The Science Behind Lumosity v2.2

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Transcript of The Science Behind Lumosity v2.2

  • 8/20/2019 The Science Behind Lumosity v2.2


    The ScienceBehind Lumosity

     VERSION 2

    Joseph Hardy

    Faraz Farzin

    Michael Scanlon

  • 8/20/2019 The Science Behind Lumosity v2.2


    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary ...............................................................................................................................  2

    The Incredible Changing Brain .......................................................................................................... . 3

    Behavior Changes the Brain ..................................................................................................... 3

    Training Can Improve Cognitive Performance ......................................................................  4

    The Lumosity Product ...........................................................................................................................  7

      Exercises .......................................................................................................................................  7

      Assessments ................................................................................................................................ 9

    Training Components ..............................................................................................................  10

    The Lumosity Research Platform ......................................................................................................  11

    Scientific Research with Lumosity .........................................................................................  11

    Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................  19

    References ............................................................................................................................................ 20


  • 8/20/2019 The Science Behind Lumosity v2.2


    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Executive Summary

    Until quite recently, most scientists believed that

    core aspects of cognition were essentially fixed from

    a young age, with little or no room for improvement.

    Capacities like memory, attention and sensory

    processing were thought to be largely permanent

    after a relatively brief period of development during

    early childhood. In this worldview, those who were

    endowed with strong cognitive capacities through

    genetics and early development were destined to

    operate at a high level throughout much of their

    lives. Those not so fortunately endowed were out

    of luck.

    The emerging findings from neuroscience research

    are changing the way we view these issues. We now

    understand that, with the right kind of stimulation

    and activity, the brain can change and reorganize

    itself to become more efficient and effective

    in processing information, paying attention,

    remembering, thinking creatively and solving novel


    Lumos Labs has drawn upon this cutting edge

    science to create Lumosity – a collection of web-

    and mobile-based applications that empower

    people to exercise their brains. The games and

    assessments offered through Lumosity are based

    on scientific principles and findings, designed and

    presented in an appealing, engaging form that

    makes it fun to keep the brain active. Through the

    Human Cognition Project (HCP) and Lumosity’s

    Education Access Program (LEAP), Lumosity is

    being used as a platform technology for studying

    the impact of cognitive training on individuals,

    including healthy children and adults as well as

    individuals with specific clinical conditions. While

    the research is still evolving, results from studies in

    different populations demonstrate that training with

    Lumosity can improve a variety of core cognitive

    abilities, including attention, memory, executive

    function and math skills. These improved abilities

    can enable people to remember more, think faster,

    and perform better at work, school and in everyday

    life. And ultimately, live a more productive life.


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    The Incredible Changing Brain

    The capacity of the human brain to make newassociations and acquire new knowledge has

    been appreciated for hundreds of years. However,

    the brain’s ability to fundamentally reorganize

    itself when confronted with new challenges is a

    relatively recent discovery. The brain is capable of

    reorganization throughout life, and new activities

    can promote this reorganization. Given the right

    kind of stimulation, existing connections in the brain

    become more efficient and effective and new neural

    connections can form. This power of structural and

    functional change is referred to as neuroplasticity,

    and its principles are only now beginning to be fully


    Behavior Changes the Brain

    Throughout the past decade, researchers have

    observed brain changes associated with learning

    new, complex and challenging tasks. Below are

    several examples of research showing the effects of

    brain plasticity in response to learning new skills or


    Learning-related brain changes.

      In order to obtain a license to drive one of the

    famous black cabs around the serpentine urban

    streets of London, one must first pass a rigorous

    exam testing knowledge of point-to-point routes

    throughout the city. These routes are referred to as

    The Knowledge, and would-be taxi drivers spend

    months “on The Knowledge,” studying the map

    of London in hopes of passing the exam. In 2000,

    researchers at University College London published

    an intriguing brain imaging study involving these

    individuals (Maguire et al., 2000). They sought to

    discover what changes occur in the brains of tax

    drivers as they go on The Knowledge. If the brain

    were a relatively static receptacle, passively absorbing

    information, then researchers would have expected

    to see few, if any, major changes in the brain. What

    they saw was dramatic and surprising. Researchers

    observed that the hippocampus, a brain area critically

    involved in memory and navigation, was larger in those

    who had acquired The Knowledge compared to those

    who had not. The greater brain volume was found to

    be related to the expansive spatial expertise acquired

    by London taxi drivers (Maguire et al., 2006).

    Another example of brain plasticity in everyday life

    comes from medical students who have been found

    to undergo brain changes similar to those observed in

    the London taxi driver study while studying for exams

    (Draganski et al., 2006). Similarly, preparation for the

    Law School Admission Test (LSAT) has been found

    to strengthen brain connections between regions

    involved in reasoning and problem solving (Mackey et

    al., 2012). Another study found differences in auditory

    and visual brain regions between musicians and non-

    musicians that were associated with extent of music

    practice (Gaser and Schlaug, 2003). In the domain of

    language, bilinguals who became proficient in a second

    language showed greater brain volume compared to

    monolinguals in a region associated with verbal tasks

    The amount of change was dependent on the age of

    learning the second language (Mechelli et al., 2004)

    Lastly, volunteers who learned a 3-ball juggling routineshowed functional changes in brain areas associated

    with visual areas important for processing motion tha

    the non-jugglers did not show (Draganski et al., 2004

    Scholz et al., 2009). All of these results are among the

    growing evidence that the human brain changes when

    faced with new challenging tasks.


