The Right Word

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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The Right Word. Imitiaz Dharker. Learning Objectives. AO1 : respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Right Word

The Right Word

Imitiaz Dharker

Learning Objectives AO1: respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations.

AO2: explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings.

The Right Word Outside the door, lurking in the shadows, is a terrorist.

Is that the wrong description? Outside that door, taking shelter in the shadows, is a freedom-fighter.

I haven’t got this right. Outside, waiting in the shadows, is a hostile militant.

Are words no more than waving, wavering flags? Outside your door, watchful in the shadows, is a guerrilla warrior.

God help me. Outside, defying every shadow, stands a martyr. I saw his face.

No words can help me now. Just outside the door, lost in the shadows, is child who looks like mine.

One word for you. Outside my door, his hand too steady, his eyes too hard is a boy who looks like your son, too.

I open the door. Come in, I say. Come in and eat with us.

The child steps in and carefully, at my door, takes off his shoes.

Can you relate these images to certain stanzas in the poem?

The Right Word Outside the door, lurking in the

shadows, is a terrorist.

Is that the wrong description?

Outside that door, taking shelter in the

shadows, is a freedom-fighter.

What is the difference between these 2 words?

I haven’t got this right.

Outside, waiting in the shadows,

is a hostile militant.

What do you understand bythis description?

Are words no more than waving, wavering flags?

Outside your door,

watchful in the shadows,

is a guerrilla warrior.

What does this suggest to you?

God help me. Outside, defying every shadow, stands a martyr. I saw his face. What does this word mean to you?

No words can help me now.

Just outside the door, lost in the shadows, is child who looks like mine.

Why are words of no help?

One word for you. Outside my door, his hand too steady, his eyes too hard is a boy who looks like your son, too.

What might this mean?

I open the door. Come in, I say. Come in and eat with us.

The child steps in and carefully, at my door, takes off his shoes.

What does this show?