The story of the party.

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of The story of the party.

you should always bring fresca to the party.

i was never the wild child.

and let’s face it, parties aren’t really my thing.

because parties are not for introverts.

we introverts were never taught party etiquette.

when you see byob on an invite,

what do you think?

if you thought beer,you are not like me

i saw byob,and i thought


i couldn’t imagine a more refreshing party beverage

but when i arrived sporting my un-koozied fresca can,all hell broke loose

i was confronted by people exhibiting a full range of emotions

some were confused

some were annoyed

some thought it was hilarious

some gave me high fives

i even got a fist pump

and one guy attempted to steal a sip

by the end of the night i was known as

“the girl who brought the fresca”

if only stieg larsson was around to write another novel

for the first time in my lifeeven if for a brief moment

i was the party

and i owe it all to my ice cold can


which in my heart will forever and always be a better social lubricant than beer