The Praise of Allah

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Transcript of The Praise of Allah


Let’s Praise Allah

Composed & compiled by:

Sajid Ali Talpur



Preface 3

The Praise of Allah in terms of The Holy Quran 4

The Praise of Allah in terms of His Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) 11

And the Prophets (A.S)

The Praise of Allah in terms of Quran and Science. 18

The Praise of Allah in terms of General observation and Miscellaneous topics 22

The Praise of Allah in terms of Science 35

The Praise of Allah in terms of Poetry. 45



The best words are of him who calls people towards Allah as mentioned in The Holy Quran

Who is better in speech than the one who calls people towards Allah, does good deeds and

says: "I am a Muslim?"(41:33)

This is the reason I invite you towards Allah with the title “Let’s praise Allah”. Allah wants us to

praise Him as mentioned in The Holy Quran

Bear then with patience all that they say and celebrate the praises of thy Lord before the

rising of the sun and before (its) setting. And during part of the night (also) celebrate His

praises and (so likewise) after the postures of adoration . (50:39-40).

No doubt, Allah should be praised all the time but these are the specific times that have been

mentioned. The Praise of Allah is every where in the universe as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah, and He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (59.1)

Know Allah and worship Him before your life comes to an end and then there is too late. The

more you know Allah the more you praise Allah. Also, I request the readers to avoid the

grammatical mistakes if any because the main purpose is to convey the message in simple

words. So let’s praise Allah with saying after every quotation SubhanAllah.


The Praise of Allah in terms of The Holy Quran

All praise is for Allah Who introduced Himself with the blessings as we say in Bismillah i.e. In the

name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praise is for Allah Who wants you to hope and not despair as He has mentioned the sunris e about eight times and sunset about three times in The Holy Quran.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Great Protector that He has kept His Word Quran in its

original form even after passing about 1400 years as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Surely We have revealed this reminder (The Quran); and We will surely preserve it Ourself. (15:9)

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran that whenever you

recite, it perceives refreshed (new) on the other hand you cannot read any newspaper or book

repeatedly as you can Quran without any boring.

All praise is for Allah Who has prepared such a beautiful heaven for the righteous as mentioned

in The Holy Quran.

Say : "Shall I tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous will be rewarded

by their Rabb? There will be gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will live forever

with spouses of perfect chastity and the good pleasure of Allah. Allah is watching His servants

very closely." (3:15)

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran which is a miracle

and The Word of Allah and none else can produce like that as mentioned in The Holy Quran

Say: "If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another." (17:88)


All praise is for Allah Who so loves you that He is near to you than your jugular vein as

mentioned in The Holy Quran.

We created man, We know the prompting of his soul, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein. (50:16)

All praise is for Allah Who has told the believers good news of entry of heaven for the joy of

forever as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

On the Day of Judgement you shall see the true believing men and the believing women, with their light shining before them and on their right hands, and it will be said to them: "Rejoice today, you shall enter the gardens beneath which rivers flow, in which you shall live forever, and that is the highest achievement." (57:12) All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran which is the easiest

and most worthy book in the world since a child of 7 years can memorize it as a whole and the

scholars are still thinking and getting the oceans of unceasing knowledge from it.

All praise is for Allah Who never tires of blessing you as mentioned in The Holy Quran

Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of

Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (39:53)

All praise is for Allah Who has made air so much powerful that it can endure the weight of tons

when trapped in tyres, the same is the case with The Holy Quran, the most powerful when in


All praise is for Allah Who makes anxiety free and depression free every that one who becomes

His friend through emman and taqwa as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor any grief upon the friends of Allah (Surah

Yunus verse 62)


All praise is for Allah Who has provided even the small ants communication skills through their

little brain containing half a million nerve cells, compound eyes, antennae and many more ways

as mentioned in The Holy Qur’an.

Then, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: "Ants! Enter your dwellings, so

that Sulayman and his troops do not crush you unwittingly." (Qur'an, 27: 18)

All praise is for Allah Who challenged to create a living like house fly (using your own material)

but we couldn’t so far and we will never because nobody can create a material without any

preexisting material and cannot pour soul into the body.

All praise is for Allah Who cares goodness and will bestow the good ones with the beautiful

heaven as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

On that Day the Kingdom will be that of Allah's; He will judge between them; so those who have embraced the true faith and done good deeds shall enter the gardens of delight; (22:56) All praise is for Allah Who has notified us about the obstacles in the way of heaven as

mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Surely Allah does not forgive shirk (associating any partner with Him); and may forgive sins

other than that if He so pleases…(4:48)

All praise is for Allah Who designed The Holy Quran in such a beautiful manner that it is easy to

remember despite impossible to imitate as mentioned in the following verses.

We have made the Qur'an easy to remember… (54:22)

If you have doubts about what We have sent down to Our servant, produce another surah

equal to it, and call your witnesses, besides Allah, if you are telling the truth. (2:23)

Do they say, "He has invented it"? Say: "Then produce a surah like it and call on anyone you can besides Allah if you are telling the truth." (10:38)


All praise is for Allah Who is so loving and deserving that for Whom everything can be sacrificed

as mentioned in The Holy Qur’an.

Say: "Truly my prayer and my service of sacrifice my life and my death are (all) for Allah the Cherisher of the Worlds: (6:162)

All the praise is for Allah Who has provided you chance of getting perpetual entertainment in the form of paradise as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

However, those who believe and do good deeds, they will be entertained with the Gardens

of Paradise. (18:107)

All praise is for Allah Who bestowed us with The Holy Quran.

All praise is for Allah Who sleeps the whole universe but doesn’t sleep Himself at all as

mentioned in the Ayatul Kursi .

