The Saskatchewan Gazette - MicrosoftTHE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 6 OCTOBRE 2017 1871 TABLE OF...

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Transcript of The Saskatchewan Gazette - MicrosoftTHE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 6 OCTOBRE 2017 1871 TABLE OF...




SPECIAL DAYS/JOURS SPÉCIAUX ................................................................................................................................................. 1872

PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOI (First Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Première session, 28e Assemblée législative) ............................................... 1872

ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES ..................................................................................... 1872

ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION (First Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Première session, 28e Assemblée législative) ............................................... 1875

ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC DATES/LOIS EN VIGUEUR À DES DATES PRÉCISES .................................................. 1876


ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2017) ........................................................................................................................ 1877

BOARD ORDERS/ORDONNANCES DES CONSEILS, COMMISSIONS, RÉGIES ................................................................ 1878

The Assessment Management Agency Act ............................................................................................................................................... 1878

MINISTER’S ORDERS/ARRÊTÉS MINISTÉRIELS ...................................................................................................................... 1882

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 ......................................................................................................................................... 1882

CORPORATE REGISTRY NOTICES/AVIS DU REGISTRE DES SOCIÉTÉS .......................................................................... 1884

The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives .............................................................................................................. 1884

The Business Corporations Act ................................................................................................................................................................ 1884

The Business Names Registration Act..................................................................................................................................................... 1895

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ........................................................................ 1900

PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS .................................................................................................................................................. 1901

The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom .............................................................................................. 1901

The Election Act, 1996 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1902

The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010 .................................................................................................................. 1903

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 ......................................................................................................................................... 1904

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act............................................................................................................................................................ 1905

NOTICE OF SALE AND AUCTION/AVIS DE VENTE AUX ENCHÈRE ..................................................................................... 1905


NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS ............................................................................................................. 1908/ 1909



Volume 113 REGINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2017/REGINA, VENDREDI 6 OCTOBRE 2017 No. 40/nº 40




SPECIAL DAYS/JOURS SPÉCIAUX ________________________

The following day has been designated by the Minister of Health as:

“PANDAS PANS Awareness Day” in Saskatchewan, October 9, 2017. ________________________

The following week has been designated by the Minister of Government Relations as:

“Fire Prevention week” in Saskatchewan, October 8 to 14, 2017.


PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOI (First Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Première session, 28e Assemblée législative)


Private Members’ Bills/ Projets de loi émanant des députés

Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 604 The Saskatchewan Employment (Support for Victims of Domestic Violence) Amendment Act .......................................................On Assent_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre:

The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995 .....................................................................................................................A-1.1The Adoption Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016/Loi modificative de 2016 sur l’adoption, L.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016 ............................................................................................................9The Cancer Agency Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016 ...........................................................................................................12The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003 ....................................................................................................................17The Consumer Protection and Business Practices Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, sections 114 to 116 and 118 to 119; subsections 121(2) and 122(3) to (5), (7) and (8) not yet proclaimed. .................................................................................C-30.2The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed ......................................C-45.2The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(b) not yet proclaimed .................................................................8The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 .....................................................................................................................E-9.13The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012,/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2012. Assented to May 16, 2012, section 6 not yet proclaimed. ....................................................................13The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 93(1)(k) not yet proclaimed ...........................................................E-9.22


Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre:

The Film and Video Classification Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016 ...........................................................................................................F-13.21The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006, sections 1 to 11 and 13 not yet proclaimed ..............................................20The Forest Resources Management Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, section 53 not yet proclaimed ...................................................................13The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017 .....................................................................................................................12The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed ........H-0.021The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13 not yet proclaimed ...................................................................H-3.01The Human Tissue Gift Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015 .....................................................................................................................H-15.1The Insurance Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015 .....................................................................................................................I-9.11The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005 .....................................................................................................................I-10.21The Justices of the Peace Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016/ Loi modificative de 2016 sur les juges de paix, L.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016 ...........................................................................................................21The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed ..............................L-4.1The Land Titles Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012 .....................................................................................................................19The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act, 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017 .....................................................................................................................17The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010 .....................................................................................................................M-2.01The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed ......................M-14.1The Miscellaneous Statutes (SaskPower and SaskEnergy) Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017 .....................................................................................................................20The Naturopathic Medicine Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015 .....................................................................................................................N-3.11The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, sections 4 to 8 not yet proclaimed ............................................................26The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed .............................................P-14.1The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed ..................................................................30The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, section 7 not yet proclaimed .....................................................................25The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed ....................................................................22The Provincial Court Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, section 5 not yet proclaimed ...........................................................24


Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre:

The Provincial Health Authority Act, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017 .....................................................................................................................P-30.3The Provincial Lands Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, section 1-2 that adds the definition of “fund”, sections 3-4 to 3-9, and that portion of section 10-1 that repeals section 6 of The Ecological Reserves Act not yet proclaimed .................................................................................................................................P-31.1The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed ..........................................................P-37.1The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed ....................................................................46The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012 .....................................................................................................................29The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016/Loi modificative de 2016 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, sections 4 and 9 not yet proclaimed ...............................................26The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, 65(1) and (3), not yet proclaimed .............................................................R-8.2The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010 .....................................................................................................................30The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed .................................................................................................................................38The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013 .....................................................................................................................30The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015 .....................................................................................................................20The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsection 10(3), that portion of section 42 that repeals section 118 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 58 not yet proclaimed ...........................................................41The Securities Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to December 3, 2008, sections 12 and 14 (that part of section 14 that repeals section 45 of The Securities Act, 1988), section 33 not yet proclaimed ..................................35The Securities Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, clauses 3(e), (g) and (h), sections 7, 12 to 15, 22 and 31, not yet proclaimed. ................................................................................................................................32The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, clause 46(a) and section 48 not yet proclaimed .......................................33The Small Claims Act, 2016, S.S. 2016/Loi de 2016 sur les petites créances, L.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016 ............................................................................................................S-50.12The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008, that portion of section 5 that adds clause 18(2)(b) and that portion of section 6 that adds subsection 21(3), not yet proclaimed ................................................................23


Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre:

The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016 ...........................................................................................................30The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017, sections 1 to 3 and 5 not yet proclaimed .................................................. 26The Ticket Sales Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, section 4 not yet proclaimed......................................................................T-13.1The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(c); section 5; that portion that adds subsection 6(7); section 15; those portions of clause 17(b) that add clauses 30(c.11),(c.12) and (c.14) not yet proclaimed .................................................................................................................................34The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed .......................................T-22.2The Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2011, S.S. 2011/ Loi de 2011 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d’actes criminels L.S. 2011 Assented to May 18, 2011 .....................................................................................................................21

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Legislative Table of Public Statutes published by the Publications Saskatchewan. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above./Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Legislative Table of Public Statutes) publié par Publications Saskatchewan. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION (First Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Première session, 28e Assemblée législative)


Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Appropiation Act, 2017 (No. 1), S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017) ............................................................................................. 71 .....................10The Corporation Capital Tax Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to April 13, 2017, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017) ............................................................... 58 .....................2The Fuel Tax Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017) ............................................................... 68 .....................13The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017. Sections 1, 2 and 26 come into force on assent; sections 3 to 11, 13, 16, 24 and 25 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2017; sections 12 and 14 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2016; sections 15 and 21 come into force on July 1, 2017; sections 17 and 18 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from March 23, 2017; sections 19 and 20 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017; sections 22 and 23 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2015) ............. 69 .....................14


Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Interpretation Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017/ Loi modificative de 2017 sur l’interprétation, L.S. 2017 (Assented to April 27, 2017) ............................................................................................ 40 .....................9The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017) ............................................................................................. 60 .....................16The Meewasin Valley Authority Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017) ............................................................... 52 .....................18The Provincial Capital Commission Act, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017, subsection 11-1(2) comes into force on assent but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017) ............... 50 ....................P-30.011The Provincial Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017; clauses 3(1)(c) and (d) and section 9 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 1995; subsections 5(1), (2), (4) and (7) to (16) and section 6 come into force on assent but are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from March 23, 2017) ............... 70 .....................24An Act to Reduce Salaries of Members of the Legislative Assembly, 2017, S.S. 2017/Loi de 2017 réduisant les traitements à verser aux membres de l’Assemblée législative, L.S. 2017 (Assented to April 13, 2017, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2017) .............................................................................................. 47 .....................3The Saskatchewan Meewasin Constituency By-election Act, S.S. 2017 (Assented to March 6, 2017) ........................................................................................... 46 .....................1The Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to April 13, 2017, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from March 23, 2017) .......................................................................................... 57 .....................4The Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017/Loi modificative de 2017 sur les victimes d’actes criminels, L.S. 2017 (Assented to April 13, 2017) ............................................................................................ 66 .....................6The Water Security Agency Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017 ............................................................................................... 44 .....................27_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Education Property Tax Act, S.S. 2017 (Assented to April 27, 2017) Specific Date: January 1, 2018 ....................................................................................... 48 .....................E-4.01




Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre:

The Education Property Tax Consequential Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017/Loi de 2017 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulé The Education Property Tax Act, L.S. 2017 (Assented to April 27, 2017) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Education Property Tax Act ...8The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act...................................................................................................13The Provincial Health Authority Consequential Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017/Loi de 2017 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Provincial Health Authority Act, L.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Provincial Health Authority Act ........................................................................................................ 23The Small Claims Consequential Amendments Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 (Assented to November 30, 2016) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Small Claims Act, 2016 ........................................................................................................................................27The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: subsection 64(3) and Schedule 3 come into force on the coming into force of Part XXI of The Credit Union Act, 1998 ......................................................................................21

The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017) Specific Event: section 4 comes into force on the day on which sections 5 and 11 of The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2016 come into force.............................................26_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



The Automobile Accident Insurance (Benefits) Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016, c.11. Sections 59, 86 and 90 proclaimed in force June 30, 2017.

