The structure of the english and arabic sentences

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The structure of the english and arabic sentences

The Structure of the English and Arabic sentences.

Introduction :

We know that each language has different structure and roles , so in English there are many roles and ways to make a sentences and that depend on the concept and grammar , and Arabic language as well.

Lets definite the meaning of sentence in general : a sentence is a group of words that makes sense on its own. For example , Ahmad went to the school .

In my assignment I will put simple comparison and explanation about structure of Arabic and English sentences .

I will support my assignment with examples in order to make the subject more easier and less complicated .

English sentences structure:(syntax)we agree that any sentence is about someone or something so that something or someone of any sentence are called subject , it is not necessary that subject must be in the beginning of the sentence .Here we have some examples that show the subject often at the beginning but not always :

1- Sarah often comes so late to her work.2-my friend and I both like to eat sushi.

Kinds of English sentences and its structures:simple sentence :which has only one clause :for example , The kids were crying.

Compound sentences: which has tow or more clauses:for example , I looked for same that jacket but I couldn't find . In compound sentences must be with conjunctions.

Complex sentence : which has a main clause and one or more adverbial clauses. Adverbial clauses usually come after the main clause.For example: she had a very difficult childhood because she lost her family when she was a child .

Arabic sentence and its structures .

In Arabic language the sentences are tow kinds : nominal and verbal .

Verbal begins with a verb but nominal begins with a noun or pronoun

Nominal has tow parts 1-subject (مبتدأ) and a predicate .( (خبر

For examples: That was an excellent answer . ممتازة اجابة تلك كانت I have 3 brothers. اخوة ثالث لدي I work in new York city . نيويورك مدينة في اعمل انا

Structure in Arabic and English sentences:

so in English, the sentences contain clauses .Sentences can contain subjects, The subject in a sentence is generally the person or thing carrying out an action. For example :The boy eats the apple . التفاحة اكل while in الولدArabic the verb will be at the beginning . الولد اكلالتفاحة

Translation , English target Arabic .

The translation has many roles so we can not translate the Arabic sentences verbally in English .

For example : in Arabic we say السوق الى ذهبنا وصديقتي but in اناEnglish we say , My friend and I went to the shop.

Also we can use some idioms like . The exam was a piece of cake . If we want to translate to Arabic it is wrong to say مثل كان االختبار

جدا سهل كان االمتحان ان نقول ان الصحيح ولكن الكعك قطعة Ali plays football. يلعب نقول وانما الكرة يلعب علي نقول ال الجملة هذه في

الكرة علي So the translation depends on the grammar and the structure of

each language Arabic and English .

The conclusion :

Now you become aware of how you can differentiate between the structure of English and Arabic sentences besides how you can translate it .

So , To understand sentence structures in the English language, you must first have a general understanding of the types of words that are used to make sentences.

Don’t forget that one of the most important English basic structure that the sentence must begins with capital letter and end with punctuation mark (full stop) .

In Arabic , syntactic structures of a nominal sentence and a verbal sentence according

to the developed grammar are given.


It is hoped that the developed grammar will contribute to the efforts undertaken recently in the Arab countries towards the development of a comprehensive, agreedupon, formal grammar for Arabic syntax.

* 360شعبة *الزهراني معروف مريمقاحطي يحيى مرامالرشيدي ساعد صفيةالعطوي علي سارهالعطوي عيد فلحاء

العطوي عطيه انوارالبلوي خالد ابرار

الترجمي اسماءمجرشي ابتسام

البلوي عواد روان

361شعبة **البلوي سليم روان

العطوي مصلح مشاعلالعنزي صالح تهاني