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Video game-based brain changes.

    Cognitive abilities are affected by other kinds

    of activities as well, not just those traditionally

    associated with learning. Some interesting evidence

    supporting the brain’s ability to change comes from

    the world of video games. Green and Bavelier (2003)

    showed that first-person action video game players

    performed better in measures of visual attention

    than non-players. Furthermore, when non-players

    played an action video game intensively over a

    period of several weeks, their visual attention

    capacities improved to resemble the capacities of

    gamers. Haier and colleagues (2009) asked a groupof adolescent girls to undergo an MRI scan before

    and after practicing the game Tetris for a period

    of three months. The brains of these girls showed

    changes in cortical thickness in temporal, parietal

    and frontal cortex following the practice. These

    studies demonstrate that some aspects of video-

    game play, like learning, can induce neuroplasticity.

    Training Can Improve Cognitive Performance

    Interactive technology, like that used to design video

    games, can also be used to create and deliver specific

    cognitive tasks in a form that is intensive, engaging,

    repeatable, adaptive and highly targeted. This

    advance in technology, combined with a growing

    appreciation of the brain’s ability to reorganize itself,

    has led to an explosion of interest in uncovering

    the impact of cognitive training using computer-based technology. Here we present recent research

    studies conducted using structured, targeted and

    computer-based brain training programs that have

    shown positive outcomes on a range of cognitive

    abilities in young and old adults as well as children.

    Cognitive training in older adults. 

    One area of active research using cognitive training

    is for preventing cognitive decline associated with

    the normal course of aging.

    The ACTIVE study. The Advanced Cognitive Training

    for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) study

    was a large, randomized, controlled trial testing the

    effects of three kinds of cognitive training (Ball et

    al., 2002). The 2832 participants in the study, all 65

    years of age or older, were randomly assigned to

    one of four training conditions. One group received

    no training and served as the control. The threeintervention groups received memory, reasoning or

    speed of processing training. Participants in each

    intervention group underwent approximately 10

    one-hour sessions of training over about six weeks.

    A number of interesting results have come out of

    the ACTIVE trial. As expected, participants in all

    groups learned to perform the training tasks more

    efficiently. What was more impressive was that the

    effects of the training generalized to measures of

    real-world function. For example, those receiving

    training in speed of processing and reasoning

    showed significantly slower declines in instrumental

    activities of daily living compared with individuals in

    the control group (Willis et al., 2006). Individuals

    in the speed of processing intervention group also

    showed significant improvements on a variety of

    health-related quality of life self-ratings at the year 2,

    3 and 5 follow-ups (Wolinsky et al. 2010). In addition,participants who received these training programs

    were about half as likely as control participants to

    be in a motor vehicle accident following the study

    (Ball et al., 2010). These functional benefits were

    observed five years after training was completed,

    indicating that the gains were sustained for a


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    significant period of time.

    The ACTIVE study suggests that cognitive training

    can have useful real-world benefits for older adults.

    However, the study had several limitations that made

    it difficult to rule out placebo effects and untrained

    task transfer effects, and difficult to determine

    whether cognitive training would similarly benefit

    individuals younger than 65 years. In addition, the

    training program involved touch-screen monitors

    and required in-person supervision, making it

    challenging to deliver the intervention outside of

    the laboratory or clinic setting.

    The IHAMS study. To address these limitations, the

    Iowa Healthy and Active Minds Study (IHAMS) was

    conducted (Wolinsky et al., 2013). IHAMS included

    681 participants in two age groups (group 1: 55-64

    years and group 2: 65 years and older), who were

    randomly divided into four groups: the first received

    the same speed of processing training used in the

    ACTIVE study. The second group received the

    speed of processing training with an additional

    ‘booster’ training after 11 months. The third group

    completed the speed of processing training on

    a personal computer without supervision. The

    fourth group completed computerized crossword

    puzzles that served as an active control to evaluate

    any placebo effects. All groups were assessed on

    standard neuropsychological assessments prior to

    the start of the study, at 6 to 8 weeks into the study

    and at 12 months.

    The results of IHAMS demonstrated that targeted

    cognitive training enhanced performance in the

    trained domain of visual processing and the untrained

    domain of executive functioning significantly more

    than the crossword puzzle activity. The observed

    improvements were equivalent between the groups

    who trained in the clinic and at home and between

    the younger and older participants. Lastly, the

    researchers found that the improvements were

    substantial after 12 months. The results of the

    IHAMS study supported and extended the findings

    of the ACTIVE study and demonstrated again that

    cognitive training can be beneficial.

    The COGITO study. A separate group of researchers

    sought to investigate the effects of cognitive

    training in young adults as well as older adults. This

    study, called the COGITO study, included twelvecomputerized tasks that exercised processing

    speed, working memory and episodic memory.