The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016, c.13. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2017.

The Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan Act, 2016, S.S. 2016, c.C-45.3. Proclaimed in force January 15, 2017.

The Education Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2013, c.9. Sections 11 and 12 and clause 38(1)(c) proclaimed in force June 12, 2017.

The Education Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 c.11/Loi modificative de 2017 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2017, ch.11. proclaimed in force September 1, 2017

The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Act, 2015, S.S. 2015, c.H-0.002/Loi de 2015 sur les directives et les subrogés en matière de soins de santé, L.S. 2015, ch. H-0.002. Proclaimed in force February 15, 2017.

The Horned Cattle Purchases Repeal Act, 2016, S.S. 2016, c.20. Proclaimed in force April 4, 2017.

The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017, c.15. Proclaimed in force June 30, 2017.


The Liquor Retail Modernization Act, S.S. 2016, c.4/Loi de modernisation du commerce des boissons alcoolisées, L.S. 2016, ch.4. Clause 3(b), sections 7 to 9 and 33 to 35 and clauses 36(e) and (f) proclaimed in force October 2, 2017.

The Miscellaneous Statutes (Economy – Audit Assessments) Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017, c.19. Proclaimed in force June 30, 2017.

The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014, c.19. Sections 7, 8 and 10 proclaimed in force April 1, 2017.

The Oil and Gas Conservation Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017, c.21. Proclaimed in force June 30, 2017.

The Patient Choice Medical Imaging Act, S.S. 2016, c.P-4.11. Proclaimed in force February 28, 2017.

The Pipelines Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017, c.22. Proclaimed in force July 31, 2017.

The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010, c.27. Proclaimed in force April 5, 2017.

The Provincial Capital Commission Act, S.S. 2017, c.P-30.011. Sections 1.1 to 10.4; subsection 11(1); and sections 11-2 and 11-3 proclaimed in force June 12, 2017.

The Provincial Lands Act, 2016, S.S. 2016, c.P-31.1. Sections 1-1 and 1-2, except the portion that adds the definition of “fund”; sections 1-3 to 3-3; 3-10 to 9-1; 10-1, except that portion that repeals section 6 of The Ecological Reserves Act; and sections 10-2 to 11-25 proclaimed in force March 13, 2017.

The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2016, S.S, 2016, c.26/Loi modificative de 2016 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2016, ch.29. Sections 1 to 3, 5 to 8 and 10 proclaimed in force February 14, 2017.

The Saskatchewan Commercial Innovation Incentive (Patent Box) Act, S.S. 2017, c.S-10.2. Proclaimed in force June 30, 2017.

The Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation Repeal Act, S.S. 2017, c.25. Proclaimed in force June 30, 2017.

The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001, c.41. Proclaimed in force June 27, 2017.

The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017, c.5. Proclaimed in force May 15, 2017.

The Victims of Interpersonal Violence Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017, c.7. Proclaimed in force July 1, 2017.

*Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print./Une loi proclamée quifigure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras.



The Assessment Management Agency Act [clause 12(1)(p)]



This is an Order pursuant to clause 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act confirming the 2013 assessment roll for each municipality listed in Schedule 1, as at the date of each municipality’s 2013 assessment return.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, on September 29, 2017.

Myron Knafelc, Chair.

Irwin Blank, Board Secretary.




This is an Order pursuant to clause 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act confirming the 2017 assessment roll for each municipality listed in Schedule 1, as at the date of each municipality’s 2017 assessment return.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, on September 29, 2017.

Myron Knafelc, Chair.

Irwin Blank, Board Secretary.








The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [section 35.1]


WEIGHT INCREASE RESCINDED — MUNICIPAL GRID NO. 667 ORDER Respecting Municipal Grid No. 667 and other Municipal Highways.

Reference: Increasing weight limits on Municipal Grid No. 667 and other Municipal Highways

Pursuant to section 35.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister hereby Orders that effective 12:01 a.m., September 28, 2017, Order dated April 30, 2005, increasing weight on Municipal Grid No. 667 from the junction of Provincial Highway No. 16 north to the junction of Provincial Highway No. 5 and municipal roads in the Rural Municipality of Lakeside No. 338 and Rural Municipality of Leroy No. 339 is rescinded.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 26th day of September, 2017. ________________________

WEIGHT RESTRICTION RESCINDED – MUNICIPAL GRID NO. 761 ORDER Respecting Municipal Grid No. 761 near the Town of Leroy.

Reference: Weight restriction on Municipal Grid No. 761 from the town limits of Leroy to the intersection of junction Municipal Grid No. 667 at the north-west corner of NW ¼ 8-35-20 W3M except for when directly crossing Municipal Grid No. 761 at an intersection public Highway.

Pursuant to section 35.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister hereby Orders that effective 12:01 a.m., September 28, 2017, Order dated April 30, 2005, restricting weight on Municipal Grid No. 761 from the town limits of Leroy to the intersection of junction Municipal Grid No. 667 at the north-west corner of NW ¼ 8-35-20 W3M except for when directly crossing Municipal Grid No. 761 at an intersection public Highway is rescinded.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 26th day of September, 2017. ________________________

WEIGHT RESTRICTION — PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY NO. 5-06-43 ORDER for Weight Restriction for the purpose of managing traffic on Provincial Highway No. 5-06-43.

Reference: Provincial Highway No. 5-06-43 from the junction with Municipal Road No. 667 to the Town of Leroy.

Pursuant to section 35.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister hereby Orders:

Effective 12:01 a.m., September 28, 2017, and until further notice, Provincial Highway No. 5-06-43 from the junction with Municipal Road No. 667 to the Town of Leroy;

Shall be restricted as follows:

• the maximum gross vehicle weight not to exceed 8 000 kg (17 600 lbs);

• the maximum gross weight on any axle not to exceed 5 500 kg (12 100 lbs).


The restriction does not apply to:

• Emergency vehicles;

• Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure vehicles or maintenance equipment when conducting maintenance or accessing sites on or along the restricted highway;

• SaskPower and SaskTel vehicles when accessing sites along the restricted route;

• Recreational vehicles;

• Buses;

• Farm Equipment operated or towed;

• Vehicles directly crossing Municipal Grid No. 761 at an intersecting public roadway.

This Order is issued on a permanent basis and should not be confused with Spring Road Restriction Orders.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 26th day of September, 2017. ________________________

WEIGHT DESIGNATION — PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY NO: 5-06-43ORDER for Increasing the Weight Designation on 5-06-43 (New Leroy Access).

Reference: Increasing weight limits on Provincial Highway No. 5-06-43 (New Leroy Access) from the junction with Provincial Highway No. 5 to 20.28 km south at the junction of Municipal Road No. 667.

Pursuant to section 35.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister hereby Orders:

For the purpose of managing traffic on and protecting provincial highways, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that effective 12:01 a.m., September 28, 2017 unless restricted by a Minister’s Order issued pursuant to The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, this Order authorizes any person, vehicle or class of vehicles to operate at the weights set for primary highways by The Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations, 2010, on Provincial Highway No. 5-06-43 (New Leroy Access) from the junction with Provincial Highway No. 5 to 20.28 km south at the junction of Municipal Road No 667.

This Order is issued on a permanent basis and will not be affected by Spring Road Restriction Orders.

The 15 km rule does not apply under this order.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 26th day of September, 2017. ________________________

Tom Lees, P.Eng., Assistant Deputy Minister,

Operations Division, Highways and Infrastructure.



The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives ________________________


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Rolling Hills Waterline Co-operative Ltd.

Jne. 19 W ½ 27-20-21 W2M, RM of Longlaketon No. 219

water distribution systems

The Dry Coulee Grazing Co-operative Limited

Aug. 28 NW ¼ 13-5-24 W3M, Claydon grazing


Sheri Hupp, Registrar/Registraire.


