movement of dissidents to gain a toehold on the Romulan homeworld. He continued to serve as captain of the Enterprise-E, the sixth starship to bear the name, until at least 2379.

(thank you, Memory Alpha)

Aaand I decided to mess with myself and everyone else by giving Jon and Sybok the same hairstyle. Different shade, though.

oh btw is it just me or is Jon kinda hot from this angle?

I had just enough money to mostly build a boys’ room and to give the kids a bathroom. (it was really annoying with only one bathroom)

New clothes for Sybok :3

(I should’ve gotten the shirt with a rocket ship on it. Grr.)

While the nanny cleans our house and eats old food, Jason teaches Sybok to walk! D’awww (:

I hope that nanny wets her pants. I really do.

Because the nanny held Sybok hostage in his high chair, Jason couldn’t get him to the potty in time and he passed out.

Thanks, nanny.


Jon brings home so much, er, delightful company home from school.


they lullaby’d on the first try : D

Hey Jason, guess what!


I downloaded a bunch of CC! Go shopping!


I think Lilith Pleasant Dreamer lives at this clothing store.

Frammit, now Jason is fearing Have a Baby!

But I did find this cute.

That’s Dirk Dreamer, btw.

Cute cashier! I forget her name, but I may age her up and use her as a future spouse if needed.

This is the spawn of his shopping trip. Starfleet uniforms!

Of course, being me, I bought uniforms for him and Christy, PJs for Bev and Sybok… and forgot to get everyday clothes for the twins. Nice.


People did come and cheer for her – the people being Christy, Bev, and a girl with too much makeup who came home with Jon.

Here she is! And in a lovely private school uniform, too.

She rolled Romance, yay. I set her turn-ons to brown hair and fitness and her turn-off to stink. I didn’t write down her LTW, though. Sorry.

Deanna Troi was a half-Betazoid, half-Human Starfleet officer. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, she served as ship's counselor aboard the USS Enterprise-D and the USS Enterprise-E. In 2379, Troitransferred to the USS Titan.

(thank you, Memory Alpha) (Troi actually transferred to the Titan because she was married to Riker. Booo.)

It’s Sybok’s birthday, too!

He decided to steal the face of the girl behind him.

“Yay hands!”

Aren’t you a happy little Jon-clone!

I like Sybok better, though. I’m not sure why.

And where was Jason during this whole thing?

Fast asleep. Poor guy was exhausted.

Well, that’s all for now, folks! Possibly up next: one or two more Tarvoks, a couple birthdays, and more passing out!

CC Credits(these actually are links this time!)


Skintone: Idolatry of Freckles – Pale by ganchi

Eyes: Model N – Brown by AlfredAskew

Hair: Myos 25 Retexture by SimKitty181

Clothes 1: Forge Shirt by dustfinger

Clothes 2: Star Trek uniforms ("The Next Generation" version) – Command by NixNivis


Skintone: Idolatry of Flesh default replacements – S3 by ganchi (original by HystericalParoxysm)

Eyes: Plain Jane Defaults – Blue by AlfredAskew

Hair: Hair 30 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page)

Clothes: Halter Tops for Women in 9 Desaturated Flavors by Fishie; Unisex Military Boots and Skinny Jeans by Sentate


Skintone: Idolatry of Freckles – Pale by ganchi

Eyes: Model N – Brown by AlfredAskew

Hair: Hair 24 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page)

Clothes (child): Pipsqueak Hoodies and Cords by Equation

Pajamas (child, applies to Jon and Deanna as well): Sheepish Flannel Pajamas by fakepeeps7

CC Credits (cont.)Jon

Skintone: Idolatry of Freckles – Light by ganchi

Eyes: Plain Jane Defaults – Blue by AlfredAskew

Hair: Short Tousled Hair for Boys of All Ages by fanseelamb


Skintone: Idolatry of Freckles – Light by ganchi

Eyes: Plain Jane Defaults – Blue by AlfredAskew

Hair: Hair 42 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page)

Clothes (toddler): Casual outfit for toddlers by sga_girl

Clothes (child): Butterfly Top & Denim Leggings by fakepeeps7


Skintone: Idolatry of Freckles – Light by ganchi

Eyes: Plain Jane Defaults – Blue by AlfredAskew

Hair: Short Tousled Hair for Boys of All Ages by fanseelamb

Clothes: Strawberry Patch Collection - Toddler Boys' Pajamas by Purplepaws

And credits to the creators from MTS and Anto from CoolSims for the stuff the Dreamers have that I'm too lazy to look up. Ciao!