Allah! There is no god but Him: the Living, the Eternal. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. To

Him belongs all that is in the Heavens and the Earth. Who can intercede with Him

without His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them. They cannot gain access to any thing out of His knowledge except what He pleases. His throne

is more vast than the heavens and the earth, and guarding of these both does not fatigue Him. He is the Exalted, the Supreme.

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran that doesn’t have

any doubts as mentioned.

This is the Book; in it is guidance sure without doubt to those who fear Allah. (2:2)

All praise is for Allah Who taught us all the which we didn’t know as mentioned in The Holy


taught man what he did not know! (96:5)


All the praise is for Allah Whose standard of success is the achievement of heaven as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever: that

is the greatest achievement.(9:89)

All the praise is for Allah Who has prepared such a beautiful heaven for the righteous that don’t

care criticism of people and remain steadfast in the Cause of Allah as mentioned in The Holy


Are the residents of paradise not the same people about whom you swore that Allah will never bestow His mercy on them?" Today the same people are being welcomed with the

words, "Enter paradise, you have nothing to fear or to regret."(7:49)

All praise is for Allah Who to increase our reward has kept a blissful night called Shabe Qadr

which is better than one thousand months. Now it is our duty to seek it in the odd nights of

last 10 days of Ramadan.

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a Glorious Book Quran which acts as a

healing as mentioned in the following Verse.

O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb, a cure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and a blessing for the true believers. (10:57)

All praise is for Allah Who has selected for you Islam as a Deen i.e. The best way of living as

mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Surely the only Deen (true religion and the Right Way of life) in the sight of Allah is Al-Islam: (3:19)

All praise is for Allah Who made drinking (sharab) haram for you as it is one of the most

common causes of a number of diseases as mentioned in the Holy Quran.

They ask you about drinking and gambling. Tell them: "There is great sin in both, although

they may have some benefit for men; but the sin is greater than the benefit."…(2:219)


All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran which is


All praise is for Allah Who appreciates the goodness as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Those that turn to Allah in repentance, serve Him, praise Him, move about in the land for His sake, make Rakuh (bow down in prayer) and Sajud (prostrate themselves in prayer),

enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and observe the limits (permissions and prohibitions) set by Allah (they are the ones who make such a bargain with Allah). O

Prophet, proclaim the good news to such believers. (9:112)

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran which contains

information and gives clues about all the things and the subjects that come across a human life.

All praise is for Allah Who has kept Taqwa as the standard of success so that everybody can

have chance to succeed as mentioned in the holy Quran. O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into

nations and tribes that you might get to know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous. Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Aware.

All praise is for Allah Who should be believed and asked for sustenance as mentioned in The

Holy Quran.

There is no moving creature on Earth whose sustenance is not provided by Allah. He knows its living and its resting place, and all that is recorded in a glorious Book. (11:6)

All praise is for Allah Who is the only Sustainer of whole universe and none else at all as

mentioned in The Holy Quran.

You worship idols besides Allah and fabricate falsehood. In fact, those whom you worship besides Allah have no power to give you your sustenance, therefore seek your sustenance

from Allah, and worship Him. Give thanks to Him, for to Him you shall be returned. (29:17)


All praise is for Allah who has full merit of “as you so shall you reap” as mentioned in The Holy


They were a people that have passed away. They shall reap the fruits of what they did, and

you shall for what you do. You shall not be questioned about what they did. (2:134)

All praise is for Allah Who has blessed us with The Deen of Islam so that now we have guidance

on every turn of life as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

…Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and approved

Al-Islam as a Deen (way of life for you)… (5:3)

Actually the whole Quran is the Praise of Allah but I selected few verses as per my small book.


The Praise of Allah in terms of His Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and the other Prophets (A.S)

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) who is more

beautiful than moon, whose words are sweeter than honey and whose innocence is more than

that of angels.

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that even his

sweat was fragrant.

All praise is for Allah Who made His Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as a mercy to all the

worlds as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

“And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the Aalameen (mankind, jinns

and all that exists)” [al-Anbiya’ 21:107]

All praise is for Allah Who has already notified us through His Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)

that how will be the path to success i.e. Heaven as explained in The Hadith.

Anas b. Malik reported: The Paradise is surrounded by hardships and the Hell-Fire is surrounded by temptations. Reference : Sahih Muslim 2822 In-book reference : Book 53, Hadith 1 USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 40, Hadith 6778

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that his

grandson Hazrat Hussain (R.A) sacrificed himself and his family and the companions but did not

give up the way of The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص).

All praise is for Allah Who kept Hazrat Yunus (A.S) alive in the stomach of fish for about 40 days

without the fish digesting him.


All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that the lips kiss

two time when you call the name Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). Such a beautiful name is mentioned in the holy Quran four times in the following verses.

Muhammad is no more than a Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away

before him. (3:144)

Muhammad is not the father of any of you men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the

Seal of the Prophets: (33:40)

But those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and believe in the (Revelation) sent

down to Muhammad- (47:2)

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against

Unbelievers, (but) compassionate among each other. (48:29)

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that he is the

only one who has seen Allah so far and none else at all.

All praise is for Allah Whose Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) beautifully explained the life the

believers and disbelievers in this world as mentioned in The Hadith.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"The world is a prison for the believer and Paradise for the disbeliever." Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2324

In-book reference : Book 36, Hadith 21 English translation : Vol. 4, Book 10, Hadith 2324

All praise is for Allah Who provided us freedom by letting us follow the footprints of the Last

Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص).

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that even

science is proving his sunnah right, the beneficial teachings for humanity


All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) who taught us

to bow only in front of Allah Who is the most forgiving, the most merciful and the most


All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that he used to

stood before Allah at nights without caring his sleep which often resulted in swelling of the feet.

All praise is for Allah Who has given everyone chance of success through following Him and His

Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) to get forever successes in heaven.

All praise is for Allah Who has described the stories of various Prophets (A.S) and nations so

that it has now become clear to us that whoever opposed Him became defeated and whoever

obeyed Him became successful.

