The Publisher's Response, Digiday WTF VR, May 11th, 2016

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Transcript of The Publisher's Response, Digiday WTF VR, May 11th, 2016

May 11, 2016

Ron DiorioVP Business Development and Innovation

VR: Publisher’s Cheat Sheet

Making cross platform content for VR

takes careful planning + time and money

Not simple as copy paste.

Health warning

The VR landscape changes every day.

Health warning

How does the audience discover the piece?

Installation or public release?

What headset will they use?

How do you make it?

How much will this cost?

Main questions

1. Devices

HTC Vive

Oculus Rift


HTC ViveDesktop headset aimed at gamers


Oculus RiftDesktop headset aimed at gamers


High display quality

body tracking

hand held controllers

High display quality

head tracking

Hand held controllers

Fair quality





$4-15Works with almost

any smartphone

$550 - 700

with phone

Quality Cost

Good for video or CGI

Tracking allows to walk around in VR

Good for public installations

Good for video or CGI

Tracking allows some spatial head movement

Trackpad allows interaction and browsing content

without removing the headset

Not great for interactive real-time content

Accessible and offers a branding opportunity


HTC ViveDesktop headset aimed at gamers


Oculus RiftDesktop headset aimed at gamers



2. Distribution

● 360 video through Youtube and/or Facebook

● Mobile apps - for Gear or Cardboard

● Mobile VR platforms - for Gear or Cardboard

● Desktop app

● Browser based - built with code

Main options


Magic window

Stereo view for mobile

Not for all devices/browsers

360 video

Magic window

Not for all devices/browsers




Requires internet connection for viewing

Requires custom coding

Not supported on all devices and browsers



No content download by user, therefore lightweight

Native apps


Phone compatibility

Takes up space on the user’s device


Store distribution

Common Framework

Can easily access more functionalities on the user’s device

Available offline once downloaded


Computer Generated

Easy to iterate

More possibilities of interaction

Allows working with live data

Creating content

Computer Generated

Easy to iterate

More possibilities of interaction

Allows working with live data

Creating content

360° VIDEO

Thorough planning ahead for filming

Hardware landscape constantly changing

Less interactive though it can be made interactive

Creating content

RecoVR : MosulA collective reconstruction

Case Study

Collaboration with Project Mosul

Installation at IDFA doc lab

Installation prototype


Interactive - the user could move around the space and trigger text

Realtime rendering of the 3D space

Multiple narrators

GearVR/Cardboard/ Youtube/Facebook

Not interactive Pre rendered - allows for much better visual quality

On rails

Single narrator

Public Release