    Participants, both younger (20-31 years) and older

    (65-80 years) adults, completed 100 daily 1-hour

    sessions of training (Schmiedek et al., 2010). The

    results from this study showed improved cognitive

    outcomes on several individual tests of near- and

    far-transfer of processing speed, working memory

    and episodic memory in each age group.

    Cognitive training in children.

    Research related to the enhancement of core

    cognitive abilities through cognitive training in

    school-aged children is another area of intense

    interest because of its potential to impact education

    and longer-term academic outcomes. Executive

    functions, or the collections of cognitive processes

    that help us to regulate and control our behaviors,

    have been shown to correlate with and predictacademic achievement (Blair and Diamond, 2008).

    For example, cognitive abilities such as selective

    attention, the capacity to focus on relevant

    incoming information, and inhibitory control, have

    been linked to both literacy and mathematics

    (Stevens and Bavelier, 2012; Hillman et al., 2012).


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Beyond having the potential to impact academic

    performance, a recent longitudinal study reported

    that executive function abilities during childhood

    were related to outcomes of lifelong health, wealth

    and public safety (Moffitt et al., 2011).

    Initial randomized and controlled studies of brain-

    based cognitive training with children have shown

    significant long-term gains. For example, the Perry

    Preschool Program enrolled 3- and 4-year-olds

    into intervention sessions targeting a broad range

    of cognitive skills including decision-making and

    problem solving for 30 weeks per year until thechildren were 8 years old, and reported positive

    outcomes on cognitive performance and long-

    term records of high school graduation rates

    (Belfield et al., 2006; Muennig et al., 2009). Another

    study, the Abecedarian Program, enrolled the same

    aged children in a full day of individualized cognitive

    activities, 5 days a week, for 50 weeks a year, and

    demonstrated important, long-lasting benefits

    (Barnett and Masse, 2007; Campbell et al., 2001).

    A recent study by Mackey and colleagues (2011)

    trained older children (7- to 9- year olds) using a

    program that targeted fluid reasoning, or the ability

    to consider multiple pieces of information when

    making a decision, and a separate group that trained

    on processing speed tasks. Children in both groups

    demonstrated transfer of training to untrained tasks

    that tapped the trained skill.

    Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Swedenconducted a series of experiments testing the effects

    of a working memory training program with children

    with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

    The premise of this work was that increasing working

    memory capacity in these children would improve

    their ability to attend to and process information

    in their environments, and a variety of positive

    behavioral and school performance outcomes

    were achieved. In one study, improvements were

    seen in visual memory and response inhibition after

    training, relative to children in a control group who

    did not train (Klingberg, et al., 2005). Increased levels

    of activation in the prefrontal and parietal cortices,

    the parts of the brain most responsible for working

    memory and attention, were seen in children

    following training (Olesen, et al., 2004). Improved

    mathematical reasoning performance has also been

    observed following training (Holmes, et al., 2009).

    This research lends more proof to the notion thateffective brain training can change connections

    in the brain, improve cognitive performance and

    support learning.

    Cognitive training in young adults.

    Recently, researchers from the University of

    Michigan examined the effects of a challenging

    working memory and divided attention task on fluid

    intelligence performance in young adults (Jaeggi,

    et al., 2008). This task, called the Dual N-Back,

    requires users to attend to simultaneously presented

    auditory and visual information and remember

    both streams. The challenge adapts dynamically to

    the user’s performance abilities. Fluid intelligence

    is thought of as the ability to creatively solve new

    problems, and it is measured as part of standard

    IQ tests. Conventional wisdom in psychology

    had said that intelligence is fixed, without much

    potential for improvement. However, participantswho completed the Dual N-Back training in this

    study showed improvements in working memory

    and fluid intelligence that were significantly larger

    than those seen in the control group. The more

    participants trained, the larger the improvements

    in fluid intelligence were. This research challenged


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    the view that intelligence could not be enhanced

    in adults and showed the potential for cognitive

    training to help even those who are already near the

    peak of cognitive performance. Lumos Labs worked

    closely with Martin Buschkuehl and Susanne Jaeggi

    to make a version of the Dual N-Back task available

    for use by both Lumosity users and researchers.

    The studies presented here are merely a sample

    of the most compelling research showing that

    cognitive training can be effective in strengthening

    cognition and enriching real-life outcomes for

    people of all ages and a wide range of conditions.Reviews are available that present this literature in

    greater depth (for example, Jak et al., 2013; Hertzog

    et al. 2009; McGurk et al. 2007). This evidence is

    merely the beginning of the story. There is a great

    deal more to learn about how cognitive training can

    be best applied and optimized for each individual’s

    unique goals. At Lumos Labs, we have created a

    research platform that allows us to facilitate the

    exploration of these issues in collaboration with

    researchers and institutions around the globe.

    Completed and ongoing research using Lumosity is

    described below in the section Scientific Research

    with Lumosity.

    The Lumosity Product

    The Lumosity product suite includes an integratedand growing suite of web- and mobile-based

    cognitive training exercises and assessments, as

    well as the supporting systems that help guide users

    through their brain training experience.


    The core of the Lumosity brain training experience

    is the more than 40 exercises designed to improve

    performance across a variety of cognitive functions.