All praise is for Allah Who has taught us His Deen Islam theoretically as well as practically

through The Holy Quran, The Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and his Sahaba (R.A)

All praise is for Allah Who has made the place where The Last Messenger Muhammad(ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and

his two friends Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) and Hazrat Umar (R.A) are resting now as a garden of

paradise as explained in The Hadith.

Abdullah b. Zaid al-Ansari heard Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying: That which exists between my pulpit and my house is a garden from the gardens of Paradise. Reference : Sahih Muslim 1390 b In-book reference : Book 15, Hadith 573 USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 7, Hadith 3205

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) who not only

led his ummat but also the Prophets(A.S) so he is called Imamul Anmbiya.


All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) on whom The

Holy Quran was revealed which now everybody can memorize otherwise if it would have been

revealed on mountains they had broken down into particles as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

If We had sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would have seen it humble itself and split asunder from the fear of Allah, We are citing this example for mankind, so that they

may take heed. (59:21)

All praise is for Allah Who has Power to feed you without resources provided, you give up sins

as He sent ‘Manna and Salwa’ to the followers of Hazrat Moosa (A.S).

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) who sacrificed

everything in the Cause of Allah including the migration from Makkah but didn’t leave Deen of

Allah i.e. Islam

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) Who kept the

same standard of success in front of his family as in front of whole ummah. This is the reason

the most of his family members became Shaheed including the event of Karbala and Allah is so

caring that He made Hazrat Hassan (R.A) and Hazrat Hussain (R.A) the chiefs of the youth of the


All praise is for Allah Who has Power over all the things in such a way that He created Hazrat

Adam (A.S) from dust, Hazrat BiBi Hawa (A.S) from only man (Hazrat Adam A.S), Hazrat Essa

(Jesus A.S) from only woman (Hazrat BiBi Maryyam A.S) and us from the combination of both

man and woman.

All praise is for Allah Who saved Hazrat Moosa (A.S) and his followers from drowning and

drowned Pharaoh (Firaun) and his followers in the same water. It means Allah has power over

all the things and benefit and loss are in His Authority. Only those will be benefited who follow


All praise is for Allah Who saved Hazrat Ibrahim from fire. The fire couldn’t harm him. It means

benefit and loss are only in the authority of Allah. Those will be benefited who follow Him.


All praise is for Allah Who slept Ashabe Kahf for many years and reawakened. It means Allah

has power over all the things and benefit and loss are in His Authority. Only those will be

benefited who follow Him.

All praise is for Allah Who turned the stick of Hazrat Moosa (A.S) into big snake which ate all

other snakes of the magicians.

All praise is for Allah Who saved Hazrat Noah(A.S) and his followers in that massive flood and

drowned the unbelievers.

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) for Whom it can

be said “To immediately get at the gate of heaven after death and turning the fate best make

Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) ideal and leave the rest”

All praise is for Allah Who saved Hazrat Yousuf (A.S) in the well and helped him to rise from

prison to kingship.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us the system of service of sacrifice which has potential

benefits of economic stability in such a way that some money of rich is transferred to poor by

buying animals from them, the farmers earn through grass, by keeping pets. It is a source of

free meat to the poor. It provides leather for industries and it is the remembrance of sacrifice of

Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) and his son Hazrat Ismail(A.S)

All praise is for Allah Whose Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was so trained that his students

Sahaba (R.A) ruled about half of the world without any significant resources.


All praise is for Allah Who has made good deeds as a ticket to heaven and not the sins and the

prime source of good deeds is no doubt obeying Allah and His Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص),

which leads to caring humanity

All praise is for Allah Who has made the heaven (paradise) such a big as explained in The


Narrated ̀ Abdullah:

Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said, "The person who will be the last one to enter Paradise and the

last to come out of Hell (Fire) will be a man who will come out crawling, and his Lord will say to him, 'Enter Paradise.' He will reply, 'O Lord, Paradise is full.' Allah will give him the same

order thrice, and each time the man will give Him the same reply, i.e., 'Paradise is full.' Thereupon Allah will say (to him), 'Ten times of the world is for you.' "

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 7511 In-book reference : Book 97, Hadith 136

USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 9, Book 93, Hadith 602

All praise is for Allah Who created camel from mountain on the prayer of Hazrat Saleh(A.S) as a


All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) who made our

life beautiful, joyful and meaningful by teaching us the Praise of Almighty Allah.

All praise is for Allah Who sent various Prophets (A.S) and the same way Last Messenger

Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) to notify us the value of time, health, wealth, youth and life. If you spend them

uselessly there will be nothing else other than repentance so sacrifice them for Allah to achieve

the purpose of your life i.e. to achieve heaven through the worship of Only and One True God

i.e. Allah.

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that when he

came was alone and when went there were millions of his followers.


All praise is for Allah Who has made no any disease without remedy it is only we humans who

have to find it as explained in The Hadith.

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said, "There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment."

: Sahih al-Bukhari 5678 : Book 76, Hadith 1

: Vol. 7, Book 71, Hadith 582

All praise is for Allah Who sent us such a great Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) that for whom it

can be said “I am the great fan of the greats for their great character of the greatness and the

greatest of all these greatness in the greatest of my knowledge is The last Messenger

Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) who taught us the Greatness of Almighty Allah by his great character of the


The Praise of Allah in terms of The Holy Quran and Science.

All praise is for Allah Who gave clue of DNA in The Holy Quran most accurately about 1400

years ago. The beginning of the science of genetics dates back to genetic laws drawn up by the

scientist Mendel in 1865. The date, a turning point in the history of science, is referred to in

verse 65 of Surat al-Kahf, or verse 18:65.


All praise is for Allah Who gave clue about sand dunes in the planet Mars which is mentioned in

surah Ahqaf. The word Ahqaf means ‘sand dunes’. An examination of sequence of letters in

verse 23 of surat Al-Ahkaf shows that the Arabic letter ‘Mim, Alif, Ra and Sin’ appears side by

side to make mars.

