The Space Race Origin Time Line People Assignment.

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Transcript of The Space Race Origin Time Line People Assignment.

The Space Race

Origin Time Line People Assignment


Following WWII, the United States and Soviet Union became tangled in a cold war. Fearing the other nation would attack if they showed any sign of weakness, the two nations began to compete in virtually all areas of military, social and scientific achievement.

Origins (Pt. 2)

One of the areas where the United States and Soviet Union competed was in the area of space. The United States, with the more advanced rocket technology, assumed they were the clear front runners in all scientific areas.

Origins (Pt. 3)

However, it was the soviets to strike first in the space race with the launch of Sputnik, a Satellite which remained in space for roughly three months.

Origins (Pt. 4)

The Soviets also took the next major step by putting the first human in space in 1961. Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin spent 108 minutes in space before re-entering over Soviet air space.

Origins (Pt. 5)

Following Gagarin’s flight, the United States being clearing behind needed something big. President John Kennedy then announced the United States would put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. This bold statement started the race to the moon.

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Quick Review (no sound on click means answer is incorrect)

What was the name of the Soviet satellite that was launched in 1957?

The Bird Sputnik Bleep Bleep No clue?

Quick Review (no sound on click means answer is incorrect)

Who was the space race between?

USA & England?

USA & the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union and England?

France and England



Yuri Gagarin - Soviet - First man in space!

(1961) - Died 7 years later in a

test flight accident - A Hero of the Soviet

Union recipient (their nations highest award)


Alan Shepard - American - Second man in space!

(1962) - First American in space - Later became the 5th

person to walk on the moon (1st to play golf).



John Glenn - American - Third man in space! (1962) - second American in space - In 1998, Glenn went into

space for the second time, becoming the oldest man ever in space (77 years old)


Neil Armstrong - American - First man on the

Moon (1969) - Was later responsible

for investigating the destruction of the Challenger space shuttle in 1986

Quick Review (no sound on click means answer is incorrect)

Who was the first man in space?

Shepard Armstrong Gagarin Glenn

Quick Review (no sound on click means answer is incorrect)

Who is the oldest man ever to go into space?

Gagarin Glenn Shepard Armstrong

AssignmentWhen did the Cold War begin between the

United States and the Soviet Union?

Following WWI? (B) Following WWII?

Following Vietnam? (D) Two weeks ago?



Incorrect, try again. (hint, we were allies during this war to

defeat the Nazis)

Correct! Following WWII, the US & Soviet Union became

engaged in a cold warNext question

AssignmentWho was the first person in space?

Yuri Gagaran

John Glenn

Alan Shepard Neil Armstrong



Incorrect, try again. (hint, he died seven years later in a test

flight accident)

Correct! Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space!

Next question

AssignmentWho was the first American in space?

Yuri Gagaran

John Glenn

Alan Shepard Neil Armstrong



Incorrect, try again. (hint, he also played golf in space!)

Correct! Shepard was the first American in space.

Next question

AssignmentWho was the first man on the moon?

Yuri Gagaran

John Glenn

Alan Shepard Neil Armstrong



Incorrect, try again. (hint, it was one small step for man, one

giant leap for mankind)

Correct! Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

Next question

AssignmentTrue or False, the Soviets put a Satellite in space

before the Americans?

True False

Incorrect. (hint, it was named Sputnik)

Correct! The Soviets started the space race with the launch of

Sputnik in 1957.Next to print results

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