The Business Corporations Act ________________________


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

4-Way Taxi Inc. Sep. 20 3-1 Woodend Pl., Estevan sell general merchandise; rail, transit and passenger transportation; travel accommodation, arrangement and reservation; warehousing and storage; contract food services

102031734 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 324 Duchess St., Saskatoon residential and commercial construction services

102031888 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 21 147 Johns Rd., Saskatoon holding company

102032032 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 14 402 Dewdney Ave., Regina wholesale trade agents and brokers

102032190 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 100, 2255-13th Ave., Regina holding company

102032198 Saskatchewan Corp. Sep. 18 47 Auld Bay, Regina promote performing arts and sporting events

102032227 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 1222-5th St., Estevan holding company

102032231 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 4212-34th St., Lloydminster trucking and transportation services

102032246 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 500-616 Main St., Saskatoon holding company


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

102032260 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 22 Gray Rd., Uranium City commercial and industrial machinery, equipment and automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance services

102032263 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 Main Fl., 306 Ontario Ave., Saskatoon

holding company

102032287 Saskatchewan Inc. Sep. 18 128 Deborah Cres., Saskatoon retail; drycleaning and laundry services; operate a grocery store

102032307 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 806 Victoria Ave., Regina restaurant services

102032327 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 116 Connaught Cres., Regina real estate property management services; holding company

102032329 Saskatchewan Corp. Sep. 19 4837 Speers Dr., Regina holding company

102032332 Saskatchewan Corp. Sep. 19 2707 Goodfellow Rd., Regina holding company

102032333 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 206-2nd Ave. W, Unity holding company

102032353 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 336-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon holding company

102032354 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 410-1st Ave. E, Lampman real estate

102032372 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 343 Palliser Way, Saskatoon trucking and transportation services

102032391 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 585 Henderson Dr., Regina holding company

102032403 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 841 Sandy Rise, Martensville residential construction services

102032406 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 F2-134 Primrose Dr., Saskatoon restaurant services

102032407 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 111-294 Venture Cres., Saskatoon

holding company

102032435 Saskatchewan Corp. Sep. 21 302 University Park Dr., Regina

real estate

102032446 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 840-47th St., Saskatoon contract flooring services

102032573 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 800-1801 Hamilton St., Regina holding company

102032576 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 4711 Pasqua St., Regina heavy-duty and civil engineering construction; management consultant services

102032584 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 208-215 Lowe Rd., Saskatoon sell building materials, garden equipment and agricultural supplies; wholesale trade agents and brokers

102032601 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 300, 15-23rd St. E, Saskatoon holding company

102032603 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 306-2001 Cornwall St., Regina personal services


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

102032609 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 151-1st Ave. NE, Swift Current mobile food services

A Horizon Ag Research Ltd. Sep. 20 433-4th St. E, Warman scientific research and development services

ABA FNU Coffee Ltd. Sep. 18 2350 Lorne St., Regina restaurant services

Agrocorp Solar Projects Canada Ltd.

Sep. 21 350 Langdon Cres., Moose Jaw electric power generation, transmission and distribution services

Align Holdings Ltd. Sep. 22 800-1801 Hamilton St., Regina holding company

All the Right Notes Inc. Sep. 18 105-6th Ave. N, Warman printing, graphic design and support services

Arsenault Holdings Ltd. Sep. 20 611-2nd St. N, Martensville contract plumbing, heating and air-conditioning services

Back in Black Management Ltd.

Sep. 22 Box 447, 506-4th Ave. W, Kindersley

bookkeeping and payroll; human resources and administrative consultant; professional and management development training services

Barmfarms Limited Sep. 22 43-151 Hanbidge Cres., Regina trucking and transportation services

Barry Homes Developments Inc. Sep. 21 300, 110-21st St. E, Saskatoon residential construction services

Barry International Training Center Inc.

Sep. 21 512-1303 Paton Cres., Saskatoon

training centre; educational support services

Bisayo Olabiyi Holdings Ltd. Sep. 20 100-728 Spadina Cres. E, Saskatoon

holding company

Bretzers Mobile Welding Ltd. Sep. 22 240 Kingston St., Melfort manufacture primary metals; mining, oil and gas extraction support services

C & T Developments Ltd. Sep. 21 500-616 Main St., Saskatoon holding company

Canadadream2bdelivered Consulting Inc.

Sep. 20 1203 N Smishek Dr., Regina design computer systems; legal services

Chick N House Investments Inc. Sep. 20 NW ¼ 4-11-28 W2M, Mossbank holding company

Clumberstone Custom Fabricating Corp.

Sep. 19 SE ¼ 15-22-1 W2M, RM of Saltcoats No. 213

contract construction finishing services

Corey Ranching Ltd. Sep. 22 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon cattle ranching and farming

Crosskey Marketing Inc. Sep. 20 3345-15th Ave. E, Prince Albert advertising and public relations services

Danbury Sales & Service Limited

Sep. 22 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance services

Dangerdynamite Multimedia! Inc.

Sep. 22 336-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon design computer systems


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Denis Consulting Services Ltd. Sep. 19 Box 310, 822-9th St. W, Meadow Lake

administrative management consultant services

Dirk Fitness Ltd. Sep. 18 160 Calypso Dr., Moose Jaw fitness and recreational sports centre

Double “I” Contracting Services Inc.

Sep. 21 319-3rd Ave. W, Kindersley mining, oil and gas extraction support services

Dragon Drywall Ltd. Sep. 18 Box 500, 5016-48th St., Lloydminster

contract drywall, insulation, painting and wall covering services

Eastgap Ag. Limited Sep. 20 NE ¼ 32-23-14 W3M, Elrose oilseed and grain farming

Eco-Electric Co. Ltd. Sep. 19 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon professional, scientific and technical services

Ecogenx Agriculture Recycling Limited

Sep. 20 Drawer 188, 36-4th Ave. N, Yorkton

wholesale recyclable materials; waste collection; manufacturing services

Ex-Cell Hearing & Industrial Ltd.

Sep. 20 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon physical, occupational, and speech therapists and audiologists

Flat-Out Oilfield Services Ltd. Sep. 22 SE ¼ 4-38-26 W3M, Denzil mining, oil and gas extraction support services

Full Pin Farms Ltd. Sep. 18 36-4th Ave. N, Yorkton oilseed and grain farming

GBE Ventures Inc. Sep. 22 A-2112 Princess St., Regina real estate

Giggles & Faith Advertising Inc.

Sep. 22 705, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon advertising and public relations services

Hansen Eriksen Holdings Ltd. Sep. 21 Box 1558, Biggar holding company

Highland Consulting Ltd. Sep. 21 336-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon holding company

Intersect Directional Limited Sep. 18 335 Atton Cres., Saskatoon oil and gas extraction; mining and quarrying services

Iron Nation Equipment Inc. Sep. 20 307 Deer Bay, Warman commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

Just So Tasty – Recipes for Sweet Treats Inc.

Sep. 19 811-7th Ave. N, Saskatoon manufacture food

KDA Farms Ltd. Sep. 21 103-3rd Ave. E, Eatonia oilseed and grain farming

Kettlebell Kickboxing Canada Ltd.

Sep. 20 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina kettlebell kickboxing

KK Tailors Inc. Sep. 12 111 Tremaine Ave., Regina sell sewing, needlework and piece goods

Lil Raskal’s Welding Ltd. Sep. 19 402 Willow St., Saskatoon contract specialty trade services; manufacture fabricated metal products


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Mac Seed Services Ltd. Sep. 18 NW ¼ 31-34-6 W3M, Vanscoy grain and oilseed milling

Matsyk Holdco Ltd. Sep. 22 800-1801 Hamilton St., Regina holding company

McKenna Distribution Flooring Investments Ltd.

Sep. 20 1000-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina

wholesale building materials and supplies

McKenna Holdings II Ltd. Sep. 20 1000-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina holding company

Metalmark Industrial Inc. Sep. 18 83 Duncan Cres., Saskatoon wholesale machinery, equipment and supplies

Nikes Holdings Ltd. Sep. 19 Box 63, Rama holding company

Olanrewaju Olabiyi Holdings Ltd.

Sep. 20 100-728 Spadina Cres. E, Saskatoon

holding company

Overfly Trading Ltd. Sep. 20 255 Patrick Lane, Saskatoon sell health and personal care products; wholesale food, personal and household goods

Phoenix Distribution Inc. Sep. 19 215 Whalley Cres., Saskatoon wholesale personal and household goods

Rancho Del Valle Ltd. Sep. 19 232-1st St. E, Regina Beach cattle ranching and farming

Reflection 3D Technology Inc. Sep. 22 100-2150 Scarth St., Regina professional, scientific and technical services

Regina Climbing Centre Inc. Sep. 18 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina amusement and recreation industries

Resolve Laser Clinic Inc. Sep. 21 358 Mahabir Crt., Saskatoon personal services

Rewind Sports & Media Inc. Sep. 18 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon manufacture computer and electronic products

Right Now Towing Inc. Sep. 19 302-21st St., Battleford transportation support services

S.H.K Haimanot Dental P.C. Ltd.

Sep. 19 410, 475-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon dental professional corporation

Sask Bakers Limited Sep. 18 Box 816, Kindersley bakery

Sikandar & Sons Transport Corp.

Sep. 19 161 Centennial St., Regina trucking and transportation services

Sturdy Builders Inc. Sep. 22 Box 260, Silton residential construction services

Sukhraj Brothers Transport Ltd.

Sep. 19 4101 James Hill Rd., Regina trucking and transportation services

The Naked Sheep Yarn and Fibre Emporium Inc.

Sep. 19 104 College Ave. E, Regina retail

Thrasher Services., Oil and Gas, Truck Hauling Inc.