    Designed and created by scientists working closely

    with game developers, the tasks are both highly

    effective brain training and highly engaging games.

    Each game targets a specific cognitive skill using

    novel experiences that challenge the brain to create

    new and more efficient connections. Many games

    are adaptive, becoming increasingly more difficult

    as performance improves and becoming easierif performance declines. In this way, the training

    intensity is optimized to a level that is challenging

    without being distracting. Taken together, the entire

    suite of exercises represents a comprehensive brain

    training system – an entire gym for the brain. There

    are exercises training speed of processing, memory,

    attention, mental flexibility and problem solving.

    The best way to get a sense for how the exercises

    work is to look at a few examples.

    Figure 1. Lost in Migration screenshot


  • 8/20/2019 The Science Behind Lumosity v2.2


    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Lost in Migration.

    In the exercise Lost in Migration, the player must

    identify the direction that a central bird is facing

    (up, down, left or right), among a presentation of

    5 birds, closely resembling a flock of birds in flight

    (Figure 1). The goal is to report the direction as

    quickly as possible while maintaining high accuracy.

    Sometimes the direction of the center bird matches

    that of the rest of the flock, which makes the

    decision easier because all birds are in a single

    direction, but when the center bird is in a different

    direction compared to the other birds, the decision

    is more difficult. The objective in those situations isto focus on the direction of the center bird without

    letting the other birds become a distraction.

    This exercise targets visual attention and response

    inhibition. The player is challenged to focus in the

    presence of distracting information and to use

    impulse control. This challenge is similar to a variety

    of real world contexts, such as driving or sports,

    where we often have to make a rapid decision based

    on a stream of incoming visual information.

    Memory Matrix. 

    The exercise Memory Matrix challenges the brain’s

    ability to remember spatial locations (Figure 2).

    The player’s goal in this exercise is to remember

    the location of squares on a grid. The squares

    are presented  briefly  before disappearing. The

    player must then click on the locations  on the

    grid where the squares were highlighted. Initially,

    only 3 squares are presented on a 3 by 3 grid, but

    with each correct response the number of squares

    in increased by one and the grid becomes larger.

    This exercise targets spatial short-term memory,

    which is closely related to the kinds of memory

    challenges that we all experience on a daily basis.

    Speed Match. 

    The goal of Speed Match is to determine whether

    the current symbol on a card presented matches

    the previous symbol presented (Figure 3). This task

    exercises speed of visual processing because the

    player is challenged to respond quickly yet accurately

    Figure 2. Memory Matrix screenshot Figure 3. Speed Match screenshot


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    within a fixed amount of time. The player is given

    bonus points for a series of correct responses, and

    as performance improves, the cards are presented

    more rapidly. Focus must be maintained as each

    time there is an equal chance that the card matches

    and doesn’t match the one prior, so the player

    cannot predict the outcome.

    This task is designed to translate to the real world

    ability to process incoming streams of visual

    information that are changing from moment to

    moment and to make decisions faster, such as

    when driving or at work.


    The Brain Performance Test.

    To be able to measure training-related changes

    in cognitive abilities, Lumos Labs has created

    The Brain Performance Test (BPT). The BPT is a

    brief, repeatable collection of tasks that are based

    on existing neuropsychological and cognitive

    assessments and optimized for use on the web.

    Importantly, the selected tasks measure cognitive

    abilities that are exercised through Lumosity

    training, including speed of processing, memory,

    attention, mental flexibility and problem solving,

    but the tasks distinct from the exercises. This tool

    allows us to reliably measure cognitive performance

    independent from performance on the games

    in order to test the transfer effects of the trainingsystem. Transfer refers to the ability to use the

    trained skills and mental mastery in novel situations

    and tasks similar, but not identical, to the task used

    for training.

    Using the BPT, Lumos Labs continuously evaluates

    the efficacy of Lumosity training for improving

    cognitive abilities. In an example of this research, a

    sample of new Lumosity subscribers were sent an

    email 3 days after subscribing inviting them to take

    the test. Ten weeks later, these same subscribers

    were e-mailed with a new invitation to take the test

    again. Throughout this 10-week period, participants

    could freely train on Lumosity at their leisure.

    We analyzed the results of 2045 Lumosity users who

    participated in the study. Pre- and post-training BPT

    scores were shown to be highly reliable, indicating

    that the BPT captures stable differences in cognitive

    abilities between individuals (Figure 4). Participantswho completed more Lumosity exercises during

    the period between test administrations improved

    more on the BPT than those who trained less (p

    < .001), based on a regression model controlling

    for participants’ age and initial performance on

    the assessment as covariates (Figure 5). An earlier

    analysis of the BPT was presented at the 2012 annual

    meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Sternberg

    et al., 2012).

    Figure 4. The relationship between a participants’ pre- and

    post-training BPT score.






    50 75 100 125 150

       P  o  s   t  -   t

      r  a   i  n   i  n  g

       B   P   T

      s  c  o  r  e

    Pre-training BPT score


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    The fact that improvement on the BPT grew as

    a function of the amount of Lumosity training

    suggests that users may be able to improve their

    cognitive performance through Lumosity training.

