The Pied Piper

Post on 28-Jun-2015

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My presentation for MalCon-2012. Videos are missing here as they were huge in size.

Transcript of The Pied Piper

The Pied Piper. Atul Alex,

MalCon Team.

Mobile devices & “Security”

¤  Too many platforms to deal with.

¤  Too many restrictions on various tasks.

¤  “Encryption”.

¤  Software based attacks are becoming close to impossible.

The funny little jack!


¤  Using Voice dial feature to make & receive phone calls.

¤  Controlling the “Music Player”.

¤  Compatible devices : Wired Headsets, Bluetooth Headsets, In-Car Bluetooth Handsfree , external speakers & few others.

¤  Not a new technology & supported by most of the “mobile device” manufacturers.

Interesting facts!

¤  Headsets when plugged in, all audio output/input is routed through them by the phone & handset speakers/mic are usually* muted/disabled.

¤  The audio output voltage typically lies between 1~2.5v on phones/mobile devices.

¤  Almost all events on the phone are notified to the user with the help of corresponding tones/sounds.

Kung-Foo time!

¤  What if, we added a microcontroller to the headset’s circuit to do malicious things?

¤  Easily Possible stuff : ¤  Initiate phone calls without user interaction. ¤  Note duration of phone calls. ¤  Detect incoming/outgoing calls, sms & so on.

¤  Not so Easy yet possible stuff: ¤  Record dialed numbers on the phone’s keypad. ¤  Enumerate all contact-names in the phonebook. ¤  Record phone calls. ¤  Can be remotely activated to carry out any of these tasks.

Electronics Skill level : n00b--

The universal feature.

¤  Video of my Arduino circuit starting voice dial on all platforms. (iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone-Lumia & Android-ZTE Blade)

Automatic phone calls through the Headset.

¤  Video demonstrating my Arduino circuit initiating a phone call on its own by “speaking” instead of the head-set’s microphone.

Detecting important events

¤  Video of detecting everytime a phone call is initiated & when it ends.

Enumerating “Contact” list.

¤  Video that enumerates contacts-list on my Blackberry

The Keypad-Logger

¤  Video of detecting numbers dialed on the phone’s keypad (Android based ZTE Blade) through just TRRS jack.

Things am currently working on (To-Do) :

¤  Record calls, contacts, dialed numbers to a Micro-SD Card & play it back over voice calls.

¤  Shrink the whole circuit to fit in your regular headset models.

¤  Looking into advanced stuff using SIRI & the Android’s voice action/search features.




Questions please!

Thank you!

¤  Atul Alex Cherian.

¤  Blog :

¤  Twitter : Aodrulez

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