Sep. 21 NW ¼ 23-5-14 W2M, RM of Lomond No. 37

trucking and transportation services

THS Veterinary Mobility Center Prof. Corp.

Sep. 21 3132 Avonhurst Dr., Regina veterinary professional corporation

Wild Rose Acres Inc. Sep. 21 Drawer 188, 36-4th Ave. N, Yorkton

oilseed and grain farming


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Yvema African Pastry Inc. Sep. 18 117-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon bakery

Zorawar Developments Inc. Sep. 18 135 Fast Cres., Saskatoon residential construction services


Name: Date: Incorporating Jurisdiction:

Head or Registered Office:

Main Type of Business:

3025 Ness Properties Ltd. Sep. 19 Manitoba 201-90 Garry St., Winnipeg MB

holding company

0931130 B.C. Ltd. Sep. 22 Saskatchewan 25A-945 Maplewood Dr., Moose Jaw SK

administrative management consultant services; holding company

10406716 Canada Ltd. Sep. 22 Canada 2121-11st St. W, Saskatoon SK

mining, oil and gas extraction support services

Alberta Sep. 18 Manitoba 2009-56th Ave., Lloydminster AB

holding company

Apollo Electric & Controls Ltd.

Sep. 19 Manitoba General Delivery, 124 Anson Rd., Virden MB

holding company

Carestream Dental Canada, Inc.

Sep. 18 Ontario 30th Fl., 79 Wellington St. W, TD South Tower, Toronto ON

manufacture pharmaceuticals and medicine

Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc.

Sep. 22 Delaware USA 1209 Orange St., Wilmington DE USA

securities, commodities contracts and financial investments

Northern Connections Canada Immigration Inc.

Sep. 23 Canada 603-2131 Broad St., Regina

professional, scientific and technical services

Saturn Power Inc. Sep. 19 Ontario A-140 Foundry St., Baden ON

electric power generation, transmission and distribution

Sturgeon Investments Incorporated

Sep. 19 Manitoba 201-90 Garry St., Winnipeg MB

holding company

Veolia Water Technologies, Inc.

Sep. 22 Delaware USA 250 Airside Dr., Moon Township PA USA

facilities support services

Willow Creek Organics International Inc.

Sep. 20 Canada B103, 9355-198th St., Langley BC

wholesale food

World Renewables Inc. Sep. 18 Ontario 220 Mulock Dr., Newmarket ON

waste collection services



Name: Amalgamating Corporations:

Date: Registered Office: Main Type of Business:

Red Roots Consulting Ltd. Red Roots Consulting Ltd.; Ray Beaudry Holdings Inc.

Sep. 14 SW ¼ 1-42-16 W2M, Tisdale

consultant services


Name: Date: Precontinuance Jurisdiction:

Amendment: Date of Registration:

Saicamelot Inc. Sep. 21 Alberta 2427 Broderick Bay, Regina

design computer systems

Sangfroid Consulting Inc. Sep. 21 Alberta 300, 110-21st St. E, Saskatoon

administrative management consultant services


Name: Date: Amendment:

101302065 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 21 changed name to Hitman Exterminators Ltd.

102010321 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 changed name to Two Raven Farms Ltd.

102010336 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 changed name to Ravenwick Farms Ltd.

102029431 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 changed name to BBC Capital Ltd.

102030365 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 changed name to JWC Enterprises Ltd.

102030997 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 changed name to Bobby O Hauling Ltd.

2573322 Ontario Inc. Sep. 14 changed name to Ninepoint Partners GP Inc.

2573322 Ontario Inc. Sep. 14 changed jurisdiction to Ontario

Air Canada Feb. 20 changed jurisdiction to Canada

Custom Touch Detailing Inc. Sep. 21 changed name to Ten20 Truck and Auto Spa Inc.

Eastgap Ag. Limited Sep. 22 changed name to East Gap Ventures Ltd.

Holliswealth Advisory Services Inc./Services Financiers Patrimoine Hollis Inc.

Aug. 30 changed name to Holliswealth Advisory Services Inc./Services Consultatifs Holliswealth Inc.

Holliswealth Advisory Services Inc./Services Financiers Patrimoine Hollis Inc.

Aug. 30 changed jurisdiction to Canada

JWC Enterprises Inc. Sep. 18 changed name to 101197843 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Quadra Industrial Services Ltd. Sep. 21 changed name to 3301324 Nova Scotia Limited

Quadra Industrial Services Ltd. Sep. 21 changed jurisdiction to Nova Scotia

R & J Redneck Trucking Ltd. Sep. 19 changed name to Rodney’s Hauling & Contract Services Ltd.


Name: Date: Amendment:

Radius Developments Ltd. Sep. 21 changed name to Radius Cattle Corp.

Royal Street Pharmacy Ltd. Sep. 19 changed name to Mrkitching Investments Ltd.

Stonehenge Global Inc. Sep. 22 changed name to Stonehenge Global Seeds Inc.

Triple X Trucking Ltd. Sep. 20 changed name to Brown Rock Dirt Work Ltd.


Name: Amalgamating Corporations:

Date: Registered Office:

Incorporating Jurisdiction:

Main Type of Business:

Blackwood W.P. Ltd. Blackwood W.P. Ltd. Sep. 8 2200-201 Portage Ave., Winnipeg MB

Manitoba miscellaneous services

GFL Environmental Inc. 2017

GFL Environmental Inc. 2017

Sep. 14 5002-40 King St. W, Toronto ON

Ontario remediation and waste management services

GMD Distribution Inc.

GMD Distribution Inc.

Sep. 19 4000-199 Bay St., Toronto ON

Ontario miscellaneous services


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

101049462 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 13 77 Cerfeuillet Ave., Leoville autobody repair services

101196454 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 Box 1088, Battleford holding company

101236600 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 1804-37th St. W, Saskatoon residential construction, renovation services; warranty repairs

101257569 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 3323 Baneberry Dr., Regina holding company

101274961 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 19 1201 Parker Ave., Regina IT consultant services

101300952 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 13 3, 1440-11th Ave., Regina food services

102003070 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 23 1-909 Preston Ave., Saskatoon trucking and transportation services

102005247 Saskatchewan Inc. Sep. 18 37 Zirk Pl., Dundurn administrative management consultant services

102005359 Saskatchewan Corp. Sep. 20 3217-14th St. E, Saskatoon trucking and transportation services

102010020 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 1310 Conn Ave., Saskatoon construction services

102025780 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina holding company

Canada Carden Nutrition Inc. Sep. 21 211 Lockwood Rd., Regina import/export health food


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Casey Holdings Ltd. Sep. 20 33-4th Ave. N, Martensville mobile home lot rental services

Ed Loopkey Auctions Inc. Sep. 21 Box 602, Wakaw sell/lease automotives

EDM Consulting Inc. Sep. 18 46-502 Rempel Manor, Saskatoon

geological consultant services

Forster Consulting Ltd. Sep. 22 51-1st Ave. NW, Swift Current environmental and oilfield consultant services

Gilchrist Diversified Ltd. Sep. 15 305, 1133-4th St., Estevan grain farming

Hi Opie 2 West Productions Inc. Sep. 19 800-1801 Hamilton St., Regina film production

Jonay Enterprises Ltd. Sep. 19 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina leasehold properties

KD Consulting Ltd. Sep. 20 5-1st Ave. NE, Weyburn oilfield consultant services

KPS Holdings Ltd. Sep. 7 Box 1655, 353 Centre Ave. E, Canora

holding company

KWA Shoptime Inc. Sep. 14 12 Scott Cres., Weyburn agricultural equipment repair services

M & S Palmier Farms Ltd. Sep. 19 314 Main St., Rosetown agricultural services; farming

Move In Cleaning and Painting Inc.

Sep. 18 37 Zirk Pl., Dundurn contract painting, wall covering and janitorial services

Noran Tel, Inc. Sep. 18 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina telecommunications

Ole’ Den Antiques Ltd. Sep. 19 200 Garfield St., Davidson antique store and handmade crafts

Pine Cone Holdings Ltd. Sep. 18 2-527 Main St., Saskatoon investment holding company

Rev Ventures Inc. Sep. 18 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon holding company

Royal Canadian Security Guards Ltd.

