The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Six

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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Transcript of The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Six

The Superfrog ISBI

Chapter Six: The Early Years

Welcome to another chapter of the Superfrog ISBI!

Last time, my Torch Holder died. Yep, I failed. In the rules, it should be game over. But, that's boring. Sketch is about to take over as Torch Holder, despite the fact she's still only a toddler. Generation Three is officially in charge, and it's only chapter six. How odd.

Anyway, enough of that. There's sure to be more fail ahead!

I didn't take any pictures of Sketch's final day as a toddler – I was so paranoid that Vamsi and Makoto would neglect her. I shouldn't have worried, Sketch was fine.

But at least now she will be fully controllable.

So tired, upset and missing her parents, Sketch grows up.

She's adorable, but she definitely took most of her features from her father. It's too late to see if her brothers and sisters would look different.

A fact Sketch promptly remembers. It's going to take a while to get used to this.

Vamsi's flu was cured, and she was able to come out of quarantine.

Except Makoto let himself into the quarantine room and the fighting begins again.

Sketch apparently wasn't pleased with a C when she got home from school on her first day, although I don't think it's a bad grade, personally.

Also, you'd think they would cut her some slack given the recent events.

Sketch then settles down to do homework by the window. Hmm.

Her homework looks interesting. Is that ice cream?

Sketch then threw a tantrum.

Because, hey, that's what happens when your aspiration is so red the therapist would visit, had you been older.

She's such an angry child!

Even if she continues to throw tantrums, Sketch gets along with Vamsi and Makoto okay, so all is not lost.

Adopted grandparents can be very worthwhile!

Even if they do try to throw their adopted grandchildren into the road, olympic-hammer style.

Despite the fact she's a Torch Holder, Sketch still exists mostly on freewill. Which usually involves the kareoke set.

Maybe she's singing her troubles away?

I call this one the Angry-Tantrum Dance.

It's a cross between the smustle and a tantrum, of course.

Overnight, it snowed like mad, and Vamsi was the first one to jump outside and run in it.

And then, naturally, smustle in it.

Of course, she wasn't the only one out in the snow all night.

A skunk decided to drop by. Which can only mean one thing...

A stinky Vamsi.

“Help me! I smell!”

She went to work smelling like that.

While Vamsi worked, Sketch was left at home with Makoto.

“Sort-Of Grandpa, can we have some fun?”

“I am having fun!”

Bored of listening to Makoto use the household's musical instruments, Sketch decided to try playing herself.

For a while, she seemed to play the violin with a sad and thoughtful expression on her face.

That might just have been a phase.

Of course, tantrums are all the rage right now.

I hate snow days. I rush around, getting my sims to do their homework, ready for the next day.

Then they get an extra twenty-four hours.

Great. Time to waste the hours on snow activities.

Sketch built a nice-looking snowman, before deciding it was too cold, and heading inside.

At least someone who lives here has some sense!

Sketch concluded her long day of music, tantrums and snow men with a smustle before heading to bed.

She's a reasonably amusing kid. Kind of like her mother, really. :)

The fun didn't stop just because Sketch had gone to bed, oh no. Vamsi decided she was long overdue for a mental breakdown, and pulled out Professor VonBall.

Sketch is also the only one of her 'family' to use the same bed. Makoto and Vamsi switch between the spare in Sketch's room, and the bed in the quarantine room.

No one dares sleep in the double bed of Star and Alan's old room. I've nicknamed it the Haunted Room because the ghosts like to hang out there.

The next day, a penguin invited itself in.

You see, the back garden is closed off to anyone who doesn't have access to the house – and the snowman this penguin wants to talk to is in the back garden.

“Oh, I know the bus system is awful!”

Vamsi had been attacked by Makoto before she could finish the snowman, so the penguin isn't going to get much of a reply.

Speaking of Vamsi, I think she might be watching the penguin from the window.

The penguin in this shot looks like he could be yelling, “Someone call the authorities! An elder is hottubbing in winter!”

Meh. It's better than swimming in winter.

Makoto has also started holding winter BBQs. I guess there really is no wrong time to make hot dogs.

Luckily, Sketch was at school when all of this madness took place. She was fed there, rather than having to eat hot dogs off that dirty-looking grill.

On the rare occasion someone has made dinner, Makoto and Vamsi fight instead of sitting down to eat it.

It's so normal, that Sketch doesn't pay them the slightest bit of attention.

If she isn't at school, and dinner hasn't been made, Sketch survives on chips.

Which upsets the ghost of her father. Actually, I think Alan is sobbing because he died in this room and I didn't change it. The family didn't have the money to renovate the kitchen.

Alan's ghost gets on my nerves a lot of the time. Star's ghost just whines in the Haunted Room, but Alan feels the need to sob in the kitchen, haunt the bathtubs, and make his presence know.

“Hi sweetheart, how's school?”


“Oh, look, another snow day!”

Seriously. In the last four days of Sketch's childhood, she went to school once maybe.

Having a child for an heiress isn't too bad, other than this.

With no way of paying bills, the Repo Men decide to pay a visit.

“I've come for your soul! Nah, just some of your expensive furniture.”

He took a bench from the garden, and that was it. And it was one of the benches that had been left out there after the last wedding.

I just never got round to packing away the wedding furniture.

Vamsi and Makoto still hate each other, and I don't think it will ever change.

“He slapped me! Wah!”

I then managed to miss Vamsi passing away completely.

“Y'know, I'm actually sad she's gone. I'll really miss our daily fights.”

He then went and sat on a bench at the edge of the graveyard. Creepy place to sit, but Makoto has nothing better to do now.

The next day, Sketch stops playing the violin in order to explode into sparkles.

Sketch Super, the beautiful and young heiress. She rolled romance, with a lifetime want of becoming a Hall of Famer.

Also, she needs a makeover – orange and green? Huh. Pumpkin colours.

Sketch can now take full control of the household – finally, the family can pay their bills!

Just in time, too – I doubt that Makoto has long left.

This is where I'll leave you this time – with Sketch playing the guitar!

I know it was only a short chapter, but I struggled thinking of interesting things to write about Sketch's childhood. Hopefully it's not too bad!

Thanks for reading!