The SISRI Info

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Transcript of The SISRI Info

The SISRI-24 (King, 2008; King & DeCicco, 2010)

To view the SISRI-24, its scoring instructions, and preliminary statistical properties, click on the link to the left. Preliminary analyses across two large studies have revealed excellent internal consistency and reliability. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses have supported the 4-factor model of spiritual intelligence on which the scale was based. Construct and criterion-related validity, as well as split-half and test-retest reliability, have also been supported in these studies.

The SISRI-24 is free for unlimited use by students, researchers, and practitioners, so long as the scale is referenced properly (see below) and not altered in any way, shape, or form without the author's permission. The authorwould appreciate a summary of any research using the SISRI-24.