    The BPT will also allow us to develop and test new

    and improved cognitive training exercises and

    training systems that will continue to increase the

    efficacy of Lumosity’s training platform.

    Training components 

    A variety of other components support the training

    experience with Lumosity. These include:

    Personalized training.The personalized training feature of Lumosity allows

    users to build their own training program based on

    the cognitive skills that they want to prioritize during

    their training. Within each cognitive domain, the

    user can set goals for everyday skills they would like

    to improve, such as remembering names, improving

    productivity, adapting to changing environment and

    multitasking efficiently.

    Brain Performance Index (BPI). 

    Lumosity’s BPI is an aggregate measure of

    performance on the exercises that allows users to

    track their Lumosity improvement across the five

    brain areas – Speed, Memory, Attention, Flexibility

    and Problem Solving, and over time. The BPI lets

    users know where they fall with respect to their own

    performance using a single number.

    Brain Profile.Lumosity offers its users with an individualized

    Brain Profile that indicates where the user sits in the

    overall distribution of Lumosity users and relative to

    users of a comparable profile. For example, in each

    cognitive domain, a percentile rank is graphed,

    indicating how the user compares to peers of the

    same age.

    Lumosity Points. 

    Lumosity Points provide an effort-based measure

    of progress and improvement. The more exercises

    completed, the higher the point total, encouraging

    users continue playing.

    Training History.

    Training History presents Lumosity users with both

    a summary and detailed report of their training,

    including days of training, total games played and

    change in BPI scores. These reports are presentedthrough intuitive and accessible visualizations and

    graphics, in addition to the numbers.


    Figure 5. Improvement on the BPT as a function of thenumber of Lumosity exercises completed.












       0  -  1   5   5 

      1   5   5  -   2   5


       2   5   6  -   3  4


       3  4   5  -   5  4


       5  4   2  +


       C   h  a  n  g  e   i  n

       B   P   T  s  c  o  r  e

    Exercises completed

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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    The Lumosity Research Platform

    Lumos Labs’ research is rooted in open innovation,in which the best researchers in the field are

    encouraged to study the Lumosity cognitive

    training products through ongoing testing and

    contribution of the best ideas for novel cognitive

    enhancement solutions. This model, accomplished

    through The Human Cognition Project, is flourishing

    because there is a natural virtuous cycle between

    researchers, developers and the users who benefit

    from training. The technological infrastructure of the

    Lumosity website, and the back-end data solutions

    associated with it, make it easy for researchers to

    gather and analyze data from studies conducted

    using the software. This allows researchers to focus

    on the most interesting and important questions in

    the field of cognitive training research, rather than

    needing to develop custom software. In turn, this

    facilitation allows for rapid deployment of cutting

    edge training for a wide variety of populations who

    can benefit from these tools. The broad user base

    itself (Retrieved on October 21, 2013,

    had more than 50 million registered users) allows for

    investigation of basic aspects of cognitive function

    and cognitive change that could never have been

    answered in the past without such large samples.

    Scientific Research with Lumosity

    The Lumosity exercises and assessments are rooted

    in scientific research. Lumos Labs is continually

    collaborating with independent research labs

    at top universities not only to demonstrate and

    develop effective and engaging cognitive training,

    but also to advance our understanding of human

    cognition more generally. In addition to external

    collaborations with university researchers, Lumos

    Labs also conducts “in-house” studies of cognitive

    training using Lumosity’s large and growing database

    of human cognition. Both of these endeavors are

    made possible through The Human Cognition


    The Human Cognition Project.

    The Human Cognition Project (HCP) brings

    together university-based researchers, clinicians

    and volunteer participants in an effort to better

    understand the human mind. Through this

    groundbreaking, interdisciplinary, collaborativeproject, we are working together to answer

    questions about human cognition that have gone

    unanswered. HCP researchers benefit from free

    access to Lumosity’s tools and database on human

    cognition; Lumosity benefits by gaining insight into

    its training program through unbiased research.

    Completed Research. 

    Below we provide brief descriptions of 7 peer-

    reviewed publications that have been conducted

    either exclusively by or in collaboration with HCP

    university-based researchers. These studies have

    demonstrated that cognitive training with Lumosity

    is effective in improving important aspects of

    cognition, across a variety of populations. In

    addition to published research, we also present

    our findings at scientific conferences such as the

    Society for Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience

    Society, Entertainment Software and CognitiveNeurotherapeutics Society (ESCoNS) and other

    scientific research meetings. A full list of completed

    research can be found on our website: http://hcp.

    In 2011, Hardy and colleagues published the


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    results of an experiment conducted by Lumos

    Labs to evaluate the effect of Lumosity training

    on cognition in healthy adults (Hardy, et al., 2011).

    The study included 23 participants (mean age = 54

    years) who were divided into a group that received

    Lumosity training and a control group that received

    no treatment. Training consisted of 20 minutes of

    Lumosity per day, once a day, for five weeks. Allparticipants’ cognitive abilities were assessed before

    and after the training period with measures of visual

    attention, working memory and executive function.

    These assessments were versions of standard

    assessments of cognitive function, adapted for use

    on the web.

    Working memory performance was measured

    using a test referred to as the reverse span board.