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran which miraculously

explained scientific facts about 1400 years ago which we have discovered recently.

All praise is for Allah Who talked about the creation of human from sperm but not the whole

semen most exactly about 1400 years ago as mentioned in The Holy Quran.

Was he not once a drop of ejected semen? (75:37)

And today we know that the sperms are contained in semen (making a drop of about 250

million sperms per ejaculate) which unite with the egg cell and start the journey of human


All Praise is for Allah Who mentioned most accurately about the sex of child being determined

by father and not by mother in The Holy Quran about 1400 years ago as:


He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected.

(Qur'an, 53:45-46)

And today we know that the semen is ejected from male which contains sperms and the

sperms contain X and Y chromosome. If X is contributed there is daughter and if Y is contributed

there is son.

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran that gave

information about honey as antiseptic which we have discovered recently as mentioned in The

Holy Quran.

and feed on every kind of fruit and follow the smooth ways of your Rabb. From its belly

comes forth a syrup of different colors, which contains a healing for mankind. Certainly in this

there is a sign for those who think. (16:69)

All praise is for Allah Who has made the meat of some animals lawful (halal) so that you can

have vitamin B12 and essential amino acids and made meat of aggressive animals forbidden

(haram) so that you are protected from the transfer of aggressive behavior of that animal. The

Holy Quran mentions this as:

He has forbidden you to eat dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which any name other than Allah has been invoked; but if someone is compelled by absolute

necessity, intending neither to sin nor to transgress, he shall incur no sin. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.(2:173)

All praise is for Allah Who gave clue about ozone layer most accurately. The letters that

comprise the word ozone appear side by side in verse 6 of surat Al-Jinn. Moreover, the verses

that follow refer to the protective nature of the sky.

We tried, as usual, to travel to heaven in search of news but found it filled with fierce guards

and meteors. (Surat al-Jinn, 8)

The guards in the sky are highly compatible with ozone layer of the atmosphere. Because it is

the protective layer in the sky, keeping harmful rays away from the earth.


All Praise is for Allah Who has mentioned about the various coverings that covers the

developing human inside the womb most accurately about 1400 years ago.

... He creates you stage by stage in your mothers' wombs in threefold darkness. That is Allah,

your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no god but Him. So what has made you deviate? (39:6)

The threefold darkness may be in the form of layers as

The darkness of the abdomen

The darkness of the womb (uterus)

The darkness of the placenta

Also, the lateral abdominal wall comprises three layers: the external oblique, the internal

oblique, and transverses abdominis muscles.

Similarly, the wall of the womb also consists of three layers: the epimetrium(serosa), the

myometrium and the endometrium.

Similarly again, the placenta surrounding the embryo also consists of three layers: the amnion

(the internal membrane around the fetus), the chorion (the middle amnion layer) and the

decidua (outer amnion layer.)

Also, there are three trimesters each of three months

The life in the uterus has three stages: pre-embryonic; first two weeks, embryonic; until the end

of the eight week, and fetal; from the eight week to labor.

All praise is for Allah Who gave the most accurate clue about negative effects of stress on the

body whose main cause is turning away from the reminder of Allah as mentioned in The Holy


"But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his life will be a dark and narrow one…(20:124)

As a result of physical or psychological stress, the individual ’s adrenal gland (the gland above

each kidney) secretes large amounts of glucocorticoid hormones. These hormones increase the

energy level of muscles, and temporarily halt such activities as growth—which are inessential at

that moment. In cases of extreme physical and chronic psychological stress these hormones,

which are otherwise of vital importance, can give rise to stress related disorders, such as high

blood pressure, Diabetes mellitus, obesity, bone erosion and stomach ulcers leaving a person’s

life in dark.


All praise is for Allah Who mentions the word Alaq for the human creation as mentioned in The

Holy Quran.

Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from alaq. Recite: And your Lord is the

Most Generous. (96:1-3)

The meaning of the word "alaq" in Arabic is "a thing that clings to some place." The word is

literally used to describe leeches that cling to a body to suck blood. And today we know that

human embryo passes through leech like stage in which it clings to the uterus and sucks the

blood through placenta.

All praise is for Allah Who sent for our guidance such a glorious book Quran that gave clue

about science and technology about 1400 years ago more accurately than any other book.

Since, Quran asks humans to bow only in front of Allah and utilize rest of the things for your

benefit even break them and cut them which is the basic theme of science i.e. to obtain

knowledge through observations and experiments which require the things to be broken and

cut. If one considers stones or animals their God they will not break and cut them and science

can’t be progressed . Also The Holy Quran contains a surah named Al Hadid which means iron

and iron is the only metal used in all the technology. This is the reason science progressed only

after Almighty Allah revealed the whole Quran on His Last Messenger Muhammad(ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص).

The Praise of Allah in terms of General Observation and miscellaneous topics.

All praise is for Allah Whose Power and Protection are such that when He wanted to perish

dinosaurs they could not exist anymore and when wanted to protect small ants that are

crushed under feet all the day round, occupy even a small city in billions.

All praise is for Allah Whose Power is such that Who gives us earth as a support but suspends

earth without any support.


All praise is for Allah Who provides snails slowness, hawks heights and deer rapidness.

All praise is for Allah Who provides spider food at its own home without the effort of going


All praise is for Allah Who teaches us to be steadfast like sun which is slow but consistent to its

destination so that ultimately it illuminates the whole world.

All praise is for Allah Who is not dependent on feathers to fly something when He wants He

flies bat without feathers.

All praise is for Allah Who is able to give life at the surface of land, inside the land, above the

land, in the water, in the aerobic environment and even in the anaerobic environment.