Sep. 22 130 Stechishin Terr., Saskatoon investigation, guard and armoured car services

Sands Auto Body Ltd. Aug. 4 510-3rd St. S, Martensville rent, paint, repair and supply vehicle parts

Shamrock Home Limited Sep. 13 5001-7th Ave., Regina home inspection services

Soundings/Steele Inc. Sep. 21 3320 Pike Ave., Regina communications research; production consultant; writing and acting services

Spoonfed Restaurants Inc. Sep. 18 51-5635 Aerodrome Rd., Regina restaurant services

Stack Industrial Design Inc. Sep. 22 1131 Ave. P S, Saskatoon industrial design, prototyping, testing and marketing services

Triton Mechanical Corp. Sep. 20 9-259 Hamilton Rd., Yorkton commercial construction and mechanical services



Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Raymar Enterprises Ltd. Aug. 1 209 Main St., Gravelbourg holding company


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

290 9th Ave. Holdings Ltd. Sep. 20 1112 Brown St., Moose Jaw real estate property management services

101193080 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 125A Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon real estate holding company

101272136 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 18 NW ¼ 3-32-21 W3M, RM of Winslow No. 319

holding company

101278016 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 20 3745 Centennial Dr., Saskatoon operate a canteen; catering services

101289314 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 100-2101 East Quance St., Regina

fitness facility

101290004 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sep. 22 326 Wascana St., Regina business and tax consultant services

C & C Electric Ltd. Sep. 21 904A-101st Ave. W, Tisdale electrical services

Davinia Boutique Inc. Sep. 21 301-710 East Lake Ave., Saskatoon

sell clothing and accessories

Edm Consulting Inc. Sep. 18 46-502 Rempel Manor, Saskatoon

geological consultant services

Garrett McLean Farms Ltd. Sep. 18 SE ¼ 30-26-19 W3M, RM of Snipe Lake No. 259


Gerow Investments Ltd. Sep. 18 712 Young St., Rosetown real estate; rental services

H.I.P. Contracting Ltd. Sep. 20 203-6th Ave. W, Kindersley battery operator in the oil and gas industry

Ignite Athletic Tracking Corp. Sep. 22 4-420 Duchess St., Saskatoon manufacture sporting and athletic goods

J. Yorga Farms Ltd. Sep. 13 NE ¼ 7-6-3 W3M, RM of Old Post No. 43


L.B. Clark Electric Ltd. Sep. 21 1337 Queen Cres., Moose Jaw contract electrical and wiring installation services

Nordin Enterprises Limited Sep. 19 747 Norway Rd., Canora automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance; construction; trucking and transportation; management consultant services; manufacture agricultural, construction and mining machinery

Orion Holdings Inc. Sep. 18 1137 Campbell St., Regina real estate holding company


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Paragon Concrete Pumping Corp.

Sep. 19 807 Shepherd Cres., Saskatoon concrete pumping services

Ruth & R.C. Holdings Ltd. Sep. 21 2424 Westward Dr., Humboldt holding company

Spar.O Holdings Corp. Sep. 18 Box 1775, North Battleford investment holding company

Turbanator’s Transport Company Inc.

Sep. 18 6-102 Froom Cres., Regina trucking services

WLD Inspection Services Inc. Sep. 22 130 Laval Cres., Saskatoon custom welding and fabrication; pipeline inspection services



Name: Date: Incorporating Jurisdiction:

Head or Registered Office:

Main Type of Business:

8932557 Canada Limited Sep. 19 Canada 1143 Lakewood Crt., Regina

operate a grocery store


Name: Date: Head or Registered Office:

Incorporating Jurisdiction:

Main Type of Business:

1005199 B.C. Ltd. Sep. 18 Two Bentall Centre 600-555 Burrard St., Vancouver BC

British Columbia mortgage and loan brokers

Accent Stone Install Ltd. Sep. 18 Box 662, 5018-50th Ave., Lloydminster

Alberta residential and commercial stone installation services

Al-Ca-Pol Logistics Inc. Sep. 19 7725-48th St. SE, Calgary AB

Alberta general freight transportation services

Boot Farms Ltd. Sep. 18 249 Main St., Fort Macleod AB

Alberta crop farming

Hi Opie 1 West Productions Inc.

Sep. 19 800-1801 Hamilton St., Regina

Canada media production

Infometrics WCL Incorporated Sep. 18 421-9th St., Brandon MB

Manitoba computer maintenance and support services; sales

J-Con Civil Ltd. Sep. 21 2500-360 Main St., Winnipeg MB

Manitoba construction services

Kropf Holdings Ltd. Sep. 21 208-200 Boudreau Rd., St. Albert AB

Alberta holding company

Robibar Ltd. Sep. 20 5135-48th St., Rocky Mountain House AB

Alberta oil rig consultant services


Name: Date: Head or Registered Office:

Incorporating Jurisdiction:

Main Type of Business:

Tic Interiors Ltd. Sep. 19 4960-13th St. SE, Calgary AB

Alberta interior finishing services: drywall, ceilings and painting

WJS Contracting Ltd. Sep. 20 Box 1367, 5014-48th St., Lloydminster

Alberta contract consultant services


Sheri Hupp, Director/Directrice.


The Business Names Registration Act ________________________


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

AA-Ron’s Automotive Sep. 22 6219-5th Ave., Regina automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance services

Abaz Cleaning Landscaping Aug. 29 419-11th St. E, Prince Albert janitorial; landscaping services

Achievefit Sep. 20 16-38 Spence St., Regina amusement and recreation industries

Aspen Access Shuttle Sep. 13 106 Eldorado St., Warman transit and passenger transportation services

Auctus Property Fund IV Limited Partnership

Aug. 28 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina residential construction services

Autumn Dew Land & Cattle Sep. 12 Box 281, Windthorst cattle ranching; oilseed and grain farming

Battlefords Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Sep. 14 104, 1102-102nd St., North Battleford

athletic instruction

Be Photography Sep. 13 108 Bangor Ave., Viscount photography services

Better6 Apparel Sep. 18 3861 Goldfinch Way, Regina manufacture clothing

Big Beaver Apparel Sep. 18 2351 Cameron St., Regina sell clothing and accessories

Bluesky Lasting Wealth Sep. 21 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina securities, commodities contracts and financial investments

Breezepoint Wellness Sep. 18 2398 Scarth St., Regina retail

Bw2 Apartments LP Sep. 1 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina residential construction services


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Cannaturals Beauty Sep. 18 6033 Little Pine Loop, Regina sell health and personal care products

Casaluka Developments Sep. 18 1917 Hanover Ave., Saskatoon real estate; securities, commodities contracts and financial investments

Celebrating Simple Life for Cystic Fibrosis

Sep. 21 350 Langdon Cres., Moose Jaw support services

Chelseyjane Photography Sep. 18 1327 Spadina St., Moose Jaw photography services

CJS Building Construction Sep. 19 22 Louise Cres., Regina residential construction services

Click Mobile Sep. 15 15 Harvard Cres., Saskatoon design computer systems; graphic design; business support; office administrative services; online publishing, broadcasting and search portals

Cocina Filipinas Specialty Foods

Sep. 19 246 Cooper Cres., Saskatoon bakery; contract food services

Courage Box Subscriptions Sep. 20 203-1st Ave. N, Marcelin electronic shopping and mail-order services

Dance Rootz Sep. 18 134 Highbury Pl., Saskatoon dance studio

Darbar Catering & Banquet Sep. 15 428 Victoria Ave., Regina restaurant and catering services

Dermablend Canada Sep. 20 600-1500 Robert-Bourassa Blvd., Montréal QC


Diamond R.E.O. Trucking Sep. 21 SW ¼ 4-36-6 W2M, Preeceville trucking and transportation services

Dirt Road Retreat Sep. 18 NW ¼ 30-28-5 W2M, RM of Good Lake No. 274

bed and breakfast

Divine Event Designs Sep. 22 309 Central Ave., Montmartre organize conventions and trade shows

Footability Health Services Sep. 22 B-107 Albert St., Regina home health care services

Fresh & Sweet – Sandwich and Bake Shop

Sep. 14 100-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina restaurant services

Fresh On Hamilton Sandwich Shop

Sep. 14 1914 Hamilton St., Regina restaurant services

From Me to You Gifts Sep. 23 303 Main St., Oxbow sell office supplies, stationery and gifts

Girl Friday Errand Service Sep. 19 1513 Adelaide St. E, Saskatoon support services

Glendas Cleaning Services Sep. 19 8019 Flying Dust First Nation, Meadow Lake

cleaning services

Graycon Catering Sep. 20 407 Redwood Cres., Warman catering services

Great North Wellhead and Frac. Sep. 20 Box 600, 206-2nd Ave. W, Unity mining, oil and gas extraction support services


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Guardian Goaltending Sep. 22 25 Plaxton Pl., Prince Albert athletic instruction

Harder’s Iron Horse Garage Sep. 22 NE ¼ 34-30-3 W3M, Hanley automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance; contract specialty trade services; wholesale farm, lawn and garden machinery and equipment; crop farming

Hearty Bowl Diner Sep. 18 1809-13th St. W, Prince Albert restaurant services

Hendriks Farm Sep. 21 971 Graham Rd., Regina crop farming and production services

Hillcrest Health Sep. 20 350 Langdon Cres., Moose Jaw medical office

HK Law Sep. 11 425 Capilano Dr., Saskatoon law office

Hollis Insurance/ Assurances Hollis

Sep. 21 3rd Fl., 400 Applewood Cres., Vaughan ON

insurance services

Holliswealth Insurance Agency/Services D’assurances Patrimoine Hollis

Aug. 16 3rd Fl., 400 Applewood Cres., Vaughan ON

insurance services

House 2 Home Decorating Sep. 19 850 Geransky Cres., Martensville

interior design services

HSO Sep. 14 1150 Cyrville Rd., Ottawa ON information services

Hyodo Stay at Home Senior Care

Sep. 13 465 Steele Cres., Swift Current personal services

Jaw Contracting Sep. 21 59 Nekaneet First Nation, Maple Creek

residential and commercial construction services

JK Diesel & Equipment Repair Sep. 19 NW ¼ 7-62-23 W3M, Goodsoil commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services; cattle ranching and farming