    In this assessment, participants must attend to and

    remember the order in which a set of blocks were lit

    up and respond by clicking on them in the opposite

    order. Participants who engaged in Lumosity

    training improved significantly (p

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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Overall, participants in this study improved on the

    exercises that they played, which is not surprising.

    What is more interesting is that these training gains

    transferred to measures of cognitive performance

    that were not directly trained. Therefore, participants

    did not simply learn strategies to get better on the

    exercises; rather, the training changed underlying

    cognitive abilities. Due to the fundamental nature of

    this change, these gains may transfer to real world

    tasks that rely on these cognitive abilities.

    In a study published in the December 2011 issue of

    the peer-reviewed journal Brain Impairment, Finnand McDonald, from the University of New South

    Wales, reported their findings demonstrating that

    patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

    experienced positive cognitive outcomes following

    Lumosity training (Finn and McDonald, 2011).

    MCI is diagnosed when cognitive changes beyond

    those expected with the typical aging process are

    present, including difficulties with recall, information

    processing and planning. MCI is also associated with

    an increased risk of dementia. In the study, twelve

    individuals with MCI completed 30 sessions of

    Lumosity training over 8-10 weeks, while a group of

    13 individuals was assigned to a waitlist group that

    did not complete training until the study was over. All

    participants underwent cognitive assessment using

    the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological

    Test Battery (CANTAB) before and after the training

    period. The researchers observed that individualsin the Lumosity training group showed significant

    improvement in visual attention compared to

    individuals in the waitlist group, which is a promising

    result for those suffering from MCI.

    In 2013, in collaboration with Dr. Murali Doraiswamy,

    a professor at Duke University, Lumos Labs published

    a paper in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience

    reporting on a new, web-based, big data approach

    to understanding human cognition (Sternberg et al.,

    2013). The objective of the study was to demonstrate

    the power of Lumosity’s large database of human

    cognition by examining how cognitive performance

    relates to lifestyle factors and how it changes over

    the lifespan in a demographically diverse, healthy


    Two separate analyses were conducted within

    the study. In the first analysis, Lumosity users’performance on 3 cognitive exercises: Speed Match

    (processing speed), Memory Matrix (spatial working

    memory) and Raindrops (problem solving), along

    with their data from a health and lifestyle survey,

    were analyzed. This analysis found that cognitive

    performance on all three exercises was highest, on

    average, for users reporting 7 hours of sleep each

    night. In addition, low to moderate alcohol intake

    (1-2 drinks per day) was associated with higher

    performance and progressively decreased with

    additional alcohol consumption. Figure 8 shows the

    results from the analysis of performance on Memory

    Matrix (Figure 2) in a group of 161,717 Lumosity users

    as a function of sleep and alcohol, controlling for

    age, gender and level of education.

    The second analysis included data from Lumosity

    users ages 18-74 who completed at least 25 training

    sessions that included cognitive exercises that relyeither on fluid intelligence (Memory Matrix and

    Memory Match) or on crystallized intelligence (Word

    Bubbles and Raindrops). Overall, performance on

    all four exercises decreased with age and increased

    with amount of training. However, performance

    decreased more rapidly with age for exercises that


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    required fluid intelligence compared with exercises

    that rely on crystallized intelligence. Additionally,

    the analysis revealed that improvement decreased

    as age increased. Additionally, the analysis revealed

    that improvement decreased as age increased

    at a faster rate for exercises that required fluidintelligence compared with those that rely on

    crystallized intelligence. Together, the analyses

    published in this paper demonstrate examples

    of the scientific questions that can be answered

    through the study of Lumosity’s large dataset of

    human cognitive performance.

    Dr. Shelli Kesler, an Assistant Professor and

    neuropsychologist at Stanford University School of

    Medicine, has been studying the effects of training

    with Lumosity for several years. Dr. Kesler studies

    cognition in a few populations of individuals who

    are challenged due to medical conditions. She has

    been using Lumosity in this context to understand

    whether cognition can be improved in these


    One study from Dr. Kesler’s lab involves children

    with Turner syndrome. Turner syndrome is a

    genetic condition known to cause several issues,including cognitive challenges – particularly related

    to executive function. In a study published in 2011

    in the peer-reviewed journal Neuropsychological

    Rehabilitation, Kesler and colleagues showed

    enhanced math skills and cognitive performance,

    along with corresponding changes in brain activity,

    in individuals with Turner syndrome following

    training with Lumosity (Kesler et al., 2011a). In this

    study, 16 girls ages 7-14 years with Turner syndrome

    participated in a 6-week Lumosity training program.

    All participants completed standardized cognitive

    tests and math tests before and after completing

    Lumosity training. Participants also underwent

    functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

    scanning while performing a math task before and

    after training to measure the effects of Lumosity

    training on brain activity. The girls who completed

    the Lumosity training demonstrated significant

    improvements in processing speed, visual attentionand cognitive flexibility (p < .05, two-tailed t-test).

    In addition, fMRI brain scans revealed neuroplastic

    changes in brain function, with significantly


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    executive function and number skills (Figure 9).

    This study showed that individuals with Turner

    Syndrome could improve math and cognitive skills

    with Lumosity training.