All praise is for Allah Who has made humans superior creature in such a way that they take

food by grasping first with their hands while the other animals do directly with mouth.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided earth ability to germinate a seed into a tree.

All praise is for Allah Who is our Greatest Protector.

All praise is for Allah Whose blessing is such a vast when you do one good deed there are ten or

even more written for it depending upon the sincerity whereas when you commit one sin it is

written as only one.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that has made ostrich able to run faster

than horses.


All praise is for Allah Whose Blessing is dominant on His punishment in such a way that the hell

has seven gates and heaven eight gates.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided fish luxurious living in the water in a sense that their

sleep, their nutrition, their journey all is under the dark water.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided you opportunity of Tauba(repentance) upto death no

matter, how many times you break it.

All praise is for Allah Who has kept everything busy in its work.

All praise is for Allah Who has Power over all the things in such a manner that normally birds fly

forward but when He wants the humming bird becomes able to fly backward as well.

All praise is for Allah Who is the only One deserving to be called as RABB(The Lord).

All praise is for Allah Whose Creation and Power are such that even our gender is not with our

will but with His will.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided snakes fastness without apparent feet and feathers.

All praise is for Allah Who is the most generous of all.

All praise is for Allah Who provided us eyes and the world to see.


All praise is for Allah Who is the only One Who controls the whole universe.

All praise is for Allah for Whom it can be said ‘The earlier you obey Allah the earlier you find

success, the more you late the more you regret.’

All praise is for Allah Who has power over all the things in such a manner that normally the

living things like humans listen but when He wants many don’t. Similarly, non-living things don’t

listen but when He wants they not only listen but also reply as the stones in the fist of Abu


All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He created everything from nothing.

All praise is for Allah Who has described three things reward, punishment and love in the form

of heaven, hell and love with Allah to succeed humans as the human nature and psychology

works on these principles.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided you eyebrows which have dual function of beauty and

prevention of flow of sweat into eye from forehead.

All praise is for Allah Who deserves all the praises.

All praise is for Allah Who has made Salah (Nimaz) compulsory so that you get a lot of benefits

like social meeting every five times a day, a regular exercise, a practical way to follow a

leader(pesh imam), regulation of blood circulation to face and hair, decreases pumping load on

heart, prevents from arthritis, regular washing, a way of barkat, a way of ease in death, a way

of providing successful events hereafter and above all, a way to ask Allah and get your

problems solved.


All praise is for Allah Who feeds every species even provides milk to the blind kids of dog

through her mother which is easily accessible to them.

All praise is for Allah Who has elongated the trunk of elephant yet not distorting the beauty. On

the other hand a small increase or lump on our nose distorts all the beauty.

All praise is for Allah Who has bestowed us with such a great Kalma tayyab which is precious

than whole universe.

All praise is for Allah Who is the most justice of all.

All praise is for Allah Who has given us hope of the Heaven.

All praise is for Allah Who provided us tongue and different foods and liquids to taste.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us with skin that has dual function of protection and


All praise is for Allah Who has kept the Day of Judgment where everyone will get justice and full

reward of his deeds.

All praise is for Allah Who has made available many creations in the world in our control

ranging from aggressive lion to poisonous snakes and the world of microorganisms for the

benefit of humanity.


All praise is for Allah Who has provided for health of our body various foods and treatments

from earth and The Holy Quran from sky having various foods and treatments for the health

our soul.

All praise is for Allah Who makes the things eternal that are spent for His Cause, which you will

get in the heaven where the things are eternal.

All praise is for Allah Whose Mercy is scattered in the whole universe even in the hell because

whatever the punishment given in the hell Allah is able to give more than that so whatever the

punishment is it could be more than this.

All praise is for Allah Whose control over the universe is such that despite the existence of most

dangerous creatures one species can not harm other species or make it extinct without His will.

All praise is for Allah Who has made humans superior creature in such a way that for humans

Allah provides taste from all the classes of foods (halal foods) while the animals are restricted

to either plants or animals but the humans can have both.

All praise is for Allah Whose Mercy is in such a manner that health is more than disease and

there is disease to remind you the importance of health and to earn good deeds by taking the

care of the diseased.

All praise is for Allah Whose Ownership of the whole universe is such that wherever He wanted

kept mountains, kept seas and fishes, kept deserts, kept forests and animals and whatever the

color wanted gave to you.

All praise is for Allah Who has given you chance of covering your body with clothes so that you

keep on changing according to your wish while the other animals can’t do this.

All praise is for Allah Who has made you warm blooded so that you carry on your activities in all

the seasons without any temperature change in your internal environment.


All praise is for Allah Who has provided every one chance to praise Him as everyone sees this

world and this world has the signs of Allah.

All praise is for Allah Who has kept wax in your ear which unconsciously protects you from the entry of various harmful substances and insects through its sticky nature and peculiar odor. All praise is for Allah Who has kept hair in interior anterior part of the nose so that neither you lose your beauty nor there is entry of harmful agents.

All praise is for Allah Whose praise is endless.

All praise is for Allah Who has taught honey bees to construct to construct such a beautiful

honey comb.

All praise is for Allah Who kept fragrance in flowers.

All praise is for Allah Who made mountains that have dual function of beauty and strengthening


All praise is for Allah Who is the only Creator and Owner of the whole universe in such a way

that He didn’t make voice of peacock as beautiful as the feathers while didn’t make feather of

koel as beautiful as the voice.

All praise is for Allah Who provided the lion aggressiveness and the mosquitoes’ feebleness.

All praise is for Allah Who has taught birds flight, fishes swimming and reptiles creeping.


All praise is for Allah Who has provided amphibians (frogs) dual life i.e. they are able to live in

water as well as on land.

All praise is for Allah Who has made human architecture the most beautiful of all the species.

All praise is for Allah Who made humans superior creature in such a way that they can learn

languages more than one while the other animals cannot do so.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided protection and beauty to your eyes through eyelas hes

that don’t grow longer like head hair otherwise you would have faced a lot of problems in

cutting them.