Jojo’s Garden Centre Sep. 21 Old Hwy No. 2 S, Prince Albert greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production

Keewatin Junction Station Mar. 17 NE junction of Hwy. No. 55 and Hwy. No. 155, Green Lake

operate a restaurant; travel arrangement and reservation services

Legacy Christian Academy Sep. 22 102 Pinehouse Dr., Saskatoon elementary and secondary school

Melville Your Independent Grocer

Sep. 13 100 Halifax Ave. W, Melville retail

Midway Motel Sep. 18 Hwy No. 16, Radisson operate a motel

Morgan Jeannot Painting Sep. 22 3934 Castle Rd., Regina contract painting and wall covering services

Mr. G’s Lock & Key Sep. 18 SW ¼ 30-2-8 W2M, RM of Estevan No. 5



Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Ms. Molly’s Cleaning and Organizing Service

Sep. 18 2850-23rd Ave., Regina janitorial services

National Financial Insurance Agency/Centre National de Courtage D’assurance

Sep. 14 3rd Fl., 400 Applewood Cres., Vaughan ON

insurance services

Nexgen Seeds Sep. 18 NE ¼ 19-13-13 W3M, RM of Swift Current No. 137

crop farming

Open Sight Media Sep. 13 216 Rose St., Mortlach advertising and public relations services

Oxygen Yoga & Fitness Regina Sep. 20 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina fitness and recreational sports centre

Pitstop 44 Convenience Store Sep. 23 212-3rd Ave., Eston sell general merchandise

Prairie Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Sep. 18 213-3806 Albert St., Regina medical office

Regina Repair & Electronics Sep. 21 3876 Green Moss Lane, Regina electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance services

Roevin Sep. 20 800-20 Bay St., Toronto ON employment services

RTS Farm Venture Sep. 20 SE ¼ 1-19-18 W3M, RM of Riverside No. 168

crop production

RV Direct Sep. 18 100-10325 Bonaventure Dr. SE, Calgary AB

insurance services

Sage Wosminity Design Sep. 22 4071E Windsor Park Bay, Regina

sell clothing and accessories

Saskatchewan Pride Network Sep. 19 60 Athabasca St. E, Moose Jaw social advocacy organization

Shewchuk Construction Sep. 19 821-100th St., North Battleford residential construction services

Snoclub Canadian Outdoor Adventure Gear

Sep. 20 B-1024 Temperance St., Saskatoon

sell general merchandise

Snowgone Snow Removal Sep. 22 3491 Olive Grove, Regina landscaping services

Spectac Construction Sep. 22 262 Wyant Lane, Saskatoon residential, commercial and utility system construction; commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

Spotfire Media Saskatoon Sep. 19 909-3rd Ave. N, Saskatoon advertising and public relations services

Spray It Polyurethane Insulation

Sep. 19 405-2nd St., Duck Lake contract drywall and insulation services

Suddenly Saskatchewan Magazine

Sep. 18 418 Rossmo Rd., Saskatoon advertising and public relations services; publishing industry

TC Enterprises Commercial Services

Sep. 22 576-25th St. W, Prince Albert janitorial services


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

TCE Strategic Investments Sep. 21 71 McNaughton Ave., Regina real estate

Teachers’ Learning Collaboration

Sep. 18 1318 Wiggins Ave. S, Saskatoon

educational support services; elementary and secondary school

The Arbitrage – New and Used Goods Trading

Aug. 17 403-1015 Patrick Cres., Saskatoon


The Carnduff Country House & Hut

Sep. 19 610 Railway Ave., Carnduff accommodation services

Truly U Wigs & Accessories Sep. 13 502-9800 Territorial Dr., North Battleford

hair care and aesthetic services; out-patient care centre

Urban Man Sep. 15 600, 2103-11th Ave., Regina sell clothing and accessories

We Drive Car Service Sep. 19 28 Charles Cres., Regina investigation, guard and armoured car services

Weyburn Window Cleaners Sep. 23 320 Prairie St., Yellow Grass janitorial services

Whip It Up Culinary Education Sep. 19 107 Tobin Cres., Saskatoon culinary school; catering services

Wilson Girls Farming Sep. 15 SE ¼ 20-16-12 W2M, RM of Montmartre No. 126

animal production

Worldwide Vapor Forum Sep. 18 425 Meighen Cres., Saskatoon online publishing, broadcasting and search portals

Yoga-W-Jo Sep. 19 48 Guy Dr., Prince Albert fitness and recreational sports and community health centre

Zoe’s Digital Domain Sep. 19 2225 Faithfull Ave., Saskatoon online publishing, broadcasting and search portals; printing and support services


Name: Date: Incorporating Jurisdiction:

Head or Registered Office:

Main Type of Business:

Apollo Electric & Controls LP Sep. 19 Manitoba General Delivery, 124 Anson Rd., Virden MB

contract electrical and wiring installation services

Maple Leaf Short Duration 2017-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership

Sep. 18 British Columbia Box 48600, 1200 Waterfront Centre, 200 Burrard St., Vancouver BC

securities, commodities contracts and financial investments


Sheri Hupp, Director/Directrice.


The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ________________________


Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

102032259 Saskatchewan Inc. Sep. 18 160 Broadway St. W, Fort Qu’Appelle

membership organization

Canada Flaxseed Industry Business Promotion Association Corp.

Sep. 20 21, 901-1st Ave. N, Saskatoon business association and service centre; support services

Caribbean Hurricane Emergency Disaster Relief Inc.

Sep. 13 700, 2010-11th Ave., Regina community food, housing and emergency relief; ambulatory health care services

East Central Newcomer Welcome Centre Inc.

Sep. 22 222 Smith St. E, Yorkton support services

Faith Worship Centre Apostolic Church Inc.

Sep. 18 1234 Glasser Bay, Regina religious organization

Kultura Performing Arts Inc. Sep. 20 541 Albert St., Regina promote performing arts and sporting events

New Beginnings Outreach Cote Incorporated

Sep. 21 537-1st St., Kamsack community health centre

Nipawin New Beginnings Ministry Incorporated

Sep. 18 322-6th Ave. W, Nipawin religious organization

Saskatchewan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Inc.

Sep. 21 2255 Albert St., Regina educational support; professional and management development training services; professional organization

United 4 Humanity SK Incorporated

Sep. 23 214-111 Molland Lane, Saskatoon

agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers and public figures; educational support, employment, translation and interpretation services; community care facilities for the elderly

Walking the Walk for Men’s Cancer Corporation

Sep. 20 26 Prairie Ave., Weyburn civic and social organization


Name: Date: Amendment:

Prostate Cancer Canada Aug. 23 changed jurisdiction to Canada



Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business:

Amnesty International Canadian Section (English Speaking) – Group 91 – Regina Inc.

Aug. 31 4-2120 Cornwall St., Regina social advocacy organization

Kway-Gway Urban Services Inc.

Sep. 11 1246 Albert St., Regina membership organization


Sheri Hupp, Director/Directrice.


PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ________________________

The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom ________________________

The following changes of name are registered under the provisions of The Change of Name Act, 1995/ Les changements de nom ci-après sont enregistrés en exécution de la Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom:

Former Name/ Ancien nom:

Address/ Addresse:

Date of Birth/ Date de naissance:

Name Changed To/ Nouveau nom:

Julian Drake Gabriel HERBERT (Dated September 26, 2017)

Lloydminster SK July 4, 1998 Julian Drake Gabriel LIPKA

Susan Gay PEARSON (Dated September 26, 2017) Langham SK May 2, 1953 Suzan Aila ROSS

Lynda Ann RACETTE (Dated September 26, 2017) Balcarres SK March 6, 1953 Linda Ann RACETTE

Kruz Dean Ryan MOWAT (Dated September 26, 2017) Zehner SK April 1, 1999 Kruz Elmer Ryan HUDSON

Ekaterina FETTER (Dated September 26, 2017) Regina SK March 6, 1978 Ekaterina HAYES

Cassidy Chanelle ALLEN (Dated September 26, 2017) Saskatoon SK November 30, 1995 Shane Allen TYLER

Patrick Christopher FAVEL (Dated September 26, 2017) Regina SK December 2, 1997 Marcus Joseph Lee Jr



Former Name/ Ancien nom:

Address/ Addresse:

Date of Birth/ Date de naissance:

Name Changed To/ Nouveau nom:

Oleksandr HANNOCHKA Regina SK September 1, 1986 Alexander GANNOCHKA

Former Name of Spouse/ Ancien nom du conjoint ou de la conjoint:

Yuliia HANNOCHKA (Dated September 26, 2017) January 30, 1981 Julia GANNOCHKA

Given under my hand at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan/Fait sous ma signature dans la ville de Regina, dans la province de la Saskatchewan. ________________________

Andrea Dutchak, Registrar of Vital Statistics/

Registraire des Services de l’état Civil.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Election Act, 1996 [sections 174 and 261 and subsection 262(5)]


ELECTION OF A MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYPursuant to section 174 of The Election Act, 1996, notice is hereby given of the election of the following persons

as members of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan.

