The Roar / May 2014

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Division 41 South / Volume III / Issue 5 / Editor: Aidan Jones

Transcript of The Roar / May 2014

The RoarDivision 41 South • Volume III • Issue 5

May / 2014

Editor’s Note

Hello, !We actually have an excuse for the lack of content, that being AP tests. It’s okay fellow test takers, I’m in the same boat. But I expect lots of June stuff ! !Other than that, there’s not much to add. We are still awaiting the Division Newsletter Editor election results. I suppose this could be my last newsletter if I were to lose. If that’s the case, then it’s been (mostly) a pleasure being able to create newsletters for this division. It’s cool to have organized the events of such an altruistic organization into a aesthetically pleasing format. If there is a new newsletter editor and you are reading this, good luck with your position. Make your newsletters of quality and try to make the people who submit to you follow that same principle as well. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry... !Edit: Never mind. I got the job! Carry on. !Hopefully until next time, !

Aidan Jones

Table of Contents

Cover Photo: Key Club members including Hannah Kim, Joseph Soden, Michael Mabuni, Kiran Maqbool, Alex Phu, and Kevin Cardeñas enthusiastically march for babies. !!!

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!Designed in Pages 4.3

3 Mission Viejo

1 Tesoro

9 Capistrano Valley



On April 19, we volunteered at SportsGift, an organization that enables underprivileged children the opportunity to play sports with donated equipment.


We sorted and organized various soccer uniforms and equipment to send. The uniforms were sent out to orphanages in various countries all over the world. Everything that they send out is purely based on generous donations from the community. Keven Baxter, founder of the organization, showed us some soccer balls that kids from other countries had made out of plastic bags and scraps they found lying around. He told us that when they receive a real soccer ball they are very excited, as they have never played with real equipment before. We had a great time volunteering, knowing that the equipment would put smiles on many kids' faces. !- Taylor Villahermosa / Vice President

Above: All the donated sports equipment. Left: Taylor Villahermosa, Kaylie Wong, and Haley Lawrence packing up some donated shirts. Far Left: Kaylie Wong packing some sporting equipment.


Mission Viejo

On Saturday, April 27th, the division gathered together for the Year-End Banquet, keeping it classy with dashing dresses, suits, and ties.

People socialized, reunited with old friends, and found friendship among new faces. Then, throughout the night, everyone rounded up for group photos and silly selfies. Before long, people lined up for delicious food as the night started with a poppin’ DJ. Soon after, amazing talents were showcased as applause and laughter filled the room. The time then has come for awards and enlightening speeches. The banquet ended with club music and strobe lights as people let loose and got their party on. 

- Arianna Cipriano / Member

End of the Year Banquet

On Sunday, April 27, a large group of key clubbers went out to Fashion island in order to help out with March of Dimes.

It was a 3.5 mile march and while it was a lengthy walk, it was all worth it because the march spread awareness about March of Dimes and it also raised money for the foundation. The march was filled with enthusiastic and spirited people from Key Club, and it was an extremely enjoyable event. Everyone had high spirits and it wasn’t just a march, there were also interesting booths that had different things and different food. There were also free items from cinch bags to hot dogs and the area was also filled with a whole lot of kids playing limbo. It was a great day for March of Dimes, and it was also a great day for Key Clubbers. 

- Michael Mabuni / Member

March for Babies



Left to Right: Aidan Jones, Kevin Cardeñas, Michael Mabuni, Kiran Maqbool

Left to Right at Bottom: Alex Phu, Marina Weinberger, Hannah Kim, Kevin Cardeñas

A Pink Dust Storm

On Saturday, May 10th, many were blinded by pink and other colors, including Mission Viejo’s Key Club at this airway-constricting event aptly dubbed the Color Run.

After walking across a large stretch of runway, I came to the volunteer booth where I was deemed to be pink. Then, I, along with many others, piled into a minivan to be transported to another section of the abandoned airfield; we fit much more than is probably safe into that vehicle. After arriving to our section of the tarmac, we were instructed on the rules and ways of the color throwers and cheerleaders and began to wait for the race to began. To fight boredom, we resolved to fight each other with powder and in doing so we found it more difficult than anticipated to open the 100 pound barrels of pink corn starch powder. Once we did, we began to throw at each other, making our pink clothes even pinker and giving our skin a rose-colored hue despite the wishes to the staff looking over us. After a little bit of horseplay, the race began and we started to see little white dots making the trek around the track waiting to become pink.


When the racers finally came through, our designated cheerleaders began to cheer and our color throwers began to throw color, producing a flurry of color with our repurposed condiment bottles. Some were more enthusiastic than others, running right along side us to get saturated with pink while some grinned and bore it, covering their eyes to avoid the colorful avalanche. Over the course of hours, we went through multiple barrels of pink powder. We eventually almost completely exhausted our supply, along the way meeting everyone of all ages including small children, which we leaned down to color as to not blind and choke them with powder. At the end of the race, we were hot pink due to the now present sun and completely covered with the stuff, our masks not even able to block the pink from coloring the area around our mouths. The constant cheering or color throwing also made our throats and arms fatigued, respectively. After helping to sweep some of the powder off of the tarmac, we walked back to through the finish line, inundated with confetti, to end a race we had never even started. It is definitely an event we will never forget, if not for the experience itself, for the powder that will never come out of our clothes and skin.

- Aidan Jones / Division Newsletter Editor

End of the Year Banquet

On Saturday, April 26, I was fortunate to attend the Division 41 South & North End of the Year Banquet.

I was able to meet members from my home club, division, our sister division, as well as the lovely members from our Kiwanis administration. The banquet was held in the Laguna Hills clubhouse, and in comparison to last, this venue was roomier and visually more appealing than the previous year’s venue. The banquet was full of so many people from both divisions dressed in very snazzy clothing. The part that I liked the most were the speeches given by the former LTG’s, Joseph (Andrew) Olmo and Sean Cai, and then by the new LTG’s, Kenny Cheng and Keyian Fallah. The speeches really showed their true love and dedication for Key Club and all that it stands for. The banquet is a great excuse to get dressed nicely, enjoy a nice meal with your friends before AP’s, make some new friends, and finally get down on the dance floor.

- Rohan Kamath / Member

Capistrano Valley

Many of those marchers were fellow Key Clubbers from Region 3 (including Division 41 South). When the Key Clubbers and supporters for this organization walk in March for Babies, they give life to nearly half a million babies born prematurely each year. The money that was donated by each division supports programs in the local community that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. The money donated also helps fund research to find answers to the problems that threaten babies. What I loved about March of Dimes was that everyone came together for the same cause and the energy from each marcher was similar to the energy Key Clubbers have at Fall Rally or DCON.  I will definitely go to March of Dimes next year and the remaining years I have in Key Club.

- Wonjae Lee / Member

March for Babies

On April 27 at Fashion Island, Newport Beach, hundreds came together to march for babies born prematurely.