The "Nile of the blacks' at risk It is between Timbuktu and Gao, in the legendary "loop" of Niger,...

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Transcript of The "Nile of the blacks' at risk It is between Timbuktu and Gao, in the legendary "loop" of Niger,...

The "Nile of the blacks' at risk

It is between Timbuktu and Gao, in the legendary "loop" of Niger, that the River is the most attacked by silting and mud. In dry season, it is barely

navigable and withdrew very far from the villages, forcing the inhabitants to harassing comings and returns to obtain water. With desertification, the

backwaters and lakes have disappeared, the grand River is the only regional resource. Too many herds and people live in its Valley, accelerating its

gradual disappearance.

Guinea in Nigeria, the third largest river in Africa, the Niger River, long 4 184 kms, runs through five African States. More than 110 million people live. The phenomenon of drought and advance of

the desert accelerating since the 1980s, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Chad met and have created an inter-State bodythe ABN or authority of the basin of the Niger River to protect the River. This protection particularly focuses on "dune

fixation" that allows to stop silting of the River

The Niger River passes through Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin and Nigeria; its tributaries drains Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon and Chad.

Since the Summit, the Valley of the Niger in the full season dry. The arm of the River depth does not exceed the metre. In winter, water can reach up to 5 metres. In the distance, the gridlines of vetiver grass and leafy bushes which are the first step in the mechanism of biological fixation of the shores.

La dune rose de Gao

By water, neighbouring villagers of the Niger River. The herd of cattle, he made a trip of 30 kilometres to come to drink: with desertification, the backwaters and lakes in the vicinity have

disappeared, the great river is now the only regional resource.

Rencontre entre deux mondes

On the Niger River near Diafarabe-Mopti

On the way of the dogon country, Tuareg nomads from the salt mines of Touadenni, 750 kilometres, to the North rest on a beach with their herds. Each animal has two plates of salt of 30


Les fils du sel

The herd of sheep, he traveled about 40 km to go to the River. It will now have to do the same route in reverse.

Trop de troupeaux !!!

The villages before Gao are now separated from the Niger by a string of dunes, making it the go-back to the more laborious River.

The River at sunset

The Sun falls on the River Niger in Ségou in Mali.

Dedicated fishermen of the loop of the Niger are all the same ethnic group, the Bozo. Siltation of spawning areas destroyed unfortunately funds, and fish are scarce.

The son of the River

Fisherman on the River

Niger, long of 4 200 kilometres, including 1,750 in Mali, is navigable on almost all of its courses. Pinnaces, canoes, sailboats, the peaceful River welcomes all kinds of boats.

La voie commerciale

In the engine room

Mali - A wharf on the River Niger the Kanko Moussa expected that the River is declining and thus able to bring its passengers of Bamako a Timbuktu.

Fishing-smack down Niger

The Interior of the fishing-smack

Over the River

Niger at the time of high water.

Lame d’ argent

The sailing boat was manufactured from reused bags canvas.


The great river, the sky and the horizon merge with dark of the night. In the distance, the Bozo on their canoe fishermen.

At the time of twilight

Near the village of Dorogundgé, nomads from a remote camp four hours of walking are provision of water with cans of plastic and the addition of goat-skin which are then loaded on donkeys.

Water: a treasure


At the foot of the village of Dousoukou, a few hours of canoe from Gao, silting of the River is a daily and brutal reality. Canoeists, which convey grass for the animals, must be very careful in shoals.

La menace

Bushes and leafy vetiver grids to stabilize shorelines.

Combat sans relache

Nature seriously hit around the small town of Guidjo, near Lake Débo today in the process of drying.

Prisonnier du sable

Dunes fixées

Dunes vives


In the Egachar school, a village of nomads Sahel refugees here since the major drought of the 1980s, sand comes to Blackboard.

L’ avenir détruit

House swallowed by sand

Faire face

Egoyan is un model village. In four years, its 300 inhabitants were able to stabilize 100 hectares on the banks of the Niger through plantations of eucalyptus and acacia (photo). The program to

combat silting (PLCE), the community collects 150 euros per hectare "fixed".

Une lueur verte

Leçon de vie

Jean-Marc – 17 Janvier 2010