All praise is for Allah Whose praise is in earth and in heavens and nobody can prevent it.

All praise is for Allah Who gives, gives and forgives to the man who gets, gets and forgets.

All paise is for Allah Who has made sun autonomous source of light. The light that has dual

function of food production in plants and luminance for us for life activities.

All praise is for Allah Who has made us Ummati of the Last Messenger Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)

All praise is for Allah Who in turn of worship bestows His devotees with satisfaction in this

world and the gardens of paradise hereafter, a continuous reward in turn of counted worship of

few years.


All praise is for Allah Whose Blessing is such that when the devil asked Him to freed till the day

of Judgement He accepted his prayer even at the time when he was being cursed due to his

arrogance and disobedience.

All praise is for Allah Whose Power is such that no one can stop getting older, no one can stop

time, no one can stop death, the processes set by Him, prevailing in the universe.

All praise is for Allah Who sleeps us and gives us daily a new life and new hopes.

All praise is for Allah Who selected us for His Praise.

All praise is for Allah Who has made His earth so vast that you can easily worship Him


All praise is for Allah Who has made life of Momins (the believers) peaceful and satisfactory.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us skin to hide our flaws.

All praise is for Allah Who has selected for us the religion of peace Islam as the liked Deen to


All praise is for Allah Who is the most loving and caring of all.

All praise is for Allah Who is the most respected of all.

All praise is for Allah Who is the most knowledgeable of all i.e. He is All Knowing.


All praise is for Allah Who has given every species a different shape and every human a

different face.

All praise is for Allah Whose boons are uncountable if we want to count we cannot count

All praise is for Allah Who has set water in cycle so that even a single drop of water is not


All praise is for Allah Who is such a Great Sustainer (Rabb) Who provides lion every day fresh

meat. A beautifully designed process that allows neither the lion to be perished of hunger nor

the animals from being preyed.

All praise is for Allah Who has made marsupium as a comfortable rest for the kangaroo kid.

All praise is for Allah Who prevents us from sins which are the major source of worry and


All praise is for Allah Who turns a seed into tree which contains fragrance, fruits and flowers.

All praise is for Who has guided us to the right path and ask Him to keep us at this path of Sirat-

e-Mustaqeem till we die and reach heaven.

All All praise is for Allah Who has forbidden interest (sood) which leads to economic instability

in such a way that the rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer.

All praise is for Allah Who is the most praised of all.


All praise is for Who enlarges uterus in such a beautiful way that the pregnant lady doesn’t get

any discomfort while a small abnormal lump causes hurting pain.

All praise is for Who is so Merciful that we expect heaven from Him.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us vegetables in various tastes and nutrients.

All praise is for Allah Who for adding beauty and potential benefits to our globe has covered

some mountains with grass, some with tall trees, some with ice and some uncovered.

All praise is for Allah Who grows the wheat and rice rapidly than other trees so that you can

have earlier grain for your sustenance.

All praise is for Allah Who has kept the genes in different species in such a manner that

sugarcane which grows on the same land is sweet and the chilies which grow on the same land

are bitter.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided an unexhausted and unknown source of Aabe zam zam

which is not an ordinary well but a miracle.

All praise is for Allah Who teaches birds flight without sending them into any university.

All praise is for Allah Who is the only One deserving all the worship and He is the only One

Whom nobody can defeat.


All praise is for Allah Has kept the status of Wali (His Friendship) for the humans. The work that

you have to do to achieve this status is “Emman and Taqwa”

All praise is for Allah Who makes water warm in winter and cold in summer in the earth so that

everyone can have comfortable living.

All praise is for Allah Who has created animals for you so that you can have meat, leather,

riding, beauty and many more benefits.

All praise is for Allah Who has destined everything to expire only He is Eternal Living.

All praise is for Allah, everything is in His Knowledge even the leaf detaching from the tree.

All praise is for Allah Who has made the angel Jibreel (A.S) so big that he has 600 wings.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided the angel of death Hazrat Izrail(A.S) so power that he

never misses his target even for a second.

All praise is for Allah Whose praise is in His every creation.

All praise is for Allah Who has so much strong control over us that even our lives and deaths are

not determined by us but by Him.

All praise is for Allah Who has made the nails and hair senseless otherwise you would have

faced trouble in cutting them and would have distorted the beauty.


All praise is for Allah Who has provided sky reflected light blue color, otherwise if it had been

bright we would have destroyed our vision.

All praise is for Allah Who has made sky as the largest roof in the world.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us the sun as a biggest source of light otherwise our

vision would have lost due to deprivation of its use.

All praise is for Allah Who wants you to be hopeful of His Mercy as He explains in night that

even in darkness there is light to the moon and the stars because there are connected to sun.

The same way no matter how dark is the world but you will still twinkle like stars if you are

connected to Allah with His obedience.

All praise is for Allah Who revolves the earth and sun so that simultaneously one portion gets

benefit of day and another of night.

All praise is for Allah Who teaches a small insect honey bee to prepare the food honey that is

considered to never spoil.

All praise is for Allah Who changes the seasons so that in different seasons we have different

fruits, different vegetables and different fruits to eat.

All praise is for Allah Who has kept satisfaction in His remembrance otherwise about 90%

diseases are complicated by stress.

All the praises for Allah Who provides opportunities again and again after committing sins so

that you may return to Him for success.


All praise is for Allah Who has taught small bees to produce miraculous product called honey,

the small ants to collect food and live in communities and a small silk worm to produce the silk

of economic value.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided sunflower beauty with its seeds, peacock with its

feathers and a woman with modesty.

All praise is for Allah Who is the Greatest of all.

The Praise of Allah in terms of Science.