Constituency Name Date of Receipt –

Return to the Writ

Saskatoon Fairview Vicki Mowat September 30, 2017 ________________________

HANDLING OF ELECTION EXPENSES RETURNSPursuant to subsection 262(5) of The Election Act, 1996, notice is hereby given of the summary of financial

contributions received, expenses incurred and reimbursement paid of candidates, as shown in the Returns of Elections expenses filed pursuant to section 261 of The Election Act, 1996, in conjunction with the Saskatoon Meewasin by-election held in the province of Saskatchewan on March 2, 2017.

I, Lloyd Howey, in the Province of Saskatchewan, returning officer for the constituency of Saskatoon Meewasin, set out below a summary of the election expenses incurred by the named individuals and the political affiliations they represent as candidates at the General Election of a member to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan held on March 2, 2017. The sums stated are taken from the Candidate’s Returns of Election Expenses received by me. Any voter wishing to do so may examine the candidates’ complete return of election expenses, a copy of which is posted on the Elections Saskatchewan website at


Candidate Darrin Lamoureux

Ryan Meili Brent Penner

David Prokopchuk

Shawn Setyo

Party Saskatchewan Liberal Association

New Democratic Party, Sask. Section

Saskatchewan Party

Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Green Party


Receipts, loans, contributions, donation of goods and services, proceeds from fund-raising events and sale of tickets, pins, buttons, etc.

$14,800.00 $85,459.93 $54,074.50 $18,852.20 $975.00


Candidate’s Campaign Expenses

3,034.74 – – $560.40 –

Hire of Premises 1,200.00 4,414.12 1,690.00 – –

Advertising – 4,472.40 35,036.51 13,006.74 –

Services 5,655.06 32,990.00 5,718.08 4,272.16 –

Goods Supplied 3,904.48 11,121.08 3,372.78 224.34 628.10

Travel and Hire of Vehicle

– – 280.00 158.40 267.62

Total Election Expenses

$13,794.28 $52,997.60 $46,097.37 $18,222.04 $895.72


Michael D. Boda, D.Phil., Ph.D. Chief Electoral Officer.


The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010[subsection 3(4)]


NOTICE OF AMENDMENT – DISCHARGE AND DISCOVERY REPORTING STANDARD Pursuant to subsection 3(4) of The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, I hereby give notice

that the Discharge and Discovery Reporting Standard dated October 1, 2017, is amended. The standard sets out the requirements for reporting amounts and concentrations for discharges and discoveries of substances that may cause or is causing an adverse effect.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, September 27, 2017.


Ash Olesen, Executive Director, Environmental Protection Branch,

on behalf of the Minister of Environment.


The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [ssection 20.1]


ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED ZONES – PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY NO. 1NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and

Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone under Schedule B by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following location:

• 80 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 1 from a point 1 km east of its junction with Provincial Highway No. 37 to a point 1100 m west of its junction with Provincial Highway No. 37.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 21st day of September, 2017. ________________________

PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY NO. 37NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and

Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone under Schedule B by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following location:

• 70 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 37 from a point 486 m north of its south junction with Provincial Highway No. 13 to a point 91 m north of its intersection with 10th Ave.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 22nd day of September, 2017. ________________________

PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY NO. 343NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and

Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister eliminates speed zones by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following locations under the identified Schedules:

Schedule B:

• 40 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 343 from a point 500 m north of the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 343 and Maple Dr. in the Hamlet of Darlings Beach to the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 343 and Maple Dr. in the Hamlet of Darlings Beach.

Schedule C:

• 40 km/hr on Maple Dr. in the Hamlet of Darlings Beach from a point 695 m south of the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 343 and Maple Dr. in the Hamlet of Darlings Beach to the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 343 and Maple Dr. in the Hamlet of Darlings Beach.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 22nd day of September, 2017.

Miranda Carlberg, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister,

Design and Innovation Division, Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure.


The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ________________________

NOTICE OF WITHDRAWALNotice is hereby given that Waterloo Insurance Company will cease transacting the business of insurance in

Saskatchewan on the 1st day of May, 2018.

The Canadian Head Office of Waterloo Insurance Company is located at Box 2000, 111 Westmount Rd., S, Waterloo ON N2J 4S4.

Dated this 5th day of June, 2017.

Michael Padfield, Corporate Secretary,

Waterloo Insurance Company.06/13



The Commercial Liens Act ________________________

NOTICE OF SALE AND AUCTION – SHELLBROOK SALES & SERVICE (94) LTD.Notice is hereby given that Shellbrook Sales & Service (94) Ltd., carrying on business at 231 Service Rd. E,

Shellbrook SK, is disposing of the following described vehicle under the terms and conditions of The Commercial Liens Act and The Personal Property Security Act, 1993:

One 2004 Ford F150 Supercrew 2WD Serial No.: 1FTRW12W74KC69815Registered Owner: Sheamona L. Bear

The vehicle will be available for viewing or private sale at Shellbrook Sales & Service compound located at 231 Service Rd. E, on or after October 10, 2017.

The registered owner of the vehicle has first rights to the vehicle after all fees and expenses incurred have been paid in full. Please contact Paul Mudry of Shellbrook Sales & Service at 306-747-2550, if you are interested.

Dated this 3rd day of October, 2017.

Paul Mudry, Shellbrook Sales & Service.




Only a Private Member, not a Member of Cabinet, can present a petition for a Private Bill. The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly must be advised in writing of the name of the Private Member sponsoring the Private Bill.

In cases where the proposed bill provides that the property to be used or occupied by the petitioner be exempt from taxation, either in whole or in part, the petitioner must file with the Clerk of the Assembly, along with the petition, a written statement from the local municipal authority in which the said property is situated approving the intent of the provisions of the proposed bill which provide for the exemption from taxation.


91(1) All petitions for private bills shall be in duplicate and shall be filed with the Clerk of the Assembly not later than the fourth sitting day of the spring period of the parliamentary calendar.

91(2) No petition for any private bill shall be received by the Assembly if presented after the first eight sitting days of the spring period of the parliamentary calendar.

91(3) No private bill may be introduced in the Assembly after the first 15 sitting days of the spring period of the parliamentary calendar.

92(1) Every applicant for a private bill shall deposit with the Clerk of the Assembly, along with the petition for same, two copies of the bill with marginal notes inserted and an accepted cheque payable to the Minister of Finance for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) if the said bill does not exceed 10 pages, and fifteen dollars ($15) additional for each page over that number; 450 words shall be held to constitute a page.

92(2) In the case of a bill incorporating a company, a receipt from the Director of Business Corporations for any statutory fees required shall also be deposited with the Clerk of the Assembly.

93 No remittance of a deposit on account of a private bill or any portion thereof shall be ordered by the Assembly unless the same has been recommended by the committee charged with its consideration, or unless the bill has been withdrawn, rejected or not reported upon, in which cases the actual expenses incurred shall be deducted from the deposit received before making such remittance.

. . .

95(1) All petitions to the Legislature for private bills of any nature whatsoever shall require a notice clearly and distinctly specifying the nature and object of the application and, where the same refers to any proposed work, indicating generally the location of the work, and signed by and on behalf of the petitioners, with the address of the party signing the same. When the petition is for an act of incorporation, the name of the proposed company shall be stated in the notice.

95(2) Such notice shall be published, prior to the filing of the petition with the Clerk of the Assembly as required in Rule 91(1), in two consecutive issues of The Saskatchewan Gazette and four consecutive issues of a newspaper published in English and having circulation in the locality affected.

95(3) A copy of the notice with a statutory declaration of the several publications of advertisement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Assembly along with the petition and bill.

96(1) The Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel shall examine all private bills for the purpose of seeing that they are drawn in accordance with the Rules of the Legislative Assembly respecting private bills.

96(2) Every bill for an act of incorporation, where a form of model bill has been adopted, shall be drawn in accordance with such model bill, copies of which may be obtained from the Clerk of the Assembly. Any provisions contained in any such bill which are not in accord with the model bill shall be inserted between brackets and shall be so printed.

Gregory A. Putz, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly,

Room 239 Legislative Building, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B3,

Telephone: (306) 787-0603, E-mail:

* For further information regarding the Private Bills Committee, visit the Committees link at




Seul un simple député, et non un ministre, peut présenter une pétition pour un projet de loi d’intérêt privé. Le greffier de l’Assemblée législative doit être avisé par écrit du nom du député qui parraine le projet de loi d’intérêt privé.

Si le projet de loi proposé prévoit que la propriété qui sera utilisée ou occupée soit exempte de taxes, en tout ou en partie, le requérant doit présenter au greffier de l’Assemblée législative, avec sa pétition, une déclaration écrite de l’autorité municipale locale où est située la propriété en question qui cautionne les dispositions portant sur l’exemption de taxes du projet de loi proposé.