    Dr. Kesler has also been investigating the use of

    cognitive training in improving cognitive outcomes

    in cancer survivors. Chemotherapy and radiation

    therapy associated with cancer treatment can have

    negative effects on brain structures, and certain

    forms of cancer can directly impair brain function.

    Awareness of the negative effects of cancer and

    cancer treatment on brain function has beengrowing in recent years. Terms such as “chemobrain”

    or “chemofog” have been coined to describe this

    phenomenon. In a study published in 2011 in Brain

    Injury, Dr. Kesler’s group enrolled 25 children with

    leukemia or posterior brain tumors to complete

    Lumosity training (Kesler et al., 2011b). As part of the

    study, all children completed standardized cognitive

    tests and underwent fMRI scanning before and after


    Participants showed increased scores on Processing

    Speed, Sort Test, List Memory and Picture Memory

    tests following Lumosity training. In addition,

    brain scans showed increased activation in the

    prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible

    for executive functions including cognitive

    flexibility and decision-making. This study was the

    first to show that Lumosity training is effective for

    improving executive and memory skills in pediatric

    cancer survivors.

    Dr. Kesler is also actively engaged in testing the

    effects Lumosity training in a population of breast

    cancer survivors. In a recent publication in the peer-

    reviewed journal Clinical Breast Cancer, Dr. Kesler

    explored whether Lumosity training could reduce

    or reverse the impairments caused by cancer


    Figure 9. Changes in brain activity following training on Lumosity. Red areas represent increased activity while blue areasrepresent decreased activity following training.

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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    treatments. Forty-one women who had undergone

    chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer were

    assigned to a Lumosity training group or a waitlist

    group that received Lumosity training after the

    study was completed. Participants took a series of

    cognitive tests from standard neuropsychological

    assessments before and after the training period.

    The results showed that individuals in the Lumosity

    training group experienced significantly greater

    improvement on the Wisconsin Card Sort Task

    (WCST), Symbol Search and Letter Fluency

    compared with the group who did not completetraining (Figure 10). The individuals who completed

    the training also reported improvements in daily

    planning and monitoring skills. This study revealed

    that cancer survivors were able to improve their

    cognitive abilities and that they reported improved

    quality of life following training with Lumosity.

    Beyond cognitive training, Lumosity exercises

    and assessments have also been used as a tool

    for researchers interested in studying cognitive

    performance. For example, Rattray and colleagues

    at the University of Canberra used Lumosity’s Speed

    Match game as a freely available and easy-to-use

    assessment of executive function during exercise.

    This work, published in the Journal of Science &

    Medicine in Sport, examined the effect of aerobic

    exercise on cognitive function in 20 healthy adults

    (Rattray and Smee, 2013). While exercise proved

    to have no effect on participants’ accuracy on the

    task, it did improve their reaction time by making

    participants faster compared with when they had

    not exercised.

    Summary of Key Findings to Date. Results observed

    in training studies conducted with Lumosity show

    that this training platform can be used to improve

    cognition in a variety of ways and for a variety of

    individuals. Improvements in memory, attention

    and executive function have been seen in healthy

    adults as well as children and adults with a variety of

    clinical conditions that impact cognitive functions.

    Overall, these results demonstrate that training

    with Lumosity can have wide-ranging impacts

    in cognitive performance across the lifespan,

    regardless of one’s starting point.

    Ongoing Research. 

    The completed research described above is just

    the tip of the iceberg of scientific exploration using

    the Lumosity platform and database. Lumos Labs

    supports external, independent research by makingavailable Lumosity exercises and assessments, as

    well as offering data capture and analysis support.

    Lumos Labs also facilitates the advancement of

    scientific research by providing select access to the

    largest human cognitive performance database to



    Figure 10. Changes on various standardized cognitive tests

    in the Lumosity training group and the Waitlist group.

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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Researchers worldwide are currently using the

    Lumosity platform and database to engage in

    research studies that span topics including aging,

    traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, addiction, post

    traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and exercise.

    Here are just a few examples of the more than 40

    ongoing research studies with Lumosity:

    Researchers at Harvard University, led by Dr.

    Christine Hooker have been exploring the effects of

    Lumosity training on the brains of individuals at high

    risk for schizophrenia. Dr. Joe Ventura, a Professorat UCLA, is also studying the effects of Lumosity

    in a day treatment program that serves adults with


    Dr. Anett Gyurak, a Postdoctoral Researcher at

    Stanford University is conducting a study to assess

    whether Lumosity training is an effective intervention

    for helping individuals cultivate emotion regulation


    Dr. Bruce Compas, a Professor at Vanderbilt

    University is conducting a study investigating the

    effects of Lumosity on stress and coping strategies

    in college students.

    Dr. Michael Weiner’s group at UCSF is using Lumosity

    performance in their Brain Initiative project to

    help identify the progression of brain conditions

    throughout adulthood.

    A complete list of ongoing research collaborations

    can be found on our website: http://hcp.lumosity.


    Lumosity’s Education Access Program.