All praise is for Allah Who is the only Creator and Owner of such a big universe which is

estimated to contain the stars more than the particles of sand.


All praise is for Allah Whose beautiful art is such that a single celled zygote evolves to give rise

to a body of trillion cells we call it now a human being.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided you beautiful size, shape, structure and posture

otherwise you have collapsed as you are composed of atoms and atoms are mostly empty if this

space is removed you will be nothing else other than a tiny mass.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided you such a strong immune system that protects you

from such a large number of microorganisms which on your skin are estimated to be more than

the total number of humans on the earth


All praise is for Allah Who has kept the system of milk production in animals which is extracted

from food that the animals eat which contains germs but the milk produced contains

immunoglobulins (antibodies) that fight against germs.

All praise is for Allah Who brings night so that the many cold blooded animals easily get their

food at the cold comfortable temperature at night.

All praise is for Who rises clouds against gravity and condenses them and rains wherever and

whenever wants.

All praise is for Allah Whose power is such that normally bones need joint to work but when He

wants the hyaloid bone in the throat works without any joint.

All praise is for Allah Who changes the seasons slowly so that our body easily gets adapted

otherwise rapid change had led to disturbance in our homeostasis.

All praise is for Allah Who is the All-Wise in such a manner that hydrogen itself burns and

oxygen helps in burning but Allah combines them so beautifully that the compound formed

extinguishes burning (fire).


All praise is for Allah Whose Power is such that plants cannot locomote even if they want

because they have been made static by the will of Allah.

All praise is for Allah Whose Knowledge and Wisdom are such that the ours waste product CO2

is nutrition for plants and plant’s waste product O2 becomes nutrition for us. Indeed Allah has

made nothing in vain.

All praise is for Allah Who has made seas salty so that all the polluted water finally drains into

seas and foul smell gets neutralized.

All praise is for Allah Whose Name is "Al-Muhsey," or "He Who knows the number of everything, even

if it is infinite"

Imagine How will be the Counting Power of Allah Who has kept in just 18g of water

602000000000000000000000 molecules of water.

All praise is for Allah Who lets your lungs inhale about 2 million liters of air every day even

without letting you know, without any discomfort and without any chances of bursting of your


All praise is for Allah Who has provided your eyes ability to distinguish about 10million color


All praise is for Allah Who has kept nitrogen 78% in the atmosphere so that it helps protect our

globe from the firing effect of oxygen.

All praise is for Allah Who turns a day into night so that the glaciers don’t melt rapidly and we

are saved from massive floods.


All praise is for Allah Who has kept sun about 149.5 million Km away from earth to protect us

from harmful heating and cancerous effects of sunlight.

All praise is for Allah Who teaches us living like artery and vein which always run in opposite

directions but still stay together

All praise is for Allah Who beats the heart before birth and keeps beating all the time up to


All praise is for Allah Who gave humans ability to construct the things as humans are

themselves not creator of even a single particle if humans would have created even a single

particle the balance of earth would have disturbed in terms of the forces that suspend the

earth among the other planets, stars and the sun. whatever we have constructed, we

constructed it from the already made material found on earth we have created nothing only

have given arrangement and design in different shapes to different elements and compound.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He has provided humans with joints so

that one can move and have different positions at one time.

All praise is for Allah Whose knowledge an wisdom are such that He derived man from a single

cell who is now able to construct the jets, the building and the technology.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He has provided you so much rapid

senses that an impulse travels at a rate of about 400km/hr.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He has provided each kidney with one

million nephrons (the sieves that filter the blood and form urine) in such a manner that when

one kidney fails there is a lot of capacity in the other kidney to compensate.


All praise is for Allah Who designed such hard teeth from a watery cell called zygote that has

dual function of cutting, tearing, gridding food and beauty to mouth in such a manner that you

have to only wash them but not to cut.

All praise is for Allah Who protects your heart and body in such a way that the food you eat gets

digested and first reaches the liver where it is detoxified and when it gets purified then reaches

the heart for circulation in the whole body.

All praise is for Who makes voice be produced from Larynx instead of from mouth directly so

that you can share your problems with Allah without letting others know.

All praise is for Allah Whose fabulousness in creation is such that all the persons have their own

finger prints. Every one person has different finger prints from every other person.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He has provided you so much

powerful brain to think, contemplate and to praise Him that has the processing power of about

3000 GHz.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us immune system that defends our body from harmful

agents unconsciously without any our hard work for it.

All praise is for Allah Who provides you such a strong immune system which fights foreign

agents including bacteria, the bacteria which constitute about 10% of your body dry weight.

All praise is for Allah Who has created sun so that we are saved from foul odors in such a way

that if anything like clothes is kept wet it smells bad but due to the change in temperature there

is air movement and ultimately the excess water from plants and the clothes is evaporated,

leaving behind a pleasant environment.


All praise is for Allah Who produces the secondary sex characters (enlargement of breast, beard

etc) only at the puberty otherwise all the children eat the same food which the adults but these

are hormones which Allah has scheduled to cause their release and the subsequent effects.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided about 1000000000000000 connections in your brain

without any sparking no matter, you walk, sleep or run.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided ozone layer for our protection from harmful effects of

sunlight and composed it of ozone gas (03) whose transparency allows us to see above it the

beautiful stars in the sky.

All praise is for Allah Who has designed the atmosphere in such a beautiful way that we neither

feel nor get compressed by the 20 tons of air pressure every time on our body.

All praise is for Allah Who has equipped a small creature mosquito with head, thorax, abdomen,

wings, legs, antenna and proboscis for living luxuriously in a world of its own.

All praise is for Allah Who keeps electrons revolving around the nucleus without any external

source of energy.

All praise is for Allah Who allows energy neither be created nor be destroyed otherwise we

would have either cooled or heated the globe.

All praise is for Allah Who has created camel which was yesterday nothing but a microscopic

sperm (and then zygote) and today it carries tons of weight.