91(1) Deux exemplaires des pétitions introductives de projets de loi d’intérêt privé sont déposés au greffier de l’Assemblée au plus tard le quatrième jour de séance de la session de printemps du calendrier parlementaire.

91(2) Seules sont recevables par l’Assemblée les pétitions introductives de projet de loi d’intérêt privé qui sont présentées dans les huit premiers jours de séance de la session de printemps du calendrier parlementaire.

91(3) Les projets de loi d’intérêt privé ne peuvent être déposés à l’Assemblée que dans les 15 premiers jours de séance de la session de printemps du calendrier parlementaire.

92(1) Les personnes qui demandent un projet de loi d’intérêt privé déposent auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée, outre la pétition connexe, deux exemplaires du projet de loi qui portent les notes marginales ainsi qu’un chèque visé payable au ministre des Finances d’un montant de deux cent cinquante dollars (250 $) si le projet de loi en question compte au plus 10 pages, montant auquel il faut ajouter quinze dollars (15 $) par page supplémentaire; une page est réputée compter 450 mots.

92(2) Si un projet de loi prévoit la constitution d’une société, un récépissé des droits réglementaires donné par le registraire des sociétés par actions est également déposé auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée.

93 L’Assemblée n’ordonne aucune remise totale ou partielle d’un dépôt, sur le compte d’un projet de loi d’intérêt privé, sauf si le comité chargé de l’étudier émet une recommandation contraire, si le projet de loi a été retiré ou rejeté ou s’il a fait l’objet d’un rapport, auxquels cas les dépenses réelles sont déduites du dépôt reçu avant de procéder à la remise.

. . .

95(1) Toutes les pétitions introductives de projets de loi d’intérêt privé à l’adresse de la Législature nécessitent un avis qui expose clairement la nature et l’objet de la demande et qui est signé par les requérants et en leur nom, avec mention de l’adresse des signataires. Les avis qui visent des travaux proposés font état de leur emplacement; ceux qui visent une loi de constitution en société font état du nom de la société.

95(2) Avant le dépôt de la pétition auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée, les avis requis en vertu du paragraphe 91(1) sont publiés dans deux numéros consécutifs de la Gazette de la Saskatchewan et quatre numéros consécutifs d’un journal publié en anglais diffusé dans la localité touchée.

95(3) Outre la pétition et le projet de loi, sont déposées auprès du greffier de l’Assemblée, une copie de l’avis et une déclaration solennelle qui atteste les diverses publications de l’annonce.

96(1) Le légiste et conseiller parlementaire étudie tous les projets de loi d’intérêt privé afin de s’assurer qu’ils sont rédigés conformément aux articles du Règlement de l’Assemblée législative relatifs aux projets de loi d’intérêt privé.


96(2) Si une formule type de projet de loi a été adoptée, les projets de loi portant constitution des sociétés sont rédigés selon cette formule, dont les exemplaires peuvent être obtenus chez le greffier de l’Assemblée. Les dispositions de ces projets de loi qui ne se conforment pas à la formule type sont indiquées et imprimées entre crochets.

Gregory A. Putz, Greffier de l’Assemblée législative,

Palais législatif, bureau 239, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B3,

Téléphone : 306-787-0603, Courriel:

*Pour en savoir plus sur le Comité des projets de loi d’intérêt privé, consultez la page sur le Comité à l’adresse suivante:



PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions to The Saskatchewan Gazette is 5 p.m. on the Monday of the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to 5 p.m. of the previous Friday. Please allow yourself at least one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazette submissions. Publication of any material received late will be delayed until the following week’s issue.

All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazette must be submitted electronically (MS Word or WordPerfect) accompanied by a signed hard copy to Publications Saskatchewan, Ministry of Justice, B19-3085 Albert St., Regina SK S4S 0B1, tel. (306)787-2367, or by E-mail:

Each document or disk must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the written signatures.

Prepayment is required for ALL notices placed in The Saskatchewan Gazette by non-government clients. Cheques or money orders must be made payable to the Minister of Finance. Please include the GST in addition to regular charges at the rate of 5% each for those items listed below under “GST Payable”.

The minimum charge for publication of notices not specified below is $16.00 for each notice, which sum shall accompany the material when forwarded for publication.

The following are minimum rates for advertising in The Saskatchewan Gazette:

GST PayableNotices under The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ...................................... Two issues .............................$35.00Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill .......................................... Two issues ...............................40.00Notice of Sale and Auction.......................................................................... One issue ................................20.00Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments..................................................... One issue ................................20.00Notices under The Tax Enforcement Act ................................................... Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of ........20.00 (Additional parcels are $0.75

each; metes and bounds descriptions are $3.50 each)

GST ExemptNotices under The Companies Winding Up Act ........................................ Two issues .............................$35.00Notices under The Traffic Safety Act* or The Commercial

Liens Act (Vehicle Auctions) ...................................................................... One issue ................................20.00


*Please note that Auctioneers acting pursuant to The Traffic Safety Act must be licensed under The Auctioneers Act.

Notices re: Assessment Rolls (Municipal) .................................................. One issue ................................30.00One copy of your submission as it appeared in The Saskatchewan

Gazette is mailed to government advertisers who are invoiced. With prepayment, a copy of your submission is available on request from Publications Saskatchewan.

SubscriptionsYearly subscription rate to The Saskatchewan Gazette (Paper Copy) ...... Payable in advance ............$125.00



SACHEZ QUE: La date de tombée pour les soumissions à la Gazette de la Saskatchewan est le lundi à 5 p.m., la semaine de la parution. En cas de jour férié à l’intérieur de la semaine de parution, la date de tombée sera remise un jour avant, soit le vendredi à 5 p.m. Pour les envois de soumissions à la Gazette par la poste, veuillez prévoir une semaine au complet. La parution de tout matériel reçu en retard sera remise au numéro de la semaine suivante.

Tous les documents qui paraîtront dans la Gazette de la Saskatchewan doivent être soumis électroniquement (MS Word ou WordPerfect) et accompagnés d’une copie papier signée et envoyée à Publications Saskatchewan, ministère de la Justice de la Saskatchewan, B19-3085, rue Albert, Regina SK S4S 0B1, tél. 306-787-2367, ou par courriel:

Chaque document ou disquette doit être complet, conformément aux normes de parution, et doit être séparé de la lettre d’accompagnement. Les signatures sur les documents doivent être dactylographiées ou écrites lisiblement en lettres moulées et doivent apparaître immédiatement en dessous de la signature écrite.

Le paiement d’avance est exigé pour TOUS les avis placés dans la Gazette de la Saskatchewan par les clients non gouvernementaux. Les chèques ou les mandats doivent être établis à l’ordre du ministère des finances de la Saskatchewan. Veuillez y inclure la TPS en plus des tarifs réguliers au taux de 5 % pour chaque article cité ci-dessous dans la catégorie « soumis à la TPS ».

Le prix minimal pour la parution d’avis non inclus dans la liste ci-dessous, est de 16 $ par avis. Le paiement devra accompagner le matériel envoyé aux fins de parution.

Voici les tarifs minimum pour les publications d’annonces dans la Gazette de la Saskatchewan:Soumis à la TPSAvis en vertu de la Saskatchewan Insurance Act ...................................... Deux numéros ...........................35$Avis d’intention de demander l’adoption d’un projet

de loi d’intérêt privé .................................................................................. Deux numéros ...........................40$Avis de vente aux enchères......................................................................... Un numéro .................................20$Avis de vente de marchandises non réclamées.......................................... Un numéro .................................20$Avis en vertu de la Tax Enforcement Act ................................................... Cinq parcelles ou moins, pour un prix minimal de ..........20$ (Les parcelles supplémentaires

sont au prix de 0,75 $ chacune; les descriptions par mesurage et délimitation coûtent 3,50$ chacune.)

Exempts de TPSAvis en vertu de la Companies Winding Up Act ....................................... Deux numéros ...........................35$Avis en vertu de la Traffic Safety Act* or ou Loi sur les privilèges

à base commerciale(Encans de véhicules) ................................................ Un numéro .................................20$


Printed by Publications Saskatchewan under the authority of The Queen's Printer/Imprimé par Publications Saskatchewan sous l’autorité de l’Imprimeur de la Reine pour la Saskatchewan

Regina (SaSkatchewan) ©2017

*Veuillez noter que les encanteurs qui agissent en vertu de la Traffic Safety Act doivent détenir une licence conformément à la Auctioneers Act.

Avis au sujet du rôle d’évaluation (Municipal) .......................................... Un numéro ................................. 30$Un exemplaire de votre soumission, telle que parue dans la

Gazette de la Saskatchewan, est envoyé aux gouvernements qui ont placé une annonce facturée. Si vous payez à l’avance, un exemplaire de votre soumission est disponible sur demande auprès du bureau de Publications Saskatchewan.

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(copie papier) ............................................................................................. Payable à l’avance ...................125$_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Name/Nom: Title/Titre: Telephone / Téléphone:

Marilyn Lustig-McEwen ..... Queen’s Printer ........................................................... (306) 787-9345

Duane Alan Cook ................ Senior Legislative Editor ............................................ (306) 787-9062

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