    Launched in 2009, Lumosity’s Education Access

    Program (LEAP) is focused on discovering the

    effects of Lumosity training on students’ cognitive

    capabilities and academic performance by

    encouraging and facilitating research in classrooms

    around the world. Executive functions and other

    core cognitive abilities serve as critical scaffolding

    for educational achievement and general life

    outcomes beyond school. For example, working

    memory and visual-spatial skills have been

    associated with math, science and reading abilities.

    Improving these functions not only prepares themind for grasping and processing information, it

    also prepares the student by improving the ability

    to focus and attend to classroom activities. In

    addition, several of the Lumosity exercises employ

    problem solving abilities that include material such

    as basic math skills that students must master in

    the classroom. In this way, the training is doubly

    productive, improving underlying brain mechanisms

    while simultaneously providing students with basic

    practice on foundational skills.

    To date, through LEAP, over 14,000 students in

    over 700 classrooms worldwide have received free

    access to Lumosity. Working with teachers, school

    administrators and education researchers, we are

    studying the impact of Lumosity on cognitive and

    academic performance in school-aged children.

    Lumosity training is well suited to supplementstandard curricula in the classroom environment,

    with engaging and stimulating exercises that aim

    to strengthen core cognitive skills that can help

    to prepare students for success in the classroom.

    Initial findings from LEAP are providing promising

    evidence that cognitive training positively impacts


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    students’ cognitive abilities and has the potential to

    improve academic outcomes.

    In a study led by Nicole Ng and colleagues at Lumos

    Labs (Ng et al., 2013), a group of 1204 students

    (ages 8-15 years) from 40 schools participated in

    a semester-long study in which each student was

    assigned to either complete Lumosity cognitive

    training as a supplement to their classroom activities

    or engage in their normal curricular activities. All

    students were tested using the Brain Performance

    Test before and after the training period to measure

    transfer effects of Lumosity training. Lumosity

    training involved daily training sessions consistingof 5 different exercises that took 15-20 minutes

    to complete. Students also had the opportunity

    to complete additional exercises outside of the

    designated classroom time.

    The results revealed that students who completed

    Figure 11. Changes in BPT score on various standardized

    cognitive tests in the Lumosity training and the controlgroups.

    Figure 12. Improvement on the BPT as a function of the

    number of Lumosity exercises completed.

    Lumosity training showed greater improvement on

    all BPT tasks compared with students who had not

    done the training (Figure 11). Furthermore, students’

    improvements on the BPT were related to the hours

    they had spent training (Figure 12).

    Collectively, findings from LEAP both validate the

    feasibility of deploying a web-based cognitive

    training program as a supplemental educational

    activity in a range of ages and classrooms, and

    establish that a student’s engagement with

    Lumosity can have a positive impact on cognitive

    abilities. Studies like these are encouraging, and

    open the doors to answering additional questionsabout the role that neuroplasticity and cognitive

    training can play in education. The bridge between

    neuroscience research and educational practice is

     just beginning to be built and Lumosity is excited to

    continue supporting it through LEAP.












       1  −   5   5

       5   5  −   9   0

       9   0  −   1

      4   6

       1  4   6  −

       2  4   0

       2  4   0  +

    Games played

       C   h  a  n  g  e   i  n  o  v  e  r  a   l   l  s  c  o  r













      G   N  G

       T  A    T   B   A   R    F  S    R  S

      G   R

      G  r  a  n  d

        I  n  d  e  x

       A  g  e  a   d   j  u  s   t  e   d  c   h  a  n  g  e   i  n  s  c  o  r  e

    control intervention


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved


    Recent studies have revealed that the brain remainschangeable throughout life, and in doing so, have

    revolutionized the way scientists view cognition. It is

    no longer common belief that children’s brains are

    fixed after the end of a critical period in development

    or that aging is an inevitable precipitous decline

    in cognitive functions. Rather, there is substantial

    evidence that, in addition to genetics, which supply

    the basic blueprint for brain development, there

    is also a tremendous influence of environmental

    factors that can shape our neural circuitry, and

    ultimately impact the way our brains function.

    Launched in 2007, Lumosity is committed to

    pioneering the understanding and enhancement of

    the human brain to give each person the power to

    unlock their full cognitive potential. Lumosity’s online

    and mobile programs take a personalized approach

    to training core cognitive abilities such as speed of

    processing, memory, attention and problem solving.

    Rooted in neuroscience and designed around key

    factors such as targeting, adaptivity, engagement,

    and transferability, Lumosity training can benefit a

    variety of cognitive abilities, to lead to real changes

    in the brain and to be fun at the same time. There is

    a great deal more research to be done. Through our

    collaborative research programs with universities

    and schools worldwide, we are continuing to learn

    about the ways in which training can help each user

    achieve their individual goals, including healthy

    adults, school-aged children and patients with

    specific clinical conditions.


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    October 23, 2013 | © 2013 Lumos Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved


    Ball, K., Berch, D. B., Helmers, K. F., Jobe, J. B., Leveck,

    M. D., Marsiske, M., Morris, J. N., Rebok, G. W., Smith,

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    (2002). Effects of cognitive training interventions with

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    Ball, K., Edwards, J., Ross, L., & McGwin, G. (2010).

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    Barnett, W. S., & Masse, L. N. (2007). Early childhood

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