All praise is for Allah Who has Power over all the things in such a manner that normally bacteria

harm you but when He wants they become beneficial like gut bacteria synthesizing vitamin K

for you.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided the moon and stars reflected light if they had their own

intense light like sun nothing could have exist but now they have very comfortable and

charming decoration.

All praise is for Allah Whose Power and Protection are such that normally bacteria have cell wall

for their protection but when Allah wants makes mycoplasma (wallless bacteria) one of the

most protected as the mycobacterium tuberculosis infects for longer time and responds less to

antibiotics than other bacteria.

All praise is for Allah Who has made available for plants water, CO2, chlorophyll and sun light to

synthesize food.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided us digestive system that digests the food without any

effort, we only eat and it gets digested into small suitable absorbable particles that are

absorbed to blood and carried to the cells where oxygen coming through respiratory system

combines with glucose to generate energy which you use to see, to think and to move.

All praise is for Allah Who has made virus at the borderline of life such that virus is neither living

nor non living.

All praise is for Allah Who moves you unconsciously while asleep otherwise you would have

suffered circulation problems, sores and blood clotting in that part of the body in contact with

the surface on which they lie.

All praise is for Allah Who provided you nutrition through placenta inside the womb otherwise your mother could not have provided such a balanced diet consciously.


All praise is for Allah Who evaporates about 16 million tons of water every second in the air

that make a layer which protects from harmful heating and cancerous effects of sunlight.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided you natural air conditioning system in your nose that

warms cold air and cools warm air and filters polluted air to let you breath comfortably and

have healthy respiration.

All praise is for Allah Who has made milk as basic nutrition to the new born. Milk is a product

which contains all the classes of nutrients to provide healthier growth and immunity.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Great Sustainer (Rabb) that He provides fishes oxygen inside

the water such that oxygen is dissolved in the water which gets diffused into circulation due to

counter current flow of water and blood at the level of gills.

All praise is for Allah Whose power is such that normally the cells receive nutrition through

blood vessels but when He wants, provides lens, nerves and nails nutrition without any blood


All praise is for Allah Who has adapted every species to its environment such that the duck has

webbed claws, vulture pointed curved beak and frog long anteriorly attached tongue to capture

its prey.

All praise is for Allah Who has created different sizes and shapes of different plants and their

leaves yet all of them have same process of food production i.e. Photosynthesis.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He thas kept stomata on the

undersurface of leaflet so that they don’t disturb photosynthesis and the water doesn’t get

easily evaporated.


All praise is for Allah Who provides plants nutrition at their own home without going anywhere

else i.e. the food production through photosynthesis.

All praise is for Allah Who causes 72 muscles to interact to provide you splendid speech.

All praise is for Allah Who beats your heart about 100000 times every day without any tiring

and discomfort to you.

All praise is for Allah Who has kept the system of hunger and satiety so that everyone can eas ily

get balanced diet neither depriving the body nor turning into obesity.

All praise is for Allah Who keeps your blood at a journey of about 60000 miles per day without

any discomfort to you.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He has composed 60% of your body weight water and has made water available free. However, it is due to your sins and lack of

ethics that has resulted into pollution otherwise the water is drinkable and free all over the world.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided your eye with iris which acts as a sphincter and works all the day to control the amount of light entering eye i.e. it dilates in darkness to allow more

light to enter and constricts in bright light to let your eyes remain protected against the intense bright light which may otherwise damage retina.

All praise is for Allah Who has power over all the things in such a manner that normally animals

eat plants but when He wants plants become able to eat animals e.g. pitcher plants.

All praise is for Allah Who has made your eyes so much beautiful that through the process of

accommodation you adjust from far vision to near vision without any discomfort i.e. it occurs within seconds focus from far object to near object without any delay.


All praise is for Allah Who has provided various animals different iris and sclera colors to make

them beautiful without affecting their vision.

All praise is for Allah Who is such a Greatest Creator that He has covered inside of your stomach

with the mucous lining that allows the acid (HCl) to digest the food but not the stomach.

All praise is for Allah Who has provided humans body with receptors that work unconsciously

and select the nutrients that the cells need to keep body in balance, a function that one cannot

perform consciously.

All praise is for Allah Who has structured your mouth in such a way that you don’t feel watery

despite the production of about 1-1.6 liters of saliva every day.

All praise is for Allah Who has labeled you superior creature despite the fact that you have only

10% of human cells while rest of the cells are microorganisms(bacteria).

All praise is for Allah Who has made the borderline virus (neither living nor non living) so

powerful that it can damage the whole leg (as in polio) or whole body (as in HIV)

All praise is for Allah Who teaches us to relax each other like muscles when one is on stretch

there is always other for relaxation.

All praise is for Allah Who is the Creator an Owner of such a big universe in which the star called

U.Y scuti is such big whose diameter is estimated to be 2.4 billion km. How bigger that universe

of Allah will be in which such big stars appear apparently as small balls.


All praise is for Allah Who fulfills all the requirements of balanced diet of the herbivorous

animals only from the grass (plants).

All praise is for Allah Who gives everything rest at night including humans, animals and plants

which get rest of the photosynthesis and perspiration otherwise they would have died of

dehydration. Also, the molecular world gets rest because during day time they absorb energy

and get activated while at night emit radiation and return to their low energy levels for rest.

The Praise of Allah in terms of Poetry.

In The Name Of Allah

We seek Allah's protection From Shaitan evil mind;

And begin with the name of Allah Most Merciful, Most Kind!


Allah is Great

Allah is Great this I know,

For the Qur'an tells me so; All of us to Him belong,

We are weak but He is strong.

Allah is One

Related to none Allah is One!

No father, no mother No sister, no brother

No daughter, no son Allah is One!

References: 1.



4. 5.


Note: Please notify me the mistakes If I have made any.